Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 293: False unparalleled, things do not go singly

I have to say that Leicester's efficiency is indeed very high.

Not only was the loophole set by the system quickly fixed by him, but at noon the next day, he sent the first list, or the first name on the list: Bill Kington.

Although the name was completely meaningless to Lu Yuan, the system immediately gave relevant information.

It turns out that this is a pharmaceutical company that is vigorously promoting a new drug on the market, a magic pill for the treatment of a certain dysfunction in men.

Although there are rumors that the drug has strong side effects on the heart, it has been approved by the Mica Drug Administration.

Because of the emergence of this medicine, another Beta Pharma, which specializes in medicines with the same effect, has recently been out of luck.

After roughly figuring out what would happen, Lu Yuan once again acted as a shopkeeper and entrusted the system to handle these financial matters.

However, he discovered from related news that this new medicine seemed to have been seen by him.

After checking it around, he surprisingly found that the performance of this thing was quite similar to the effect of a certain semi-finished narcotics in the data taken out by the Humane Laboratory.

It's just that that kind of medicine is not used to treat male dysfunction, but to strengthen fighters.

"So, this company actually sells R&D derivatives from unknown forces?" Lu Yuan murmured, "Use that special narcotics as raw materials?"

[This can also explain why Leicester started with this company, doesn't it? 】

"Yeah, yeah, but keeping him, wouldn't it be okay to follow their company's account to find the man behind the scenes?" Lu Yuan wondered.

[If he can do it, he will probably not fail to do it. Perhaps, when the wind and waves are stronger, it will be easier to expose the reefs under the sea. 】

"Hmm!" Lu Yuan understood the metaphor of the system in an instant, and nodded, "Yes. Okay, then, let's not be polite, let's make the storm bigger!"

Later in the same day, news of the mission's completion came in the news.

"Yellow Weasel News:"

"This afternoon, Brett Lowry, CEO of Bill Kington Pharmaceuticals, was killed in Los Santos. Prior to this, his company's newly listed anti-male dysfunction drugs were controversial because they may cause a heart attack."

"Affected by this news, the stock price of Beta Pharmaceuticals has soared. I believe that investors who love powerful drug production companies will not cry in the toilet because of this."

Youdao is false and unparalleled, and things do not go singly.

During this period of time, Xiaofu, Hunter, Lester, and Agent 14, the missions of these people, one after another, were endless, and even the retreat with Lu Yuan tended to be ruined.

Finally, after another weekend, I was about to hand over all the hunter's orders as soon as possible. Lu Yuan quickly resumed his retreat and practice life, and once again received Turner's help.

"Agent 14 gave another task?" Lu Yuan asked, "If it's not particularly troublesome, then take it."

"Huh? Do two tasks at the same time? Not enough manpower?"

"Yes, sorry, boss. I feel that both tasks require at least two people at the same time. I can't help but ask you for a favor." Turner said a little embarrassed.

"Uh, okay, what are the tasks?" Lu Yuan sighed softly, and had to give up the retreat again and start extra work.

The two missions of Agent 14 are a bit strange.

The first thing is that a team of special agents accidentally let the enemy discover their mobile operations center as a surveillance platform during a mission.

In order to facilitate the evacuation, the team of agents abandoned the combat center and changed to other means of transportation.

But in this way, the mobile operations center may be captured by the enemy and reveal some of their secrets.

Agent 14 hoped that Turner and others would rescue the combat center from somewhere in the city as soon as possible.

This task is weird. What kind of monitoring task will use a heavy truck as a monitoring platform? Are you afraid that the enemy will not see it?

Moreover, if you don’t drive while evacuating, it’s fine if you destroy the car. Why did you let another team rescue it? how? If the other team is caught, there will be no problems?

Although there must be a deeper calculation behind this task, it pales in comparison to another task.

Another task is to say that another team of hostile agents has actually obtained a military half-track tank from the US-Canadian army. Because this thing is military grade, it shouldn't fall into the hands of those people, so Agent 14 has to send someone to take it back.

This task is even more absurd.

Tianma Life Service Company and the security office have sold countless military vehicles, armed helicopters flying all over the sky, and heavy armored vehicles running all over the street. Are you afraid of a half-tracked chariot?

Even if the half-track combat vehicle has a dual anti-air cannon, it is not much more powerful than the Valkyrie nose. Why is it bad to pretend to be a big deal?

Having said that, for the sake of Qian's face, Lu Yuan still took both tasks.

Turner and Alex went to take charge of the mobile operations center, while Lu Yuan took the surge to recover the half-track tank.

After all, the mobile operations center has thick armor and remote-controlled cannons for self-defense firepower. As long as it is not besieged by the regular army, the danger of a security war is not high.

On the side of the half-track tank, I want to know that a fierce fight is inevitable.

Because it was Turner who took the task directly in the bunker, Lu Yuan didn't have to go to the bunker first, and went directly to the task location to hand over with Agent 14's liaison officer.

There was almost no subsidy on his side. The agent 14's liaison officer had no other help except for preparing a hard-hull lifeboat for Lu Yuan on the flood discharge river.

Lu Yuan could only drive this small black lifeboat by himself, and sailed into the sea along the flood discharge river.

The half-track tank was temporarily placed in a workshop near the sea in the South Luodu port area by hostile agents. Therefore, the route arranged by Agent 14 was to approach the water from the open sea side, and after finding a way to get the guards, seize the chariot.

However, before Lu Yuan had driven the lifeboat far away, he felt the sound of a police siren from far to near in the southeast.

He subconsciously thought that he was exposed, and did not turn off the lifeboat, so he jumped into the water and hid under the water.

However, after a while, he discovered that the sirens were not directed at him at all.

"Brother Six, what's going on? There is a thief in the port area?" Lu Yuan, who swam to the surface of the water, said with some embarrassment.

[The thief is indeed a thief. But this thief is different from the others. And the host also knows it. 】

"Huh?" Lu Yuan was taken aback for a moment, and then reacted, "No way? Are you catching up with that guy to do that?"

[Yes, and it's a coincidence that according to his current escape route, he will pass this neighborhood in about half a minute. 】

"This? He will still pass here?" Lu Yuan said strangely, "Well, in that case, let him take me a distance!"

After speaking, Lu Yuan plunged into the water and dived.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for two lights to come from far and near from the bottom of the sea, and a yellow figure slowly appeared behind the lights.

It is a small yellow submarine.

Lu Yuan smiled slightly under the water, then swam along the light, and put his whole body on the glass cover of the cockpit of the submarine, and danced to the familiar bald head inside.

The man was obviously taken aback by the sudden appearance of Lu Yuan, and almost wanted to use the submarine robotic arm to throw Lu Yuan out.

However, when he saw clearly that the guy outside was not a murloc or an alien, but a genuine person, or one of his own partners, he couldn't help but curse out loud.

It's a pity that this is underwater, and the two of them are in the cabin and the other outside, and they can't communicate at all.

Fortunately, Lu Yuan took out his mobile phone at this time, put it on the outside of the glass cover and waved it, and then he fiddled with the thing like typing.

In fact, his modified mobile phone can be very difficult to keep under water. Where can I use the touch screen to type, but there is a system waiting to be worked.

But soon, the bald cell phone in the cockpit suddenly dinged, and he took out the cell phone and looked at it, and there was a new short message. It said impressively, "Hi, partner, help take me a ride!"

Then, a new e-mail was also sent, and the above was surprisingly a route from the current location to the sea near a factory in the port area.

The length is not far, about two or three kilometers.

But alopecia areata looked suspiciously at Lu Yuan outside the window, and replied, "Why are you here? What are you doing here?"

Lu Yuan: "Mission, mission! I just heard the alarm bell in the distance, I thought I was exposed, so I hid. Hey, it turns out that those guys didn't find me, it was because of you! So, I want you to help, Not too much, right?"

"Really?" Alopecia areata looked at Lu Yuan carefully, until the other party held his breath for too long and had to take out the oxygen mask from the backpack and put it on his nose and mouth, then reluctantly replied, "Okay. But, this matter you You have to keep it secret for me!"

"No problem, partner, we are partners!"

Needless to say, the underwater guy is naturally Uncle Trevor among the three offline protagonists.

According to the original plot, when Trevor sent his subordinate Wade to the Los Angeles metropolitan area to inquire about Mike's whereabouts, he also found them a place to stay in the city, Wade's cousin Floyd's apartment.

Freud was working at the dock, and Trevor found himself the next ticket at the dock and robbed Meriweather.

For this robbery, he was going to steal a transport helicopter and a small submarine. The latter is the one Lu Yuan is seeing now.

Combining with the early stage of the mission, Agent 14 said that the guard force around the half-track tank was declining, and the personnel seemed to be attracted by other places. Lu Yuan suddenly knew the true identity of the so-called hostile agent who had obtained the half-track tank. Points guessing.

It's not Meriweather, but also someone who has a cooperative relationship with Meriweather.

After the underwater taxi with Trevor approached the combat area, Lu Yuan knocked on the window and sent the letter "THKS" to Uncle Cui, then escaped from the submarine and dived towards the shore.

"Damn it, there is such a coincidence?" Trevor cursed and drove the submarine to another location in the port.

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