Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 148: The direction of alloy flow

Shaking on the ground, Lu Yuan tried to calm his emotions on the ZIVKO-Edge540 stunt plane.

However, under the guidance of the instructor, the plane flew off the ground, and all the worries that had troubled him before were wiped out.

I don’t know if there is a system for the backing, he has no worries, or he is naturally more suitable for aerobatics. In short, those flying attitudes such as rolls, upside-downs, and big dumps can scare the novice to death, but he is lightened by him. It flew out easily.

At this moment, he seemed to have become an eagle, soaring freely in the sky. As if he was born with a pair of wings, the lack of awareness of the space that seemed to others like the dilapidated sky would seem to him as if it didn't exist.

In just one hour, he had mastered most of the aerobatics skills, and even the daunting aerobatics instructor was amazed.

When he got off the plane, a circle of Midi Mimei had already gathered around him. Of course, the true age of these people is much higher than that of Lu Yuan, and the youngest blonde girl must be at least twenty-two and three.

But looking at her demeanor and demeanor, most of them were pulling her godfather, and Lu Yuan didn't mean to be close. Although, that person has repeatedly said that he doesn't mind finding a place to do something with him now.

[Does the host not vent the fire? 】

{Can we stop talking about this? Talk about business! }Faced with the teasing of the system, Lu Yuan also found a way to deal with it.

{Then what, sixth brother, why did I feel so good just now? Isn’t it said that the most dangerous thing in the air is that the sky and the ground are not clearly distinguished? Especially flying on the sea? But when I flew in the Pacific just now, I didn't feel that way at all? }

[The system believes that this is firstly related to the host's high perception. The high spatial cognition brought by high perception is the main reason why the host can complete aerobatics training so easily. 】

[Next is the high intelligence of the host. This means that the host can reach the speed of processing unknown information, which is much better than the average person. Combined with high perception, basically, the host is the person most suitable for becoming a space pilot among normal humans. 】

{You mean, I'm a good seed for pilots? }Lu Yuan asked slightly proudly.

[The system means that the host is a potential ace pilot of a variety of man-made machinery, including air vehicles, space vehicles, and three-dimensional space pilotable machinery. 】

{I go! Why does it sound so evil? Space vehicle? spacecraft? }Lu Yuan said in shock.

[It's a space fighter! The driving of a spacecraft is more like that of a surface ship, and it is much different from a single-soldier aircraft. 】

{Then what is a three-dimensional driveable machine? for example? }

[For example, MS mecha fighters. 】

{I go, up? }

【Correct. 】

{Ohhhhhhhhh, you said earlier, earlier said that I'm looking for a high plane, go there and have a joke! }

[The host thinks that with the current ability, how high is the chance of survival in that kind of world as a mecha warrior pilot? 】

{Uh,} Lu Yuan, who was still excited, suddenly caught a chill and woke up.

Only after slowing down, the ex-jumping boy turned into a frosted eggplant again.

{Then, according to my current progress, how long can I be allowed to play in that kind of world? }

【Do things step by step. Learn to walk and learn to walk quickly, learn to walk and learn to jog. How quickly can hurdles or pole vaults be learned, and how can they be predicted when babies are learning to walk? 】

{Do you mean, unknown? }

[If the host loses the motivation to practice gradually, then this time becomes known. Is never! 】

{I know, I know, I can't study hard! }Lu Yuan quickly understood the meaning of admonition in the system's words, but was extinguished by the cold water, and the uncomfortable moment was still overwhelming.

But there is a saying called sleeping to cure all diseases.

After a nap, Lu Yuan's excitement of contacting new things returned to him.

The field flight on Thursday was replaced by a helicopter.

Needless to say, with the help of the system, the time for theoretical study and simulation warehouse training is accelerated.

The driving method of a helicopter is more complicated than that of an airplane by a dimension, but apart from this dimension, the other operations are roughly the same.

In addition to various system button switches, the piloting of airplanes and helicopters mainly relies on three devices.

The helicopter has one more dimension, which means that in addition to these three devices, there is one more device.

Of course, the extra device actually exists as one of the auxiliary devices, so it's just a bit more complicated in operation.

Of the three devices, the first is the throttle push rod that controls the throttle. It is the thing that is equivalent to the gear position of a car as mentioned before. When the throttle is pushed forward, the output power of the aircraft's engine increases. When the push rod is pushed to the front, the engine output will be the highest.

The throttle stick of the helicopter controls the rotation speed of the helicopter rotor.

However, the difference between a helicopter and an airplane is that the rotation speed of the rotor remains unchanged when the helicopter is in flight.

The increase and decrease of the speed of the helicopter is controlled by adjusting the pitch of the helicopter propeller.

The so-called pitch can be simply assumed that the medium in which the propeller is located, that is, the air, is stationary. Then, on this basis, the propeller will spiral upward after one rotation, and this rising distance is the pitch.

This feeling is like the depth of **** into the board when the screw nails are rotated once when they are installed on the board.

Therefore, in addition to the throttle push rod of the helicopter's throttle lever, there is also this device called the total pitch throttle lever to adjust the pitch.

The second device is a joystick, similar to the steering wheel of a vehicle, but a lever that can move back and forth, left and right.

By moving forward, backward, left and right, control the aircraft to raise its head forward and backward, and roll left and right. The effect of the helicopter is the same, although the principle is not the same.

It is worth mentioning that the armed launch trigger of a general gunship helicopter is on the joystick.

The third device is a pedal, which can also be said to be a flight pedal. The position is under the pilot's feet, one on the left and one on the left. It is similar to the clutch and acceleration brake on the vehicle, but the effect is completely different.

The pedals control the plane and helicopter to steer left and right horizontally. Still, the principle is different, and the control effect is the same.

The operation of a helicopter is one dimension more complicated than that of an airplane. The reason is that when the helicopter rolls left and right, if the level is unchanged before flying forward, then move the joystick left and right, the helicopter will tilt left and right as a whole.

Then the upward force provided by the helicopter rotor will be divided into a smaller upward force and a horizontal leftward and rightward pulling force.

It is equivalent to reducing the upward force and the helicopter will descend. In order to keep the height of the helicopter unchanged, it is necessary to operate the aforementioned total pitch throttle lever during rollover to increase the rotor pitch and increase the lift of the rotor.

But at this time, the upward lift has returned to the value of the previous horizontal state, but the left and right lateral pulling force will also increase, making the left and right tumbling action intensified.

In order to maintain balance, the joystick that was previously moved left and right has to be pulled back a little bit. In this way, the upward lift will be somewhat overflowed, and the pitch must be adjusted again. So back and forth.

Therefore, in the film and television works, after seeing the helicopter do a left-to-right rolling operation, it usually can't return to the horizontal static quickly, and it always takes a while to swing from side to side to stabilize again, which is the reason.

Fortunately, these things are nothing to Lu Yuan. In systematic terms, he is just learning to stand up by himself just after climbing back.

Not long after practicing like this, this Eurocopter EC130, which is the rover in the original game, began to feel like he was flying out of the aerobatic plane yesterday. The chin was shocked again.

The helicopter course Lu Yuan was directly approved by the instructor, which means that as long as he completes a training, he can get a junior private pilot license. Of course, when there is a system to help "speed up".

The last item is said to be the most serious course that all drivers have learned, but they all say that it is best to never use parachuting.

However, Lu Yuan always felt that if he had been adventuring on the Yanxing plane, this skill was probably the one he would use the most.

Although skydiving requires a lot of technology, it is much simpler than flying an aircraft.

It is not difficult for Lu Yuan to adapt to the environment of a free fall at high altitude, and it is not a problem to open the umbrella bag at the right time.

As for the control of the flight direction of the parachute through the handle on the parachute, it is even more difficult to overcome the long way to be able to play backflip with a helicopter.

After he passed fixed-point landing, mobile landing, and parachuting for the second time, his skydiving course was also marked as "qualified" by the instructor.

According to the normal process, like the two days of teaching, he needs to repeat it at least three to five times to make up enough time.

But there was a system, and he thought that he had done a good job, so Lu Yuan hurriedly flicked the system and printed out his flight driver's license.

I don't know if the system was bothered by him, or he really recognized his ability, and actually gave him a hard target for dozens of hours and won his private jet license.

Of course, the thing will be mailed to his apartment in three working days.

However, even though he hadn't obtained his driver's license yet, Lu Yuan found that the information in his attribute panel had actually added a new skill tree.

[Aircraft driving [15], novice stage]

Being able to get the system's 15-level evaluation, Lu Yuan instantly inflated his flying skills. It's like saying a few words to seduce.

However, without waiting for him to say anything, the system directly hit him back to the prototype.

That sentence is,

[From today onwards, the host will set aside at least one hour a day to practice familiarization with the aircraft dashboard until the host can pass the level on his own real strength! 】

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