Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 235: The right way

[According to the judgment of the host's personality imprint memory of the previous generation, the progress of the host's current path is closer to success than theirs. 】

{Is it? }Lu Yuan thoughtfully, {but I hardly have any extraordinary abilities, the only commonly used magic is just to detect life, and it needs to be driven by external magic. }

{A combat power, 80% is based on scientific and technological equipment. }

{Just now, Lu Xiuyuan knew at a glance what immortality cultivation technique he was practicing. He actually said that I was closer to success than them? }

While thinking, the scene of the final battle deliberately left to him by the previous generation of traversers resurfaced in his mind.

Seeing the generations of predecessors on the side of the magic side fairy, always suppressed by the huge figure glowing with colorful dark rays, there was no power to fight back, and Lu Yuan slowly gained a trace of understanding in his heart.

{Because I don't rely on that kind of magical energy, so I'm closer to success? }

{Well, the gate of hell, the resurrection of aura, and the return of the evil god, is this the relationship? }

Lu Yuan silently analyzed it in his heart.

{The curse and scratches that my younger uncle received before, and the weird Liu Jingxue, must be the harbinger of the loosening of the gates of **** and the leakage of aura? }

{The one who scratched my uncle should be a creature like a stray cat and dog infected by aura, but what happened to Liu Jingxue? Could it be that he accidentally got a little bit of aura and got some exercises that absorb the yang essence of others? }

{So, when I saw that I was strong just now, where did I seduced and missed the beginning? }

{Then, what I should do is to continue to follow the technological route and make more preparations before the gates of **** are fully opened and the evil gods wake up and invade all-out! }

Thinking of this, Lu Yuan suddenly asked the system, {The previous brother Lu said that he had five or six years to prepare, but he also said that this door will be opened in three or four years? Why? }

[The transfer of the system to the other self in the parallel world is not without other costs. 】

[If the overlord fails this time and continues with the predecessor's method, then the main plane of the next generation overlord, the gate of **** may only be opened for three years. 】

{Then, if this continues, will there be a parallel plane of me after the gates of **** have been opened wide, and will be able to receive the transit system? }

[This kind of thing will not happen. Once the gate of **** is opened, the entire plane will fall into the hands of the evil god. The traversal system cannot pass through his blockade and hand over to the next overlord. 】

{I think so. }Lu Yuan scratched his head. {So the leakage of the spiritual energy in the gates of **** is a manifestation. The key to the problem is to defeat the evil god, right? }

【perhaps. 】

[The host’s experience, the host chooses the route by himself. 】

[It needs to be systematically explained that although as the former host said, every traverser will inevitably welcome the great changes in the main plane, but even if it fails, it does not mean the death of the host. 】

[The previous hosts, in order to protect their main plane, voluntarily gave up their own existence, and entrusted the hope of plane restoration to another one. 】

[If the host succeeds, their world, part of the parallel universe of the host's main plane, will also be restored to its original state. Even they will be resurrected again, of course, as ordinary people. 】

[If the host fails, but has no choice to pass it on to the next person, then all the collections of similar parallel planes, including the host's main plane, will be controlled by the evil god. 】

[However, the host can escape to other planes with close people. 】

{Is that so? }Lu Yuan's eyes narrowed, {But, Cthulhu won, will He let me go? Since He can pack all the parallel planes that are close together, he won't follow in my footsteps and get the other main plane that I pass by? }

[Therefore, some traversers will unite and rely on the strength of the organization to respond. 】

{Well, the Traverser Organization? Is that how it came? To deal with Cthulhu? }

[Not everybody is like this, but there are indeed quite a few organizations of traversers, which were created for similar purposes. 】

[In addition, not every plane's source of great change is a Cthulhu. It could also be viruses, wars of extermination, geological disasters, meteorites, or even heterogeneous genocides, etc. 】

{Hoarfrost in the swallow world? }

[Yes, that is also a kind of end-time crisis of the great change of heaven and earth. 】

{Well, that's why she wanted to say that she didn't dare to say it before, because she meant something. Actually want to remind me, this apocalyptic crisis? }

【Very likely. 】

{Ok. }

{But with so much of me, I would rather give myself, than my world would be destroyed. I will be no exception! }

{My world, I have to guard it myself! }

Just when Lu Yuan was sitting on the top of the mountain, looking at the east, seemingly waiting for the sunrise, but in fact, when he was out of the sky, that Liu Jingxue suddenly sat next to him.

"I'm sorry." Only the girl said quietly.

"What?" Lu Yuan, who was arranging future plans with the system in his mind, was suddenly interrupted by this apology and was pulled back to the real world.

"I know, come to you now, you will definitely look down on me." The girl happily said with tears, "I know it's all my fault, but I can't help it!"

Next, the girl made up a pretty good reason for her behavior and threw it at Lu Yuan.

For example, it's not that she has no feelings for Lu Yuan, but that her mother is seriously ill and needs treatment. It was Li Jingliang who borrowed money for her at a critical moment.

Then he threatened it again, and she had to follow it.

In fact, there is only Lu Yuan in her heart.

It's just that she doesn't know a few things.

First, the affair between her and Li Jingliang has been investigated by Ge Qingqing very much, and has already been told to Lu Yuan. Lu Yuan naturally knew that although some of her words were true, the sequence and logical relationship were completely opposite.

For example, borrowing money for medical treatment did happen, but that was after she hooked up with Li Jingliang.

Moreover, Li Jingliang is a quasi-second generation, it is not enough to collect hundreds of thousands for her, just 10,000 yuan, can it be a life-threatening illness?

Second, Lu Yuan sensed that something was wrong with her, and knew that she must have had some adventure recently, such as being possessed by a trace of spiritual energy, and he became more prepared for her.

Thirdly, and most importantly, Lu Yuan is now focusing on how to prepare for the invasion of the Cthulhu, so he doesn't have the intention to take care of her.

Therefore, seeing her acting there, Lu Yuan had only one sentence in his heart, "This lady is sick, the world is about to be destroyed, who has the intention to take care of her? Do you play Qiong Yao drama with her here?"

It's just that his absent-minded state fell into the eyes of a woman, but it became a manifestation of his confusion, secretly sighing that his charm is really extraordinary.

After that, she did a full set of dramas, sighed and ran away, as if she couldn't bear to see Lu Yuan's entanglement.

Seeing that, she waited for Lu Yuan to chase after her to comfort her.

Lu Yuan looked at her back and couldn't help rolling his eyes, then turned around and got into the hand of a few male friends.

Fortunately, being interrupted by her pretense, Lu Yuan's pressure was reduced a bit.

Anyway, soldiers came to cover up the water and soil. Since the seniors thought that their current path was okay, they would just keep going.

Time slowly passed, as the sky became darker, until the few people with flashlights could not see their fingers, but saw the eastern horizon, slowly revealing a ray of light.

Immediately after that, the light expanded and expanded, until the entire horizon and even half of the sky were lit, but when a red sun was seen, it suddenly jumped up from the horizon, and the whole world suddenly became bright again.

Looking at the scene of the Taishan sunrise in front of him, Lu Yuan seemed to have a flame burning in his chest, slowly rising into the sky, becoming a red sun.

Secretly clenching his fists, Lu Yuan suddenly understood a little bit more, why is **** at the foot of Mount Tai, and the top of Mount Tai is heaven.

No wonder the emperors of China throughout the ages love to confine Zen here, stepping on the underworld, looking up at the sky, and looking at the small pictures of the mountains, it really feels like "the sky and the earth, I am the only one".

{Cthulhu? Since the magicians, wizards, swordsmen, and Taoists think they are wrong, I am right, then the young master will let you see how the technology side kills the gods! }

{Machine gun grenade does not work, then aircraft cannon. }

{Not yet, then missile nuclear bomb! }

{No more, particle beam weapons, what directional neutron cannon, plasma plasma cannon! }

{Or high-kinetic energy weapons, re-attached the electromagnetic rail! }

{always one option fit for you! }

That is to say, but whoever faces the sword of Damocles that may fall at any time will feel like sitting on pins and needles, and it is impossible to treat him as non-existent.

However, the sword of Damocles was meant to have the effect of making the parties vigilant at all times.

Wouldn't a certain world create an iron throne for this?

So on the way back, although Lu Yuan still chatted with his friends and played poker, and occasionally avoided Liu Jingxue's grievances, he had already begun to figure out his plans for the future.

Luo Shengdu on the Yanxing plane still has to continue to operate.

After all, this is currently the most important source of technology and resources in his hands, and it is developing well.

From machine guns to plasma guns, you can't do it all in one shot. Most of the intermediate techniques are better to obtain on the modern Yanxing plane than on the main plane.

It’s not impossible to go directly to a world like StarCraft, but with his current ability, self-preservation is not enough, how can he get a suitable technology?

Relying on the Yanxing plane, he first ventured on the near-present plane of the future, searching for technical reserves, is his best choice at the moment.

And he currently has a goal, just enough time and space points are enough to buy a third plane beacon time and space anchor. When there is free time at Los Santos, he is ready to go to that world and get a certain key technology. |Props.

At that time, the rudimentary framework of his alloy flow combat method, even if it is completed.

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