Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 222: When you mention a lunatic, you know it is you!

"Wait, you mean, there is such a person in Los Angeles. In order to make money, he could actually take the risk of offending the whole city, and dare to **** food from other people's goods and sell them by himself?" Lu Asked in amazement.

But although Lu Yuan was vague, he felt that he did know such a person, and he was absolutely capable of doing these things.

"This kind of thing is far below his upper limit. You will know after you have been in contact with that person for a long time, that guy, really can do everything." Lester said.

"Then my task is to help him grab food?" Lu Yuan asked.


"Am I enough by myself?" Lu Yuan asked again.

"That's definitely not enough. At least four people." Lester said, "Uh, Robin is gone, you are short of manpower? This is simple, just go to the security office to recruit people. Anyway, you also have a company. Hired in the name of ."

"Forget it. My company wants to live for two more years! Going to rob the drug dealers against the company's signboard? Then will there be gangsters who trouble me every day?" Lu Yuan hurriedly waved his hand.

"That's okay. Your sweeper's name is now on the road. Just use this name to recruit, you will definitely be able to recruit a good hand." Lester said, "Anyway, the sweeper will also be big and small in the city. All of his gangs have offended him, and this kind of work is right for him."

Lu Yuan was taken aback, and then he came to understand that Lester was talking about those things about the swallows who were working with Lu Yuan to wipe out the gang when the swallow was still there.

But when you think about it carefully, this idea is really good.

Anyway, the nickname for the company's operations is the Ranger. The Sweeper, a name he had never officially recognized, was the one with the most resounding name.

So Lu Yuan nodded and agreed.

Seeing that he agreed, Lester and the lieutenant were obviously relieved. Finally put down a sentence, someone will contact him later, and both left the apartment.

Lu Yuan pondered over it, and felt that this task was very inappropriate to find Turner, so he mentioned a few words and sent him to play insurgents in the bunker.

It was Gunther who was not afraid of meat, and it came in handy at this time.

Determined that he had enough time, Lu Yuan tried to recruit people from the security office in the name of the cleaner.

This trick doesn't matter, I didn't expect that his name as a sweeper is pretty good, and there are a lot of people who want to get a share of the pie.

"Boss, where are you recruiting people like this?" Gunther glanced at the mercenary list displayed on Lu Yuan's mobile phone and immediately said with a blank look. "You don't even set screening criteria for recruiting? The office thinks. There are so many new people taking chances, do you really think it's how big your charisma is?"

"Uh, is that right?" Lu Yuan was ashamed.

With this lesson in mind, Lu Yuan hurriedly added the selection criteria.

First of all, those who have completed less than five office tasks are excluded.

This is basically isolating the novice.

Secondly, if the task failure rate exceeds 5%, it will be excluded.

This is to exclude those who are not capable enough or who are not strong enough.

After all, this line is different from others. The most likely reason for mission failure is death.

If this task failure rate can still exceed 5%, it can only show that they have given up too many tasks.

Such a person, if he knows that this mission is to **** other drug dealers, then there is no need to ask, they are also the ones who run away.

Finally, it is to choose some masters from the marksmanship as much as possible.

In order to increase the employment rate of new recruits under the firm, the firm also provides marksmanship certification.

It is to shoot in the designated shooting range using the method prescribed by the office, and the results are reported by the office personnel in the shooting range.

This set of target shooting rules is to place 50 dynamic random targets within three minutes within a certain distance, and record the final number of rings.

Lu Yuan’s selection criteria is to directly exclude those with a shooting score of less than 300 rings.

This Dongfang Luyuan had also been used before, but it was pure curiosity at the time and did not rely on this to receive the task. Of course, his 361/500 score is not bad, but it's not much better.

But this is the result of the assault rifle. The shooting range is 100-300m. As far as the distance of 200m is fascinated by everyone, it is already pretty good.

But his submachine gun score is 461/500. This is still the result of deliberately suppressing that I am afraid that I will show too much.

The main reason why the submachine gun scores are so good is that its shooting range is 10-200m.

Of course, the pistol scores of 0-50m are basically untested, otherwise it would not be new for him to make a 500/500.

It should also be noted that the number of target rings for this shooting test is set according to actual combat. It is a humanoid target with 10 deadly parts. The number of rings decreases with the more minor injuries.

At the same time, the area of ​​the 10-rings of the rifle must be larger than the ten-rings of the submachine gun. Because the rifle bullet hits a person, the area of ​​death is large.

After all, this is not a competition, but a selection of people who can participate in actual combat.

So regardless of the pistol being close, the requirement of getting ten rings hasn't gotten lower at all.

If Lu Yuan played a 500/500, even though no one would choose mercenaries based on their pistol performance, it would still attract the attention of interested people.

Just like Turner, this guy has a precision rifle score of 482/500, 300-400m; an assault rifle score of 457/500, 100-300m, that's more eye-catching and dazzling, but fortunately he simply blocked this score later, otherwise It takes a lot of letters to harass the station every day.

As for Gunther, he only has a light machine gun record, but his 479/500 score is also impressive.

However, the range of the light machine gun is 300-500m, but because of its firepower suppression mission requirements, the area of ​​10 rings on the target is basically the largest. So although this achievement is also high, but it has not reached the level of immortality.

In this way, Lu Yuan chose three people in the end and prepared to let them all try.

It's just that two of these three were women, which made Lu Yuan a little surprised.

After thinking about it, Lu Yuan understood that if it was a male mercenary with marksmanship of this level, there would be no shortage of missions, and there was no need to come to Lu Yuan, a mission that didn't even mention the amount of money.

This industry itself has a prejudice against women, here is Mika not Europe, this prejudice is even more obvious.

Among the three, the first is named Alex, which should be the code name. It is a girl, and the youngest of the three, only under 19 years old. He is exactly the same age as Lu Yuan's true identity.

However, with an AK74M, the assault rifle scores can reach 376/500, which is simply a mockery of Lu Yuan's assault rifle performance.

You need to know his results, but they rely on HK416 to beat them.

With the results of HK416, no one's AK74M is as high. Lu Yuan's face was beaten and swollen into a pig's head.

Another woman was Estefania, nicknamed "Widow". Probably because the nickname is too popular, so I gave myself a pseudonym.

Among the women in the group, there are many people who are nicknamed widows or have a close relationship with widows. What black widow, blood widow, swamp widow, jungle widow, eagle eagle widow, gray wolf widow, too much.

This is because there is a particularly logical reason for them to do this business, and their husbands were killed by their enemies. Either I fell in love with this business after revenge, or I wanted to earn contacts and experience in this business to make money by the way, and to accumulate strength for revenge.

This Estefania, the assault rifle level is average, using high-end products such as TAR21, but the score is only 305/500.

But it can't stand this shotgun with good performance, 367/500, in the 20-100m mid-to-short range, it is also a good general.

But in general, this one's strengths are a bit of a taste for Lu Yuan, a close-range god, and this one is also the least optimistic of the three.

Unfortunately, this person really knows how to sell himself, and his account profile picture actually uses his own photo. Although he didn't show his face, the proud curve made Gunther, who was watching from the side, immediately reached out to help Lu Yuan press the application and pass.

The last man, who called himself Julian, was nicknamed "The Dutchman", hit 427/500 with a G36C, and was a complete master.

After sending a text message to the three of them to gather near the apartment, Lu Yuan looked at Gunther and said, "Now we have one more person, and the money is not enough. Otherwise, let's kick the widow. She is not very suitable. This team."

"Boss, you don't need to say, I understand! I don't need money, this is all right! Work for nothing." Gunther gasped, his nostrils about to burst out like a bull.

"I said, you are healed. The scars are forgotten to hurt. Isn't it enough that the assistant just got stuck? Do you want to plant one more time?" Lu Yuan said helplessly, "People say that you are a widow. ?"

"Oh, boss, don't you see that headshot? It's all like that, you can't bear it?" Gunther nearly howled to the sky.

Seeing his unlucky appearance, Lu Yuan didn't bother to pay attention to him. After sending a message to Lester, he turned and walked out.

This time they are all newcomers, and it is a bit dangerous to bring the office directly, so Lu Yuan intends to find a reliable office outside for this task.

After a while, Lester sent back a text message, not only informing his employer that he would be contacted soon, but also finding him a warehouse nearby to use as a briefing room.

After Gunther had set up a set of tables and chairs in the warehouse, and some briefing blackboards, the one-time phone Lu Yuan had prepared for this mission also rang.

"Hello, is this Mr. Sweeper?" a slightly nervous voice sounded.

"it's me."

"Great. A friend said you can help, so he gave me this call. Are you free now?"


"That's good, you can call me Ronaldinho, I'm the operating officer of Trevor Phillips Industries!" That humanity.

{really! }Lu Yuanxin said, {As soon as Lester talked about a lunatic, I knew it was this big brother who was going to play! }

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