Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 257: Beginning of the chaos

[The points of the host this time are not so difficult to earn. 】

[Wind money is better to spend it early, and be careful of misfortune. 】

{You are feudal superstition! }Lu Yuan angrily said, {I'm stuck here and can't walk anymore. Is it difficult for me to earn this point? }

{Venture investment, this is also hard money, alright! }

Lu Yuan hasn't finished the battle with the system, and new changes have taken place in the war.

Although this change was reasonable and expected, it still made him suffer a small loss. For the first time, he was thrown off the console seat by the excessive acceleration caused by the sharp turn. go out.

"Sir, there are fighters attacking me with machine guns!" Jiyong yelled and explained.

"It is the A10 attack aircraft that is attacking you, and the two F22s are here to deal with the big guy behind!" Lu Yuan climbed up from the corner of the carriage with hands and feet and shook his head.

"This is the emergency flight formation at Nellis Air Force Base. To be able to come so quickly, there should have been a joint defense agreement with the secret base in District 7 long ago."

"Is this fast? We've all been out for 20 minutes!" While avoiding the cannons, Jiyong rushed into the city as much as possible, leaning towards the dense traffic area as much as possible, in order to let the attacking planes throw rat-catchers.

"Good tactical thinking." Lu Yuan encouraged a few words by the way, and continued, "Considering the reaction time, we can complete the weapon loading, overhaul, take-off and get here in 20 minutes, which is already considered fast."

"Although I am quite suspicious, they are actually trainees in Nellis who received combat flight training."

"Well, you continue to hide, I'll go and prepare."

Surging: "Yes, sir!"

Back to Luyuan in Space 2, the first thing is to install the emp arrow and throw it into the portable space.

Then, the T72 was transferred to the newly bought No. 3 space.

Due to time constraints, there is no time to recycle the scraps of the off-road motorcycle robots and have to be left for later.

He returned to the carriage after finishing a few more time-consuming preparations.

"How is the situation?" Lu Yuan asked.

"The two fighters were badly beaten by Megatron, so the A10 who had just chased me **** and had already turned around to help his colleague." Jiyong explained.

"Very well, this is a good opportunity." Lu Yuan patted his hands, looked out the car window, and commanded, "Surge, have you seen the restaurant on the first floor of the high-rise building on the right front?"

Surging: "I saw it."

Lu Yuan: "Rush in!"

So I saw an army green camouflage armored off-road vehicle, like a rhino, crashed into the lobby of the first floor of a high-rise building.

At the same time, the security warning system of the entire building also rang.

At this time, the battle situation outside also changed dramatically.

For the U.S. Air Force, two F22s and one A10 responded quickly.

But they can only be regarded as forwards.

Based on the intelligence of the seventh area, A10 locked the target on the surge body, but failed to kill him in the first time because of the rat avoidance device.

On the other hand, two F22s, which used short-range air-to-air missiles to play close combat with Megatron, paid a heavy price for their underestimation.

After 30 seconds of fighting, one of them was seized by Megatron. An electromagnetic cannon hit the wing and had to make an emergency landing.

The other one escaped by pulling up in time.

The close-range combat was obviously crushed by the unscientific Decepticons with strong air retention capabilities. After the surviving F22 had to be pulled high, it tried to use medium-range air-to-air missiles to contain Megatron while waiting for reinforcements.

At this time, A10 also had to turn its gun head because of the crash of its comrades, and joined the containment of Megatron.

As I said before, these three are only equivalent to Pioneers.

At the same time as the F22 crashed, a three-aircraft F22 combat team was also approaching.

At the same time, an entire 24 F-15 air combat squadron began to gather.

After all, if a fighter jet worth hundreds of millions of dollars was dropped, the people at the Air Force Operations Center couldn't help feeling distressed. So simply played the crowd tactics.

In addition, there is also a four-aircraft A10 ground attack team on the way.

Just as Lu Yuan and Jiyong hid in the tall buildings, four F22s also arrived in the combat airspace at the same time.

Learning from the lessons learned from their comrades, the formation of fighters launched a total of six AIM120 medium-range air-to-air missiles at a distance of about ten kilometers from the target, and they shot towards Megatron, which was chasing behind the A10 butt.

However, just as they launched the attack, one of the F22s suddenly rolled sideways and slammed into the wingman next to it.

Then, after confirming that it had lost its combat effectiveness, the F22 suddenly burst into small openings all over its body. After the arrangement was reorganized, it turned out to be another Cybertron.

Like swinging, he leaped on the back of that unbalanced F22. After shooting two small missiles at the other F22 in front, he transformed into a fighter plane again and rushed towards the last fighter plane.

Obviously, this is the Decepticon robot with F22 mimicry, Starscream. Or according to the paraphrase name, Xing Xiao.

With supersonic cruise capability and super stealth performance, the F22 mimicry star scream is obviously the most likely Decepticon to arrive as soon as it receives the Megatron signal.

It's a pity that the system knows that Lu Yuan knows this kind of thing, even the so-called surge of common sense instilled by the system, but the Meka Air Force doesn't know it.

Even if a three-aircraft formation flew into a four-aircraft formation, they couldn't deal with it effectively.

But then again, on the timeline around 2007 on this plane, even if they knew it, it would be difficult for them to respond effectively.

At most, as it is now, after dispersing and hiding in the city, he began to build to avoid chasing by two Decepticons capable of air combat.

The only two surviving F22s were forced to hide in the urban area reluctantly. The A10 attack aircraft, which only came out air-to-ground, was even more at a loss. It had to try to fly through the city at an ultra-low altitude to reach Megatron as much as possible. Escape at gunpoint.

Fortunately, at this time, the four A-10C attack aircraft formation behind the F22 formation also entered the field.

After all, the current combat area is less than 20 kilometers away from the airport in a straight line. Even if the speed of the A-10 Thunderbolt II is much slower than that of the F-22 Raptor, the arrival time will not be much worse.

The time now is about three or four in the morning, one hour before the sunrise in Las Vegas. It is the darkest period before dawn.

The A10 attack aircraft, which first served in the 1970s, was initially incapable of night combat.

However, when the US-Canadian military found that its performance was excellent, its alternatives were expensive and its performance had no advantage, it postponed this classic aircraft, which had been in service for decades, and instead significantly increased modern avionics and other equipment to improve its all-weather combat capability.

The latest model is the A-10C. This is what appears now.

In addition, although it is an attack aircraft that specializes in ground attacks, the A-10C also has the ability to carry AIM-9 Sidewinder air-to-air missiles.

It should have received the previous warning, so in this four-machine formation, in addition to the other two 30MM cannon pods, all other mounting points seem to be equipped with rattlesnakes.

Unfortunately, the AIM-120 with a charge of 20 kg and a maximum speed of four times the speed of sound was solved by Megatron in three or two strokes. The charge was almost halved, and the maximum speed was almost halved for AIM-9. The tiger's threat is even more limited.

After all, this model was the first short-range combat bomb in the F22 dual-aircraft formation. And the result is quite not optimistic.

But obviously the current commander of the A10 formation has a pretty good tactical thinking. The four attack planes actually staggered out two rounds of 16 Sidewinder missiles, and they all locked onto Xing Xiao's body.

The first two rattlesnakes were easily dodged by the F22 Star Howard, but the next two shots forced him to rely on deformation maneuvers to be able to avoid it.

However, because of this maneuver, the number of missiles that bit him again suddenly increased, and he had to regain his robotic form again. While falling, he used his left-handed cannon to intercept the Sidewinder missile.

It’s a pity that Xingxiao’s F-22’s 20mm cannon, which has a similarly powerful rate of fire on the left mobile phone cannon, seems to violate the conservation of mass and has almost infinite ammunition, but it is unlikely to hit all four rattlesnakes that follow at the same time. Lose.

As time goes back, more rattlesnakes gather.

This situation got worse and worse, until the first AIM-9 rushed through the cannon cordon and exploded beside him, knocking him out of balance.

For a while, the cannon also lost its aim.

The remaining missiles blasted on him sturdily.

The first gathering attack worked, and the reaction after the A10 formation can be imagined.

As a result, it was another missile rain attack, which directly knocked Xing Xiao on the ground.

However, after being beaten so badly, Megatron didn't mean to help at all. He bit the other three surviving fighters and wandered around the building where Lu Yuan had disappeared.

Lu Yuan knew that this was because this building was the last place where Megatron received the pulse signal from the fire source.

Although it was actually a fake made by Lu Yuan.

Only now, that thing was also taken up by Lu Yuan. To be precise, it was taken up together with the surge of letting it go, so there was an illusion that there might be a source of fire hidden in the building.

Just when the A-10 that was being pursued by Megatron passed low above the road next to the building, a window glass on the upper floor of the building suddenly shattered, and a strange dark shadow emerged from it.

The black shadow was quite fast, but suddenly split into two parts in midair. One part fell diagonally downward, and the other part lay dangerously and dangerously outside the A-10's cabin cover.

The attacker pilot who concentrates on avoiding the pursuit of evil robots, how can he be prepared for this.

I was at a loss, but when the dark shadow moved slightly outside twice, the cabin cover bounced automatically.

The oncoming cold wind poured the pilot's heart out and made it even more chaotic. However, a fist knocking outside the flight helmet did him a great favor. After fainting, there is no need to worry.

The black shadow unfastened the seat belt on the pilot two or three times, and then pointed at him. The pilot somehow fell into the seat that was supposed to be physical, and then disappeared.

At this moment, the black shadow turned over, from the side of the cabin into the driving position, and gently pulled the joystick to pull the attack aircraft from the edge of the ground.

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