Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 205: Raid on Humane Lab

With his patience, Lu Yuan pulled Turner, who was still looking at the monkey, and said, "Let’s leave here first. We can go inside later, don’t rush to figure it out now. There will always be a clear day. "

As he said, he turned to the van.

He didn't notice, the expression on Turner's face was also uneasy and doubtful from the very beginning, and I don't know when it has become a cloudy face.

The two left the laboratory factory in silence.

When he came out, he happened to be in a confrontation with the Meri Weather team who had come to change shifts. However, because Lu Yuan's car was also a humane laboratory truck, the opposite side did not come to investigate.

But Lu Yuan knew that there was not much time reserved for himself and others.

Sure enough, a sharp sirens came from the direction of the Humanitarian Lab within a short while. It indicates that the task of a few people for a while will not be as calm as before.

Twenty minutes later, Lu Yuan and Gunther Robin in the valley completed the rendezvous.

Because the next action was a frontal advance, Lu Yuan also replaced the self-made light bullet armor on his body with the heavy bullet armor of the cos black armor warrior.

"Boss, Lingks, what happened just now, why are you so bored?"

Finding that Lu Yuan and Turner didn't say a word during the whole preparation process, Robin the co-pilot asked curiously.

Lu Yuan was taken aback, looked at Turner with the same face, and explained to Robin, "Uh, I saw something that I can't bear to look directly at."

"What?" Gunther asked, "Biochemical gas? Living experiment?"

"It's not that scary. It's just a group of monkeys staring straight at you, doing nothing, as if they have no soul." After that, Lu Yuan sat in the back seat of the helicopter and fiddled with the revolver gun.

"Evil~~ It's scary to think about it!" Lu Yuan's understatement caused Robin to chill, and not only complained, "Boss, can you not answer this kind of thing so carefully?"

"I'm afraid that there will be fewer answers, so you still ask. This is so good and saves trouble." Lu Yuan smiled and said, "Pichero, let's go!"

"Good! Valkyrie assault team, let's go!" Gunther yelled and drove the helicopter towards the Humane Laboratory.

"Agent 14, we were already in the helicopter and rushed towards the laboratory, and we will arrive nearby in about 5 minutes!" Lu Yuan also roared from the communicator at this time.

"So fast?" Agent 14 was taken aback, "Okay, we are ready here. Now we will transfer the right to activate EMP to you. Who is responsible?"

"To Robin!" Lu Yuan said directly.

After a while, Robin: "Received!"

"EMP has an effective range of 2 kilometers and an impact range of 5 kilometers. Please pay attention yourself." Agent 14 said again.

"Such a range?" Lu Yuan thought for a while and said, "Ling Kesi, put on the umbrella bag and let's jump down."


"Piqueiro, pull up!"


The original plan of the few people was to directly rush into the factory area and detonate the EMP in time, so that the few people can just rush into its maximum range after the electromagnetic pulse takes effect.

But the scope of this thing is too large. If it still rushes at a low altitude, if there is a mistake, the Valkyrie helicopter needs to restart the system, and the few people will have to fall directly to the ground.

In this case, the height of the Valkyrie cannot be too low.

However, if the height is too high, it is easy to be spotted by the other party. Therefore, the best way for Lu Yuan and Turner is to parachute in.

And the height when opening the umbrella bag should not be too high, preferably between 150 meters and 300 meters.

Soon, the helicopter came to the planned position.

Lu Yuan: "Everyone, are you ready?"

Gunther & Robin & Turner: "Okay!"

Lu Yuan: "Start!"

"EMP startup is complete!" Robin replied first.

While talking, the laboratory that had just returned to normal, seemed to be thrown into a stone by the calm lake, and the center was the unloading area garage.

This ripple-like shock wave spread out quickly, wherever it went, there were bursts of crackling noises of electrical damage. Then, bursts of black smoke emerged from the air-conditioning compressors, exhaust fans and various other electrical appliances.

Not to mention the brightly lit, brightly lit laboratory, suddenly fell into darkness and silence.

"Picero?" Lu Yuan asked again after confirming that the EMP was successful.

"The helicopter is okay, boss!"

"Very good! Lingks, let's go!"

"it is good!"

Confirming that everything is normal, Lu Yuan and Turner, one after another, jumped out of the helicopter.

Although Lu Yuan was wearing full body armor and a fully enclosed mask with goggles and filters embedded in it, the airflow of free fall from high altitude still followed the limited gaps in his suit, desperately drilling inside.

At an altitude of several kilometers, it is obvious that the temperature is much lower than that of the subtropical area in early summer below.

However, as the height of the two gradually decreased, Lu Yuan no longer cared about the temperature or cold wind.

Looking around the laboratory, Lu Yuan felt that the height was almost the same, so he adjusted the angle again and opened the umbrella bag.

After a violent pull, the speed of just 40 meters per second was instantly lowered, and finally Lu Yuan descended to the ground at a speed of about 10 meters per second.

As soon as his feet touched the ground, he rolled forward on the spot, and while unloading his strength, he threw the umbrella bag down.

When he picked up the HK416 and was ready for battle, Turner, who landed almost at the same time as him, also took out his M39EMR.

Originally, the main fighting method this time was CQB, that is, indoor close combat, so Turner tended to choose the M4A1 carbine with a shorter barrel, which is more suitable for indoors.

However, Lu Yuan was recently made a little guilty by the Black Armored fighters. He still strongly recommends that at least one of the two use 7.62 NATO ammunition firearms.

In this way, Turner, who is already an accurate shooter, is more suitable for heavy guns.

At least other professionals, using long barrel rifles in this situation is far less likely to cause problems than Lulu.

So far, Lu Yuan still maintains the level of marksmanship that is **** within 50m, elite within 200m, and quickly and generally humanized outside 200m. It's just a template for assault soldiers.

This time, all the equipment provided by Agent 14, such as umbrella bags, firearms, sights, all kinds of grenades, night vision, infrared thermal imaging, and even armor, etc.

Compared to Lu Yuan and Turner, they were more confident in the armor they prepared, so they only took firearms and night vision goggles, and even the sights were installed on the guns that they used frequently.

It was also because the umbrella bag was provided by Agent 14, so after throwing away the umbrella bag, the two of them went directly to the back door of the planned laboratory, and did not care about what to do with the umbrella bag.

At this time, Lu Yuan was really a bit greedy for the self-destructive umbrella bag of the black armor forces. At least it can greatly reduce the possibility of being followed by others.

But he didn't know that when the two of them broke through the back door, the center of the two parachutes that they had thrown on the ground suddenly exploded, and then the entire parachute began to burn.

While it was burning over there, Lu Yuan and the two had put on their night vision goggles and rushed into the interior of the facility in a metal rolling door in a corner of the laboratory building.

As soon as I entered the room, I found the huge benefits of EMP.

All lights in the entire facility are all off, and now it's only three or four o'clock in the morning, it can be said that there is almost no finger in the facility.

In addition, it should be a side view. There were not many Meriweather mercenaries who ran out from here to check the situation, so the two broke in quickly.

Basically, two mercenaries suddenly appeared at the turning point, and they would be killed by Lu Yuan and Turner's skillful teammates at the same time.

The overall strategy is, one is far, one is short, and the other is close, one is fast and one is slow, Turner is slow, one is light armor and the other is heavy, and the distance is far and light.

But in the real battle, time can't wait to be calculated in milliseconds. There is no time to recall the strategy at all. It all depends on the subconscious reaction of people.

The cooperation at this time depends on the tacit understanding between the personnel.

Perhaps it was the longest time for the two to cooperate, perhaps because Turner was Vegard's alien dual body, or perhaps the two were really close enough to each other, in short, the two had a high degree of cooperation.

Even Turner himself has a feeling of reminiscence of the past, as if Lu Yuan is a comrade-in-arms who has worked with him for many years.

It was another corner. In the corridor, there were three mercenaries on the left, one on the right.

Lu Yuan lay down directly at the corner, aimed at the mercenary on the left, and shot three shots directly. Looking at the man, he was already lying softly on the ground.

On the other side, Turner was still squatting, leaning against the wall, poking his head out above Lu Yuan, and hitting the front door of the mercenary on the right with a shot.

At this time, Lu Yuan had also sent a second burst, taking away the last enemy.

The whole cooperation was completed in one go, in less than two seconds before and after.

Of course, part of the reason is that they have night vision goggles to bully the other side.

But this advantage did not last long.

Soon, the two of them passed a special-shaped door with bulletproof glass doors and windows with alloy door frames, and lights suddenly flashed out of the facility that had just been dark.

And, as soon as he entered here, Lu Yuan felt the earphone pierce, and he could no longer hear the messages of Gunther and Agent 14 and others.

"There is a Faraday cage here, which was not destroyed by EMP. Take off the night vision device, this thing is useless!" Lu Yuan sighed lightly.


After not being able to bully the other side, the speed of the two obviously slowed down.

And because of the EMP attack and the previous gunfire, the remaining mercenaries in the facility were clearly prepared.

It was a corner again, and the enemy in the corridor, but this time, the enemy not only hid behind the bunker and the corner, the shotgun and carbine used were also quite restrained.

Lu Yuan forcibly assaulted twice at the corner, and was sprayed by the opponent's Remington M870 every time he showed up. He was so scared that he didn't dare to try casually anymore. Instead, he took out a smoke bomb and held it in the palm of his hand.

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