Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 268: Demon King's martial arts field

Lu Yuan, watching the two guys who are threatening him feel aggrieved there, he is not in a good mood.

So no matter what he was invited to do, Papa Ge wanted to chat with him.

If he hadn't remembered that he was just a high school graduate who had just finished his life on campus, otherwise he would rant about the international political and economic situation, the current situation of the global military industry, and other things he had recently made up for because of needs.

Even so, Flattery Road also slapped Dad Ge refreshedly and comforted.

At this time, Ge Qingqing on the side saw that the two of them had a good time chatting, and the master over there took the conversation several times, but was ignored by his father without salty, and that nasty Lu Yuan didn't even know to help. Field, this made her angry from her heart to the courage.

It just so happened that at this moment, the two of them had somehow talked about swordsmanship from practicing kung fu, Lu Yuan accidentally said that he was practicing swordsmanship recently, and he had some feelings, so I asked him Uncle Ge for some advice.

When Ge Qingqing heard this, he happened to slap a table on the slap. Nope, he slapped the table with a slap, which shocked everyone at the table and looked at her together.

Seeing everyone looking at him, Devil Ge is worthy of his title, he smiled, as if nothing happened, looked at Lu Yuan gently and virtuously, "Xiao Yuan, have you started practicing swordsmanship? Or, sister Practice with you?"


Upon hearing this, Lu Yuan instinctively became a little confused. After all, he was taken care of by this guy since he was young.

But soon he remembered that he was not what he used to be, not to mention that he had learned swordsmanship from the Swallow System, but his physical fitness was already immune to the Great Demon King's wooden sword attack.

After thinking about this section in time, Lu Yuan immediately recovered from the panic of subconsciously retracting into the back of his chair.

But before he could speak, the father of the Ge family next door slapped his hands and laughed, his eyes lighted up and said, "This is good, this is good. Qingqing, you practice with Xiaoyuan, just let me take a look. , Your current level."

"Wen Tao! (Father Ge's name) is eating here!" Mother Ge groaned.

"Oh!" Dad Ge waved his hand. "Our old Ge family has practiced martial arts for several generations. When eating New Year's Eve dinner, our brothers even tried to give the old man their fun. We are a common food, it doesn't get in the way. , Don't get in the way!"

After speaking, he looked at Lu Yuan and said, "Right, Xiao Yuan?"

When Lu Yuan saw Uncle Ge's posture, he knew that it was not his turn to say no, so he had no choice but to nod and agree.

It's just a promise on the surface, but it's hard to avoid slander.

This Uncle Ge, don’t look at working harder than his father, but after so many years of work, his official career will be better than his father Lu. Compared with his father, it’s a little different compared to his work ability. NS.

I heard that the reason for not being able to go any further, not even a little bit of wind, was mainly because this martial arts spirit lowered his evaluation.

Although he was not malicious in his heart, Lu Yuan still respectfully agreed.

The peak of being suffocated over there, even though I know that today’s treatment is mainly because the Ge family’s father is giving him offense, I can’t blame Lu Yuan, but seeing that he is going to eat at his wife’s, he still can’t resist stealing. Laughed.

It is probably because there is a difficult brother to accompany him, so that aggrieved situation can be relieved a lot.

But it was uncomfortable to see Lu Yuan with a big grin on his side.

I thought to myself, you guy, set a trap in advance to **** to the Hongmen banquet. I'm here to serve your future old man with all my heart. It's fine if you don't be grateful, but your daughter-in-law wants to violent me here, so you laughed?

OK, you wait!

He secretly wrote down the hatred, and prepared to find a chance to hit the kid hard as soon as possible, but Lu Yuan quickly put on helmets and gloves and other protective gear, picked a handy wooden sword from the gear box, and stood. Staged the martial arts field.

It is said that it is a martial arts field, but it is actually a small courtyard in a residential house.

As mentioned before, Ge Qingqing's family and Lu Yuan's grandfather's family belong to the same community. The community here is one of the few in this era or an old community with bungalows and small courtyards. It is said to be built in the mid-nineties.

At that time, it was still half a suburb, and there was a small river around it. At that time, no one would build a building in such a place, but there was a need to solve the housing problem of the unit personnel, so dozens of hutong-style houses were built here.

Each set is not big, the structure of the main room with two rooms and one hall, the usable area is about 80. The yard is not small, it is almost as big as that.

However, after the Ge family’s neighbors and their family moved into the provincial capital, the Ge family’s father simply took down the neighbor’s set and opened up the two small courtyards to create this martial arts field.

There is no way.

There used to be only one-story houses in this community, and there were not many open spaces around it. Lu Yuan also remembered flying kites here when he was a child.

But later, as the city expanded, the original suburbs became the city center. The property market is rising steadily, not to mention the wild land, even the small river that year was filled, and tall buildings were built.

Now this small courtyard, with the exception of the street leading to the main road on the west, the other three sides have become high-rise buildings.

I heard that if this small courtyard hadn't belonged to the city bureau, it would have been demolished and built.

Fortunately, this place is only a four-tier town after all. Although the construction of buildings is profitable, it is only relative to other industries here. Compared with first- and second-tier cities, it's not enough.

For the benefit of those who are more than better than the other, it is not worth it to poke the hornet's nest of political ecology in this small northern city. For some people who started their business in a certain way, it seems that it is not that difficult to answer.

In short, Lu Yuan can continue to use this self-made martial arts venue for a while, although he actually has no need for it, and doesn't want to practice here at all.

It’s not about this place, it’s about people...

Thinking about it, Lu Yuan involuntarily glanced at the man.

Ge Qingqing on the opposite side was still smiling. If she didn't look at the steel Weikaifeng practiced sword she held tightly in her hand, her face was like a gentle older sister playing with her younger brother.

However, in Lu Yuan's eyes, the smile was more terrifying than the hideous face of the giant spider on the plane of Nion.

Wait, Lu Yuan said in his heart, it seemed that he had just overlooked a very important thing.

Uh, steel practice sword! ?

Lu Yuan took a closer look, and sure enough, what the Great Demon King was holding was not a wooden sword, but a steel sword that was exactly the same as her family's ancestral sword except for the unopened front, its length, size, weight, and center of gravity!

Looking at the smiling face again, where is the gentle smile, it is clearly a cruel grin!

Road far away in a cold sweat, staring straight at the long sword, he didn't dare to blink, for fear that the sword would pierce his throat while he was speaking.

He also tried his best to listen to the destiny, "This, Sister Qing, let's just play twice, you, why did you use the steel sword?"

"Is there any problem?" The big devil still kept smiling, or grinning, "Anyway, you wear protective gear, it doesn't make any difference between steel sword and wooden sword. The big deal, I let you, I won't wear protective gear~"

Ge Da Devil This is a typical bully.

If Lu Yuan was the same as him, her mobility would be even stronger without the protective gear. It would be normal for Lu Yuan to not be able to catch a corner of her clothes.

If she can't even hit her, is there a difference whether she wears protective gear or not?

On the other hand, Luyuan’s side, although the authentic swordsmanship practice sword, whether it is a wooden sword or a steel sword, its length, weight, center of gravity, etc. should be about the same, whether it is a catty of iron or a catty of wood. There should be no difference.

However, in fact, due to material density limitations, wooden practice swords of the same weight must be thicker than iron swords.

The same force hits the body, the smaller the contact area, the greater the pressure, and the more severe the corresponding trauma. In other words, the stronger the pain.

So even if the weight is about the same, the iron sword hurts more than the wooden sword.

Seeing that Demon King Ge was suffocating enough energy to cheat, Lu Yuan had to be careful.

However, he still wanted to get some support from the audience outside the field. That is to appeal to father Ge for help.

However, Ge Qingqing didn't know how many times his thoughts had been counter-killed by his shameless suing parents since childhood, and he would not be given a chance at this moment.

So Lu Yuan just wanted to speak again, but there was a figure flashing, and the nightmare in his heart had disappeared in place.

The next moment, when the group of light and shadow condensed and formed again, it was already within half a meter of his body, and the dragon's electric light and flint in his hand split into his leg socket.

As soon as Lu Yuan saw that the Great Demon King didn't even greet him, he made the move directly, where he dared to be distracted.

Seeing him back to defense so quickly, Ge Qingqing couldn't help but brighten his eyes and give a soft sigh, but he changed his move halfway, from chopping to picking, leaving his leg and heading straight to Lu Yuan with a sword and wrist.

Lu Yuan subconsciously retracted his hand back to the grid, and suddenly realized that he was not holding a European-style half sword with a cross guard, but a Chinese three-foot long sword with a slightly shorter grid.

It is very likely that you will suffer a loss if you use the handguard to block and counterattack with the sword at the same time.

So he had to change his move forcibly, with his right hand retracted again, and the horizontal sword moved his chest to the right at the same time. He picked up the sword with the sword grid. While avoiding the opponent's attack, he turned to deceive himself and attacked, sealing the opponent's ability to change moves.

"Huh?" Ge Wentao was surprised to see this trick to survive, and he couldn't help but smile, "Xiao Yuan, this kid usually looks calm, how can he be naughty when he fights?"

Gao Feng, who was sitting on the side, couldn't help rolling his eyes, but because of father Ge's momentum, he dared not speak.

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