Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 193: Even more unreliable tasks

Half an hour later, in the meeting room of Lu Yuan's newly opened office, the five people gathered together again.

Agent 14 took out a briefcase, arranged the documents on the briefing blackboard bit by bit, and arranged them for a long time before coughing, pointing to a photo and saying, "Everyone, this is your goal this time, Humane Laboratory R & D Center."

"Before talking about the task, let's talk about the remuneration this time, so that you won't be afraid of difficulties."

"This time, the total reward is 3 million yuan. The other gains in the mission are not included. Hey, I will tell you here first, if you act according to my plan, your final profit will be far more than that!"

However, when he finished speaking, the imaginary house was full of uproar, and the scene of shouting a lot of money did not appear at all.

Robin lowered his head, not knowing what he was thinking.

Gunther looked like he didn't sleep well, and yawned every other time.

Needless to think about it, this guy had a lot of tossing with the dancer named "Derailer" last night. (Leopard Leopard, the literal translation should be cheetah, English is cheetah, and the pronunciation is similar to cheater, the latter refers to the tracker, the cheater, and the old one.)

Not to mention Turner, sitting right down, with this notebook spread out on the table, writing and drawing from time to time, his face is still as usual, pure facial paralysis.

Seeing Agent 14 watched the crowd for several times, his embarrassment was overwhelming, Lu Yuan hurriedly said, "Don't get excited here. More money means higher risks. Let's talk about your plan this time."

"Also, what are you going to do in this humanitarian laboratory, you have to clarify?"

"Haha, of course." Agent 14 smiled awkwardly and continued, "Well, this time we got a definite report that the humanitarian laboratory is suspected of endangering the safety of Meka. You need to enter their underground laboratory, in the data center, and put them Bring me the experimental records and so on!"

"With this information, we can stop the black-hearted apostas from endangering the country in time!"

"Stop!" Lu Yuan hurriedly stopped, "We have rescued you from the former CEO of this humanitarian laboratory. Why do you still have no evidence to prevent this laboratory from continuing to operate?"

"Hmm, is this important?" Agent 14 asked pretentiously.

"What do you think?"

"I think? Of course that is not important."

"So, I want me to think... huh, no, what?" Lu Yuan suddenly felt a bit of cold air rising from his back, as if it was an early warning from the **** of rotten stalks, so he hurriedly coughed twice. , Turn off the conversation.

"I mean, if your purpose has nothing to do with saving Mika and saving the world, don't say so high-sounding, as if we are here fighting for justice! We are looking at Benjamin Franklin's face!" (One hundred dollar bill head portrait)

"You!" Agent 14 was so choked by Lu Yuan that he didn't know how to export, and said after a long time, "Anyway, I want all the data in their data center! Rest assured, the hacking tool will be provided by us at that time. It must be foolproof! "

"Are there any questions?" Agent 14 asked Lu Yuan directly this time.

"You talk about your plan first. We know the goal of the mission. Sneak into the underground facility of the Humane Laboratory and steal all the data they keep in the data center." Lu Yuandao.

"Well, almost." The agent nodded at 14. "But to change a few words, it is to break into the humanitarian laboratory and grab the data!"

"Yes, you must have come up with this battle plan again, right?" Lu Yuan didn't have a good air when he heard the change of the verb.

"Does it matter?" Agent 14 frowned, and said impatiently, "Don't interrupt all the time, and you have time for your questions when I finish talking!"

Lu Yuan rolled his eyes and was too lazy to breathe with him, raised his hand and waved, motioning him to continue.

"Because most of the funds for this mission have been used as dividends for you, and you have to get back all the combat resources!"

"The name of my battle plan is: Assault on the Humane Laboratory."

"Because it is Meriwether Security Services Company that has taken over the security tasks of the Humane Laboratory. So let's save your tricks of sneaking into makeup, it's impossible!"

"All researchers in the facility now live in the laboratory research city in a closed enclosure. There are information such as Meriweather's fingerprint and iris check when entering and leaving the laboratory. To enter the laboratory, the necessary security card is required before the holder himself goes to work. , You can get it after passing the DNA verification."

"It's almost impossible to sneak in!"

"In addition, some intelligence shows that there are other people who are also planning the humanitarian laboratory, so we must hurry up before them and get things out!"

When explaining why it was impossible to infiltrate, Agent 14 kept staring at Lu Yuan, and the meaning was obvious, "These words are mainly for you, don't do so much for a while!"

Lu Yuan shook his head helplessly, and said, "I know, I know, hurry up and tell me what your battle plan is!"

"Yeah!" Agent 14 nodded in satisfaction and continued, "The core of this plan is mainly divided into two halves. One half is how to enter and leave, and the other half is how to ensure the failure of various protective equipment in underground facilities."

"Let's talk about entering and leaving first."

"Merry Weather recently got a batch of helicopters from their channel, which is a specially modified Valkyrie helicopter of the UH-1 gunship! Not only did she thicken the armor, but also installed a 40mm airborne under the nose. Automatic cannon."

"With this helicopter, it will be much easier for you to enter and leave the humanitarian laboratory guarded by layers of mercenaries!"

"Why can't you use a bird?" Gunther asked suddenly.

"Don't you understand? There are Merriewether mercenaries, and the bird is not enough firepower!" Robin said suddenly.

When Lu Yuan heard it, he couldn't help but glanced at them in surprise. Unexpectedly, these two guys would have regained their sanity silently and heard the task very clearly.

"This lady is right!" Agent 14 nodded comfortedly, "That's why you need to go to Meriwether headquarters and steal a Valkyrie!"

"Okay, this is rushing in and leaving."

"Next, it is more important, how to make the security measures of underground facilities invalid!"

"My strategy for this goal is EMP!"

"EMP?" Lu Yuan frowned, with a bad feeling.

"Yes, EMP!" Agent 14 proudly said, "As long as this thing explodes in the parking lot behind the Humane Laboratory, most of the security systems inside the entire facility will have to be paralyzed."

"But rest assured, their underground data center has backup generators, which will not affect your copying of data."

"First talk about how EMP is used. You need to steal two Meriweather armored off-road vehicles, and then take one of them with EMP to the garage behind the laboratory at night! There is an explosion, just covering the entire underground. facility."

"Wait, we can all put the EMP device in, why not just turn it on and rush in?" Gunther asked again.

"Because in that case, the electronic equipment on our body, such as communication devices, such as the hard disk used to copy data or whatever, even the red dot sight holographic scope on our guns, will fail." Lu Yuan explained.

"Not bad!" Agent 14 was even more happy this time, but he didn't expect Lu Yuan to speak for him.

"Because of this, in my plan, you must grab the Valkyrie. Because of her performance, it is enough for you to rush in quickly outside the EMP explosion range."

"Okay, this part understands" Lu Yuan said, "The helicopter is on standby remotely. After detonating the EMP, directly drive the helicopter to rush in, then land the ground team, break into the laboratory underground facility, find the data center, get the data, return to the ground, let The helicopter took us away, right?"

"Yes, it's not right." Agent 14 smiled playfully, "It's already hard for you to attack, and let you kill it again? At that time, the Meriweather mercenaries around must have swarmed back for help, you guys. If you come out again, you really have to face Meriweather's army!"

"But it’s actually not that dangerous. In underground facilities, because many equipment require a large amount of coolant, and the laboratory is close to a lake, there is a lake cooling channel inside them. You open a hole directly from there and follow the pipe. Swim into the lagoon and come out!"

"Then why not just attack from here?" Robin asked this time.

Agent 14 took a look at Lu Yuan and found that he had no intention to open his mouth this time, so he had to explain to himself, "To enter the underground facility from the drainage channel, you need to climb a smooth pipe wall tens of meters long. This is unrealistic. You need extra. Equipment support, no money to purchase."

"Of course, and more importantly, when you exit the pipeline and enter the underground facility, you will still trigger the defensive alarm of the underground facility. With no EMP impact, the security system you need to face will be dangerous beyond your imagination."

"Well, we all know this. Now the most important thing is that you don't have money to purchase. Where do you get such an important thing as EMP?" Lu Yuan asked.

"Hey, this is the most exciting part of this time!" Agent 14 smirked twice before suddenly taking out a photo and pasting it on the blackboard.

Everyone looked at it, and it turned out to be a photo of an aircraft carrier.

"Mecha Navy Nimitz-class aircraft carrier, Lu Xingdun, number ATT-16"

"This water overlord is currently on a routine cruise from the San Diego Naval Port. The first stop is off Los Santos."

"There is an AV-35B Hydra vertical take-off and landing combat attack aircraft equipped with an EMP device on the ship. You steal it from me, don't you have an EMP!"


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