Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 286: Escape from the dead old Mike

Lieutenant and Turner belonged to the three good students in the US-Canadian Army. They were placed in China, and they were the young pioneers captain from elementary school. They belonged to the minority. Not to mention that they are all older.

On the contrary, Billy the guy is very representative of the young people of Mika

Fortunately, after waiting for a while, the lieutenant's cell phone shook again.

"Billy, how is your place?" The lieutenant couldn't wait to ask as soon as he got on the phone.

"Ha, Boss, I didn't expect you to care about me so much. I was really flattered!" Billy's highly recognizable frivolous voice came on the phone.

"Don't worry, boss, we have already come out and just got in the police dog's baby paparazzi."

"What paparazzi? Sniffer! It's a sniffer!" The police dog beside Billy corrected immediately.

"Whatever you say, buddy." Billy said cynically. "A black van with various monitoring devices in the trunk. It's clear to me!"

"Well, I want to talk about it later!" The lieutenant said impatiently, "What happened there just now?"

After speaking, the lieutenant seemed to realize that Lu Yuan was still there and reminded the other person, "By the way, Nick was in the shooting range with me. He brought a batch of first-class goods. I just checked it out and it's pretty good."

"Wow, Nick, you finally got those guns? Great, I'll have a good time when I go back!" Billy greeted loudly, and at the same time, there was a normal greeting from the police dog.

Lu Yuan was also irritated by the gossip at this time, where he had the intention to gossiping with them, after greeted him, he also brought the topic to the previous matter.

Fortunately, Billy was not completely ignorant of the importance, and quickly described what had just happened.

Billy and the police dog went to the Los Santos County Coroner's Office, located on Stratobel Avenue, next to the Los Santos Medical Center.

It used to be a hospital until the nearby medical center was completed and operated, and it became a morgue.

When Billy and the two tracked down here before, they found that the situation here was not right. Some of them were obviously agents of the IAA or other intelligence agencies, who were on guard here.

However, given that the hunters have been innocent with Jinghe from these institutions for a long time, and they just helped the office with a major event, it can be regarded as helping these people in disguise, so they did not deliberately provoke each other, and they were able to keep their distance and investigate their own. case.

However, it was these people who had just happened.

Somehow, these people fought with an unknown master. As a result, he was killed by the master as if he had entered the land of no one.

"What master, so powerful? Could it be the black man again?" Hearing this, the lieutenant asked hurriedly.

"It should not be!" Billy boy immediately denied, "I heard that the guy who ran to support said on the intercom that the person seemed to be disguised as a corpse and hit them by surprise from the inside."

"And that person's body isn't particularly strong, but the marksmanship is incredibly fast and accurate."

{It seems to have the special ability of bullet time! }Lu Yuanxindao.

Hearing this, Lu Yuan felt that the eighth achievement was what he had guessed. The so-called master was Mike, the protagonist of the offline plot.

In the original plot, Mike used to be the legendary thief McTownley who frightened the entire US card, although Lu Yuan believed that it was the insurance companies and the politicians and officials they controlled that were really frightened.

Because he wanted his family to lead a stable life, nine years ago, Mike and the then unknown FIB agent Dave Norton faked his own death in a robbery, and then Jinpenwashed his hands and joined the FIB Witness Protection Program. Live a peaceful life.

However, he who was washing his hands with the golden basin made another vote nine years later, and the insider could soon contact him about the case of the jewelry store.

So Dave Norton, who once became a hero agent by "killing" the legendary thief McTownley, now approached Mike again and asked him to help investigate a case. The target was the morgue in the coroner's office.

The above is the original plot that Lu Yuan vaguely remembers.

It was confirmed that Mike was mostly the one doing things in the morgue, and when Lu Yuan's curiosity was satisfied, the hungry fortune fascination surfaced again.

So when the lieutenant and the others finished talking, after the two guys over there clamored to come to the shooting range to try out the new gun, Lu Yuan coughed dryly, "Well, since there is nothing wrong, then I will leave."

He said that he was leaving, but Lu Yuan's feet were clearly motionless, standing next to the guns intentionally or unintentionally, and the lieutenant's eyes would surely be able to sweep those new products.

"Uh, good, see you later." However, the lieutenant still didn't say anything, just waved at him indifferently.

Lu Yuan saw that he was going to hold on to the end. If he didn't know, he would definitely not want to get the money, so he turned around, picked up the gun on the table, and put it in his gym bag.

"Hey, what are you doing?" the lieutenant called.

"Huh?" This time it was Lu Yuan's turn to pretend to be silly.

I saw him load up the gun two or three times, then reached out to collect the MP7 that the lieutenant had just picked up, and looked at the lieutenant innocently, "Uh, what's wrong? Is there any problem?"

"What are you doing? Aren't these fixed shots?" the lieutenant asked.

"Uh, fixed gun? What is that? I haven't heard of it!" Lu Yuan continued to pretend to be stupid, "Aren't all businesses pay with one hand and deliver goods with one hand! When I have finished the goods, I will bring them all together." When the time comes, change the money in your hand."

The implication is that now there is no money, there is no goods.

Seeing Lu Yuan's posture, the lieutenant knew that his plan to take the Overlord Spear had failed.

He stared at Lu Yuan twice, he had to smile bitterly and defeated, while taking out his phone again, he said to Lu Yuan, "Oh, yes, I'm afraid of you, I'll let someone send you the deposit. past!"

"Oh, you don't know who you are with the miser. It doesn't make much business in this way!" The lieutenant said a few words to Euphnia on the phone, then put down the phone and continued to talk to Lu.

"Thank you for your advice. For more than ten years since the company has been established, there are still only a dozen employees. Even the office supplies funds have to be habitually deducted from the postponement of the manager!" Lu Yuan thanked him in a respectful manner, but there were more words. How choking people are.

The lieutenant who was turned back in person confirmed that the 20,000 US dollars of the initial deposit had been placed in Lu Yuan’s account, and eagerly snatched the package in Lu Yuan’s hand, and shouted at him angrily, "Go, get the money." Go back to work quickly! I want to receive the tailed goods as soon as possible, have you heard?"

Seeing the lieutenant's desperate appearance, Lu Yuan didn't care about him, bowed a little, and walked to the elevator. As he walked, he said, "Don't worry, you just have to prepare the balance, you can't miss yours~"

"Go, there's no end to it, your money is indispensable, don't keep talking about this, hurry up!"

The joke was a joke, but after returning to the office, Lu Yuan was the first to catch up with the hunter's shipment.

But that night, he received an unexpected text message.

The text message was sent by Franklin Clinton. The content is also very simple, that is, I thank Lu Yuan for his help last time, and I hope to get together with him when I have time. In addition, there are some things I want to discuss with him in person.

That night, Lu Yuan saw the tangled Franklin at the Vanilla Unicorn Club.

After talking about a lot of gossip, Lu Yuan finally found the opportunity to ask the question, "What happened, why did you come out?"

After struggling for a long time, Franklin drank the beer in his hand before saying, "Listen, friend, you know, sometimes you can't be 100% loyal to every friend."

"I appreciate your help last time. Really."

"I am also very sorry that something like that happened!"

"I introduced you to the task. It's my fault."

"And I heard that, for your worth, that level of work is simply dispensable for you. Taking part in that kind of task is equivalent to helping a friend."

"So, I'm really sorry."

Lu Yuan listened to him incoherently talking about a bunch of things, even though he happened to happen to the lieutenant during the day because of the original game, and he had some guesses about Franklin's subtext, but at this time he could only continue to be unclear. Keep asking.

"Hey, what are you talking about?"

"Sorry, I can't say too much. I can't betray my friends!" Franklin continued, "I can only say, the last time, if you don't mention it, don't mention it again."

"Why? What do you mean?" Lu Yuan asked with a frown.

Seeing that Lu Yuan was still unclear, Franklin had to smile wryly, "Well then, I'll try to explain it this way."

"Suppose, I mean suppose, there was a police informant at work last time, what would you do?"

"I mean, the informant in the other case was in the other case before that ticket."

"It's just that because of that ticket, he was found fault by the previous police."

"Although I am sure he will not betray others, we better not create opportunities for others! I mean, try not to expose the relationship between ourselves and that vote anywhere else!"

Hearing this, Lu Yuan fully understood what Franklin wanted to express.

As he had guessed from the lieutenant, FIB approached Mike again and asked him to do the dirty work for them.

It should be today that Mike informed Franklin of this part of the inside story. After the latter struggled, he felt that he had the obligation to inform Lu Yuan, and that was what happened.

Sure enough, I just listened to Xiaofu continuing, "The so-called police, I am actually talking about notes. I mean, it's the guys in the bureau."

"Guys in the game? FIB?" Lu Yuan said casually, but he was even more sure of his previous judgment.

Now that the matter was clear, Lu Yuan didn't say much.

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