Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 207: Computer room, data, cooling pipeline

Turner's point was to enter the barrels in batches, but when he heard Lu Yuan's ears, he became, "The manufacturer."

At this time, someone who had stolen the arsenal and the aircraft carrier had already begun to figure out how to go to some famous firearms company.

Get some parts, materials, processing machines, and even technical reserves.

[Remind the host that neither of HK's two factories in Meika has the ability to produce gun barrels. The Mika factory mainly assembles semi-finished products, and most of the parts are sent directly from the Decherz main factory. 】

{Uh, then go to another manufacturer. }


Because of lessons learned, the two moved extremely quickly. Even if they speak, they will not delay their advancement.

So soon, the two broke into the door of the computer room.

According to the strategy given by Agent 14, the two simultaneously inserted the decryption key into the two jacks on both sides of the door, and then entered the computer room.

After inserting the U-disk-shaped tool given by Agent 14 into the computer in the computer room, Lu Yuan fiddled with the computer twice, and then ran to the door to help Turner guard the door together.

But at the same time he told the system, {Sixth brother, we also want all the information in it. }

[Understood, it is being copied into the system database. 】

【completed. 】

Lu Yuan: {So fast? }

{Then, did Agent 14 finish copying that thing? }

[It will take another 243 seconds. 】

{Can't speed it up? }

[This is an accelerated effect. The current speed has reached the upper limit of hardware support. 】

{……clear. }

Lu Yuan nodded and raised his muzzle to aim at the corner of the corridor outside the door. As soon as the enemy appeared, he shot three shots and gave the man a headshot gift.

"Boss, the number of enemies is rising rapidly! How long will it take?" After a while, under the pressure of more and more new gunpoints, Turner also had to ask.

[41 seconds. 】

"There are still 40 seconds left!" Lu Yuan shouted, ignoring that he had blocked Turner and threw the special grenade on the tactical vest before, and took out two grenades from the portable space and threw them into the crowd at the corner.

But this time, one is a shock bomb, and the other is a defensive grenade.

[Kill Meriweather security guard x4, get 131 time and space points. 】

"Lingks, exchange positions!" Confirming the results of the grenade through the income information, Lu Yuan immediately whispered, and at the same time switched to Turner's side, and threw two grenade into the crowd on the other side in the same way.

[Kill Meriweather security guard x3, get 99 time and space points. 】

Although Turner was surprised where Lu Yuan had taken out the grenade again, he had already seen the treatment needle. He didn't say much at this time. He immediately switched to Lu Yuan's previous line of defense and continued to suppress firepower.

【completed. 】

Soon, after the last few tens of seconds, Lu Yuan quickly turned around and pulled out the flash disk-like thing, threw it into the portable space, rushed to the door, took out a few smoke bombs and threw it around. Pat Turner on the shoulder and said, "Keep up!"

The following is to find the so-called cooling pipe, jump down, and leave this facility.

This time Agent 14 was finally reliable. He said that the place was not far from the computer room, and it was not too far.

After two corners, Lu Yuan and the two came to the place.

Of course, thanks to the system for being able to do so quickly, they didn't let them go even further.

From this point, the system should be reliable.

However, even though the pipeline was found, the two still couldn't enter. Because there is no opening in the pipe here.

"Boss? What should I do?" Turner took a look, then hurriedly turned around to deal with the enemy who was following, and asked at the same time.

"C4 open!" Lu Yuan sighed lightly, and pasted the fixed quota C4, which had been prepared a long time ago, on the pipe according to the dosage and position given by the system.

"Boss, did you even bring a C4? Where did you put so many grenades?"

This time, Turner couldn't help asking again.

Lu Yuan sighed, "Just treat me as having supernatural powers!"

He didn't hide it from Turner on purpose, it's just that he couldn't make it clear in one sentence.

Moreover, even if the authority of his traverser is raised by one level, according to the system, he can also purchase the authority props of the level of the portable space for his followers. At that time, there is no need to explain, just buy him one.

But as soon as he said this, even if he was as serious and decent as Turner, he subconsciously looked behind Lu Yuan, especially a certain part of his lower body.

"Hey, where are you looking? There is thunder in the crotch? Who do you think I am?" Lu Yuan immediately dissatisfied.

Turner: (⊙ˍ⊙)

Seeing Turner didn't understand what Lu Yuan was talking about, he could only shook his head helplessly and said, "Be careful!" He hid behind the bunker and detonated C4.

Looking at the rusty pipeline that was exploded, Lu Yuan nodded in satisfaction, confirmed that there was enough space for two people to enter, and said to Turner, "Lingks, you go down first! Change clothes."


Said it is a change-up, in fact, it is to take off the bulletproof armor, revealing the diving suit inside. In this way, the weight can be reduced, and it can swim out of the laboratory from the pipeline to the lagoon outside.

"The change is complete!" Soon, Turner removed the tactical vest, bulletproof armor and body armor outside one after another, and replied to Lu Yuan.

"Okay, you go first!" Lu Yuan said immediately.

"Boss? You don't change now?" Turner was stunned.

"You don't have to worry about it, obey the order!"


This is the best way to work with Turner, worry-free.

No matter what the plan is, as long as Turner obeys the order, it saves him a lot of saliva.

Soon, Turner jumped into the pipe with a plop.

Lu Yuan threw a set of shock bombs and smoke bombs into the corridor again, turned around and lifted the heavy armor that Turner had removed, and one piece fell into the pipe.

However, unlike Turner's jump, he heard the plop in the water shortly after he jumped. Lu Yuan's jump took five or six seconds to enter the water.

During this period, he naturally opened up the working space on the pipe wall again, and unloaded the heavy armor of both of them there.

In fact, the schedule had already been set before the mission started. Therefore, even though Turner did not accept Agent 14's standard heavy armor, he also planned that this heavy armor would stay in the laboratory.

Because of this, Turner did not lose his mind in this suit, and dealt with all the details that might be traced to him.

So he threw down the armor with confidence and boldness.

However, Lu Yuan has a big cheating device like a work space, and it is best not to leave traces like heavy armor, so he put it away together.

In this way, when he enters the water, he should have been pulled down a long distance by Turner.

However, just a few hundred meters from the middle of the pipeline, Lu Yuan felt that a frogman was lying in ambush nearby. In the past, it turned out to be Turner.

The two of them are currently dressed as frogmen, wearing diving suits, fins on their feet, goggles on their masks, and simple diving respirators on their mouths.

Don't talk about this dress up, even the expression on the other side can't see clearly.

Lu Yuan could only shook his head and patted Turner on the shoulder, making him swim forward quickly. At the same time, he took out another diving respirator that could hold oxygen for five minutes and handed it to Turner.

Unexpectedly, Turner was particularly unconscious this time. Although he barely swam forward, he still swam and pointed to the respirator on Zhiluyuan's mouth, and pointed to the one on his hand.

Lu Yuan tried to guess, probably guessing that he was asking what to do if his breathing apparatus was not enough.

There was no other good way for Lu Yuan, so he simply drew two other respirators from the portable space out of thin air, gestured to him twice, changed hands and threw them back.

Seeing such an unpredictable magic show, Turner didn't appear to be shocked at all. He just rushed away and nodded, and swam out first.

{I'm going, he doesn't play cards according to the routine? At this time, shouldn't he startle me as a god, and the tiger's body shook and bowed down? }Lu Yuan followed with his head in astonishment, but couldn't help but complain.

[He has already worshipped. 】

{Uh, that's true. }

Since Turner had already become his own follower, it was really unnecessary for him to worship now.

However, Lu Yuan still feels that this set is down, there is nothing weird.

It's as if I hesitated for a long time, made a big determination, and told a close friend a big secret that belongs to me, but the friend just nodded and didn't say anything, just what I should do.

Who can stand this feeling.

Fortunately, apart from this little awkwardness in my heart, the rest of the journey was exceptionally smooth.

Think about it, even the pipeline road was blasted by Lu Yuan himself, so it is naturally impossible for Meriweather to arrange any small organs in the pipeline in advance.

They would not even prepare diving suits at all, and no one would jump down and chase them down the waterway.

After all, the whole pipeline was swept down, and both of them used three respirators. This is the premise that two people can swim fast enough in a full wetsuit.

If there are mercenaries chasing down the pipeline, they don't need two people to deal with them, they will drown in it themselves.

But despite this, the two of them didn't throw away the used respirators, and both hung them on their bodies and took them out together.

In case Meriweather sent a special water ghost frogman to search the pipeline after the incident, there may be saliva on the thing, which is too easy to expose the two.

Outside the pipeline is a huge saltwater lake, similar to the Alamo Sea, the local name is Isabella Sea.

After comparing the game map with the map of Los Angeles on the main plane before, Lu Yuan probably figured out the origin of this place. Most of it was Lake Isabella in the north of Los Angeles on the main plane and the south of Red Shirt National Park.

In the original game, the entire Los Angeles metropolitan area and the outer Blaine County are all on an isolated island. And even if you fly to the highest point in the game, it is difficult to see the land from the seaside.

But this conflicts with the big map of the United States. There is not such a large island near San Andreas on the west coast of the United States.

Of course, this is actually a game designed for convenience.

But in this real world of the Rock Star plane, things are different.

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