Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 215: So, you actually raise pigs?

At this time, it is only natural that a person dressed as a hotel attendant will come and drive the door again. Especially Lu Yuan’s armored version of AMG is a common commercial vehicle.

The sniper on the opposite side watched the waiter open the right rear door. Not only did no guests get out of the car, but the waiter got on the car. He felt that something was wrong and hurriedly fired a shot at the rear car glass.

"Boom", "pop".

The gunfire corrected by the suppressor was still loud enough, but even so, the .308win rifle did not penetrate the bulletproof glass of the car, and I could only watch Lu Yuan scurried out of the neighborhood near the hotel.

After half an hour, the two returned to Luyuan's office smoothly.

He also poured a cup of coffee for Dr. Huang, Lu Yuan took his cup, sat on the conference chair next to him, and asked, "Dr. Huang, why don't you let me take you to the airport directly?"

"This," Dr. Huang looked at Lu Yuan awkwardly before saying, "Actually, I want to ask you a favor. Get me something before I can leave."

"It's easy to say, you just need to continue to post tasks on the firm's platform. As long as the money is in place, nothing else is a problem." Lu Yuan lightly sipped two coffees.

"But, but I tried to publish it once, and the firm system said that the commission I provided was insufficient to complete!"

"This way, it means that you have given too little money to support the task you want others to complete."

"But, those 100,000 yuan is my last savings!" Dr. Huang said with a sad expression.

"Huh?" Lu Yuan raised his eyebrows, and Xin said that 100,000 yuan is not enough for what task?

Finding that his curiosity was hooked up, and that he was not short of money for the time being, Lu Yuan continued to ask, "First tell me, what do you want others to get for you?"

Upon hearing this, Dr. Huang looked at Lu Yuan with hopeful eyes, gritted his teeth and said, "I want you to help me steal my results!"


"Yes, I am a genetics expert at Roslyn Edinberg Biotechnology Company, specializing in the research of new breeds of livestock." Dr. Huang said

{Roslyn Edinberg Biotech? Why does this name sound so familiar? }Lu Yuan listened to the same system.

[The Roslin Institute at the University of Edinburgh, UK, in the main world, bred the first cloned animal on the main plane, Dolly the sheep. 】

{Well, there seems to be something like this. What about this Roslin Edinberg? }

[The main plane does not have this company information. On the Yanxing plane, this is named after the company's founder and Nobel Prize winner Roslyn Edinberg. It is a company unique to this plane. 】

{That's it. }

Just listen to Dr. Huang continue, "About a year ago, I successfully bred a genetically modified pig breed, which is part of the gene extracted from warthogs and African shrub wild boars, and transferred to hog genes through gene editing. Cultivated in it."

"This kind of pig breed not only has the same **** characteristics as the female pig, but it is also completely immune to African swine fever!"

"If this pig breed is put on the market, it can bring huge economic benefits to the company and even myself!"

"However, since June last year, I have been submitting applications for the release of relevant pig breeds to the public, but the application has been falling apart."

"Later, my boss, who is also an expert in this field, Sanjiamo Whitelaw, kept saying that there were major flaws in my research and prevented me from publishing it to the outside world."

"And he also lifted my permission to enter the core laboratory, resulting in only scattered data left in my hands, and other results were locked in the laboratory."

"I think he is going to swallow my research results!"

"After that, I thought of various methods, including direct discussions with the company's senior officials. However, you can see the results. Someone is going to kill me!"

"Well, it turned out to be like this." Lu Yuan nodded, but groaned mentally, {The feelings are so lively, your old man is actually a pig farmer! }

[The host shouldn't underestimate the results of this kind of research as well. 】

[The major global pig farming industry has recently been plagued by African swine fever, and the economic loss caused by it is conservatively estimated to be tens of billions of dollars. 】

{So, is there any similar research on the main plane? }

【Hold on. 】

[A 2013 journal article on the main plane showed that the Roslin Institute of the University of Edinburgh has successfully bred a genetically modified pig that can be immune to African swine fever. Such pigs also need to be artificially reared and bred to form a stable pig breed. 】

[The person in charge of the institute said that this new type of pig is expected to be put on the market within 5 to 10 years. 】

{5 to 10 years? From 2018 to 2023? }Lu Yuan nodded thoughtfully.

"Then you, do you want me to enter the laboratory to help you steal the pig breed?" Lu Yuan asked Dr. Huang.


"I see." Lu Yuan nodded.

"Then you, can you help me with this?" Dr. Huang looked at Lu Yuan again as if looking at the savior.

"I can only say to give it a try. Give me the address of the laboratory first, and I'll check it out." Lu Yuan said as he stood up from his seat.

"If you are hungry, there is food in the refrigerator in the lounge. When you are tired, you can squint on the sofa for a while. Do not approach the window or go out. This is a safe zone designated by the security office. As long as you are here, no killer will dare to come to the door. ."

Before leaving, Lu Yuan thought for a while, and sent a text message to the other three, briefly explaining the situation. It saves them that if someone comes to the office, they treat Dr. Huang as a thief.

Under the guidance of the system, Lu Yuan quickly rushed to an office building in Pero District. The above is impressively written: R·E Biotechnology.

Lu Yuan once again pretended to be another person, went into the building and made a round, and easily obtained a staff pass in the toilet on the first floor. And entered the laboratory area smoothly.

Waiting for the same method to enter the core area described by Dr. Huang and take out the few things he wanted from the code freezer. Lu Yuan felt that this was simply outrageous.

{For such an easy task, giving 100,000 US dollars, the security office actually said that there is too little money to release? }

{Or, I am too strong now? Is there no challenge to do this kind of task? }

【Do not. The company's security strategy is quite simple and old-fashioned. And the security personnel are also very relaxed. The host has only seen this situation recently, so he should have an impression. 】

{what? }Lu Yuan was taken aback, then his expression changed. {You mean, the time when the aircraft carrier stole the Hydra? }

{This time is someone deliberately giving others a chance to steal this thing? Why? }

Realizing that this unusually easy task actually has something to do with it, Lu Yuan didn't dare to delay anymore, and hurriedly walked downstairs.

However, as soon as I left the so-called core laboratory, I heard a big alarm bell, and then the security guard who seemed to come here to provide for the elderly was replaced by a well-trained Meriweather mercenary, and several major players The passage was closed tightly.

As soon as Lu Yuan saw the situation, he didn't continue to flee. He just found a room and pretended to hide in, then turned and ran back to the No. 2 working space.

{Sixth brother, what's the matter? Is this a trap? Why did the alarm go off as soon as I came out? }As soon as he entered the work space, Lu Yuan asked anxiously.

[The host is a laboratory that pretends to be a researcher and enters. Although it was not photographed by the monitor, it did not do anything else with the surveillance system. 】

[If someone decides that the host is suspicious and waits for the host to leave the core laboratory and manually raises the alarm, the system will not be able to give early warning based on the situation of the alarm system. 】

[Reverse monitoring of the monitoring room is a high-consumption function, and the system will not be turned on without the consent of the host. And the current situation will not affect the life of the host. 】

{So, this is a trap? }

【you can say so. 】

{Why? }

Lu Yuan asked why in the work space, and soon someone gave clues from the broadcast channel of the monitoring room.

Just listen to a voice who is older than Dr. Huang, but also quite awe-inspiring, and said from the radio, "No matter who you are, you are now surrounded by the famous Meriweather security personnel."

"You are limited to three minutes, take the initiative to surrender. Otherwise, Meri Weather will launch a strong attack. By then, no matter who you are, you will be doomed!"

"However, if you take the initiative to cooperate and tell us who instructed you to steal the core secrets of our company, I can make a promise like you and will definitely intercede for you at the local prosecutor."

"Where to go, consider it for yourself!"

After speaking, there was a ticking clock moving on the radio.

{Who is this person? Kind of playing, put an alarm clock to scare people! }A long way.

[This person's voice is very close to that of the senior supervisor mentioned by Dr. Huang, and there are records of his news interviews on the Internet. If the similarity is higher than 96%, it can be regarded as the same person. 】

{Well, it really is that guy, called Whitelaw, isn't it? whitelaw? This surname is not very politically correct! }

{The white man's rule? Isn't it just bullying and plundering other races? It is quite commensurate with his behavior. }

[The behavior in the mouth of Dr. Huang. 】

{Forehead? }Lu Yuan said strangely, {Do you think this thing is not like what Dr. Huang said? Is there a secret? }

[Other hidden information systems are unable to make judgments, but what Dr. Huang said that the host must have access to something that is obviously a virus sample. 】

{what? }Lu Yuan was shocked, {Why would he ask for a virus sample? }

[This kind of thing, the host should obviously ask the person involved. 】

Lu Yuan's face was red and white, and he didn't know what he thought of.

After a while, he murmured, {You said, Dr. Huang, didn't he come to frame me on purpose? IAA agent? }

{I also sent him to my company, failing! }

{Hope that Turner has gone to the office to control him, but must not let him run away! }

PS: The paper mentioned in the article is real. I found it when I checked the information in March of 19th.

It was the research institute that created the first cloned sheep in the UK published in 2013 and announced that they have edited a pig breed immune to African swine fever and are expected to be on the market in five to ten years.

As for what this means, the benevolent see the benevolent and the wise see the wisdom.

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