Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 281: Weaknesses and strengths

"Humph!" I don't know if it was a auditory hallucination or something, Lu Yuan heard a hardly audible grunt. He couldn't help but relax, but it was a pity and even annoyance.

Perhaps it was also a special ability derived from the mind attribute. He could feel that his shot, although it hit the enemy, only hit the right shoulder of that person, and did not cause fatal injuries to him.

Although this kind of injury can make him lose his original combat ability for a few days or even more than ten days, it is still far from completely solving the opponent.

With this shot, Lu Yuan suddenly discovered that his long-range marksmanship had actually become a shortcoming he needed to make up for.

Once upon a time, Lu Yuan relied on the bow technique he had practiced for half his life and was able to become a **** within a short distance of 50 meters. Therefore, although there is some practice to improve the long-range spear technique, it is not urgent.

When encountering difficult enemies, keep the distance as close as possible.

After all, relying on this hand to be invincible within 50 meters, he can kill the magical Transformers. Although that guy is schizophrenic.

However, this time, due to confidentiality reasons, his other abilities were not easy to use, so he had to fight for remote accuracy.

But his marksmanship of more than two hundred meters is just the level of a general Marine shooter. Although it is not bad, it can never be called amazing.

It didn't matter before, but this time, Lu Yuan could faintly feel that the guy who had just been hit by him must be one of the black armored fighters, and it was very likely that he was an acquaintance.

Because of his lack of marksmanship, he actually lost an opportunity to solve the enemy's minions, especially that person was still a high-threat sniper. How could this make Lu Yuan not uncomfortable?

However, he was full of disappointment and blame, but the rest of the Hunter team were excited. Especially Yufnia, who was suppressed before, immediately reported loudly on the channel after realizing that he had hit with one blow.

"The sweeper hit the enemy elite sniper to confirm that the opponent has lost combat power! Location, near the bush hillside at three o'clock!"

"Nice job, sweeper!" After the lieutenant said, he took this opportunity to rush out of the bunker and shoot the grenade in his hand at the pickup machine gun not far in front of him.

At the same time, Billy in the channel also issued a warning, "Found the enemy elite, near the pickup at eleven o'clock!"

Then there was another sentence: "Excellent mercenaries, two people in the bunker between two SUVs at five o'clock!"

Suddenly, the elite mercenaries hidden in the shadows, as if they were ordered, walked out one after another, suppressing the hunter squad while gathering in the same direction.

Lu Yuan had already picked up his rifle and joined the battle group ahead. The enemy elites are retreating, and only those cannon fodder are still resisting stubbornly on the field.

But although the morale of these cannon fodder is still not decadent, the threat it can cause to Lu Yuan is basically negligible.

However, Lu Yuan's mind at the moment was not at all about destroying the cannon fodder. He just stepped forward while trying to find the elite who had just retreated to the southeast.

Just when he unknowingly had left the large army and was too close to the enemy, several familiar air breaking sounds suddenly roared from the front.

In an instant, the previous tingling sensation hit again, but this time it almost covered half of his body.

It's just that he has been very familiar with it with the adaptability training just now. Seeing that he didn't pause for a moment, he flew to the side and back, and he hid behind a piece of gravel.

In the next moment, at least three rifle grenades exploded at his previous location at the same time. For a time, the shock wave caused by the high explosive stirred up the surrounding dust, sand and gravel, and the power was a little bit stronger out of thin air.

And Lu Yuan, hiding behind the pile of rubble, even though he escaped the direct bombardment of high explosives, he was still hit by the gravel splashed out by the catapult and almost turned into a shower head.

Fortunately, the opponent should have to stop just to force Lu Yuan. After launching this wave of grenades, there was no next wave of attacks.

After waiting for a while, he realized that the enemy had given up the second attack. Lu Yuan quickly stood up from the rubble, cleaning the rubble and dust on his body, and bemoaning that this time, did he really want those guys to escape?

At this moment, there was a sound of car horns coming from the side, and Lu Yuan glanced at it. It turned out to be a van painted in gray and green desert camouflage.

The car paused on the far side of the road, and the heavily armed driver took the opportunity to point him to the half-open rear door.

Lu Yuan understood in an instant, and rushed into the car in two steps.

As soon as I entered, I heard the guy who was wearing a combat helmet and covered his face with a black cotton hood, and his eyes were also covered by goggles, saying, "Sweeper, hold on!"

When Lu Yuan heard this voice, he subconsciously shouted, "Police dog?"

The police dog was the last member of the hunter team that he had not been able to identify before.

In the previous cooperation with the Hunter team, his cooperation objects were mainly those of the second team, so he was more familiar with the luxury car sailing Billy and others, and then the lieutenant and Euphnia.

Among the people in the first team, he was most familiar with the doctor who had personally commissioned him. I only spoke a few words with the captain, but he was far from the other two.

However, although he rarely worked with police dogs, because the police dogs themselves belonged to the battlefield scout position, he had actually heard his voice in the communicator.

His mouth, which has been wrapped in a headgear for a long time, and the sound in the earphones are quite unique. It is hard to forget after hearing it.

Hearing Lu Yuan's call, the police dog driving the car also smiled lightly, "Good job, sweeper. If it weren't for you, I almost thought I couldn't catch these guys!"

After some inquiries, Lu Yuan learned that he hadn't found a military dog ​​on the northern battlefield before, because this guy had been waiting in the dark for those elites to appear.

It's really a mantis catching a cicada or oriole behind.

After Lu Yuan wounded the elite snipers, those elite mercenaries obviously began to gather and retreat, and at this time the police dogs were secretly embellished.

However, the task of the police dog is not to round them up, but to track down their hiding place through them, and then follow the vines and dig out the big fish.

So even if they fled to the east, the police dogs did not come out to stop them.

"Then you, did you come out to save me on purpose?" Lu Yuan asked rather unhappily. He was very unwilling to disrupt his comrades' mission.

This seemingly abnormal mood is a common inertia of thinking among soldiers.

"Hehe, how come!" The police dog dispelled his worries, "Originally I wanted to secretly follow up, but seeing the two ambushes they just ambushed you, I can't guarantee that I won't be killed!"

"An extra helper, especially an experienced helper who can deal with them, isn't it very logical!"

"Okay, I feel almost done. Come on, come and drive, I have to use the grenade baby to save them some souvenirs before they run away!"

"Drive steadily, don't let me miss the shot!"

It turned out that during the conversation between the two, the van had chased the enemy to a lake on the east side of the plateau.

At this time, those elite mercenaries had already boarded two off-road vans and headed straight for the lake at the foot of the mountain.

The police dog believed that they would most likely park by the lake and then change to waterways to escape. This is why they are deliberately deliberately fleeing here.

Therefore, the police dog is also trying to take this opportunity to change positions with Lu Yuan.

However, what surprised them both was that after the two vans rushed down the foot of the mountain, instead of slowing down and stopping, they rushed straight to the lake.

"I'll go, won't it? Their van is amphibious?" The police dog shouted, "No, it's too late! Sweeper, can you use grenades? Quick! The MGL140 next to the back seat is aimed at their body. They come!"

Lu Yuan hurriedly touched it, and she pulled out a black six-round MGL140 grenade launcher.


Seeing the police dog urging again, Lu Yuan had no choice but to say, "I have never used this gun before, and I am not familiar with the ballistics. Can you let me test it out and feel it?"

The police dog hurriedly said, "No problem! Six rounds of ammunition, you can remove a few and replace them with normal ammunition. The normal ammunition is..."

"Hmm, I got it!" Before he finished speaking, Lu Yuan directly opened the magazine and took out two grenades from it. At the same time, with his wrists, he conjured up another conventional high-explosive ammunition out of thin air, and filled them one by one.

It's not that he has never used grenades. On the contrary, after he couldn't use bows and arrows blatantly, he started shooting various special ammunition with grenade launchers a long time ago.

It's just that the police dog, the MGL140, has obviously been modified, and according to what he said, his several grenades are also special ammunition, so Lu Yuan didn't want to waste it on him. What if you want him to pay back?

After getting ready in this way, the police dog didn’t talk nonsense. After finding a small **** and rushing up, he crossed the car and opened the rear door again, so that the road inside was looking towards the two vans still rushing into the lake. car.

Lu Yuan is no nonsense, Bang Bang is just two grenade shots. The result was two rounds that made him familiar with the ballistics, and one shot was centered on the front of a van. Suddenly a fire burst out, and the front windshield of that car shattered in an instant.

With Lu Yuan's experience of being attacked by sand and gravel, just this time, it was enough to let those broken glass pieces pierce the van driver.

However, what shocked him was that even if the front of the car was blown up, the van continued to rush into the lake unaffected, and the lake water had no wheels in an instant.

"How is it possible? Could it be driverless?"

"Those two cars are decoys?"

Although he was suspicious, Lu Yuan did not stop his hand movements. The remaining four police dogs were loaded with ammunition and steadily hit the van in twos. The black smoke of the four canopies flashed away, as if they had never appeared before.

If long-range sniper shooting is his shortcoming, then this kind of weapon with a parabolic trajectory like a bow and arrow is his proper strength.

"What's that?" Lu Yuan put down the grenade and asked in confusion.

"Of course it's a signal tracker. But it's very small." The police dog stared at the two vans intently and explained softly.

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