Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 255: Salesman reappears

[What does the host want to do? ] The system is a bit strange.

"Since the firepower is insufficient, then find a place with sufficient firepower to replenish it!" Lu Yuan took it for granted, "Moreover, go around the city. If Optimus Prime is nearby, should they come as soon as possible?"

[But Starscream and other flying Decepticons will come faster. 】

"Not necessarily. At the beginning of the plot, didn't they raided the Sankson Air Force Base in Qatar? It means that they are probably far away from the United States. Otherwise, just find a base in the United States. ?"

[It's SOCCENT Air Force Base, not Sanxen. 】

[SOCCENT refers to theSpecialOperationsCommandCENTral. 】

[Meaning, the special operations command center, or the special operations central command. 】

[Not a place name. 】

[The Nellis Air Force Base, which is currently going to be named after Lieutenant William Harrier Nellis, the ace pilot of the United States and Cards in World War II, is not the same naming method. 】

[However, what the host said makes sense. 】

"It makes sense that you are still talking a lot of nonsense, and it's stinking?" Lu Yuan said, "With this skill, you can explain to me why the genuine fire source is only sold for a percentage of the store price. How many is it?"

"The recycling price is one-tenth of the selling price. I will admit it. What the **** is only a few percent this time?"

[This, this, wait a minute, the system needs to access the relevant information records of the crossing store. 】

[Records show that although the fire source sold by the host is a full version, it has been damaged. It is presumed that the Cybertronians were injured during the civil war. 】

[Secondly, its internal energy consumption is too much, and the remaining energy is less than 30% of the maximum carrying capacity. 】

[Although its special creation function is well preserved, because it is a unique time-line strong correlation object on the corresponding plane, the store needs to consume a huge amount of time-space points to eliminate its strong time-line correlation. 】

[To sum up, 36,000 points are already the highest recovery price that can be given to the host through the store. 】

"What kind of uniqueness and strong connection is this again?" Lu Yuan couldn't help but vomit, "I did a **** shop before crossing the store, right?"

"Why do these words sound so familiar?"

"Others **** a mink coat in perfect condition. The pawnshop has to say that it is, insects eat mouse bites, bare boards are hairless, and a ragged coat!"

"This is exactly the same!"

"Evil capitalist!"


[In fact, if the host sells the corresponding items after reaching the mandatory task completion conditions, it should be able to make the price a lot higher. 】

"Is it useful to say this kind of nonsense? If I don't sell it, I know what the mandatory task completion conditions are?"

"Wait until I know it, isn't it already sold?"

"Why, after I return to the main plane, like a copy, find a similar plane and do it again?"

[Sorry, in theory, if the host retrieves the space-time anchor from a certain plane, this plane and the corresponding parallel world will not appear in the host's searchable world list. 】

"What do you mean?" Lu Yuan asked in surprise.

[Simply put, if the host returns to the main plane this time, the time-space anchor point that connects the original plane is recovered, then when the host actively searches for a new alien plane, it will not be able to search for this plane and parallel planes. 】

"In other words, I can't enter the Transformers world anymore?" Lu Yuan asked hurriedly.

[No, it's not. 】

[First of all, what cannot be entered is the world related to the Transformers movie version. Those time character events that are completely different, such as the animated version, will still not be ruled out. 】

[Secondly, such planes cannot be retrieved actively. If the host gets the space beacon information of this type of plane from other traversers, it can still arrive normally. 】


"It's so complicated, it sounds bluffing, but isn't it actually restricting me from unlimited copying? Cut!" Lu Yuan curled his lips.

[This is not against the host itself. 】

[Continuously tampering with the parallel world of a certain plane will cause serious damage to the multiverse. It is a strictly prohibited behavior at the level of the basic rules of the system. 】

"Say what you like to say!" Lu Yuan disdainfully said, "It's the same to me anyway. Just to prevent me from using simple methods to count points!"


[Rather than caring about these issues, it is better for the host to concentrate on dealing with the chasing soldiers. 】

"Huh!" Lu Yuan curled his lips again and said to Ji Chung, "Although walking in a straight line across the field requires a lot of savings, but the speed is too slow! Anyway, in the early morning, there is not much traffic on the highway, so you should go on the highway!"

"However, that might cause casualties of innocent people, sir!" Jiu replied.

"Their government has hidden such a dangerous thing near their city, and according to the history of this world, their so-called good life now originates from this big guy, so they can hardly be called innocent!" Lu Yuan hurriedly said.

"Moreover, if we can't win, this big guy behind is going to play an end to the world! Two evils are right!"

"Yes, I understand, sir!" He swung left and right to avoid the surge of Megatron's attack, hurried to a sharp turn and rushed to the highway under the hillside.

"However, I admire your way of thinking. You did a good job and surged." Lu Yuan rushed forward while replacing the remote-controlled machine gun platform with a spare bomb bay full of ammunition.

"Yes, sir!"

Hearing the surge and rejoicing, Lu Yuan couldn't help but twitched his mouth twice, and sighed that the child really had no resistance to the parents' approval and encouragement.

However, although the surge of morale was lifted up, Lu Yuan himself fell into a low state.

Just as he was talking nonsense with the system, Lu Yuan was not idle, and a full 1,000 rounds of armor-piercing incendiary bombs were thrown out by him.

And it wasn't a sweeping suppression without precision, but rather focused bursts of fire.

Even so, he just reluctantly suppressed Megatron, so that he did not dare to rely on the agility of the robot form to fight close combat with his side.

As for the damage he caused to the leader of the Decepticon who was following him, anyway, looking at that guy's lively appearance, I am afraid that even if there is, it is very limited.

{Can't go on like this, the heavy machine gun armor-piercing projectile hit him like a tickle! }In order to avoid the surge of morale that just came up and then decline, this time Lu Yuan’s dialogue with the system was changed back to his mind.

{Brother Six, what else do I have on hand that can give the guy behind me a cruel thing? }

[Well, among the existing weapons, the most powerful is naturally the 125MM smoothbore gun on the host T72A. 】

{I know. But that thing is useless! I am less of a driver to cooperate. }

{Uh, wait! }Lu Yuan suddenly remembered something, {When you exchanged the tinder box before, you said that the thing can convert the generated AI to other circuits, as long as it meets the standard. }

{At the time you also specifically mentioned T72A! }

{So, you mean, let the surge be the driver? }

【Yes. 】

[To be precise, Surge has enough potential to act as both a driver and a gunner at the same time. 】

[After all, the entire tank is his body. 】

{However, he needs practice. }

{And we don’t have time to change his body now! }

Lu Yuan also said the truth.

Don't look at him before often playing and disappearing by opening the workspace at critical moments, but that was basically when he was doing tasks alone.

Because the opening of the workspace door requires a certain amount of time and a certain range around him.

The most dangerous times for him were just when he landed from a height of about 20 meters to the ground, he opened a space door on the ground that could accommodate his landing cross-sectional area.

Free fall at a height of 20 meters, 2 seconds, landing speed 20m/s, with his reaction speed, it is still enough to support him to open the space door in time.

But now, the surge is escaping at a speed of more than 100 kilometers per hour, a full 30 meters per second.

This speed is much higher than before in free fall.

Of course, Lu Yuan's reaction speed was adequate.

The problem is that the speed of the space door is not open enough.

If Lu Yuan is at the farthest distance he can expand, expand the space door, and when the space door is open enough to allow the radicals to enter, he will pass the space door at a speed of more than kilometer per hour.

This has not yet considered Megatron's possible reaction if it catches that Lu Yuan actually has space gate technology.

After all, Lu Yuan's workspace is easy to use, but when it is unfolded, there is no protection.

If Megatron bombarded the vicinity of the opening of the space door indiscriminately, I don't know what the consequences would be.

[There are no serious consequences. 】Capturing Lu Yuan’s initiative to convey past doubts, the system explained, 【It’s nothing more than the destruction of the work space, and recovery requires additional space points. The specific number of points depends on the degree of damage, but it will certainly not exceed the number of points at the time of purchase. 】

[Of course, the loss of other items in the space is not counted. 】

{hehe! }Lu Yuan couldn’t help but sneer twice, {I knew that the damage would not be compensated. }

{Set this aside, what should I do with the previous thing? I have no way to let Jiyong escape in! }

[If before, the host really only had to hide in a safe place and find a way to expand the space. 】

[But now, since the host has just obtained a large number of points, the host can completely upgrade the use of the workspace. 】

{Forehead? }Lu Yuan was totally unhappy when he heard that, instead he subconsciously covered his wallet, even though his time and space points were not in the wallet of his trouser pocket.

{What do you want to sell? } Lu Yuan asked deeply guarded.


[Host see it for yourself. 】

[Crossing the shop-authorized items-space items-workspace-characteristic upgrade props]

[Workspace remote expander (primary), redemption points: 10000 points]

[Effect: The user can obtain a long-distance space expansion and recovery radius of no more than 2 kilometers, which greatly improves the resilience. 】

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