Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 16: Receiving (receiving) a lot of benefits

The young man immediately admired the man in armor, and he couldn't imagine that these things could only be analyzed by looking at the cocoon in his hand.

Before the young man paid homage to the armored man, the girl next to him refused to say, "What, am I wrong? Scoyol, you always do this, so annoying."

"Yes, yes, I was wrong." Skoyol seemed to spoil his sister very much. But he abducted the topic without a trace, and said to the boy, "As you can see, I am Skoyol, a mercenary, and this is my companion and my sister, Ella. Very much. Glad to be able to fight with you."

"Ah, hello, Mr. Scoyol." The boy also has a good impression of the armored man, and also argued for the girl. "I think what Miss Ella said is very reasonable, and of course you are right, Mr. Skoyol.

I really haven't used a one-handed weapon very much, and I plan to build a one-handed sword for myself after this mission, and then practice the sword skills. "

"Just call me Ella, I'm not a noble lady, I am a huntress." The girl emphasized, "Lu, are you still a blacksmith? The weapons you make by yourself are the most suitable for you. Your choice is very correct."

"Well, I can't be regarded as a qualified blacksmith, but I will work hard." Then, the boy pointed to his bow. "Actually, my bow was made by myself. It is exactly like Ella you said. That way, it feels like being connected by blood."

The girl's recognition of the teenager was very useful, her eyes narrowed, and a happy smile appeared at the corner of her mouth. The armored mercenary also expressed kindness to the young man's answer, and offered to propose that he was a long swordsman and could teach young swordsmanship after the mission.

While they were chatting, they saw a group of guards approaching the school grounds surrounded by a tan-haired, untidy, serious-faced, unsmiling, middle-aged officer. So everyone stopped talking and waited for the officer, who was obviously the commander, to send out the specific arrangements for the mission.

This commander is Gordon, who once served as the captain of the guard of the lord of the "white man collar" and is currently the captain of the guard of the "Helin Town".

This is an old-school soldier who is serious and strict. However, the task arranged was not as clichéd as imagined, and it was not known that someone else had made suggestions. Suspecting that Haas was a serious old soldier also had his other side.

In short, the team is actually divided into two parts, mercenaries and guards.

The guards can deploy a small number of manpower, and cooperate with the craftsmen in the town. They are mainly responsible for blocking all other known exit passages from the mine with barriers, traps and other obstacles. Sileia and Nigel are among this group of people.

Farndal, Vegad and others are responsible for checking the bandits who escaped in these places, and it is best to not let any fish slip through the net.

The remaining large forces are mainly mercenaries, and these people assume the responsibility of protecting the blacksmiths and other staff and the transport team accompanying the army.

The reason why there is a transport team is that after retaking the mine this time, the blacksmith will directly use the forging table in the mine to directly supplement the metal weapon armor that needs to be repaired and supplemented in the town.

After that, all the ore in the pit will be refined into iron ingots or made into semi-finished products such as sword embryos, and then the transport team will pull the things back to the town.

In this way, even if the bandits resurrect after the bandit team is disbanded, the town will still be able to get enough metal raw materials.

This is also the reason why the young man sighed with the old soldier's plan, not as serious as others seemed.

As for the mercenary's commission, in addition to the limited gold coins, according to local customs, in addition to the items listed in advance in the town, which belong to the town's property, the mercenaries can all be allocated according to their contribution.

This is why the cost of mercenaries is not high, but some people still take on this kind of high-risk work.

After comprehensive consideration, the young man decided to apply for the job of a former scout in the large unit.

In this way, according to the rules, you can earn heads in advance and get the time and space points you need most. At the same time, the work of scouts is the most dangerous, so they have the highest contribution points and can get a lot of spoils.

Knowing that the young man chose to serve as a scout on the front line, Vegard was also a little worried. But looking at the young man's self-confidence, the archer patrol had to suppress the extra words and go back to prepare for his work.

When the manpower was arranged, the teenager found that the girl Ella had also chosen to scout this very lucrative job. But Skoyol, the armor man, did not follow. Obviously, the strength of the girl was recognized by Skoyol.

Also coming to serve as scouts was a Kaite Tiger, a Dark Elf.

There is a saying that "Kait" people should actually be called cat people. Tiger people, or Tiger Dragon people or "Kabotun" people rarely appear in this continent, and it is said that they are the main race of the Eastern Continent.

However, in some literature, the Tiger Dragon is also called a cat who looks like a cat.

But combined with the wording habits in those languages, it is probably just a ridicule or nickname for the tiger, a big cat.

The cat is called Kayla, and the dark elf is called Artis. The two had just come from near "Markas City."

Kayla the Cat is a part-time mercenary whose main business is the guard of the caravan of Cats.

However, Kayla has a restless temperament and has a preference for something beyond ordinary people, so in the space where there is no shortage of manpower in the caravan, follow the old friend Artis who wants to settle down in the "white collar". Make a "pocket money".

The young man was also happy to take this opportunity to ask the two old mercenaries about the common skills of scouts, of course, mainly the skills of sneaking.

The dark elf is a very kind person, and it didn't take much effort to tell everything he knew.

"In short, the core of stealth is to block others' perception of you. Visual deception, hearing deception, olfactory deception, are the three with the highest priority, and their importance is lower in order.

But for novices, it is easy to pay too much attention to light and shadow and ignore the importance of hearing and smell. They often hide in the shadows without knowing the impact of their armor and their own body odor, which has long exposed themselves. "

The Dark Elf summed it up after explaining his experience of sneaking to the young man.

"Of course, as you can see, I am a light armored swordsman, not a professional thief. I only know so much about sneaking, I hope I can help you." The dark elf said.

"These are very helpful knowledge, thank you, Artis." The boy hurriedly said.

"Yes, yeah, Artis, your method of handling leather armors so that they don’t make noises, do not affect defenses, and do not affect actions. I have heard it for the first time. It’s so useful. Don’t you Too modest, great.” said Little Ella who was listening to the class next to her.

"Chee, Artis, you're still such a good old man." Kayla the cat was quite disapproving. "You don't take any of these things, "Septim". You deserve to be too poor all the time. "

The dark elf Artis, who had been mocked by Kayla, looked like he was used to it, and didn't care at all.

Seeing that Artis didn't mean to answer, the cat man grumbled dissatisfiedly, and said to the boy, "Hey, kid, do you want to learn to sneak, right? Artis has a temperament that can't be a good thief. , Do you want to learn advanced stealth skills?

To put it bluntly, from "Markas City" to "White Man City," you won't find a thief more powerful than me. "

Hearing that Cat Man is a thief, the boy looked at her in heavy steel armor, so shocked that his jaw almost hit the ground.

"Hey, kid, what's your expression? Do you look down on my old lady?" Looking at the young man's incredulous appearance, the catwoman who was already ill-tempered instantly had an urge to explode.

"Well, Kayla, he probably hasn't seen a thief in heavy armor. Hey, when I first learned that you were a thief, didn't you have the same expression." Artis on the side hurriedly rounded the field. .

"Ah, sorry, Miss Kaila, I'm just, um, I'm just less knowledgeable, please forgive me." The recovered boy also apologized quickly, and also quickly pressed the girl who seemed to say something intensifying the contradiction. live.

"Huh, it's so weird!" Although the cat no longer pursues it, he doesn't say anything anymore, as if none of the previous conversations had happened.

Seeing the cat look like a stranger shouldn't be near, the teenager didn't know what to do for a while. I wanted to ask the dark elf to be the middleman, but I was a little embarrassed by the cat's words just now.

After all, after listening to other people's lessons for free, it is really hard to justify that they should continue to be intermediary for free.

The **** the side couldn't bear it anymore and said directly to the cat man, "Hey, you blow yourself so hard, is it true or not? Who knows? Just talk or practice."

The boy hurriedly comforted Ella again, but gave her a nice look in secret, and then took the words before the cat became angry, "Sorry, ma'am, we are really curious about how the heavy armored thieves sneak. I don’t know if you can give us an insight into the rise?"

It looks like an apology, but in fact, she is still following the aggressive generals of the girl Ella.

But Kayla the Cat is not the first day he became a mercenary, and it is impossible to be settled by two rookies.

"Eh? Curious? Not insightful, right? With your observation power, how can you have insight?

Just walking along this road, how many times has the sword on your waist hit a stone? Um?

How many times did the arrow in the quiver hit your back? How many noises did it make?

But, who of you heard the noise from my armor?

Humph, let you see it a long time ago. "The Catman said proudly.

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