Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 331: Troublemaker Valeria

Seeing the two of them, he quickly did something vulgar on the phone. Lu Yuan hurriedly coughed and cut them off forcibly, and said, "Picero, where am I going now? Your office? Or? Your apartment?"

In fact, the location is similar. Gunther's office is in the Garden Bank West Building in Perot District, which is the office building of the City Hunter Detective Service Company.

And his apartment is in another apartment building directly opposite to the west of the office building.

"This, this..."

Upon hearing this question, Gunther, who was talking like a love sage just now, suddenly became a stutter, and was speechless for a long time.

Listening to his appearance, Lu Yuan understood naturally, and was afraid that Nia, who lived with him, didn't know anything about Valeria.

I was thinking, what would happen if a woman found her cohabiting boyfriend and brought her ex-girlfriend back to their residence in the middle of the night, or the office where the two used to be "concubine"?

What if this woman is still a very vengeful, strong body with good marksmanship, and a former drug lord queen who has killed countless underground mercenaries?

Just thinking about what Niya might have done to Gunther in her heart, Lu Yuan felt shuddering. He couldn't help leaving the steering wheel with his right hand, and subconsciously blocked a certain part of him.

Slowly, Lu Yuan said to Gunther, half sympathetic and half smile, "Well, I can't go to the office or apartment, so where can I go?"

"Let me think about it," Gunther was about to answer, but suddenly felt something flashing in the rearview mirror. He said "Wait a moment" and deliberately moved to the side one because it was so far that no one would usually walk. Got to turn in.

When he walked to the middle of the path, sure enough, a black muscle sports car followed him in. And also turned off the front lights in advance.

If there is a one in ten thousand chance that the person really likes to take this path that no one walks, then the person also turns off the lights at the same time, so this chance is completely excluded.

Gunther knew in his heart that 100% of the car behind was coming for him.

"Sorry, Boss, it seems that I can't make it for a while. There is his XX falling on me!" Gunther said angrily.

"Someone is following you?" Lu Yuan paused for a while, and immediately reacted, "It was the nightclub security who informed them of the news, the people who chased Valeria?"

"What?" As soon as he heard that it was the person who was chasing him, Valeria in the co-pilot immediately retracted into his seat, shivering and daring not to make any more noises.

Gunther said angrily, "mostly it! Hmph, it looks like they know that they can find her by following me, they are not stupid!"

Hearing what he said, Lu Yuan was speechless for a while, and vomited, "You just said so loudly on the street that you are Picello. Maybe everyone on that street doesn't know who Picello is? And you guys are working together. That little movie, as long as you are not stupid, everyone knows that you have a leg with her!"

"Hiss, is that obvious?" Gunther shrank his neck suddenly in fright. "You said, don't you know who else?"

"Are you asking me?" Lu Yuan said helplessly, "You said first, who likes to watch small movies?"

"..." Gunther said without tears, "It was because she had watched my film that she asked me to compare..."

"..." Hearing this, Lu Yuan really admired this pair, eh, he had to add the next one. Is this a racial bonus?

"Okay, don't talk so much nonsense. Hurry up and shake your tail." Lu Yuan hurriedly brought the topic to business. "Also, if you have the opportunity to take pictures, send me the pictures of the car. The more information you have now The better."

"By the way, your warehouse in Mesa is still in use, right? My access right was not cancelled for me, right?" Lu Yuan asked again.

The Mesa Warehouse is an industry owned by Gunther's Los Santos Courier Company. It was also one of the most commonly used warehouses when Lu Yuan ran special cargo with him.

"No, no, your access rights are always there. Just go straight in!" Gunther also understood instantly, "There are my sleeping bags, tents, drinking water and compressed biscuits, which can definitely be hidden for a while! "

"Yeah." Lu Yuan nodded and said, "Now I am worried that those assassins will also know your industrial address, and follow the picture to find the door."

"Don't worry, boss, it's okay!" Gunther was not worried at all. "Don't think I use Picello as the code name in the office. In fact, this name is very common, and the one in the San Fernando Valley Picello spelled it differently."

"Unless someone who really knows me, I won't connect the two Piceros together! After all, it is beyond common people's cognition!"

"You also know that you are a strange flower?" Lu Yuan cried and laughed. "When you are a male star, you should be a male star. What kind of underground mercenary? Or, you can be mixed up with the underground world, and you want to make some special movies! "

"This, this, career and hobby, it doesn't conflict..." Gunther explained awkwardly.

"Really?" Lu Yuan snorted, "I just don't know which is a career and which is a hobby for you! I think you open a nightclub in West Hollywood, and rely on your connections to draw more "colleagues". In the past, your business must be prosperous!"

"Huh? Hearing what you said, the boss, how do I feel that this thing can really be done?" Gunther pondered, "I really have to look into it later. I heard that some people use the nightclub underground warehouse to distribute goods. , Although making money is a bit slow, it wins in the long run!"

"You still, are you really doing it?" Lu Yuan was just complaining, but he didn't expect Gunther to take it seriously. Now he really doesn't know what to say.

And because Gunther spent all his energy on drag racing and dumping people, he didn't have the energy to talk to Lu Yuan, so the atmosphere suddenly became embarrassing.

Fortunately, the woman in the co-pilot seat did not know what she was thinking, she still shrank in her seat and said nothing, and did not cause Lu Yuan any more trouble.

Maybe Lu Yuan moved quickly, maybe because he didn't reveal his identity. In short, unlike Gunther who was being tracked, he arrived at the Mesa warehouse smoothly.

He took out his mobile phone to open the firm's APP and used the account's exclusive identity key to open the warehouse's password lock. Lu Yuan hurriedly led the woman into the warehouse.

This warehouse has a lot of space, but most of the shelves are currently empty, indicating that Gunther has either not been doing business recently, or he has just sent out all the goods in this warehouse.

According to Luyuan's understanding of Gunther, he thinks that the former is more likely to be.

Sliding off a shelf near the door, Lu Yuan looked at the dust on his fingertips and confirmed that it was the former.

"Okay, there are two bags next to the computer desk at the door, that are your future bed and food." Lu Yuan walked around the warehouse and confirmed that there were no safety hazards before returning to the gate and standing in a daze. Valerie Road here.

"Here you are more familiar than me, so I won't do anything about it." Lu Yuan said again, "I'll leave if it's okay!"

"Wait! Please don't leave me alone!" The panic of the poor woman who has been pretending to be the poor woman is no longer the deliberateness she had before, and she seems more natural, "At least, at least wait until Samuel comes back. ?"

Not to mention, after knowing Gunther for so long, Lu Yuan has never called his real name, which is the name "Samuel".

Gunther Gunther got used to his calling, Lu Yuan almost forgot, this is actually his last name, the abbreviation of Gonzalez.

Now listening to the woman's real name called Gunther, Lu Yuan had a strange feeling. It's like apologizing, ashamed, and so on, but there is some disgust.

It's probably like that, "You guy, Samuel, Samuel calls so affectionately, as if you have a good relationship with him, but besides making trouble for him, have you done anything good?"

"When you two worked together and did nothing to do all day, you knew you were doing sports in the office, and the business was so bad that it didn't take a lot of heart. Oh, yes, it looks like you, a woman, were sent from the beginning. He messed up his business, right?"

It was also due to Lu Yuan's brain turning fast. With this "Samuel", he was stunned to perform a bitter drama in his mind for more than ten minutes, but only a moment passed in reality.

Lu Yuan came back to his senses, and seeing the woman finally nodded in horror, he nodded for an unprecedented time, walked to the warehouse computer desk and sat down.

Seeing that Lu Yuan didn't mean to go, the woman finally let go.

Valeria was even more unwilling to watch him just sitting at the table and playing on the computer so himself.

After a while, the woman whispered, "Well, sir, don't you want to know how I found out that I was hunted down?"

Lu Yuan glanced at the woman sitting on the corner stool, then looked back at the computer.

Just as the woman wanted to say something, Lu Yuan suddenly said, "Then let me guess, how?"

"Eh?" The woman replied strangely and relievedly.

Lu Yuan knew that this guy was the type who couldn't stand loneliness if he had no sense of security. Don't worry about what to say now, as long as someone speaks, she can alleviate her panic.

But Lu Yuan always felt that when she finished speaking, she might regret even more why she came to talk to him.

"Then let's start with the reasons, let's talk about why you were hunted down." Lu Yuan continued, "I heard that after you were on fire in the San Fernando Valley, there were many special people invited you?"

"I think, although these people are famous, they can't stop your special hobby, right?" Lu Yuan curled his mouth slightly, "Or, because of their identity, it has stimulated your hobby even more. , The hobby that likes to sneak photos of things with them!"

"Not only that, just like you did to Gunther before, you sold the secretly filmed videos, right?"

"It's just that, this time, those big guys are not as easy to talk as Gunther, and they bypassed you lightly. Didn't they?"

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