Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 127: Alta Apartments

Lu Yuan didn't dare to rush behind the target holding the key before, because there were still a few gunmen around the target, and he was able to cope with the target.

So I had to ask Turner to cooperate with him and engage in a double-sided attack.

Sure enough, he was beaten by the gunmen and shrank behind the bunker and did not dare to raise his head.

If he chose to rush out before, it is not difficult to imagine that now he has no cover, he will definitely be beaten into a shower head.

But now, the situation is completely different.

The gunman who was angered by the death of the target had completely forgotten the existence of Turner.

Regardless of the length of their automatic weapons, they poured firepower towards the road, but they were just exposed to Turner's muzzle.

After a few crisp sounds of wooden sticks knocking on irons, Turner's voice rang in Lu Yuan's ear again, "The gunman near you has been dealt with, get the key quickly!"


Lu Yuan jumped out of the bunker directly after hearing this, fully trusting Turner's judgment, strode three steps into two steps, ran to the target, pulled the car key off, and hurried back to the front door of the sports car.

The gunman in another position was also beaten by Turner so that he didn't dare to raise his head, so Lu Yuan ran very easily on this section of the road.

Buzzing, the sports car engine roared, and Lu Yuan reluctantly drove the armored sports car to the exit on the first floor of the parking lot.

This group of Xin Luo Yi really installed the armor to the extreme.

Not only the body of the entire car and even part of the chassis are equipped with bulletproof armor, even the four windows on the left and right sides of the front and rear windshields are also covered by armor. Each window is only 20 cm long in the middle. , An observation hole three or four centimeters wide.

Had it not been for Lu Yuan that barely had experience in tank driving, he would have to hit all the other cars in the parking lot with such a little field of view.

Even so, while driving the car, he still complained in the communicator, "This thing is really hard to drive! Lingks, have you ever driven an armored personnel carrier? Is it so difficult to drive?"

"It's not the same." Turner may also feel his awkwardness now. He didn't like to talk but he also chatted with him, but the content was still brief, "Then don't think about scratching."

"Hey, you have to remove the armor on the glass when you look back. In this way, you have to be stopped by the police as soon as you hit the road!"

Although he was very dissatisfied with the vision, during the rushing down from the top floor, the other gunmen used bullets to send off Lu Yuan. But apart from the annoyance of the jingle, I really couldn't do anything to him.

When Lu Yuan drove the car to the opposite downstairs, Turner also followed the hook rope, slid down from the observation point, and just turned around and got into the car.

"Well, leave the rope there, okay? No need to deal with it?" Lu Yuan asked in confusion as he saw Turner got off the rope and got in the car.

"No, that thing will destroy itself." Turner said.

"Is it so high-tech?" Lu Yuan said as he stepped on the accelerator, preparing to drive away quickly.

"It's not a high-tech. At least one person in a squad of the Marine Corps armed reconnaissance team must be responsible for this. Sometimes it is to eliminate the traces, and sometimes it is to cause trouble for the pursuit of soldiers."

When it comes to the Marine Corps, Turner says a lot more.

"Also, don't worry, they won't be able to catch up. The cars are all scrapped by me."

"Awesome, worthy of being an old scout." Lu Yuan sighed with emotion.

He sent Turner back to the place where he hid the car, returned the borrowed equipment, exchanged contact information, and roughly discussed the time to act again, and the two separated.

Turner went home to sleep, but Lu Yuan still found a hotel to make a living for the whole night.

When he was free, Lu Yuan said to the system, {Six brother, do you think that the self-destructive rope Turner used before seemed a bit familiar? }

[The "chain saw" that the host encountered on the first day of the Yanxing plane used a similar self-destructive parachute. 】

{Yes, that's it! }Lu Yuan, lying on the bed, patted his thigh. {But, is that thing the chain saw himself? Or is it the power that controls him? Are you sure? }

{And Turner also said, this thing is not so rare, the Marine Corps standing items. }

[But that’s not particularly common. ] System Road.

{how? }

[According to the information on the dark web, only certain previous Marine Corps armed reconnaissance teams used similar things. After the reform, only the Marine Corps contingent will use it. 】

[Moreover, it is just a rope or a set of parachute bags. The difficulty of self-destructing is very different. 】

{so? }

[So, that mysterious force must have a background in the Marine Corps, and its rank is definitely not low! 】

&&No words all night&&

Early the next morning, Lu Yuan, who had recently been very upset by the apartment, finally found a real estate agent and picked an apartment with a garage to move in.

The apartment is located at No. 3 Alta Street, one or two blocks west of the shooting range gun shop that Lu Yuan used to visit.

This is a dark yellow-gray apartment building, and the exterior style is not low.

Inside, the decoration is also very high-end.

The apartment is a split-level structure, with a total of two and a half floors. However, the gate is different from Lu Yuan's customary setting and is placed on the top floor.

The biggest advantage of this setting is that as soon as you enter the door, you can directly see the living room and the scenery outside the floor-to-ceiling windows to the south.

There is a room on the left hand side of the door, which is a conference room less than 20 square meters. It can also be used as a study and studio.

This is where the half-floor is located.

Go down the stairs on the left front of the main entrance to the second floor where the living room is located.

Opposite the gate is floor-to-ceiling windows on the south balcony. Slightly back from the floor-to-ceiling windows, it is a living room part composed of a set of sofas and a TV on the wall.

The living room structure is on the west side of the room, the east side is the dining room by the window, and the other side is an open kitchen.

The entire floor area is at least 100 square meters.

Go back to the stairs and continue down to the first floor where the bedroom is located.

However, the space here is obviously much smaller than the living room on the second floor. In addition to the master bedroom, there is only a bathroom and toilet, and a wardrobe and dressing room, and there is no secondary bedroom.

On the whole, it is an urban den of a happy bachelor or a family of two.

Of course, it is the US card standard.

The usable area of ​​this apartment, which can only accommodate one or two people, is much larger than that of the three-person apartment in Lu Yuan's daily life. Not to mention that his house sometimes has one or two visitors.

This apartment cost Lu Yuan 210,000 US dollars. This is still 210,000 in 2013. If you change to the time point of Lu Yuan's main world, it is estimated that the cost of 500,000 is not too high.

It's a small building that can barely sell for less than one million than the Lu family, which is more expensive, but the feeling of living is even more different.

"Okay, I decided, even after I leave, no other women are allowed to sleep in this apartment!"

Usually when entering a new home, Lu Yuan can't wait to call Yanzi in Copenhagen, and asked her to watch the apartment in the video by the way.

So there is the set of declarations made by Yanzi before.

"Zunzhi~" Lu Yuan was also quite cooperative, and said smoothly.

The two joked and comforted each other for a while. At the end, Yanzi said again, "By the way, the hunter seems to have discovered a strange thing recently. The'Doctor' said that he was going to wait for you to get the account book. Tell you again."

"I suggest you ask in advance, otherwise they will not deliberately hand me the word. This is obviously trying to borrow my mouth to get your attention."

"Really? Okay, I'll go to the hunter's place in a while. This group of people, who are so well informed, don't know if I will tell you in advance!"

"Because our origins are unknown, and we are obviously not from Meka." Yanzi said, "Foreigners are so suspected, you are used to it, I am used to it!"

"Hey, your grievance is not small, come on, go to sleep, good night!"

"Good night."

After hanging up the phone, Lu Yuan ran to the garage to take a look.

Although the ten-car garage space is sufficient, Lu Yuan still did not release the few cars he had stored from the No. 2 working space. Instead, he picked and threw the maintenance tools in the garage into the space, and arranged the property by the way. Buy another set.

Of course, he also needs to spend money.

But at least you don't have to go out and buy by yourself.

After finishing this, Lu Yuan felt that there was not enough time for him to modify the armored version of the Dongying sports car, so he ran to the hunter's office and asked about the thing that Yanzi mentioned before.

The high-level person on duty in the office today is actually the ‘Doctor’ Ai Bo himself. I don’t know if he is specifically waiting for Lu Yuan.

When Lu Yuan asked the question, Aibo didn't talk nonsense, and said directly, "Do you remember that you once helped me find a missing girl?"

"Of course I remember. A little girl in a family has been missing for twenty years, and his father is in poor health. Before he dies, he hopes to find his daughter's body and bury it." (See Chapters 59 to 63 for details)

Lu Yuan replied, "Later it was found out that although the murderer was not the person that the father thought, he was also another friend of that person, who had a history of sexual crimes."

"Furthermore, the real murderer has actually become a big man, a big director who has won many awards and has a lot of connections."

"Later Yanzi and I tied him to the place where he buried the girl's body and dealt with him to comfort all the victims' spirit in the sky."

Listening to Lu Yuan's retelling, Doctor Aibo nodded, then stared at Lu Yuan's eyes suddenly and asked, "Are you sure that guy was killed by you?"

"Definitely and definitely!" Lu Yuan said subconsciously, and hurriedly asked again, "What happened? Did the police track down the girl's family?"

Doctor Aibo shook his head with a sinking face, and said, "It's much more serious than that, that guy is resurrected!"

"What?" Lu Yuan immediately jumped up from the chair in shock, knocking his thigh directly on the edge of the table.

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