Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 173: Explosive cordon

After that, although Meriweather's people did not appear again. But one after another came several teams of people who seemed to be traveling together.

They didn't resemble Meri Weather, drove stumblingly and rammed straight to the door of the hotel.

Instead, he got off the car nearby early, pretending to be tourists in twos and threes, and went straight into the hotel.

Unexpectedly, those sniper guns never appeared again.

Just when Lu Yuan thought that this mission would be completed ahead of schedule by others, there was a sudden burst of gunfire in the hotel, followed by another roar, which was miserable.

The whole process only lasted more than ten seconds. After that, the weird silence was restored in the surrounding area.

At this time, Gunther reminded Lu Yuan again that the security office had raised the danger warning level for this task.

They have even locked this open task and it is no longer open to everyone. Instead, the background selects the appropriate company or individual to push the task.

"Then our mission was cancelled?" Lu Yuan asked.

"No, you can continue if you have received it in advance as long as you want to. But you can also give up directly and will not be counted in the mission success rate." Gunther said.

Lu Yuan thought for a while, if he withdrew directly now, he would be a bit embarrassed.

At the moment, even this task is a real task, or someone deliberately arranged it to show off its power. Or maybe it is both real and also used by people who want to show off force. I don't know yet.

Just ran away in such a desperate way, even if he had a successful business operation, he had completely failed.

Thinking of this, Lu Yuan gritted his teeth and simply removed the body armor from the car.

"Boss, what? Let's withdraw?" Gunther looked at Lu Yuan, who was unloading his body armor somewhat inconceivably, and felt that this was really not in line with his usual character.

"No, I'm looking for a chance to go in and have a look!" Lu Yuan said.

"What? Boss? Are you crazy? Just the explosion. You may be killed by it in a bulletproof vest. Do you dare not wear it? I didn't see Meri Weather who had the same body armor and was killed by a single shot. Are there 4? Although they don’t wear helmets..."

"Since wearing a bullet-proof vest can also be second, what is the difference between not wearing it? It can also make the action faster!" Lu Yuan said, "But this is not the point!"

"Did you not find out? If someone storms, those explosions will kill them directly."

"But if you carry out investigations lightly, just like those colleagues just now, the explosion will not appear."

"In this case, I'll go in and take a look!"

"Boss, didn't you hear those screams just now?" Gunther was still worried, "I just went in there were ten people? They were all killed in ten seconds! It shows that the enemies inside are no better at all. The explosion is safe, we might as well wait and see!"

"Wait when? What if there is no one else?" Lu Yuan arranged his clothes, and by the way put the removed bulletproof **** and body armor into two special briefcases, and gave Gunther a lift.

"Don't worry, I still bring them. As long as I get inside, I will find a chance to replace them!" Lu Yuan smiled, turned and pushed the door and got out of the car.

"Boss," Gunther rolled down the window and shouted at Lu Yuan, "You must be careful!"

Lu Yuan shook the box in his hand at him and walked towards the hotel without looking back.

Just as he walked outside the hotel door and was about to go up the steps to enter the door, the system suddenly sent a warning message, [Go forward! 】

Between the electric light and flint, Lu Yuan did not talk nonsense, jumped up the steps with all his strength, and then leaped forward, broke through the glass door of the hotel, and rolled in directly.

Just before and after he entered the hotel, he heard a bang behind him, followed by a heat wave, blowing the glass **** at the door one after another on him. In a flash, the clothes and skin on the back were marked out. Broken mouth with blood stains.

Then a muffled thunder and roar also reached my ears.

{Depend on! This is the explosion? Why? why did you hit me? }Lu Yuan tremblingly climbed up from the broken glass, barely walked two steps forward, and hid behind the hotel reception desk.

[The high probability is because the host has two packs of body armor. 】

{Damn, they can see it too? }

[It's terrible just because I can't see it. What if it is two packs of explosives? 】

{go! }Lu Yuan grunted helplessly, and hurriedly dealt with the wound on his body.

"Hello? Hello? I'm fine, don't worry!" While dealing with the wound, he suddenly remembered that Gunther was still outside. He was afraid that he was worried, so he hurriedly said from the team channel.

However, only then did he discover that the team channel had been blocked by interference at some point.

{Isn't it? Does the other party have a signal jammer? }Lu Yuan sighed helplessly.

{It's better to put things in the space and come in empty-handed! I was afraid that he would be worried, but now it's good. If you lose contact directly, don't you worry more? Hiss~}

Realizing that most of his wounds were on his back, Lu Yuan didn't bother to do so, and went straight into Space 1, looking for an automatic operating table to help pick up the debris.

Only then did he discover that in addition to the glass slag, there were two or three pieces of shrapnel also stuck in his back. If it were not for his strong physique, strong muscles, and not being hit in the head, these pieces of shrapnel could kill him.

No, even when the operating table fetched shrapnel for him, after many wounds, he had been able to endure the pain for a long time, and he couldn't help but scream with pain.

{What is this? Why is it so deep? I said, how can you kill all four people in a car with one shot? The feelings are all headshot by shrapnel? }

[Obviously, it has developed a special long-range anti-infantry ammunition. 】

{Hey, if this continues, the life potion is almost over! I really have to go back to the plane of Nin to purchase goods next time! }Lu Yuan sighed, {It’s not easy on either side, there is the Demon God, and this side is the sniper field! }

[How the host is okay, go out quickly! 】At this time, the system reprimanded, 【Hurry up! 】

{what happened? }Lu Yuan was inexplicably blasted out of Space 2 by the system, and he was still in a trance. He saw a drone suddenly appeared outside the hotel window, looking towards him.

Lu Yuan recognized at a glance, these were the ones he had bought in Copenhagen. Needless to say, Gunther Turner and the others were uneasy and let them come to investigate.

Lu Yuan hurriedly made a few gestures to the drone outside the window, turned around and went up the stairs.

{Brother Six, you are getting better and better now, can you actually eject me from the space? }Lu Yuan said dissatisfied as he walked.

[The system has the authority to use the space door across the host in an emergency. Remember the 50-point cross-plane guarantee? 】

{Yes, but that's an interplanetary aspect, it's a matter of life and death. What's this time? }

However, it didn't take him long before he heard an explosion coming from behind him, and a moment later there was another muffled thunder.

When he returned to the downstairs, he found that the drone had also been shot by an enemy sniper.

{This must be a bit outrageous, right? Hearing the bullets and the gunshots, the person who shot the gun would have to be one kilometer away from here. Can kill such a small drone with one shot in one kilometer? }

Lu Yuan said uncomfortably with the system, {Fortunately, I have reluctantly added the real-time transmission to the drone these days, and they should be able to see my gesture just now. }

Indeed, despite the destruction of the drone, there was still an atmosphere of joy and relaxation in the team channel outside.

"The boss is okay, the boss is okay! Let me just say, he even avoided the RPG, he was not dead with bullet holes, there must be no problem with an explosion in this area!" Gunther yelled.

"However, I didn't expect the enemy to actually set up signal interference in the hotel! It seems that behind this mission is really unusual!" Turner thought.

"How to say?"

"Think about it, if there is interference inside, then how exactly did the task publisher determine that the target that needs to be rescued is inside?" Turner said, "With the current strength shown by the opponent, they may let go of the whistleblowing. People?"

"Maybe the target itself is in this hotel, they are here to rob people?" Robin said.

"In that case, it means that they have both explosive snipers, strong melee firepower, and portable and portable high-power signal jamming devices. Then why don't they leave here with the target?" Turner asked again.


"Speaking of which, the most reasonable explanation is that this is a game, a game that deliberately lures some people into the bait!" Turner said.

Turn your eyes to the far side.

While Turner was speaking, he was also speaking similar things to the system.

{This is a trap to deliberately expose the itinerary and lure Meriweather over! }

The reason for this is because when he went up the stairs a little bit, he found that not only the previous colleagues, but also many people dressed as Meriweather mercenaries were dead inside.

Most of these people are wearing light-weight Meriweather body armors in large suits. Now the ordinary suit outside was shattered by an unknown enemy's shot, and the bulletproof vest inside was exposed.

{These people are mostly scouts sent by Meriwether in advance. Unexpectedly, they all died here. }Lu Yuan gently moved the head of a corpse with his feet, and looked at the system.{Sixth brother, can you verify his identity? Is it Merriweather's? }

[The system's conventional signal receiving function cannot penetrate the enemy's signal interference. Whether to enable the emergency signal amplification function during wartime? 】

{Wait, let me first talk about whether I need to spend more time and space points? }Lu Yuan quickly stopped him.

【1000 space-time points per minute. 】

{I knew it! }Lu Yuan sighed lightly, {Don’t turn it on, don’t turn it on, in order to confirm his identity, it cost me so much money, I have enough to eat? }

{Look at these people, there are Meriweather badges on the body armor, most of them, don’t check! }

While holding the short-tube assault HK416, Lu Yuan stepped forward among the corpses, dialing the corpses to check his eyes from time to time.

As he was about to continue forward, he suddenly felt something was wrong, as if a dark shadow was watching him behind him and above.

He hurriedly bent forward and made a false motion of lying down and crawling, but with a twist of his waist, he turned and lay on the floor.

Now he clearly saw a black figure flashing past a certain fence of the ceiling air passage.

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