Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 155: Magic Change Operation Plan

Listening to Agent 14 talking about his plan of action there, Lu Yuan shook his head.

Xin said that this person is no wonder that this person is a friend of Leicester. This plan of action is even savage, wild, excessive, and extremely low-security by Leicester's brutality.

Seeing that Agent 14 had slobbered, he wanted to continue talking. Lu Yuan couldn't help it anymore and hurriedly stopped him and said, "Mr. Agent 14, wait a moment."

"Why? What's the problem? After I finish talking, there will be time for you to ask questions. Now listen to me!" Agent 14 moved on and continued.

Lu Yuan frowned, no longer hid it, and said directly, "Your plan is not feasible!"

"What are you talking about?" Agent 14 was taken aback, looking at Lu Yuan with an ugly expression, "What do you mean?"

As soon as Lu Yuan saw his posture, he knew that this unreliable plan of action, the eight achievements he had come up with.

Being told that it is not feasible right now is like being slapped face-to-face, which is naturally quite uncomfortable.

Lu Yuan shook his head secretly, but said in his mouth, "I don't mean anything else. I just said that if we act according to your plan, even if we each have nine lives, it's not enough to die."

Without waiting for Agent 14 to argue, Lu Yuan continued, "You said that after the first team sneaked into the prison, they would catch up with the target and take him out of the prison directly?"

"The core of this entire mission is not how to escape from prison?"

"Could it be that you want a mere two people and a target to be shot directly from the well-staffed prison?"

"What do you say about this plan? It's like teaching people to run for long distances. You only taught one word, ‘run’!"

"How to prepare in advance, how to warm up, how to start, how to exercise each body part when running, what to pay attention to, what problems may arise, and how to solve these problems, there is nothing."

"If we randomly select two people from the four of us, we can kill seven in and seven out of Meka prison, then we will become supermen?"

Lu Yuan's large-scale robbing not only made Agent 14 speechless, but the other three people also nodded in a bitter heart.

Seeing that the scene fell into embarrassment, Lu Yuan hurriedly continued, "I thought this way. Originally, the core of the whole mission was how to bring the target out of the prison. So, should we first focus on studying the operating mechanism of this prison? what?"

"For example, who, how many people, and when and under what name will it enter or come out every day."

"For example, the geographical situation near where it is located, and whether there is anything that can be used."

"For example, under normal circumstances, how many guards it has, how many guns and other weapons it has, how they are usually distributed, where they are weakly guarded, and where they are heavily guarded."

"These are much more useful than your planes to rob drug dealers, buses to **** prisoners, etc., right?"

"Yeah." This is Turner.

"Yeah, yeah." This is Robin.

"Our boss is right." This is Picello, who is about to transform into Luyuan No. 1 dogleg.

"Huh!" Agent 14 saw the situation out of his control, making him even more unhappy. But he also knew that Lu Yuan was telling the truth, and it was not easy to refute it directly. He could only say, "Can I not understand these things? But there is not enough time, understand?"

"If it wasn't for the lack of time, me, um, how could we directly come up with such a fierce action plan?" Agent 14 said again, "Those prison guards are also patriots who work for Mika. If it is not for lack of time, , How can we let you hurt them?"

"Not enough time?" Lu Yuan curled his lips secretly, saying that of course, you didn't do these things before, and you only start to do them now, then of course there is not enough time.

Just looking at the look of Agent 14 who swears to defend his dignity, Lu Yuan knows that he is not like Lester, who can easily listen to other people’s opinions. In the end, he can only say,

"Let's do it like that. It takes a team of people to sneak into the jail and connect with Maxim, doesn't it? No need for a team, I'll go!"

"You, are you alone?" Agent 14 asked in surprise.

"Yes, I am alone." Lu Yuanfeng nodded lightly, as if saying that he was not going to the tiger's den by himself, but just going for a walk in the garden.

"As for how I escaped with Maxim, that's my problem." Lu Yuan went on to say, "Anyway, according to your combat plan, there is no stipulation on how to come out of this matter, right? "

"But, how can you ensure that he is successfully brought out?" Agent 14 said again.

"I can't make sure. But, you are not running out of time, right? Let me try it." Lu Yuan said.

Agent 14 stared at Lu Yuan for a while, his stiff expression suddenly eased, he laughed twice, and said, "Okay, since you said that, then I'll give you a chance."

"However, since everything is done in accordance with my combat plan, before then, these preparations must be done in accordance with the plan, how?"

"Yes." Lu Yuan nodded.

"Very good. Then, follow the plan and act now!" Agent 14 was quite satisfied with Lu Yuan's cooperative attitude.

"The first task is to grab a plane back!"

Listening to Agent 14 talking about his reckless and crazy plan again, Lu Yuan had to sigh in his heart.

After half an hour, the four were finally allowed to leave the meeting room.

"Boss, are we really going to grab the plane?" Robin asked Lu Yuan as soon as he came out of the gate. Obviously, Lu Yuan's performance just now succeeded in getting Robin to identify with him.

"Grab it, grab it, anyway, we didn't grab it." Picello said indifferently.

The speaker was unintentional, the listener was intentional, and he was wary of Agent 14. Listening to Picello's words, Lu Yuan was even more suspicious of the relationship between the last seizure by the sea and this mission.

If this mission is to follow the plan of Detective 14 in full, the two ran to the prison, and after receiving someone, they would kill a **** road.

The other two, one piloted a gunship for fire support, and the other piloted a civilian fixed-wing aircraft to pull a few people away from the ground.

This staffing and mode of action is a replica of the last seaside seizure.

In this case, the last time Leicester deliberately hired four people to do the task, could it be the interview for the task now?

Not only did Lu Yuan think so, Turner, who had been silent, also said at this time, "Isn't it a coincidence for the last two missions?"

"What?" Picello didn't respond, and Robin was awakened. "The last mission was a test of our ability?"

This guess coincides with Lu Yuan and Turner's two people, but Lu Yuan thinks deeper, because he has more information behind it.

Before, he thought that it was the shipment of New Medellin that was intercepted last time and gave the Hunter team, Leicester, and even the new information of Agent 14 and others, so that they could track down the new Medellin. Humane laboratory.

That's why the current plan to rescue the former CEO is to get more information from him.

Looking at it now, it may be that the purpose of this operation is indeed the same as previously guessed, but it is hard to say whether this rescue plan was taken out hastily.

If Leicester had set up this rescue plan when they released that mission, what would that mean?

From the perspective of a normal person, this plan is not only too crazy, but also quite overbearing, thinking that the participants in the action are all superhumans.

So why are they still doing this?

Was it because Leicester’s mission was successful, and the mission is now in a hurry to complete, so I changed it directly on the basis of that mission?

Or is it that the two missions are some sort of screening mechanism, in order to screen out some urban mercenaries with specific abilities?

Which one is it, or which one is actually not, these, the current intelligence is too little, Lu Yuan can't be sure.

"Maybe, maybe not, who is right." Lu Yuan sighed and concluded, "That's not important, let's start working!"

The intelligence given by Agent 14 showed that the target aircraft of the four was a Piper company PA-46-500P Malibu Meridian.

This is a small civilian fixed-wing aircraft with a single turboprop engine.

Currently used by the Vigo Gang in Grape Seed Town for cargo transportation.

If it was before learning to fly a driver's license, Lu Yuan would definitely think that to grab this small plane was to take off his pants and fart.

Because of this small plane, it can only accommodate 5-6 people at most.

With this skill, wouldn't it be enough to use Picello's bird helicopter directly?

You know that the bird gunship can accommodate four people with four seats in front and two in the back. A long bench can also be installed at the rear cabin door, and at most two people can sit on one side.

But after theoretical study under systematic threats, Lu Yuan knew that if the target was to be sent to the high seas according to Agent 14's plan, the bird helicopter might not be enough.

The prototype of the bird helicopter, the MD500 helicopter of McDonald Douglas, has an empty weight of 672 kg and a maximum take-off weight of 1361 kg. The maximum flight speed is 282 kilometers per hour, and the maximum range is 431 kilometers.

It should be noted that the biggest one mentioned above is to pursue the biggest of this number alone, and not all of them can be achieved at the same time.

For example, the maximum range of 431 kilometers refers to the number obtained by using the most fuel-efficient flight method under the condition of full fuel and no load.

If it is fully loaded, or the flying speed has been too high, the actual range must be less than 431 kilometers.

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