Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 213: New business and new tasks

"Hurry up! Are you annoying, I have never seen you like this!" Agent 14 said impatiently.

"No, I give up. I don't have enough money, I can't afford it." Lu Yuan smiled.

"You!" Agent 14 waited for a long time before saying, "Then how much money do you have?"

"3 million!" Lu Yuan said.

"Are you a liar? You just paid out 3.1 million!" Agent 14 said angrily.

"I count all the living expenses, and can only get it together after I buy the car, can't it?" Lu Yuan said.

"Okay!" Across the phone, Lu Yuan could imagine Agent 14 with red eyes, choosing someone to eat, just listen to him continue, "3 million, only 3 million, when will you pay?"

"You have to wait for me to raise it, right?" Lu Yuan smiled and said, "Tomorrow morning, face-to-face transactions, one-handed delivery, how about?"

"Okay!" Agent 14 said fiercely, "See you at the farm at ten in the morning, how about?"

"No problem!" Lu Yuan finally agreed this time, "Happy cooperation!"


Putting down the phone, Lu Yuan couldn't help laughing.

{Sixth brother, the money in the stock market, is it okay to get it out before then? }

【no problem. Although the stock market opened at half past nine, it was Eastern Time, three hours earlier than Western Time in Los Santos. For this, it is the opening at 6:30 in the morning. 】

[So, the fundraising time is more than enough. 】

{Well, it’s good, it doesn’t take too much, just draw 2 million out, including 1.2 million in the account, it’s enough. }

[But operating costs, I'm afraid the money is not enough. 】

{It's easy to say, then do the task and make money. Anyway, that place can only cost one hundred thousand yuan for three days, and the efficiency of the task of offering rewards to the office is not much worse than that of me. }

{I'm going to be too late to start work. Why should I worry if someone helps me worry about it. }

[Then the host wants to buy this industry? 3 million just like this? 】

{how come! After having it, can't I start the practice of firearms manufacturing and transformation? Moreover, it should be possible to buy cheap bullets from IAA channels, right? You can also buy the .50BMG bullets grandiosely, because the insurgents need to use pickups! }

{Tsk tusk tusk, this business has been earned, it has been earned! }

He was having fun here, but he didn't know Agent 14 on the other side, but with a bitter face, he called another person.

Agent 14: "Sir, the sweeper has decided to buy our farmhouse bunker, sir."

"You don't know, this guy is too dark! He said he only has 3 million, so he can only pay so much!"

"Huh? Give him free to tie him on the boat? Why? Because he knocked down the opposite side?"

"What? Can he knock down the opposing enhanced fighter off the plane empty-handed?"

"Yes, fighters with this ability are hard to find, yes..."

"But, he is Asian, in case Huaxia is there..."

"No, I don't doubt your judgment..."

"Yes, his identity has been verified, he was born in Mika..."

"Yes, I understand! Don't worry, I promise to keep him close!"


The next morning, after completing the established attributes training tasks such as archery, push up, and 10,000-meter running, Lu Yuan drove the armored Mercedes-Benz AMG directly to the Juniper Hill Farm at the eastern end of the Senano Desert.

Originally, according to the way that Agent 14 had chosen and eaten up yesterday, Lu Yuan was ready to be pierced by his nose and eyes.

However, after seeing the guy on the farm, not only did he not rush to ask Lu Yuan to pay, he also took Lu Yuan to visit the bunker with a smile on his face.

This makes Lu Yuan quite uncomfortable.

However, in contrast to the weird Agent 14, this bunker was perfect enough to make Lu Yuan want to cheer.

Because here, there are not only all kinds of CNC machine tools such as lathes and milling machines needed for gun manufacturing, but also the convenient and fast stuff like 3D printers.

In particular, the mobile operations center was beyond Lu Yuan's imagination.

Although he came to Meika not long ago, Lu Yuan deeply understands how the Meka people are naming it.

For example, the ones mentioned just now, such as AAV, EFV, LAV, and so on, one by one sounds so tall, in fact, in the original context, it is just like "rickshaw" and "rickshaw" in Chinese. The word-building thinking is the same.

Like that mobile operations center, it's called Mobile Operations Center, MOC. In Lu Yuan's mind, this phrase was actually reflected as a mobile action center.

Is it because of the sense of earthy turtle, the sense of cheapness?

So Lu Yuan always thought that the MOC was nothing more than a modified van, with a few more computers in the rear compartment, equipped with wireless communication equipment and the like.

It's like the kind of van that is frustrated and inconspicuous at first sight, which the police of Meka put in front of the suspect's house in the movie and TV series to eavesdrop on others.

It turned out to be a huge container truck. And the truck head is the Kenworth K100 that looks like Optimus Prime in the old animated version of Transformers.

And the container itself is longer and wider than conventional containers.

The most nonsense is that there is a complete set of military vehicle modification stations in the container. There is also a gun modification station.

These two things perfectly make up for the shortcomings of only mass production lines in the bunker and no special tools for firearms transformation.

You know, the military vehicle modification station has tools for modifying vehicle-mounted heavy machine guns.

Turning around, Lu Yuan became more satisfied with the look, and almost patted Agent 14 on the shoulder and said, "Good job! Kid!"

However, Agent 14 still looks like a dogleg. In the end, if Lu Yuan hadn't taken the initiative to propose, he had to quickly pay him 3 million in payment, maybe he would not mention it.

Fortunately, during the visit to the bunker just now, through Agent 14 deliberately or unintentionally, Lu Yuan probably understood what was going on.

Given that he kept asking himself about the process of fighting the black armored fighter when he stole the Hydra on the aircraft carrier, Lu Yuan vaguely guessed that it was probably his strength comparable to the black armored fighter. The contending record was discovered by Agent 14.

Is this wooing yourself?

Originally intending to use the power of the people behind Agent 14 to continue to find trouble with the Black Armored forces, Lu Yuan was naturally happy to see the change of Agent 14 and tried his best to cooperate.

So down this circle, the atmosphere is really enjoyable and enjoyable.

Agent 14 also took the initiative to propose that his side will step up the arrangements, and strive to hire all technicians and bodyguards early tomorrow morning to make the bunker officially operational.

Lu Yuan has no opinion on this.

However, after Agent 14 left first, Lu Yuan moved the entire bunker, the equipment used to make firearms, and the tools for military vehicle modification, to No. 2 working space. It even includes two high-power diesel generators for power supply.

After that, he ran to the main control computer of the bunker and added the equipment update order to the replenishment panel according to the method that Agent 14 just taught him. Of course, he paid the money himself. The reason for replenishment is that the equipment is aging and damaged and needs to be replaced.

What he didn't know was that he placed an order here, and Agent 14, who had just left over there, received relevant prompts on his mobile phone.

When he saw that the equipment that he had just led the way to visit was so quickly "aged and damaged" by him, Agent 14 was so angry that no old blood came out.

However, Shangfeng ordered that Lu Yuan must be fawning, and he could only arrange other people honestly to quickly fill up those things for Lu Yuan.

I won't mention how sorrowful Agent 14 is, and finally piled up his No. 2 working space, and now he is in entanglement again.

He is entangled now whether to start studying the production of light weapons, or to go out and do a task to earn some living expenses while the bunker has not yet started construction, without having to stare at it himself.

As usual, because he just completed a big task yesterday, and Robin is about to leave Los Santos to go to Bangkok, everyone will not go to the office to work today.

So even if you do the task today, it can only be done by Lu Yuan alone.

He hasn't made up his mind for a long time, so he just took out his phone to look through the list. If there is a suitable task, he will take the task. If not, he will stay in the bunker to study light weapons.

But everyone knows that the mobile phone can't be stopped easily after starting to use it.

In the end, he only received a task with only 50,000 commissions, and it was still an **** task.

This is one of the types of tasks he has done the most. As far as he is concerned, it is completely tasteless.

However, he just found a reason for himself, saying that this task meets the appropriate standards set by him.

The reason is that the issuer and protected object of this mission is a rare Chinese, or a scientist, to be precise, a biologist, or more accurately, a geneticist.

To say that this task is not too strange. Although there are not many Chinese Americans, the West Coast, especially San Francisco (San Francisco) and the surrounding area of ​​Los Angeles, has a large population.

Of course, in this world, the two cities are called San Fiero and Los Santos.

With such a large population base, and Chinese immigrants always like to let their children be lawyers, doctors, engineers, etc., because this is the profession where the second-generation immigrants can turn over in the first generation, so meeting a biological scientist who asks for help cannot be said to be fresh.

But this one wanted to ask someone for help to **** him away from Mika and fly to China. This is interesting.

Although Los Santos was originally the main route node between the US and China, as long as you board a plane at Los Santos International Airport, bypass the Bering Strait along the North American continent, and fly through Dongying to reach Huaxia. So the so-called **** is just to help him get on the plane successfully.

However, the routine of the scientists who escaped from Mika to fly to China still had to remind Lu Yuan of the deeds of his ancestors.

Ever since, he stopped studying in the bunker anymore, took the task directly, and rushed to the task location given by the security office.

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