Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 142: Underground, labyrinth, clubhouse

Concentrating secretly, calming the stormy waves in his heart, Lu Yuan asked slowly, "Then, where is this so-called ‘training room’?"

"Wait a minute." Lester said, "Here, I'll send you the location, see for yourself.

"Finally, I would like to remind you that after saving people, it's best to make things worse. Let them be overwhelmed and find out who is doing it." Lester added, "Otherwise, even if you follow those few Girl, I can dig you and Ling Kesi out."

"Understood." Lu Yuan said, "Thanks a lot, L."

"Hey, you are my favorite customer!" Lester smiled, "Try not to die, see you!"

"See you!"

After getting the address, Lu Yuan directly asked the system to analyze it together.

[The target is at the junction of Pero District and Vespucci Port. An underground facility should have been built in the underground drainage network. 】

[According to Leicester's intelligence, the way to enter this clubhouse is the Oliver Street private clubhouse near the Vespucci Beach Hotel. 】

[Then guess that the main body of the facility should be here. 】

With that said, the system synthesized a set of 3D maps from the blueprints of the underground drainage network collected from the city hall and showed them to Lu Yuan.

{here? Just underground at the intersection of Oxford Avenue and Marr Street? }

[Yes, this is the most likely location. Even if there is a deviation, it should be within one kilometer of this radius. No matter how far away, those customers will not want to go. 】

{In this case, can't I go directly through the spillway on the Vespucci side and touch it in? }

[The other party should install guard equipment in the underground drainage channel. However, those who can't stop the host. So yes, you can. 】

{It shouldn't be a problem to stop me, but they can't stop you, Brother Six! } At this time, Lu Yuan also started the commercial mutual blowing mode.

After all, it seems that you have to rely on the system to cheat to break the world, and it is good to hold the Buddha's feet temporarily.

{In this case, it doesn't matter whether there is Turner or not. }The road is far and away, {No, it's better to do it myself, so that I can use some special methods. }

【Yes. 】

{Okay, let's do it ourselves! }

The tone was set, and the road was far away without delay. He directly launched the EVOX bulletproof version and drove towards the west of Vespucci Beach.

Soon, under the guidance of the system, Lu Yuan came to the spillway.

{Hehe, there really is an alarm at the entrance of the cave! Brother Six, leave it to you. }

[Get it done. 】

{very good! }

Lu Yuan now has a set of black combat uniforms with helmets. He was very close to the black armored warriors of the unknown forces that he had encountered many times.

In order to facilitate the sneak in, the main weapon, he took up the long-lost bow.

Fortunately, a part of his intensive strength training recently is to shoot 100 sets of 1,200 arrows every day. Although there has been no actual combat for a long time, the level of archery has not decreased but increased.

Not long after walking, Lu Yuan discovered that the drainage situation here was much better than he thought.

Perhaps it is close to the beach, or the climate is warm, and the debris in the drainage pipes is not enriched as expected. If you keep walking on the edge of the pipe, your shoes will not get wet.

Following the system's navigation prompts, Lu Yuan shuttled back and forth between the various iron fences and cages in the underground drainage pipes, while avoiding various unexpected cameras and alarms, while turning around.

Finally came to a dry and bright hall.

It gives Luyuan the feeling that it is an underground commercial pedestrian street transformed from an old air-raid shelter in China.

Underground caves that should have been empty and claustrophobic, but because of the color of the walls and the light, it reveals a sense of tranquility and security.

This feeling is very strange.

However, on the other side of the hall, he found many well-dressed gentlemen and ladies waiting in a long line. He knew why there was such a transformation here.

Obviously, the gang, the underground club built here for the wealthy, did not hesitate to transform the underground architectural style in order to give customers a more secure experience.

[The elevator is the main place leading to the clubhouse near the Vespucci Beach Hotel. ] Seeing Lu Yuan looking over, the system hurriedly said.

Lu Yuan nodded, but didn't say much.

However, this situation is more convenient for Lu Yuan.

If someone queues up, there must be someone to receive, and if someone receives, there is a staff passage.

And through the staff channel, will it be difficult to travel far?

Soon, Lu Yuan completed the disguise change in space 2. The target is an employee obtained by the system hacking into the data center of the underground club.

As for the staff's clothing, Lu Yuan directly pretended that he hadn't changed his outfit when he first arrived, and he wore casual clothes and then mixed in.

After entering the club, Lu Yuan knew why half of the members of the State Assembly were regular visitors here.

The lobby layout on the first floor is not much different from most nightclubs.

In the middle of the hall is the dance floor, and all around the hall are all kinds of sofa decks.

It is different from the general night venues, only higher quality facilities, and most importantly, the quality of the staff and the way of playing.

Lu Yuan has been baptized by two beautiful women before and after, and he can no longer be regarded as a newbie.

But even so, without the system's mosaic protection on the key shots, he would still be stuck here on the spot, looking at the dance floor with a face of pig brother, drooling all over the floor.

The lead dancer on the dance floor and the service staff in the customer area are not monotonous and inferior. Instead, all are "fully armed."

Those who have been designed by famous designers to combine their skin and hair color, and even body curves, are carefully matched, and they wear light tulle veils, leather pants, boots, and ring jingle bells, surrounded by gold chains, which are even more dizzying and lingering.

There is a common joke when a girlfriend asks her boyfriend, what do you think is the best look for me, and the man says, you look best if you don’t.

However, such an answer is really only a novice can say. Or deliberately pretending to be a novice.

The favorite of veterans is this dazzling variety of combinations.

Because of this, Lu Yuan can only be regarded as a quasi-chic brother who has just passed the novice stage and barely left the rookie stage. He had made up his mind to fight a fierce battle before, but he was unavoidable by the surrounding scenery.

If it was the people in front of Ruxin who knocked on his door in the middle of the night, even with his concentration, he would have to fall.

Thinking of this, Lu Yuan suddenly became more aware of the existence of this "training room".

[Sure enough, the scum man understands the scum man best! ] When Lu Yuan's thoughts were detected, the system couldn't help but sarcastically said.

{what? Ah? }Under the sarcasm of the system, Lu Yuan was relieved, and he smiled and said, {I'm just to see if there are mission goals in those people! }

[Don't pretend to be an idiot! The people in the club are not stupid, so how can you let the locals come here directly? ] The system snorted coldly, [Look at these women, Latin Americans, South Asians, Middle Easterners, Eastern Europeans, and East Asians. 】

[But are there any North Americans who are obviously mixed from Northwestern Europe? These are not locals! 】

{what? Isn't there? I said that I was so tired of my eyes, how could I not find the target! }Lu Yuan continued to pretend to be stupid, wiped the corners of his mouth, and threw the crime evidence directly into his pocket. He rubbed his eyes again, pretending to be too hard.

When the system saw him pretending to be stupid, it didn't break him. However, a guiding wall was directly generated in his field of vision. Except for the direction of the stairs, all other places with landscapes were marked with thick codes by the system.

{It’s not necessary, right? }Lu Yuan smiled bitterly, {makes me like that ghost or wolf!}

[Is it a pervert or pervert, the host is not clear in your heart? ] The system faintly said something, and navigated directly.

[Turn left in front, there are stairs behind the elevator. Employees can come and go. Go down three floors from there, the so-called ‘training room’, also known as the source warehouse by them. 】

{It's the training room again, and it's the source warehouse. Are they really not treating those girls as human beings? }Lu Yuan said ruthlessly.

[This will help alleviate the guilt of the abusers and improve their work efficiency. It is a proven feasible solution. ] The system said, [Of course, it is a huge harm to human nature. After doing this kind of work for a long time, my humanity will gradually disappear. 】

[Okay, it has arrived at the predetermined location, the host can dress up]

{Hey, Masked Rider, transform! }

[Stop playing! Change your bulletproof suit! 】

{Oh, oh, yes, yes. }

An electric light visible to the naked eye flashed, slightly smelling the smell of barbecue, and the road far away from a certain inexplicable POSE in space 2 immediately settled down, and honestly changed into combat uniforms.

Half a minute later, a dark armored archer appeared again.

{Has the monitoring been controlled? }

[Relax, all detection equipment in the entire facility has been controlled by the system. 】

{How much did it cost me? }

[Not much, just the task of seizing the aircraft from the previous host. 】

{how? }

[It's dry. 】

{I go! On average, each head is over 20 o'clock, and I have to kill a total of ten or so. Is this all spent? More than 200 points are gone? }

[Uh-huh, the host is still focusing on the task at hand, the training room is here! 】

Lu Yuan wanted to say something more, but as soon as he entered the so-called training room, he didn't say anything again.

Without it, my mouth is dry.

This so-called training room was more like a prison in Lu Yuan's eyes.

Surrounded by a circle of cages, in the middle is an open square.

The only difference from the prison is that the central square here is equipped with various "teaching aids."

Moreover, judging from the location of this placement, it must be pointed out by famous experts, and make sure that the people in the surrounding key cages can see clearly and carefully.

If it’s not clear just by looking at the "teaching aids", then these people who use the teaching aids, and the girls in the surrounding cages who are suspected of being given some kind of medicine and have unnatural blushes on their faces, all explain what the "training" is. Such a thing.

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