Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 339: Battle of the Five Armies

Seeing that he used his mobile phone to control the drone to fly there, Trevor, who was disdainful of the thing, couldn't help but look up.

"Wow? So clear?" Trevor exclaimed when he saw the scene.

However, Lu Yuan, after photographing the faces of the two men, pretended to ask Trevor, "That is, Mike? It's Mike that you're going to frighten?"

"Oh, what else do you ask when you see it, hurry up, can you hear what they say?" Trevor asked instead.

Lu Yuan was not really ignorant, and he was too lazy to be hypocritical with him on this issue, so he didn't say much, and continued to fiddle with the phone twice. Although the sound did not come back, but there was more in the picture. The two subtitle columns respectively show the dialogue between the two.

"So high-tech? God, are you the devil?" Trevor said, and glanced at Lu Yuan inadvertently.

With this look, Lu Yuan felt his hair standing upside down for no reason, and his neck was chilly.

{what? Because of this, Trevor was murderous against me? Why? }

Yes, I was familiar with Lu Yuan's [Danger Perception] ability a long time ago, and realized it in an instant. That feeling was because of Trevor's murderous intent towards him.

Although Trevor himself was a moody lunatic, it was the first time Lu Yuan felt murderous from him after having been in contact with him for so long.

It's just that the breath disappeared in a flash, and soon disappeared.

At this time, Trevor looked harmless to humans and animals, leaning close to the mobile phone, watching the conversation between Mike and the FIB agent named Dave.

Frowning at Cui Fo, who seemed to have never happened before, Lu Yuan thought for a while, but he didn't think of a reason, so he could only temporarily put the matter down, and secretly remained vigilant towards Cui Fo.

It's not that I can't think of any reasons. On the contrary, if I substitute Cui Fo's perspective, Lu Yuan can think of too many reasons.

For example, he killed Johnny, the leader of the Lost Gang, only because he saw a suspected McTorry story (the Jewelry Incident) from the TV news.

Although Johnny was here to make trouble at the time, Trevor was not a woman who walked back into Johnny while watching the news.

Another example is the pair of Freud and his girlfriend, Trevor's cousin of Ward. Although the two had weapons in their hands and the woman took out pistols, they killed them like this?

Lu Yuan just came up with several things. For example, Cui Fo is an "anti-artificial intelligence" faction with a "robotic judgment day" complex.

It is believed that any high-tech artificial intelligence will lead to the emergence of robots and the end of humankind. Therefore, they are extremely opposed to the development of artificial intelligence technology, and even kill scientists who study corresponding technologies.

There are a lot of such people in Meika's red neck, and there are not many of them.

Although Lu Yuan wanted to say it, it was just a long-distance sound capture device, coupled with a speech-to-text language recognition software, which is far from artificial intelligence, and it is impossible to rely on this kind of fur technology. Can generate "Skynet".

While looking at the screen, he secretly thought about the reasons, but Lu Yuan was quickly attracted by the dialogue in the screen.

When Mike met Dave of FIB, there was nothing special at the beginning. It was nothing more than Mike introducing to the other party that he had completed the task assigned by the other party, and hoped that the other party will keep his promise and don't disturb him in the future.

However, it was obvious that something was going on on Dave's side, and he didn't agree.

Mike was about to ask why, Dave’s boss, FIB senior agent Steve Hines, took his follower, Andres Sanchez, who looked very much like the main world warrior, and left from the other corner. past.

Dave was obviously not prepared for the appearance of Hines, "Calm down, we said yes, let me take care of this matter."

Hines sarcastically said as he walked, "Yes, yes, leave it to you, because you have dealt with this, and it has been quite TMD!"

When he said that, he furiously said, "I CXX! And you! Are you XX? I asked you to delete my criminal evidence from the system, but you deleted my own copy?"

"Ah yes, you little clever ghost deleted your own!"

"You XXX, why stop being clever and clever, delete some other people's?"

"Just XX deleted me, everyone knows that I sent someone to do it!"

"Do you still think that I have not enough enemies, not enough to be eye-catching?"

"At this moment, not only the XX calves from IAA are making trouble for me, but even inside the FIB of XX, there are fishy flies and want to get a share of the pie!"

"Calm down, buddy!" Mike probably understood and dissuaded him. "You arranged the task. I did what you said. Things didn't develop in the way you wanted. I can't blame it!"

"Can't blame you?" Hines laughed angrily, and his opponent said, "Agent Sanchez, arrest these two guys! They were embarrassed and wanted to bring me down and take advantage of the opportunity to bring out those who framed me. thing!"

"Agent Sanchez, you wouldn't want to do that!" Dave stopped that person as soon as he heard it.

"Huh? You can't do that!" Hines took the lead in taking out the pistol, but he still had a fully automatic burst pistol. This world's unique Colt AP is said to be Ke, who was born in an untimely life in the main world. The development type of Erte SCAMP pistol in this world.

Seeing him aiming at Dave with his gun, Pan Sanchez also took out his gun and aimed at Mike.

And the other two didn't plan to sit still, both took out their pistols and turned to Hines.

"Calm down! Steve!" Dave continued to persuade, "We said yes, let me have a good talk with Mike, and see if we can find a better solution!"

"In this way, none of us can escape! Do you think it will be useful to catch us and top the tank? It is not good for anyone to die!"

"Okay, okay, let's put down the gun first and have a good talk." Hines looked persuaded, but his hands remained motionless.

"Why didn't you release it first!" Mike apparently didn't trust him at all.

"Hey, where's the promise of trust?" Hines said in a strange way, "Well, I just need you to do me a little favor. Don't be so nervous."

"Little favor?" Mike sneered. "If I help you, I'll be thrown into the sea to feed the sharks. Okay! Don't even think about it!"

Hines had something to say when another team of plainclothes agents suddenly surrounded him. The first white-haired boss shouted, "Put the gun down, boys, the game is over!"

"XX's, IAA!" Hines whispered secretly.

However, before the words came to an end, another group of militants with body armor, bulletproof helmets and protective masks came up from the other side. On their body armor, the letters FIB are also written.

"Whose person is this TM!" Hines was even more angry.

"It's mine!" Sanchez, who has been silent, said.

As soon as this sentence came out, the guns of the other three people were aimed at him instantly.

"It's you? I knew you had other plans!" Hines shouted angrily, "Explain in advance! I am a patriot, I love my TM Amerika! I was framed!"

"Put down the gun!" IAA took the lead and stepped forward.

"I went to your XX!" Hines yelled again, "What qualifications do you have to arrest me? Everyone in the world knows that you corrupt IAA do everything for that little funding! There is nothing in this world. You betray more organizations in the country!"

Lu Yuan and Cui Fo, who had watched the big drama off-screen, were hooked, but they were even more worried.

Seeing that Mike's threats were increasing, Lu Yuan coughed slightly and said in a low voice, "You still don't want to take action?"

At this moment, with the roar of propellers, a black bird gunship, also supporting two revolving machine guns, joined the three or four opposing situation just now.

IAA agents VS Sanchez and his FIB quick response team led by Steve Hines VS McDave VS the white-headed team (four-generation ULP).

"Who is this TM?" Hines cursed.

"Merry Weather?"

"What are they doing again?"

Lu Yuan looked at the situation that was out of control at any time, and turned to look at Cui Fo again.

Trevor unhurriedly began to pretend his AM-F sniper rifle, and said softly to the road, "Wait patiently. Don't worry, the fat guy doesn't look at that unlucky appearance. In fact, he is very unlucky. He will die in a moment and a half. No way!"

"It just happens to make him feel the pain of being surrounded and suppressed. When he jumps the wall in a hurry and saves, he will be embarrassed to refuse me again, my proposal!"

After hearing this passage from him, Lu Yuan had a rather admiring feeling towards him. What's wrong with this world? Is a lunatic actually playing tricks?

If he had this plan before and then moved, how about coming back again and again?

For no reason, Lu Yuan remembered his murderous attitude towards himself just now.

Although the two things seem to be completely unconnected, Lu Yuan feels that there is a connection between them that has not yet been discovered by himself.

During this time, the situation on the field changed again.

Seeing that the situation became more and more out of control, Dave also joined the ranks of persuading Hines and said to him, "Put down the gun, Steve."

Hines was really going to say something. Someone in the FIB rapid response team suddenly shot Hines in the leg.

I don't know if this gun was fired, or it was not aimed properly, or it was to incapacitate Hines, or it was a gunman deliberately arranged by someone to make the situation chaotic.

In short, after this shot, Hines, who was on the verge of collapse, exploded Sanchez's head with one shot, and then fled outside.

One shot may have room for recovery, and two shots are undoubtedly telling everyone on the court, "The carnival has begun!"

So the five-party melee broke out directly, and the old enemies of IAA and FIB fought against each other.

Hines was the first to escape, and soon disappeared into the center of the battlefield. People have to feel that this guy is really strong, not only a disgusting person, but also his life is so hard that he can't die three minutes or four times.

Mike took advantage of the opportunity of the two intelligence organizations to fight, lightly smashing a **** path.

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