Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 246: Crooked plot


Bite of Must Kill was blocked by Lu Yuan's long sword, and the monster immediately roared with anger and grabbed the blade with both hands.

Lu Yuan was more sane at this time, and he simply rolled to the side while holding the blade with his right hand and moving outwards. Three **** mouths instantly burst out of the monster's hands and mouth.


Taking advantage of the monster's pain and wailing, Lu Yuan hurriedly got out of the bed and dressed neatly before turning around and holding the long knife, looking at the monster whose wounds were gradually disappearing.

"What's the matter, baby, why did you leave me?" As the wound disappeared, the monster turned into a beautiful woman again, screaming at Lu Yuan, as if he had abandoned his lover.

"You, why is this?" Lu Yuan asked her, but in his heart he asked about the system.

{How is this going? How did a sci-fi movie heroine become a big horror movie boss? }

{Also, what was her original name? I remember it’s not Jennifer, right? }

[In the original science fiction film, her name is Michaela Baynes, and she is the hero's crush. 】

[For Jennifer, it is the role of the same actress in another horror film. 】

[Because she was sacrificed to Satan as a first-time girl by cultists, but she was not a first-time girl, so she was sojourned in the soul by the devil. 】

[It cannibalize human flesh and sacrifice it to the devil, and can obtain superb beauty and other super powers, such as super strength and super recovery. 】

[Once you stop eating people for a period of time, the whole person will wither. 】

[At least, this is the investigation result of another heroine in the movie plot. 】

{How do you know so clearly? Have you seen that movie? }

[There is...]

{Okay... I don't ask why there is that thing...}

{But, why did she come here from another horror film world? }

{The character set with the father of a car thief should belong to this science fiction world, right? }

【Yes. 】

{So, is the devil possessing the girl in this world? }

{But she calls herself Jennifer! }

{Why? }

Just after Lu Yuan discussed with the system, the beautiful car thief possessed by the evil spirit had launched several attacks in a row, but was blocked by Lu Yuan with a long knife in his hand.

Several failures made the evil spirits even more angry. After another swoop was blocked, the thing opened its blood basin and yelled, sending out a shock wave, directly shaking Lu Yuan backwards.

"Damn, there are long-range attacks, then I'm not welcome!"

Lu Yuan, who was hit, felt a gust of yin wind rushing into his body, but it disappeared before it passed through his skin.

He instantly understood that it was not the opponent's shock wave that was not strong enough, but his own magic immunity physique played a role.

So he held a knife in front of him with a knife in his right hand, and took out a bottle of recovery magic potion in his left hand, and poured a big mouthful into his mouth.

After he felt the magical elements of Dao Recovery System fill his body, he suddenly pounced on the monster, slashing with a knife, but when the monster was parrying with two claws, his left hand slapped the monster's chest.

At the same time, a surge of healing hand, sticking to the softness that makes people infinitely reverie, fiercely punched inside.

"Evil spirit, right? Try Lao Tzu's recovery magic!"


With the sudden rise of white light, the monster seemed to be burned to the ground, trembling constantly, and wailing miserably.

At the same time, the monster used his full strength with his arms, trying to shoot Lu Yuan away, so as to avoid the continuous magical attack.

However, she had miscalculated the strength of Lu Yuan's current body. Although she was able to break the arm bones of ordinary people with her far superior strength, Lu Yuan's strength and physique were far beyond the reach of others.

In this shot, Lu Yuan was beaten up a little later and then posted again.

At the same time, the restoring magic light on his left hand still flashed.

Although the hand of healing magical healing itself has the effect of killing the undead on the plane of Nin, it is not the magic that is restraining the possessed Jennifer evil spirit, and cannot quickly kill that thing.

But even so, after these dozens of seconds of output, the thing was still visible to the naked eye.

Feeling the weakness of the opponent and the gradual emptiness of the magic elements in his body, Lu Yuan simply threw down the long knife in his right hand, took out the potion and took another sip, focused on guiding the recovery element to continue attacking the evil spirit's chest.

In this way, when the magic element of a whole bottle of potion turned into the hand of healing magic was hit by Lu Yuan into Jennifer's body, the evil spirit finally turned into a puff of black smoke and dissipated on her body.

Even so, Lu Yuan hadn't put down his guard anymore, and wanted to dig out another bottle of medicine backhand and continue to release his healing hand.

Anyway, this kind of magic, hitting normal people, will only enhance physical recovery, and will not have much negative impact.

However, when he drew a circle with his right hand and tried to open the portable space, he suddenly felt a headache and splitting, and at the same time, he was dizzy, causing him to stagger twice and then fell to the ground.

{this is? Excessive brain drain? }He asked the system subconsciously.

【almost. 】

[The long-term continuous release of magic just now greatly consumes the host's energy. 】

[But there is also good news. 】

[Extraordinary Attribute-Mind, increased to 5 points. 】


{Why don't I feel weird at all...}

{The attribute that is promoted by self-masochism, huh, where is it extraordinary? }

With a spit in his heart, he turned his head and looked at the female thief who had fallen on the bed. He realized that even if the evil spirits on her body hadn't been dispelled by him, he couldn't continue for the time being, so he gave up his intention to continue the attack and opened it up. The work space temporarily hid in.

With previous experience, Lu Yuan knew that the best way to recover from this dilapidated state is to sleep.

However, if you stay awake and hold on to it, your mind attribute will continue to improve. Although it can't be done in a short time, it can make the next upgrade, the accumulation required becomes less.

So he sat cross-legged in the space, closed his eyes and got up.

After a long time, feeling the headache disappeared, he came out of the space, tried to take a sip of the medicine, and gave another set of healing hands to the female thief on the bed.

【Kill the nameless demon possessing spirits and get 230 time and space points. 】

After finally getting the system's kill confirmation, Lu Yuan relaxed and lay down on the bed and fell asleep.

A few hours later, a scream of a woman awakened Lu Yuan from his dream.

He reflexively took out his weapon to defend himself, but when he woke up, he found that the female thief of yesterday was being pressed under him, with a pistol on his forehead.

After reacting, Lu Yuan yawned unconsciously, retracted the pistol in a bit of embarrassment, elbows and knees, and hurriedly moved away from the woman's throat and the outside of the heart.

"Sorry, sorry, conditioned reflex. Didn't it hurt you?" Lu Yuan asked embarrassedly.

"You...who are you? What did you do to me? You, what do you want?" The woman folded her hands on her chest, looking at Lu Yuan in horror and trembled.

"Um, don't you remember?" Lu Yuan frowned slightly and asked.

The woman apparently just woke up. Judging by Lu Yuan, she probably woke up from a dream and found a stranger lying beside her, and she was untidy, so she screamed subconsciously.

Unexpectedly, her yelling touched Lu Yuan's self-defense reflex, and he was half-awake and subdued on the bed.

At this time, hearing Lu Yuan's question, and realizing that he had a gun in his hand, the woman knew that even if she encountered those terrible things she imagined, there was no chance of escape, so she calmed down.

After thinking about it for a moment, the woman was a little uncertain and said, "Yes, you saved me?"

"I can't say this." Lu Yuan saw the woman looking at herself questioningly, and couldn't help touching her nose. "What else can you think of? Uh, what is your name?"

"Me? My name is Michaela, Michaela Baynes!" the woman murmured.

"But you told me yesterday that your name is Jennifer." Lu Yuan said.

"What? Jennifer?" As soon as the woman heard the name, she shuddered suddenly and unconsciously, as if she had been mad.

Lu Yuan was about to find an iron rod to stuff her mouth, the next moment she stopped by herself.

After taking a few deep breaths, the woman was shocked and said, "That is, that woman's name! That devil who looks exactly like me!"

"Huh?" Lu Yuan's heart shuddered, and he hurriedly continued to question.

It turned out that this Michaela was the heroine who repaired the workshop or stole the car with her father.

Just a while ago, she was swimming in the river when she was suddenly dragged to the bottom of the river by a figure.

During the struggle, she found that the person who dragged herself was actually exactly the same as herself.

Even so, the two people who saw each other clearly did not stop.

However, somehow, an inexplicable light flashed, and the guy who was exactly like him suddenly disappeared.

She didn't have time to think about it. She tried her best to swim to the river, but suddenly fainted.

In the dimness, she felt that the figure exactly like her had actually got into her body.

In other words, the bodies of two people have become one.

At the same time, the two souls that should have continued to merge, but because the other was too strong and apparently rejected the integration regardless of priority, they actually shut down the part of Michaela’s soul to the little one in the depths of consciousness. In the dark room.

In this way, Michaela became Jennifer.

However, Jennifer is a visitor from another world after all and needs experience in this world.

The easiest solution is to check Michaela's memory.

However, when Jennifer vigorously checked Michaela's memory, part of the other party's memory was also mixed into Michaela's memory.

Even because of this soul meeting, Michaela could vaguely feel Jennifer doing something with her body.

It wasn't until last night that Jennifer's soul was dissipated by a blazing white light, which allowed Michaela to regain control of her body.

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