Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 139: Little bird, it will kill you when you are fierce

After a few times of growth of the mind with extraordinary attributes, he found that the so-called mind is very similar to concepts such as will and belief.

Several times of growth have been achieved by enduring great pain.

This not only made his endurance even more amazing, but also his adaptability to pain and discomfort was much better than ordinary people.

Simply put, the more masochistic, the more extraordinary, the more painful and tyrannical.

This characteristic has directly led him to almost lose his psychological fluctuations in suffering recently.

I don't know whether this change is good or bad.

Just as he opened his mind and felt the changes in the battlefield, the helicopters of unknown forces rushed towards Robin as expected.

Sitting in the rear cabin of the helicopter, Lu Yuan, through the windproof lens on the mask, used the eagle-eye technique in archery, and carefully looked forward and downward, and he slowly captured the appearance of the three helicopters.

Three helicopters rushed towards Robin in a standard formation.

The headed helicopter is dark, and the Gatling gun and rocket nest on the pod outside the cabin exudes popularity, and it is also a bird gunship.

MD500 is the civil prototype of this aircraft.

There are two helicopters in the rear, which Lu Yuan has seen on the news. They are the more commonly used helicopters of the American TV station. Slightly flat nose, broad belly. The landing gear is two long metal brackets.

The biggest feature is that the spiral wing is a straight pair, or one.

Lu Yuan vaguely remembered that a similar helicopter was called a small bull in the original game.

Naturally, this kind of helicopter is for civilian use, and it is not armed, and few people have added weapon racks for it.

The most common firepower arrangement is like Lu Yuan Turner is now, to tie two people together, let them sit sideways in the rear compartment, generally use semi-automatic rifles or light machine guns to attack.

This is the case at this time. A total of four gunmen in the two helicopters, holding their long guns, are trying to adjust the angle and aim at Robin.

Soon, the two sides approached the fighting distance.

At this time, Robin suddenly shared her communication channel and only heard an unfamiliar male voice, "Listen to the driver in front, I order you to lower the altitude immediately, otherwise we will shoot you down!"

"Yes, it seems to be chasing the goods, which is easier to handle." Picello commented.

At this time, Lu Yuan was able to see the appearance of several helicopters, and hurriedly entrusted the system to inquire about it.

[The headed MH-6 belongs to Meriweather Security Company. The other two Bell 206s are registered under the name of a shell company controlled by Madeira Socatel. 】

{Forehead? So these are the people of Madeira Socatel? Why? }The road is strange.

[Maybe the Vigo Gang is asking allies for help. ] System Road.

{Well, this reason is more reasonable. }Lu Yuan thought for a while.

"Boss, what should I do?" At this moment, after hearing the other party say it for the third time, Picello hurriedly asked.

"It's the enemy, the rescuer of the Vigo Gang, kill them!" Lu Yuan said.

"Good!" Picello roared, pushing the joystick down, and the bird hiding in the sun, like an eagle, rushed towards the three helicopters diagonally below.

Before they could react, Lu Yuan suddenly felt a vibration from the helicopter cabin, and at the same time a buzzing sound accompanied by a clicking sound came from below.

After that, I saw the little bird headed, suddenly turning the circle and falling to the ground.

{What happened? }Lu Yuan could not help but wonder.

[Piqueiro used a six-barrel revolver and shot the pilot of the other birdie. 】The system explained.

{Is it so fierce? }Lu Yuan was quite surprised. However, before the system answered, he suddenly felt like he was turning around.

Stealing his mind and looking at it, I saw the remaining two helicopters, spinning around in front of my eyes. But the flight attitude is constantly changing.

When he reacted, he realized that it was not that they were spinning in place, but that he was flying in circles with them as the center.

Moreover, while flying, the sound of Weng Ming and thunder was also intermittent. It was Picello who flew around them while constantly shooting at several key points.

After a few laps, the gunner in the back seat was the first to head down the cabin. Immediately afterwards, the turboshaft engine under the spiral wing began to emit white smoke.

Soon, the two Bell 206s, which lost all counter-attack means, were caught by Picello on the way to escape. One shot hit the fuel tank and exploded, and one pilot was killed and fell.

"Oh, get it done!" After confirming that all three enemy aircraft had fallen, Picello exclaimed excitedly on the communication channel.

"Good job!" Robin on the jet also rarely praised Picello this time. It was basically the first encouragement she gave Picello from the meeting.

But then she regretted her behavior.

Because Picello had already climbed along the pole and continued to strike up a conversation with her.

The content is nothing more than "This is good, right? I can do other things well, do you want the facts?"

Robin was so angry that he almost turned off the communication channel.

But she also knew that it was wartime and she couldn't help her temper. In the end, Lu Yuan initiated a vote and silenced Picello on the team's channel.

In this way, if he really has anything to do, just yell to Lu Yuan and Lu Yuan backwards. As for Robin, he is naturally responsible for communicating.

As a result, the rest of the flight finally calmed down.

Until the beach coast airport was approaching, Lu Yuan called Lester in advance, wanting him to inform the airport staff to be ready. Unexpectedly, there was a problem at the airport.

"How can your people be attacked, and by whom?" Lu Yuan asked hurriedly.

"Who knows, hey, the left is just the Vigo Gang, Madeira Socatel and others. New Medellin is not so powerful in Blaine County. But Martin Madraso’s farm is on the beach coast. Not far to the northwest." Lester said.

"Hurry up, otherwise this assignment will be out of order." Lester said, "In addition, I asked my friend to check the matter of Lingx. Most of the girls are near the border between Perot and Wispucci. In the underground clubhouse, classes should be held in the'training room', which is not too dangerous for the time being."

"What and what, what'training room'?" Lu Yuan was a little confused by too much information for a while.

"Oh, it's a place where the women they hired to teach them how to please customers, let's talk about the details later, you can help rescue them!" Lester finished hurriedly, and hung up the phone.

Lu Yuan sighed, knowing that what Lester was talking about was right, and hurriedly arranged.

"Everyone, the people who met us at the airport were attacked by other people. Most of them were those who drove the helicopter before. We have to rescue them quickly, otherwise L said that the trade fair will be cancelled directly."

"How to fight, boss, you can tell!" Robin said.

"Listen to your orders." Turner said.

Only Picello never answered. Only when Lu Yuan heard his roar in front of him faintly did he realize that he was still muttering.

Quickly let him out, just listen to him yelling, "Wow XX, watch me **** them, let their red chrysanthemum bloom forever!"

There was another sorrow, Lu Yuan shook his hand and sent out the banned vote again.

Fortunately, he stopped the other two people who wanted to be sure in time.

"Lingks, you are still in the helicopter, helping Picello deal with his dead-end enemies." Lu Yuan hurriedly said, "Piquetello, you will put me down first, and then attack the airport. The enemy is driving the same style at the seaside. SUVs and a few Mercedes-AMG people."

"But listening to what L means, the person who was responding to us has been beaten to escape into the hangar. Please pay attention to distinguish it. I will confirm their location as soon as I get down."

"Robin, you are circling around waiting for the opportunity. After I rescued the pilot of the responder, as long as the conditions are available, you can quickly land the plane on the ground."

"Leave the plane and cargo to them, and they are responsible for the rest!" Lu Yuan thought about it and said again, "By the way, do you still have enough fuel?"

"From here to Los Santos International Airport, flying three round trips is not a problem. But you have to hurry up, they need to refuel if the fuel is not enough, and we will definitely defend the airport for them at that time."

"Robin is right. Okay, Picello. When descending, I will go straight down." Lu Yuan said.

"no problem!"

After one dive and another lift, the Bird helicopter hovered steadily in the air less than 30 meters from the ground.

Lu Yuan had already tied the airborne rope to himself. At this time, he buckled the hook on the rope lowering rod high outside the rear cabin, and he jumped out of the helicopter.

"Okay, you go!" Removed the airborne rope from his body, picked up the SCAR-H rifle in his hand at the far end of the road, and hurried to the airport to the south.

The reason why he didn't use his own HK416 was mainly because he believed that most of the enemies this time would also wear heavy armored body armor.

"Okay, boss, be careful yourself!" Picello yelled, raising the helicopter slightly, and rushing towards the airport.

In the previous battle, he only used a six-barrel revolver, commonly known as Gatling. (Although Gatlin is not so much a type, but more like a brand, M134 is a development type that borrows this brand principle) Lu Yuan didn't think much.

However, not long after seeing this guy rushing to the airport, there were multiple explosions nearby. You could even see that the roof irons of several SUVs were blown up into the sky. Lu Yuan only realized that this guy’s little bird, still There are explosive weapons.

{Is that a rocket? }Lu Yuan hurriedly asked the system.

[It is two LAU-68D/A 7-tube rocket launch pods. Launch 70mm Hydra rocket. ] The system called up the data channel, [but the power seems to be greatly increased by the data. 】

{No way, protect the weakened version of the firm's system, right? }Road far to the road.

【Very likely. 】

Seeing that Picero immediately used the flying posture in a circle just now to bombard the vehicles and gunmen on the airport wildly, Lu Yuan also quickened his pace.

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