Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 133: New teammates are familiar with work (part 2)

Before with Yanzi Hu Tianhudi, Lu Yuan's strength and physical attributes both lost a bit, which not only made him understand that strengthening potions are not a bonus in the game, and the effect will be reduced if the maintenance is not good, but also let the system take advantage of the problem to strengthen him. Life management.

The so-called life management means that in addition to normal work and life, daily physical intensive training must also be guaranteed.

For Lu Yuan, it is equivalent to adding a family fitness trainer to the system. Whatever one hundred push-ups and two hundred sit-ups are trivial.

But Lu Yuan is also a habitual person, especially recently when he studied vehicle engineering, he forgot the time when he looked at the information, and he had stolen his work for several days.

This time, the system finally took the opportunity to speak out the exhortation.

Lu Yuan swears and swears, exercise hard and not mention it, just talk about Leicester.

Seeing that everyone was a little familiar with each other, he hurriedly pointed to the briefing board and said, "Well, if you are interested in a while, everyone can talk for themselves, such as Picello's famous part-time job."

"Now, let me talk about this mission."

"Our goal is this," Lester said, pointing to a picture of the plane on the blackboard, "and the cargo above."

"Bombardier Learjet 45. Known as the world's best small and medium-sized business aircraft." Robin looked at the picture on the blackboard and said, "Is it actually used as a smuggling plane? The world of the rich is really hard to imagine. what."

The rich world? Everyone present couldn't help but complain. A family ranch with virgin forests, when he was a teenager, he killed wolves in his own house to survive in the wilderness. At a glance, he could see the pilots of the business aircraft models. You also said that you don’t understand the world of the rich?

The richest person here is probably the beauty you are!

Lester was still quick to react. After a daze, he immediately said, "Robin is right, it is indeed a Learjet 45."

"The reason why the target uses it is also very simple. Recently, due to well-known reasons, the city of Los Santos has been forbidden to fly, which has caused a surge in the carrying capacity of the surrounding Bryant County Airport."

"So somebody came up with this idea." Lester pointed to the plane on the blackboard, "Use a passenger plane to apply for the right of way, but it is used as a cargo plane. Anyway, they smuggle something, they don't worry about the profit not enough for gas. "

"Then what are their goods? Narcotics?" Picello asked.

"Yes, to be precise, it is a special chemical material. Of course, it was shipped as a narcotics. It was shipped by an organization called the Medellin Exiles." Lester said.

"New Medellin?" Picello said with a slight surprise. "That's a bunch of wicked people who kill people without blinking. You want to rob them?"

"Why, are you scared?" Lester raised his eyebrows.

"Joke! The cartels of McHeiko didn't do anything to me. I'm afraid of a group of Kolumbia amateurs?" Picello snorted coldly. !"

"Okay, you don't want to play here before the McHeike Air Force. If you're not afraid, why come to Los Santos?" Lester curled his lips.

"I was worried about my family being implicated! Did you ever feel soft when I **** them in Los Santos?" Piero slapped his thigh and exclaimed.

When you come and go with them, Lu Yuan and Turner exchanged a clear look, double hearts, that's why.

This is what Lester said before. It has something to do with the hunter, and the hunter knows it, but it is not the true meaning of the task received from them.

It turns out that this task is to intercept a batch of drugs in New Medellin!

"Okay, okay, don't talk endlessly there, continue to say, no one here will be frightened by the Columbia drug lord!" The beauty Robin also said.

"Of course, of course." Lester said smoothly.

"As you can see, Los Santos and the others can't get in, so they plan to fly the cargo to Perito Bay in northwest Blaine County."

"The Vigo Gang here is their buyer this time."

"But you must have heard that some time ago, New Medellin had a conflict with the Bale Gang. As a result, the Vigo Gang was also implicated in a lot of casualties. Since then, the relationship between New Medellin and the Vigo Gang has been It's a lot more subtle."

"In this transaction, the two parties will definitely guard against each other, which means that there will be many bodyguards and gunners on both sides! There may even be unexpected heavy firepower."

"That's why I found you four this time."

"You are all well-known masters in your field."

"Robin's airplane pilots are said to be among the top ten in the security office, including those from the air force."

"The sweeper's close-range assault is even rarer in the industry recently." Lester said, "Presumably everyone has heard of the Dongluo container evaporation incident, right? That's the sweeper doing it for me! Huh, that group. The idiot wants to steal my goods, hum, it may not be swallowed by that fish now!"

"Turner is an accurate shooter from the Marine Corps. He has served in the Middle East for more than 30 months. He is also a veteran of a hundred battles. His skills are absolutely reliable."

"As for you, Picello, do you know why I called you?" At this point, Lester blinked at Picello ambiguously, and pointed his finger at those gangsters on the blackboard that might be used. Heavy firepower.

"I knew it!" Picello understood instantly. "You guy, what do you need a helicopter pilot? I naively asked why you didn't call Tao Aidi, but you actually called me!"

"Are you hitting my little bird's idea again?"

"Pump!" Robin suddenly laughed when he heard the word "bird".

Seeing how many people looked at her strangely, the girl raised her eyebrows immediately, and she was about to pull her revolver out of her hand.

Everyone quickly turned their heads, but their hearts slandered the girl. I understand a lot of poems, but I don’t even look at it. This is really, double standard, double standard!

"Hmm, don't be so vulgar! What's the idea of ​​hitting your bird? Don't you claim to be a big gun? Also a bird?" Lester hurriedly said, "Just say your bird gunship, today Can it be used!"

"Cut! That's a slip of the tongue! Looking back when I got the money, I replaced the MD500/MH-6 with a'Super Stallion'. I see what you say then!" Picello said harshly, "Yes. It works, of course, I can use it at any time no matter which bird I use!"

The CH-53E is a heavy-duty multifunctional helicopter of the US-Carlton Marine Corps. It is a development of the CH-53 Sea Stallion. The big guy even rescued the wrecked Black Hawk helicopter in the Middle East battlefield.

"That's good, super stallion!" Lester chuckled and glanced at Robin intentionally or unintentionally, but was glared back by the beauty.

It's just that the roots of her ears are so red that they are about to burst into flames.

"Okay, that's it." Seeing that everyone had no objections, Lester continued, "Piqueiro has an MH-6 gunship, which is our reserve aerial fire cover this time."

"Of course, his one is the version of Tianma Life Service Company, so don't expect how powerful the weapons above are. Cleaning up the gunmen on the ground will not be much simpler!"

"Sweeper, what's the problem with you?" Lu Yuan suddenly raised his hand when Lester said this.

"Yes, what is Tianma Life Service Company? They also provide armed helicopters?" Lu Yuan asked.

Seeing that besides Lu Yuan, Turner and Robin also looked at themselves curiously, Lester couldn't help but slapped his forehead, and sighed, "Forget that you three are all from outside. Okay, I Tell you about it."

"You all know the security firm, right. Well, this is nonsense. If you don't register with the security firm, we might not know it."

"Tianma Life Service Co., Ltd. is another company that fully cooperates with all security agencies and provides various vehicle services."

"Business planes in the sky, helicopter gunships and even fighter jets; bullet-proof vehicles on the ground, armed salutes and even tanks; lifeboats in the water. As long as you purchase the corresponding services, you can call for transportation through the customer service channels of Tianma Company or Security Office The corresponding vehicle."

"The two companies implement a membership sharing system."

"As long as you spend a sum of money to purchase the corresponding vehicle and entrust Tianma to manage it, you can let the staff of Tianma or the security office deliver the vehicle to the location required by the member at any time when needed. Of course, it's around Los Santos."

"Lost, damage, maintenance, etc., everything is the responsibility of Tianma."

"But correspondingly, despite everything from fighter jets to tanks, the version provided by Tianma Life Service Company is much weaker than the military version. Otherwise, it is impossible for them to get the right to sell."

"I want to ask why the authorities allow Tianma to exist? I have a message here for your reference. Legend has it that the back office and major shareholders of the security firm and the Tianma Life Service Company are the San Andreas consortium."

"Yes, that's the San Andreas consortium that owns Lockheed Martin, Litton Industries, Northrop Grumman and other US-Canadian arms giants."

"For them, there is nothing strange about selling Leopard 2 tanks and Apache helicopters to private military contractors."

{Sixth brother, those companies are Lockheed Martin, which sounds familiar to me. They seem to be fighters, right? What do the other two do? } Lu Yuan asked the system at this time.

[Litton Industries started as an electronics company and later became a military contractor. Its business mainly focused on system services, such as cruise missile guidance and control systems, space systems, data systems, integrated systems, etc. 】

[Currently it has been acquired by Northrop Grumman. 】

[The latter’s representative works are well-known, for example, the B2 stealth bomber, the F14 Tomcat fighter, the Nimitz-class nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, the Virginia-class nuclear submarine, and so on. 】

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