Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 299: Thunder, little rain

{That does not work! }After listening to the description of the system, Lu Yuan decisively ordered, {Brother Six, search for me, what is Agent 14's eyeliner and where is it! Then avoid them for me! }

{If it weren't for being afraid of being seen by him, the trivial water ghost is nothing! }

[I thought you wouldn’t ask anymore. 】

[A total of 7 sonar beacons in the surrounding waters are connected to the modified Global Hawk UAV controlled by IAA. 】

[The modified version of the UAV is closer to the Navy’s MQ-4C "Triton (son of Poseidon, mermaid and Poseidon, but it has not been equipped with remote sea search related equipment. 】

{What do you mean by this? I just want you to help me block them for a while! }Lu Yuan asked in confusion.

[Well, because the original MQ-4C is expensive, even more than an F-35. 】

[The system is afraid that the host will want to capture it and sell it to the store...]

{Hiss~~~} Lu Yuan took a cold breath---the quasi-empty generated by the respirator---qi, {that’s not a few hundred million dollars? Can you count tens of thousands of points? Hmm, my heart hurts~~Little money, money! }

{Oh, forget it, you can block me first, the big deal is that I will get it back from those behind! }

[Seven sonar beacons have been shielded. Because the drone is flying too high, forcible shielding will cost at least four digits of space-time points. Does the host agree to continue? 】

{Of course--- disagree! }

{It's enough to shield the sonar! }

As he finished speaking in his mind, Lu Yuan raised the bow of the propeller in his hand and began to slanting upstream.

The water ghost behind saw that he had left the deep water area by himself, and immediately all geared up. A certain impatient even shot Lu Yuan Youzao Mezuo three shots twice, wanting to try his luck.

However, the distance between the two sides in the horizontal plane should be more than 30 meters, not to mention the difference in height or depth of nearly 20 meters.

At this distance, although the two arrow-shaped bullets rushed towards Lu Yuan very hard, when they reached the position before Lu Yuan, the latter had already leaned far upstream, leaving no toes.

It was Lu Yuan. Seeing that the other side was so anxious at this time, he couldn't help but snorted in his heart, {Since you are so anxious to die, then go to death! }

The next moment, he drew out an assault rifle and fired at the enemy above and behind.

The gun looks no different from the HK416 used on land, and the magazine has not been lengthened. However, the bullets shot out looked like special effects in a movie, dragging a trail of bubbles in the water, and shooting at the enemy at a speed that was several times faster than that of an arrow-shaped bullet.

Several water ghosts only had time to pose to correct the direction of the booster. Under the attack of water trails, they burst out red flower mist. The whole person immediately became limp and was pushed by the booster. This weird angle continues to move forward.

Within three to five seconds, the water ghosts who caught up with them all died.

{Hmph, this is technology rolling! }Lu Yuan snorted coldly, but he turned the course and went straight to a few remaining corpses.

No way, this is a batch of special bullets he recently trial-produced for underwater warfare. Of course, the firearms have also done some details for underwater use, but the overall change is not big.

This batch of special bullets is not only special in shape, but also in materials. It is also the first magical world material he used on hot weapons.

In fact, whether this bullet is in the main world or here, there are institutions that are studying it, and a usable prototype has also been made. However, due to cost issues, etc., it was not officially installed.

Their name is supercavitating bullets.

To put it simply, whether ordinary submarines or torpedoes, including bullets, when moving at high speeds in the water, the fluid resistance they receive is much higher than that in the air. Therefore, under the same output power, the speed of the underwater vehicle is much slower than that of the land.

A rifle warhead with a speed of several hundred meters per second in the air, after entering the water, travels a few meters or even one meter, it will stop under the action of resistance.

However, engineers found that high-speed rotating propellers often have inexplicable "idling" under water, just like when you are in a close tug of war with others, the other party suddenly releases your hand, and as a result, you lose your balance and even fall to the ground. Fall.

When studying this kind of accident, they discovered that when the speed of underwater objects exceeds a threshold, water vapor will be generated in the surrounding area, which will expose the equipment to water vapor instead of liquid water.

This phenomenon is called supercavitation.

Later, torpedoes and submarines using supercavitation technology appeared.

The principle is the same, but if you want the generated supercavitation to cover the entire body of the device, in addition to high speed, if the front end has a certain special shape, it will get twice the result with half the effort.

It is also because of this discovery that supercavitating technology can also be used for bullets that lose their power source after leaving the muzzle.

In fact, the shape of the supercavitating bullet is no longer a special secret, and you can get it by checking it carefully.

It is precisely because of this that Lu Yuan was able to quickly produce a batch of prototypes and conduct tests.

Unlike the opponent’s arrow-shaped projectile, which has an effective range of only 30 to 40 meters, Lu Yuan’s supercavitating projectile has an effective range of 80 meters or even 100 meters even in a water depth of 30 meters. In terms of using F-22 to hit their hot air balloon.

However, because he uses special materials and has undergone more effective improvements in appearance, he does not want others to get this bullet in a short time.

Those warheads that did not hit the enemy and finally sank to the bottom of the sea do not matter. Anyway, if you want to find them, you are really looking for a needle in a haystack.

But those left in the enemy's corpse had to be taken back anyway, it was simply giving away.

Lu Yuan couldn’t help thinking that the reason why the supercavitating bullets were not officially listed was because the people of Meka were afraid that the things would be easily exposed. Did you learn it? Finally, he created a more dangerous enemy?

Meka has been doing this kind of thing all the time. It's reasonable to make a little progress after smashing itself in the foot for so many years.

{Well, get it done! }Lu Yuan threw the last corpse into the shield, and took it back from the shield. {Sixth brother, there are no missing bullets, right? Also, Agent 14 has never responded to the loss of sonar connection? }

[Well, there is something I haven't had time to tell the host just now. 】

{what? }Lu Yuan suddenly had a bad feeling.

[Neither good nor bad, the host should not be so defensive. 】

{If you have something to say! }

【Ok. In fact, when the host first encountered the water ghosts, Agent 14 had no time to take care of it. 】

[Their people, IAA's own agents, have found what they are looking for in the nearby sea. 】

{what? }A long way, {will not be...}

[Yes, that's it. 】

{What? Did they really find a mermaid around? }

[What nonsense are you talking about? 】The system’s tone is like a cat with its tail stepped on, suddenly raising, 【Of course not! It's the thing Trevor stole from Meriwether! 】

Seeing the system's response so violently, Lu Yuan was very cool, but he continued to pretend to be innocent and behave, {just kidding, just a joke, calm, sixth brother, you have to calm down~}

While talking, Lu Yuan has already swam onto the sea. The APC, which had already been fighting with the patrol salvaging the mercenaries, also moved towards Lu Yuan while continuing to suppress firepower.

With the help of Turner, Lu Yuan quickly threw six boxes of cargo into the rear compartment and returned to the APC himself.

"Boss, Agent 14 did not give the next order, what shall we do?" Turner asked at this time.

"It's okay, fight and retreat, and walk along the coastline to Los Santos." Lu Yuan waved his hand, it didn't matter.

"Anyway, in this mission, Agent 14 used us as bait again. When the situation on the main battlefield is revealed, the chasing soldiers on the other side will naturally go back and pay attention to more important things."

The reason for saying "again" is because Lu Yuan and Turner discussed this issue, that is, what secrets are hidden behind the mission of the mobile operations center and the half-track combat vehicle.

Combining the time and location of the two missions and the hostile objects, the two agreed that they and others must have helped some people in IAA attract a considerable part of Meriweather's firepower.

Especially the central control computer of the mobile operations center, although it is locked by IAA, the system still extracts something from a part of the information that is not fully encrypted.

It can be roughly analyzed that the team of agents that originally used the mobile operations center rescued an HVT, a high-value target from a hostile force.

Then the identity of the decoy on Luyuan's side is clearly visible.

This time it was a decoy mission again, and there was nothing surprising. This is also the reason why Lu Yuan still calmly joked to him after the system was revealed.

Sure enough, although the APC on Luyuan’s side has a very deterrent 73mm caliber 2A28 low-pressure smoothbore gun, in general, the armed patrol team facing several armed helicopters and dozens of armed speedboats does not have an absolute advantage. .

But after being shot down two bird gunships and two or three gunship speedboats, the salvaged mercenaries began to retreat quickly and gradually left the combat area.

"Hey, it looks like Agent 14 is calling soon!" Seeing those guys take the initiative to evacuate, staying in the back of the car and fiddle with the cargo boxes, I couldn't help but complain.

that's the truth. Before he finished his complaint, Agent 14's signature under-beating voice rang from the team channel.

However, the tone was not as anxious as Lu Yuan thought, but rather calm and even somewhat delighted.

{Hehe, it looks like they did a good job this time? Didn’t those people return to aid just now, did they really retreat? }Lu Yuan murmured secretly.

"Guys did a good job!" Agent 14 said, "Then, please send the goods and vehicles back now. The destination is the Dongluodu Industrial Zone."

"Well, also, don't be targeted by the LSPD. If the APC is captured, you know, everything is your own behavior and has nothing to do with anyone else."

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