Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 190: Intelligence capture plan

In the end, the three of them didn't work out a reason, and finally returned to Luo Shengdu together.

But Lu Yuan felt that he had gained a lot. Some things that he hadn't thought about before were faintly strung together by him this time.

For example, the relationship between Madera Socatel and the Quinn Group.

For example, the relationship between these criminal groups and that black armored force.

For example, the arms merchant who is active in Ruxin may bring benefits to the black armor forces.

And so on.

But these speculations seem to be connected, but they haven't been able to spell out a realistic shape. The most important reason behind, or motivation, is still looking at the moon in the mist.

Compared with him, Robin is much lower.

First of all, the great enemy Larry Quinn is mostly still alive.

And even if he is really dead, he may have to wait a year or two before his criminal organization falls apart or is replaced by someone else before he can be sure of this.

However, based on the time they took to fly just a long time ago, the place where Larry Quinn parachuted was tens of nautical miles away from the coastline. Even if they were swimming, they could swim back. Plus there were shark-driving props on the umbrella bag, and they died. The probability of being in the sea will not be higher than 10%

Secondly, the real murderer who killed Don Frank, the one who used the wave blade, is still unclear who he is and where he is now.

And because Larry Quinn's life or death is unknown, now even the clues of the tracing are broken.

Third, Larry Quinn has realized the existence of Robin.

This is the thing that will have a major impact on Robin's entire life.

In the past, Robin used to pursue Larry Quinn, whether it was to track down or kill, it was she who was in the dark, and the enemy was in the light.

She can prepare for as long as she wants, prepare whatever she wants, and finally choose an opportunity for the enemy to relax and take a bite.

However, now the situation has completely turned around, the enemy is dark and she is bright. Of course, if she returns to a normal life.

If she were to return to Liberty City as a reporter, then her daily itinerary, when and where she would go, her home address, and even the alarm arrangement at home, self-defense firearms, etc. would all be investigated clearly by professional assassins.

On a dark and windy night, the wavy blade is still there, and it will cut her throat.

The most important thing is that as long as Larry Quinn does not die, she can't relax.

Even if that guy died, he needed enough intelligence to determine whether his successor would vent his anger and win people's hearts with Robin, a reporter who caused them heavy economic losses.

In the normal world, the more public figures are, the more they have a protective aura called public vision. Those who are afraid of being exposed to the sun will only choose other ways.

But here is Los Santos, the plane of Rock Star. As for Liberty City, which was once a chaotic and brutal city (GTA4), things were not so easy to say.

So at the moment, whether he likes it or not, Robin can only continue to hide in the dark and become an urban mercenary.

The three stayed in the Los Santos office for a while, and finally Gunther took the initiative to help take Robin home.

{Sixth brother, the power exoskeleton used by the black armor fighters to strengthen the legs. Whose product may it be? Have you found out? }After the two left, Lu Yuan asked the system the question he had suddenly thought of before.

[Participating in the development of similar technologies was the first General Electric Company, a company founded by Edison, who improved the light bulb. ] System Road.

[However, according to the last public report, this part of the business has been acquired by Raytheon. 】

{Raytheon? Is this a military enterprise? }Lu Yuan asked.

[Yes, it is currently the third largest military industrial company in the United States and the fifth largest military contractor. Basically, it monopolizes the air-to-air and surface-to-air missiles of the United States, and the portable air defense missile "Javelin" for infantry is also the company's product. In addition, there are a large number of military products such as radar. 】

[But in terms of the latest progress, Raytheon’s power exoskeleton project is still a long way from being barely usable. 】

[In addition, there is Lockheed Martin's HULC plan. 】

{Well, at least in appearance, the things of these two families are a bit far from the Black Armored forces! }Lu Yuan said while examining the relevant information found by the system.

{According to the information, Thor's version focuses on the full-body mechanical with protective armor, while Lockheed's emphasizes strengthening the physical capabilities of soldiers? }

{I always feel that the version of the black armor is similar to and different from the two. It is more like something that has been studied and developed for a long time after they are combined. }

It was discovered that the feasibility of this plan was really not high by searching for special technology directly from the public information, and then digging out the black armor forces, and Lu Yuan had to put it down temporarily.

{Yes, Brother Six,} Lu Yuan thought of another thing. {Since the Black Armored forces fought with Meri Weather before, and they fought under the eyes of IAA and FIB, they did not say anything, then can I be in What do you find in these two databases? }

[Does the host want the system to hack into FIB or IAA? 】

{No, you have told me this kind of thing hundreds of times. The danger is too great and it costs too much money. I am definitely not talking about this! }Lu Yuan shook his head, {I mean, what if I sneak into these two institutions? Like the last time I went to the police station? Can you copy the information in their database? }

[If the host can bring the system into the computer room, it is certainly not a problem. Clearing the browsing history internally will not consume too much time and space points to bypass data encryption. 】

[But if you just enter the office area without entering the computer room, according to the relevant introduction of the relevant intelligence agencies in the current media news, it will not be much easier than breaking through the firewall outside, and it may only save 5%-20% of points. 】

{That's it. }Lu Yuan thought for a while, {then aim to enter the computer room. }

Just do it.

To sneak into the FIB or IAA computer room, you first need to investigate who has permission to enter these places.

But if you want to get this information, you must first enter the corresponding building, hack into the shallow database, and get the list of personnel.

It is relatively easy to get into the building. As long as you squat by the door of the building and see the faces that come in and out every day, you can get a list of some employees.

It's just that these people can get in and out of the building, but on which floor they are working on, and what permissions they have, they will still be checked by the shallow database.

Or, after selecting a target, hack into his personal computer and guess it from the information inside.

Therefore, Lu Yuan's current IAA/FIB building intelligence capture mission plan was also summarized.

Take the IAA building as an example.

The first step is to squat for a few days in front of the IAA building. From the people who enter and leave every day, choose a few people with a body shape that is not much different from the road far away.

The second step is to track and investigate the identities of these targets. It is best to hack their follow-up computers to get their work content.

Here, there are two results.

Let me start with the most probable ones. These people are ordinary employees. Then proceed to the third step.

The third step is to pretend to be an employee, enter the IAA building, pretend to be working, and get the personnel information sheet related to the server room.

The fourth step is to continue to track and investigate the target of selecting the server room personnel under the premise that no information will be leaked in the previous link.

The fifth step is to enter the computer room in the third step, get the data, and escape the building.

If, in the second step, another result appears, that is, there are server room personnel among these employees, then proceed directly to the fifth step, and everything will be fine.

Of course, some of these details need to be filled in when dealing with omissions, and that is something in action.

After confirming the plan, Lu Yuan immediately started the first step, stalking.

However, this process is actually a painstaking system.

Lu Yuan's so-called stalking is to find a place at the right angle, unfold the work space door, press a camera at the door, and shoot at the entrance of the IAA building to record those who enter and exit.

And he himself used this effort to make some small toys in the work space.

For example, make an arrow with explosives.

For example, improving the performance of existing drones.

Or, try to be a remote control machine gun turret.

Of course, in the end, this thing was still only in the design stage. A prototype was made from the small parts of the drone, but it had no practical value. It was just a remote control trigger gun frame.

The weekend just dazzled.

Looking at this side, we still need to wait a few more days to determine the target, but the explosive arrow that is far away makes a lot of progress.

I won't mention this for the time being.

On Sunday night, Gunther actually called him and invited him out for a drink.

He didn't like wine very much in the first place, and he was pitted on the plane of Nien not to mention, and he didn't get any benefits in Los Santos. So I don't want to go.

But thinking of Robin's state before, he wanted to ask Gunther about the situation, and he reluctantly agreed.

However, when Lu Yuan drove to the place that Gunther chose, he was angry and funny, and there was a trace of joy hidden deep in his heart.

Because on the signboard here, a few big characters are clearly written, "Vanilla Unicorn" (Vanilla Unicorn).

{It's actually a strip club! This is really the style of Picero's Pikemen! }Lu Yuan shook his head, but walked into the club with excitement, full of interest and inexplicable excitement.

"Sir, please show your ID?" He was stopped by the guard before he entered the door.

"Do you still need a real-name system here?" Lu Yuan asked in disbelief.

"Under 21 years old, entry is strictly prohibited!"

This sentence made Lu Yuan a little guilty, because he was indeed only 18 years old.

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