This magazine has a total of 30 rounds of tungsten core armor-piercing ammunition. Even with the regular customer discount at the time, the lowest cost Luyuan 1000 US dollars.

To say that it is expensive, of course it is not as expensive as the horizon. But let Lu Yuan make a base of 180 rounds, every time he goes out, he will definitely not do it.

Let’s not talk about it, just in case there is only labor fees and no commissions this time, if 6 magazines are really burned out, the 5000 labor fees will not be enough for the bullets.

Therefore, after six bullets took away the two new Medellin heavy-armed gunners, Lu Yuan used the original method and replaced it with the previous M855 conventional ammunition.

By the way, he took out his own ring-head knife made of high-speed tool steel, came to the Medellin gunman who was still on the ground, pointed it at the crevice of his armor, and stabbed it in.

[Kill the Medellin Exile Heavy Armored Gunner x1, get 21 points in time and space]

Regardless of considering why this guy's points were so low, Lu Yuan made up a few more smoke bombs, went around to the west, carrying the sun set on his back, and fumbled to Vigo's side.

The heavy armored gunner in New Medellin died, and the Vigo gang who wasted bullets on the ground were even more of a concern.

And at this time, Lu Yuan discovered through the detection of life, just as he got the new Medellin, Vigo helped the remaining 9 people here, and the three of Turner had already gotten a half.

It turned out that at the same time that Lu Yuan's first eight smoke bombs took effect, even though the 60-second countdown was still more than ten seconds away, Robin, who had been waiting for the opportunity behind the scope, immediately pulled the trigger.

A .308 Winchester rifle shell directly hit a Vigo Gang's gunman holding an RPK.

Of the dog bites from both sides just now, the ones with machine guns were the most threatening to the aircraft.

Although RPK is due to the drum problem, in most cases it only uses a 40-round extended magazine, and it uses an M43 7.62X39mm intermediate power bullet, which is called an ak rifle with a weighted barrel.

But to be honest, the barrel that aggravates this point allows the gunpowder energy of the 762 mid-power projectile to be fully released and converted into the kinetic energy of the warhead. At this distance, the possible damage to the aircraft is not the same as other AKs. .

Fortunately, the incident happened just now, and the PKM in the car was not easy to handle, otherwise Robin would not wait for Lu Yuan to attack at all, and would immediately pass the man.

No way, although PKM is also 762 caliber, it uses 7.62X54MMR full-power rifle ammunition.

If the 39mm mid-power bullet hits the plane and can still get a chance, at a distance of less than 600m, if the bullet fired by the PKM hits the plane, then the few people can directly announce the abandonment of the mission.

Picello in front of Robin noticed that she had fired. Seeing that the man who fell down was holding the "large AK", he instantly understood Robin's plan, and he lowered the muzzle and started shooting at the other RPK gunners.

That's right, this guy also fired with a light machine gun.

In fact, unless it is firepower suppression, the machine gunner’s attack method is also dominated by bursts. Otherwise, just use the 75-200 rounds of ammunition capacity of the average squad light machine gunner, which is not enough for him to burst for long.

After all, without a polished sight, Picello failed to kill him in one shot. However, the power of the 7.62X51MM NATO bomb still makes those who touch the side instantly lose the ability to fight again.

The NATO standard 7.62x51 ammunition is also a full-power rifle ammunition. The prototype is the .308 Winchester round used on the Robin sniper rifle.

0.308 inches converted to metric system is 7.8232 mm. The reason why it does not match with 7.62 is because when the bullet is named, the length position is different.

.308 inches is the largest diameter of the bullet. And 7.62 is the diameter of the sun in the rifling in the barrel.

If you take a round section of the barrel of a rifled gun, you can see that the circle of the barrel is like a gear with inward teeth.

Then the part at the top of the gear is the male rifling. The low end is due to rifling.

In order for the bullet head to fully obtain the thrust generated by the burning of the gunpowder in the barrel, the diameter of the bullet head should not only be aligned with the male rifle, but should be slightly larger than it. Only in this way can there be sufficient sealing effect.

Of course, it does not mean that the diameter of the bullet is equal to the rifling, so that the abrasion of the barrel will be too serious.

In short, this is why the conversion is obviously different, but there is not much difference in appearance size between the .308 thermo bomb and the 762 NATO bomb.

So can the two kinds of bullets be used in common? It is not necessarily.

There is a slight difference in the size of the two types of ammunition, so some guns that fit a certain type of ammunition cannot be used universally.

At the same time, because the maximum pressure of the two bullets is also somewhat different, the maximum energy difference is 20% stronger, and the shell wall thickness is different (the temperature bomb has a high chamber pressure but a thin wall), so it cannot be used universally.

In addition, there are some uncommon phenomena caused by differences in details. But generally speaking, if the accuracy change is not considered, the .308 civilian gun can shoot 762 NATO ammunition. Conversely, the 762 military automatic rifle may not be able to shoot .308 warm rounds.

In short, despite the nuances, Picello's single bullet shot with a machine gun has a slightly weaker killing effect than Robin's sniper rifle. Considering that he fired quickly, the final result was also good.

Three seconds before the start of the battle, the RPK gunmen who threatened the aircraft the most were dealt with by the two.

On the other side, Turner focused his energy on the gunmen who threatened Lu Yuan the most.

There are ten people in Vigo's gang, and the leader and deputy and three micro-gunners are at the forefront. The five people behind changed to long spears after the battle, and three of them were the aforementioned RPK gunners.

When the three of New Medellin rushed down, the leader and deputy of the Vigo Gang had already shot and fell on the ground, although only the leader died.

The three small gunners who protected the bosses were swept in the arms of the two by the new Medellin heavy-armored gunmen who suddenly appeared, and then they also fell to the ground.

But the micro punch can barely be used with one hand. In addition, they were the closest to the enemy, and they were the most panicked. They were the one who hit the bullet the fastest and most likely.

But in this way, they were the greatest threat to Lu Yuan, who rushed in halfway. Because the trajectory of the stray bullet is difficult to judge and it is difficult to avoid it.

So when Robin and RPK were dealing with RPK, Turner focused on looking for an angle to attack the three micro-gunners.

At least let them dare not change their bombs, and dare not continue to fire their guns indiscriminately.

When Lu Yuan solved the three new Medellin heavy-armed gunmen, the field looked like this:

The five Vigo gang spearmen in the rear were killed by Robin Picello and wounded one. Turner killed one of the three micro-gunners in the front and suppressed two of them. There was also a deputy Vigo gang who survived, burying himself under the corpses of the leaders of the two sides bit by bit.

After lightly firing three shots and killing the three people who were less than 200m away from him, the last two AK gunners also caught him.

However, the effect of the chili powder smoke bomb is very good. The last two guys hid directly in the SUV, wanting to deal with the nose and tears inside, and use the armored version in the car to buy themselves for a while.

Seeing them hiding in the car, Lu Yuan guilty again. He didn't want to waste that expensive tungsten core armor-piercing bullet. In particular, whether the 5.56 caliber armor-piercing projectile can penetrate the protective armor of the SUV is another question.

Just when he hesitated, Robin Picello showed up over there.

Picello, who had been deciding to give up, aimed at the windows of the two of them in a burst of shots. Even though it was reinforced bullet-proof glass, it was quickly shattered by a burst of machine gun bullets.

At this time, without the bulletproof glass, Robin shot a sniper shell directly to the head of a person in the car, and blood burst from the car instantly, and even red and white objects were sprayed out of the car window and splashed on the beach outside. , There is a kind of evil beauty.

In the end, there was only one person, regardless of the debris splashing in the car, he squatted under the seat, holding the gun with one hand, and shooting out the window of the car, as if venting the fear in his heart.

Seeing this, Lu Yuan ran two steps quickly, touched the car, took out a grenade, pulled down the insurance, waited for a few seconds, and threw it in along the broken window.

After the bang, the final threat was also resolved.

[Kill Vigo Gang Frenzy Rifleman x1, get 16 time points]

"Okay, the danger is lifted." After confirming the scene with the detection of life, and giving a shot to the wounded who was still dying, Lu Yuan spoke in the team channel.

"Robin is going to check the plane, Picello, you drive the helicopter over. If the plane can't take off, we have to use the helicopter to pull the cargo away."

"Lingks, you are on alert. I clean the battlefield."


"it is good."


The reason why Lu Yuan cleaned the battlefield was mainly to recover the shells of smoke bombs obtained from Luxin. Fortunately, the grenade in the pile of corpses was produced by Los Santos, so you don't have to pick up things from the red and white debris.

This kind of obvious battle scene was most likely to be dealt with by Vigo himself, followed by the county police investigation.

In any case, as long as someone came to investigate, the Soviet-made smoke bombs of Ruxin were easily exposed. Even if he couldn't catch Lu Yuan directly, it would be a problem to let someone know that there is a batch of Luxin ammunition circulating in Luo Shengdu.

In particular, the Los Santo gang that used Ruxin arms in large quantities was Madera Sokatel. They are also deeply involved with the Vigo Gang and New Medellin. Once they intervene, they are likely to find out the origin of these smoke bombs.

It would be dangerous.

In addition, Lu Yuan also wanted to make up for the loss of the tungsten core armor-piercing projectile on the weapons on the field.

Uzi submachine guns, AKM rifles, RPK light machine guns, PKM general machine guns, SCAR-L/H rifles and several M9, 1911 derivative pistols, even if they cannot be realized, it is good to expand their arsenal.

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