Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 253: Newcomer Dad of the Year

"But, since you like it so much, let's discuss it?" Lu Yuan continued to smile.


"Now we don't have enough tools and time." Lu Yuan continued, "When we get back to the base, I will change your camouflage pattern to make sure there is a red flower on the hood."

"In this way, I am not in breach of contract, and you can get what you want, how?"

"……it is good!"

"Yeah." Seeing that he agreed, Lu Yuan nodded, finally relieved.

{Take a child, it's not easy! }

[Hehe, host, where are you...]

Finally, IQ performance fluctuated and fell. The surge that lingered between the ages of 6 and 16 was soothed. Lu Yuan once again sorted out his thoughts, confirmed that he was ready, and rode a three-no motorcycle to the surge. "Then let's start!"

Surging: "Yes, sir!"

So, almost half an hour after the unknown enemy disappeared, the guards of the secret facilities in District 7 ushered in the second invasion.

But this time the intruder was an unidentified armored off-road vehicle that appeared from the root of a giant cube inexplicably, dressed like a porcupine.

The gun guards who had been around the place where Lu Yuan had disappeared before, were carpeted and searched for clues. They were taken aback by the armored vehicle that seemed to rush out of the floor, and then there was a lot of noise and chaos.

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!"

"Intruder found!"

"It's a strange armored car!"

"Every unit is careful!"

"No, it wants to run away! Quick! Stop it!"

"Fire! Fire!"

"Let it stop!"

The sound of gunfire and metal collision was endless.

"Huh! Let's dance!" Surging confirmed that most of the guards near the cube followed him and ran towards the entrance and exit of the facility. They immediately braked and flicked, turning 180 degrees in a second, and rushing towards the group of guards who followed him. Past.




However, when the off-road vehicle was about to crush the first guard, he temporarily flicked his tail at a 90-degree angle, using the outer armor near the rear door to line the guard out.

Although the person will still be injured, at least his life is not in danger.

In the next moment, the tank full of smoke bomb launchers surged and began to throw smoke bombs up and down the surrounding area.

Tank smoke bombs can be shot up to ten meters high and then exploded. The ignited smoke powder will form a smoke screen covering a range of tens to hundreds of meters under the action of gravity within one or two seconds. Block visible light and infrared light.

When Lu Yuan installed this thing for Surge, he considered that it was used in a confined space without wind, or even in a narrow passage, so the launch direction was not only diagonally upward, but also a version that launched to the ground.

So a few seconds later, about one-third of the entrances and exits of the cube factory buildings and facilities were completely enveloped in hot smoke.

Even thermal imaging cameras cannot locate the surge through the smoke screen.

As for surging yourself, you can safely and boldly use the speedy tail flick or open the door to shoot the surrounding guards and fly out.

"Tsk tusk, this kid did a good job!" Lu Yuan, who was observing the scene outside in the space, couldn't help but gave Gushing a thumbs up, "That's good, it doesn't matter if you don't slip normally, it's reliable to fight, that's it. Good comrade!"

【certainly. 】

[I told the host a long time ago that the problem with the surge is insufficient trial, not insufficient IQ. After all, he is an electronic life activated by military vehicles, and his combat talent is certainly not bad. 】

"Okay." Lu Yuan smiled, "Xiao Liu, sell melon Wangpo possessed? How about letting him call your mother instead of waiting for the surge to come back?"


"Okay, okay, I know, hurry up~ we're gone too!"

Without waiting for the system to come back, Lu Yuan hurriedly fired up, turned the oil and put it into gear in one go. Riding a three-no off-road motorcycle, he jumped out of the work space like an arrow from the string.

However, as soon as he got outside, he turned the motorcycle's head and aimed at the last few guards near the cube and rushed over.

And he himself, after adjusting his direction, immediately jumped off the motorcycle and went straight to the fire source cube.

"Damn! Mistake! This thing is designed for a few meters high Transformers! My hands are too short!" I ran to the road far below the fire source, raised my hand to reach the two control knobs at the bottom of the cube corner, but Suddenly found out that he had made a big mistake.

However, before he could come up with a good idea, the guards who had just escaped the collision of the motorcycle had already taken aim at them.

"No matter! Do it first!" Seeing that he was about to be shot again, Lu Yuan didn't want to resist even if he was replaced with NIJ Tier 4 heavy armor.

Gritting his teeth, he patted the corner of the cube with both hands again.

So once again, the electric wave pulses from bottom to top are excited at the tip of the cube and spread to the entire workshop.

But this time it was no longer unresponsive. On the contrary, when the pulse swept across the off-road motorcycle that was thrown away from the road, the thing began to fall apart in an instant, as if being delayed.

However, those fine lever gears, metal pieces, etc., after being split and integrated again, turned into a robot with a height similar to the Terminator.

The red eyes gleamed, and his hands suddenly turned into an impact cannon and a revolving machine gun, venting firepower out of nowhere.

"Damn, damn! Electronic products are becoming NBE! Hurry up, red alert!" These guards who were just about to encircle and suppress a long way were instantly attracted by the motorcycle robots, and they counterattacked in a hurry, and they also issued loud warnings to others.

However, this is not over yet.

Lu Yuan did not ride out on a motorcycle alone. In addition to the motorcycle itself, he also hung two backpacks on the car. In the backpack, they were all cell phones seized from the Southside Gang in Los Angeles, the so-called Thirteenth Street Fighter, the night before.

As a result, when the motorcycle robot started attacking, the two backpacks were suddenly torn apart from the inside by something. Then, like a seaside reef being opened, piles of terrifying unknown fish and insects ran out from below. .

A lobster turned into a flip phone, a crab turned into a button phone, and several sea scorpions replaced by a tablet computer. Various automatic firearms were changed, and they began to destroy everywhere after the motorcycle robot.

"It's really ugly!" Taking a moment to look at the situation over there, Lu Yuan curled his lips, once again determined not to take the cube away for his own use, but he hugged his chest with his hands and turned a little bit before moving from the portable space. Draw out two swords.

A sword is a half-handed sword made by a demon hunter for swallows.

The other long knife was previously used in the battle with the possessed evil spirits. Lu Yuan recently used the Han Dynasty 120mm standard ring-head knife to make it, the ring-head straight knife.

The total length of the two swords is 1.2 meters, and the profile also reflects the similar height and arm length of their regular users in history.

But there is another benefit that is not worth mentioning, that is, their usage, swordsmanship or swordsmanship, can be used for reference to a certain extent.

Of course, Lu Yuan took them out at this moment, not to fight the guards with guns or those Chaos King Kong.

Take them out for more important things.

"Hey! It's just right!" Lu Yuan raised the sword, gestured slightly, overjoyed, and pierced both hands fiercely at the same time.

At the next moment, the cube that was hit by two specific buttons stimulated energy pulses again.

However, this time, the pulse did not radiate outward again, but after wandering around the body, it began to flow back and concentrate towards the bottom of Luyuan.

At the same time, starting from the right corner of this corner, small cube-like gaps began to appear on the huge cube, and they slowly spread downward.

The whole cube, as if under a certain folding technique, began to shrink.

Of course, this scene is completely familiar to Lu Yuan. In addition to watching a movie, he has been playing with his surging mother just now in his work space. The scene is exactly the same as it is now.

Keke, it seems that an inappropriate description was used.

In short, watching the cube finally begin to shrink, and the road below it is far away, I can't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

As the cube changed dramatically, the alarm in the facility became louder and louder. The guards who were bound in the smoke screen by intuition and voice began to retreat toward the cube.

It's just that they were greeted by a bunch of miniature Transformers like marine crustaceans.

What, where did the motorcycle go?

This is a good question.

In fact, when he found that the reduction of the cube took a lot longer than he expected, Lu Yuan retracted the long sword, held the knife in both hands, and rushed towards the motorcycle robot.

"I don’t know if you have enough IQ to understand what I said," Lu Yuan said to it as he walked over there. Treated as a comrade-in-arms."

"Bang!" The answer to him was an infrasonic blaster.

"Okay. I'm embarrassed, old friend!" Lu Yuan sneered. "My son wants a pair of robotic arms. I think your pair is good. You can send it to me!"

"Bah Bah Bah Boom!"

The motorcycle robot seemed to yell at something, but Lu Yuan, who didn't want to learn Cybertronian, turned him on the ears.

I saw him leaping forward, avoiding the revolving machine gun that was swept back by the opponent, and stabbing forward with a knife, rushing straight into the chest of the robot.

"That's why I said that something like a transfigured human form is understandable if it is a civilian race, but if it is used to fight, it is simply to use its shortcomings and avoid its strong points."

Talking cold words in his mouth, Lu Yuan's long knife in his hand crossed, and the tip of the knife pierced into the robot's chest, stirred inside, and the fire on the robot's chest, a circle smaller than a volleyball, was chopped into pieces by him.

The two mechanical arms that were in the form of impact cannon and revolving machine gun just now also slowly changed back to the shape of five fingers, and subconsciously retracted in front of the chest, holding the blade weakly, as if trying to pull it out.

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