Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 30: Never indulge

Lu Yuan then recalled that after having fun with the mud crab before, he ran out of a pot of two dozen and twenty-four arrows before he was willing to come and recycle it.

However, he had time to retrieve four of them, and was attacked by a saber-toothed tiger. Now, the arrow that had just been retracted was sticking one by one into the face of the saber-toothed tiger.

Secretly sighed {carefully}, the young man did not rush, his whole body flattened over to the left, his right hand touched down along the quiver, and then lifted it outwards, pulling out the steel long sword from his waist , The blade was up, and the saber-toothed tiger's belly was greeted.

It's just that the distance was too close this time. In a hurry, the young man had to lie down on his stomach. Although he could escape the bite of the big cat's sharp teeth, he was still within the attack range of the two tiger claws.

As a result, while the long sword in the young man's hand stabs the saber-toothed tiger obliquely into the chest cavity behind his throat, two huge and strong tiger palms also slapped the young man's right chest and raised right arm fiercely.

The boy only felt two huge impacts from his chest and right arm, like being hit by a huge hammer. The chest was hit so hard that he almost stopped breathing. The long sword in his hand almost let go. out.

It was just that the young man tried his best and clenched his teeth. As a huge momentum continued from the long sword, the young man’s right arm felt as if it was being crushed by a tracked tank, which was crushing the muscles, almost every millimeter seemed to have one. The muscle fibers that had been injured were broken by a huge force. The arm bones were also broken a little bit.

But for a second or two, it made him feel like a year.

In the end, the last remaining power on his right arm was also exhausted. As soon as the boy's right hand was loosened, the long sword was directly taken away by the saber-toothed tiger who was still throwing forward.

Only the scream from behind made the young man's heart tense. Without it, this cry of wailing, even though the teenager was also in pain for it, but the howling sound was still full of breath. This shows that even if the saber-toothed tiger eats this sword in its chest, it still has the physical strength to attack again.

The fact is indeed the case. Just as the young man stood on the ground with his left hand and turned around on his knees, he saw the terrifying giant cat, staring at him with hatred, unbearable pain but with red eyes, ready to initiate at any time. The next attack.

Because of the pain on the face that was distorted and deformed, the four iron arrows actually existed like dragon horns, exuding an indescribable aura of hideous terror.

On the contrary, under the chest, the hilt of the long sword that had been poked on the ground had opened a huge hole in its chest and abdomen. The stomach and intestines, accompanied by a large amount of blood, were sinking little by little.

Even so, the big cat did not dare to bend down to ease the situation of sagging internal organs, just because the long sword is still inserted into it, as long as it lie down, it is as if he is lying on the long sword inserted on the ground. Generally, more serious injuries will be suffered.

Seeing such a scene, the young man was not happy and shocked.

Although the saber-toothed tiger continued to bleed like this, it took less than a minute to faint due to hypoxia, and then died of excessive blood loss.

However, the saber-toothed tiger's tyrannical eyes told the young man that the fierce creature had only one idea now, that is, before he died, he must send the culprit to the underworld first.

The boy had no doubt that the next attack of the giant beast would definitely take his own life.

The best choice right now is to turn around and run away quickly, and let the saber-toothed tiger shake out its internal organs because of the violent movement. As long as you are not caught up, you will win without fighting.

However, Young Young took a breath, but a huge tingling pain came from his chest, and he didn't even have the strength to stand up.

Without the need for a system check, a young man who has already had enough actual combat experience understands in his heart that despite the double protection of the steel breastplate and animal skin armor, his ribs were instantly broken at least when the saber-toothed tiger's palm was photographed. Three of them, one of them, also pierced into his lungs.

Except for the difference in degree, his condition was as good as the big cat in front of him. If he can't get his ribs back into place as soon as possible, he is also in danger of death from respiratory failure.

In this case, even if he struggled to stand up for a short time, he would definitely not be able to escape under the chase of the feline predator, which is known for its explosive power.

Knowing that he can only hold on to one way, the young man no longer hesitated, moved his legs and stood more firmly on the ground. His right hand was temporarily paralyzed, so he had to use his left hand to pull out a bottle of life medicine from the space.

However, just as he tried to open the bottle with one hand trembling, the saber-toothed tiger also began to attack.

Time was not enough. The young man had to throw the whole potion bottle the size of a small light bulb into his mouth. With his left hand, he quickly drew a steel shield from the space, and pointed it straight in the direction where the big cat rushed, holding the shield firmly in front of him.

With a "bang", another huge force was uploaded from the shield, and at the same time, a shield made of stainless steel threw out two huge depressions, and at the same time, it slammed the boy out.

Needless to say, under such tremendous power, the young man's left hand holding the shield also suffered the same treatment as his right arm.

This huge force even passed to his chest again, causing his heart to stop beating briefly for a few seconds.

In an instant, the boy entered a state of dying.

When it was a matter of life and death, he had no other choice. He had to press his tongue against the glass bottle in his mouth, and his upper and lower jaws fiercely crushed the glass bottle of life potion directly, so that the potion in the bottle could be crushed. Go down the throat and enter the esophagus.

With the support of this bottle of potion, the boy who was knocked out finally fell and hit the ground without knocking the last bit of physical strength.

When the brain regained control of the body, the boy quickly stood up tremblingly. With the help of a bottle of healing medicine, the wounds all over the body have been relieved to a certain extent. The arms that were completely unable to exert strength under the pain also gained a certain amount of mobility under the operation of the brain.

The boy looked at the saber-toothed tiger lying in the reeds in the distance, and calculated the time for it to attack again. He found that he had some time to spare, so he quickly took out two more bottles of potion, as hand sanitizer, and gave his arms a full set. Orientation massage.

Feeling his arms, with a burst of coolness, the hot pain gradually weakened and dissipated. The boy quickly tried it to confirm that his arms had the power of a war once again.

So he quickly took out a wooden bow captured from the mine robber from the space, and once again praised his preparedness, he drew out a few arrows and held it in his left hand, and put one in his right hand, silently aiming at the struggling The saber-toothed tiger standing up.

In the impact just now, the young man unloaded most of his impulse because he was separated with a shield, but the saber-toothed tiger staying in place was wounded and weakened by the impact.

If the fierce tiger of the main plane had suffered this series of blows, it should have been turned into points long ago, filling the boy's wallet.

But here, the saber-toothed tiger is still unwilling, brewing the next attack.

The novice hunter, in the face of the current situation, is likely to choose to step forward and add a sword to the saber-toothed tiger to take away its last bit of vitality.

But hunters with a little experience will sneer at this idea. Without it, most of the beasts in this world pretend to be dead, while pretending to be dead, while accumulating strength in the case, waiting for their enemies to come forward to check, explode and avenge themselves in advance.

After being taught by the senior hunter Vegard, the teenager has his own judgment on the current situation of the big cat, and even lacks the idea of ​​going forward.

The bow, the quiver, and the half-scrapped shield that fell on the ground are not far in front of him, but he doesn't even look at it, staring straight down in the reeds. Saber-toothed tiger.

Just like that, ten seconds, thirty seconds, one minute, three minutes, five minutes.

Half an hour passed in this stare.

Although the injuries on both arms were greatly relieved by the internal and external application of three bottles of life medicine, the broken rib in the right chest was still inserted in the lungs. The teenager can even feel that with every breath he takes, a little vitality is lost with the wound.

Not only that, after each breath, the next breath will be difficult for one point. At this time, layers of layer upon layer of breathing difficulties, the distance completely suffocated oneself, not too far.

The teenager has no doubt that if this continues, even if he does not die from internal bleeding, the risk of losing consciousness due to suffocation will suddenly increase.

To make matters worse, he was in a standard bow position, controlling an alien longbow weighing more than 60 pounds. This posture puts even greater pressure on the lung injury.

The teenager knew that he didn't have much time. If the stalemate continues, and he faints before taking drugs, he can only be sent back to the main world by the system and wait for the system to call 120.

If the day comes and he doesn't want to be locked up by the research department, he can only say goodbye to normal life and embark on the road of escape.

What, why study him? He is at home alone. The doors and windows on the third floor of his house are intact, but he is dying from the scars of fighting with big cats. Guess what research departments are interested in him?

This kind of result, for an adventurous traverser who has just embarked on a magical journey, is absolutely unwilling to bear.

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