Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 237: I'm not a leek

"Hey, don't worry, you don't need to worry about this part. Besides, your boss is also a top hacker, and naturally knows what to do!" Lester smiled.

"Okay, that's the situation. If there is no doubt, I will start the mission statement?"

Lu Yuan: "You said."

Lester: "Very good."

Soon, Lester explained his plan to the four of them.

The final scene is relatively simple. The four people find an unobtrusive time and rush directly into the bank. After the bank’s security was settled for the first time, two people were responsible for controlling the hostages such as customers and bank tellers, and the other two went straight to the vault to get the money.

Of course, at the same time, the person in charge of controlling the bank teller will take the opportunity to find the real purpose, a USB flash drive specially made by Leicester, on a certain computer.

After getting the money and materials, the four fled together.

However, such a simple method will definitely trigger an alarm. At that time, the four of them had to make a **** road from the swarming police group, and finally used the terrain of Chiriyed Mountain to parachute directly from the mountain to the Leitong Canyon on the south side, and escape to the open sea in a lifeboat.

The whole process is simply the number of Hollywood crime popcorn movies. Unless everyone in the team is invulnerable, half of the death is inevitable.

That's not counting.

The four people need to prepare in advance for the transportation needed to escape. It is a batch of racing motorcycles that the Lost Gang got in.

In addition, in order to fix the doors to the vault, everyone has to steal a batch of electronic hardware that will not reveal the source, and use it as a hacker tool to open the vault.

In addition, the previous door also needed the thermite bomb to melt, and that thing had to be robbed from Meriwether.

Also, because the banknotes in the bank vaults are all equipped with anti-theft dye packs, we have to get rid of that.

Anti-theft dye is a kind of special ink-like fuel. Any bank or other person will find a little of this thing on the banknote when checking money. In this way, the money contaminated by this dye will never be used.

And that kind of dye packs are like small ink bombs. In each stack of banknotes, there will be several such small bombs. It is difficult to remove them one by one in a hasty. And the demolition itself may also detonate them.

The most troublesome thing is that the detonator needs to receive the special signal radio waves emitted by a bank device in real time. Once that signal disappears, the detonator will count down. If the signal is not restored after the corresponding time, for example, after 10 seconds, the dye pack will also explode.

This thing sounds loud to a few people.

To Lu Yuan, it was like in the movie, those bandits connected the detonator of the bomb to their heart rate. Once your heart beats in the wrong rhythm, too fast or too slow, the bomb will explode.

The police did not dare to scare him with serious remarks, nor did they dare to send snipers to kill him directly.

"So, we have to find a way to make a frequency generator, so that those little things mistakenly believe that the signal they receive is a'don't explode' signal sent by the bank!" Lester laughed.

"For this reason, as for the hardware, I have found that there will be usable items on the delivery truck of a certain express company in the city. They are anti-theft and can be modified and modified to do this."

"But this thing needs a master to help make it, so you have to find an old friend of mine."

"Is it necessary?" Gunther scratched his head. "Since our purpose is not money, why bother to deal with this dye pack? Let it explode."

"Good question!" Lester smiled weirdly, "Two reasons!"

"First, this dye will not only contaminate the coins, but if it gets on your body, it will not be cleaned for a long time. The relevant parties can identify your location through special equipment, even through spy satellites."

"If you don't take the money, everyone will know that you are not going to rob the bank, and the main purpose of this plan will inevitably fail."

"Second, there is no commission for this mission. How much money you can get from the bank determines your income this time."

"Don't worry, I will wash it for you, and I promise you can spend it whatever you want."

"Furthermore, according to our intelligence, this money is probably the money that some people took to bribe.

"Bringing? Will the bribe give paper money?" Lu Yuan asked suddenly.

"Well, for some foreign third world countries, paper money is more useful, such as several war zone countries, you know." Lester said.

"Of course, there is another reason. My friend is a signal expert. But because of some things, he has been avoiding me. This time, he was found by the way. We still need his help in many things in the future." Specially facing Lu Yuandao.

Lu Yuan was startled, and probably understood what he meant.

Tracing the black armored forces, if you can decipher their contact information, then that is a good way to follow the vine.

But after listening to this plan, Lu Yuan suddenly asked, "You said you made this plan? Are you sure, it wasn't a certain agent who came up with it?"

"Hey, I can't hide it from you." Lester laughed. "To be precise, we are all involved. If you feel that something is determined by an unreliable cowboy agent, then I tell you, you feel correct."

Lu Yuan shook his head helplessly, and said, "Change, this plan still needs to be changed!"

No way, according to the plan Lester said, this action is really like Agent 14's usual style, crazy and violent.

Lu Yuan wouldn't even follow Agent 14's plans, and he wouldn't be so untechnical about doing things directly at the banks in the Hollywood district.

"First of all, regarding the thermite, let me figure it out!" Lu Yuan said, "A thermite will rob Meriweather's military transport convoy? Is this not enough for us to attract attention?"

"Well, too, it looks like your little underground military factory is running well!" Lester thought for a while and nodded.

"The other preparations are not too problematic, but in the end this escape plan was greatly changed."

"But I have to go to the nearby area to investigate the terrain before I can settle it. I'll talk about it later."

"In this case, let's get the necessary equipment first." Lu Yuan said.

"Well, those motorcycles from the lost gang?" Lester asked.

"Didn't you say that they perform very well? Anyway, it's not a matter of grabbing things from the lost helper once or twice. This can be done. It just so happens that I also know what a good motorcycle is." Lu Yuan smiled.

It's still daytime, and things like stealing motorcycles can't be done, but it's just right to get a frequency generator.

In the rear compartments of some vans of express companies, there are hardware devices that can make such frequency generators.

The four people only need to check which one is in the delivery car on the street based on the information that Lester has hacked, and then steal it back.

Thanks to the chaotic environment of the Sanctuary of Bailuo, a courier truck was stolen during the delivery. Although it does not happen every day, it is not uncommon.

The relevant departments will only try to find a way to find the car. As for the goods on the car, it is a matter of the courier company and the insurance company.

This kind of task is not difficult for the four people at all. Two people work in pairs and cooperate with each other to get things done in half an hour.

The only thing worth mentioning is that the hacker who reported the information to the four was not Lester, but one of his deputy, Peggy Harris, a female hacker with goth makeup.

This deputy is actually not the first time to appear. As early as when Lu Yuan and Turner were involved in a bulletproof sports car from the Xinluo gang, she had already helped Leicester.

Seems to be one of Leicester's capable men.

The equipment is done, the next step is the software problem.

That is to find Lester's signal expert friend, Avi Schwarzman.

"I have already contacted him before, and he will wait for you in the rest area near the Pacific Highway, Chumaxu and Tongwa Mountain." Lester said, who was back online.

"Hurry up, listen to what he means, if it's late, he might run again!"

Lu Yuan smiled and asked, "What did you do to him? Is this running away when you see you?"

Lester said helplessly, "One sentence or two is not clear, anyway, hurry up!"

"Driver, did you hear? Drive quickly, a friend can't wait!" Lu Yuan smiled and said to Gunther in the driving seat.

Gunther rolled his eyes. "Boss, where's your car? How addicted to rubbing my car?"

Lu Yuan: "It's not the time to go to Grape Seed! It is a huge mistake to use a bulletproof vehicle as an armored infantry vehicle!"

"The bulletproof plates need to be replaced a little bit, not to mention, the axle frame suspension, including the brake discs, are not lightly injured!"

"I'm going to switch to the high bulletproof version, so there are only small broken cars driving these days."

"Where is the small broken car as fast as your two off-road sports cars? You are right!"

Gunther: "Yes, yes, you are the boss, what are you talking about!"

"I don't know how to change a good car if I make so much money, and I don't know what to do with saving! Waiting for the money to be a child?"

Lu Yuan: "You are right. My money is now in the stock market, and I have produced a lot of small ones. How about it, are you interested?"

Gunther: "Not at all! I would rather spread the money on the bed than put them in the bank, let alone be a leek!"

"Boss, I also advise you to be careful, play with those vampires who kill people without using a knife, and be careful to be sucked to the bone!"

Lu Yuan really didn't know what to say for a while.

Speaking of it, if it weren't for a cheat device such as the system, he also knew that with his current ability, entering the stock market would really be the life of a leek.

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