Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 351: 351 Falling Leaves and Void Flying Insects

"Because of that turmoil, the world lost many pillars and lost a lot of key information. Unfortunately, it was caught by a group of evil creatures." The Feathered Serpent God continued.

"If you compare countless worlds to a huge number of different leaves, then in the empty area between the branches and leaves of this world tree, in addition to the void, there are some living creatures running around, just like flying insects."

"Similar to flying insects in nature, those void flying insects also feed on tree sap for a living."

"Our world is not only sucked by them, but also used as a springboard to infect other worlds."

"Although I don't know what the principle is, but on that huge world tree, if a floating lone leaf grows more like other leaves on a certain branch, it will slowly approach that branch."

"These, can you still keep up?" Quetzalcoatl looked at Lu Yuan when he said this.

Lu Yuan nodded, "Understand, it is to compare the Endless Plane to a world tree. Similar parallel worlds are different leaves on a certain branch."

"Leaves that fall from the tree can be attracted by similar parallel worlds and be attracted to that branch."

"But, shouldn't it be the branch from which it came from?"

"Yes!" The feather snake **** nodded, "But what if that branch completely changed its appearance? What if the floating leaf drifted away from the world because it failed to change with the original branch?"

"Well, I understand." Lu Yuan nodded, "You continue."

"Where did I go?" The feather armor warrior recalled for a moment and continued, "Yes, because of the nature of the falling leaves, those void flying insects, in addition to sucking the leaves, will also regard it as a path to another. A spaceship with a tree branch."

"You only need to transform this leaf to resemble the leaves on that branch, and you can wait for the leaf to lean on by itself."

"Of course, the more leaves on the branch, the more likely it is that there will be a foreign source. So those bugs will only leave quickly after a full meal."

"However, without their kind of transformation, the previous floating leaves will slowly be divided and absorbed by the surrounding branches and leaves, and will no longer exist."

"So, do you understand? Alien Source? What greets us is destruction in absolute sense!"

"Okay, I know this." Lu Yuan nodded, "Then, what do you want me to do? It's not about killing those Void Flyers, right?"

"Exactly!" the feather armor warrior exclaimed excitedly.

"But, I don't know anything about them?" Lu Yuan frowned. "Since you have been dealing with them for so long, tell me what they are like? What are their capabilities? How can they be talented? solve?"

"Sorry, if we knew this, we wouldn't have failed so far." The tall armored warrior, at this moment, changed his previous majesty and calmness, but was a little shy.

"I don't know anymore?" Lu Yuan couldn't help rolling his eyes. "Then why did you take me so hard to get me here? I guess whether you built that Tula plane or stole him, it's all yours. Bar?"

"Well, according to what our wise men said, these things only need to be reminded for you, because of the natural restraint, as long as you encounter those void flying insects, you will know how to destroy them." Feathered Serpent God said embarrassedly.

Lu Yuan rolled his eyes again, "I really thank you! The reason is to tell me that they exist? Sorry, I knew there were such a bunch of things, okay! What's the use? I'm in Luo Shengdu After staying for so long, no trace of them was found!"

"No, according to the wise man, you may have seen them already, but you didn't realize it." Unconsciously, the positions of the two have changed. The one who was once called you respectfully is now calling the other person by that.

"Wise man, wise man, you wise man know so much, can he tell me that he can't do it directly?" Lu Yuan frowned, "Could you only exist in places like temples and temples where you used to be? What is that wise man? Which god? I will find him myself!"

"Lord wise, she, in order to help you at the critical moment, has already lurked in the core area of ​​the enemy. Even we can only get guidance from her unilaterally." Feathered Serpent said, "This opportunity is her trust. Informed."

The feather armor warrior, just about to say something, suddenly his face was solemn, and then he sighed, "Those flying insects discovered the anomaly here so quickly?"

"Sorry, foreign source, it seems that this contact can only go to here."

"You don't have to come here again. Now that they have discovered it, it's not safe here anymore."

"In fact, we only know these, and I hope it can be helpful to you."

"Um, the people who stole your friend’s cargo plane outside, although they are somewhat related to me, can be hinted at by me to attract you, but they are after all a brutal and murderous drug lord. You should have also heard of me. Attitude of behavior. Please don't keep your hands."

"Then don't pass it here!"

As soon as the words were finished, the figure shrank in the opposite direction at a speed several times faster than when it appeared.

First, the entire figure faded, and then the original ball of light appeared, and then the whole temple's upper and lower walls, all wall decorations, were like sand castles on the shore, being sucked in by the ball of light.

When the last grain of sand was also inhaled, the turquoise ball of light began to fade gradually, and finally flashed in the void, as if it had never appeared before.

And as soon as that little light disappeared, Lu Yuan, which was still in the temple, seemed to be thrown into space, falling infinitely in the endless dark void.

It wasn't until he fell into his body again that he shivered, and then he woke up again.

The moment he opened his eyes, he intuitively felt a dark green light wave different from a light ball swept across the surrounding like a carpet scan, and then a chill came in his heart.

At this moment, the system that had never appeared seemed to suddenly become a refraction cover, and while firmly covering him in the body, the dark green light wave did not let the dark green light wave discover the difference here.

When the thing disappeared and the refraction cover dissipated, Lu Yuan took a long breath and said to the system, "That's the so-called Void Flyer?"

[Void Flyer? what is that? 】The system was puzzled.

Lu Yuan was startled, and then asked, "Why, you weren't there just now?"

[The host is saying, in the communication channel with the original business idea of ​​the plane? At that time, the system needed to help build a covert channel from the outside, but did not enter. 】

"Is that so?" Lu Yuan recalled the previous situation, nodded and approved the system's instructions.

Lu Yuan was planning to repeat the previous dialogue with Quetzalcoatl Projection with the system, but suddenly found that the sky was completely dark. Only a group of people not far away is lighting a bonfire in an orderly way, as if making a simple tarmac.

At the same time, several patrolmen seemed to have just seen Lu Yuan in the corner, clutching their chests and abdomen, and ran towards Lu Yuan.

Experienced Lu Yuan looked at their posture and knew that there were weapons like miniature submachine guns hidden inside their jackets.

Fortunately, Lu Yuan was also a Hispanic at this time. Otherwise, in this kind of occasion that is likely to be officially defined as a cult gathering by Catholics, the gangsters who are also drug lord and cult members will be killed directly.

Although it was learned from the previous Feather Serpent Projection that the so-called mission this time was actually an arrangement for them to lead the way from the beginning to the end, Lu Yuan still decided that this mission would be finished.

From the subtext of Quetzalcoatl, he could hear that if this mission fails, the so-called Void Flyers who regard Los Santos as the core area are likely to discover the special features of this mission and find themselves.

Although he was full of doubts and wanted to study with the system, at the moment, he still held his mind and focused his energy on these gangsters.

Swept around and found that the Tula cargo plane hadn't appeared yet, Lu Yuan simply continued to pretend to be a tourist who had overslept, and fell asleep in the driving position.

The off-road vehicle he used this time is the one used by Los Santos Meriweather Security Services Company. The modified version is called Mesa, which means table-shaped plateau, but actually refers to Maihei. Kou Plateau.

Probably because of this escaping and then escaping (table == "plateau ==" rocky), so this car was translated into "Rock Demon" in the Chinese version of the original game.

Soon, he was forcibly dragged from the car by a few gangsters who ran over. Of course, this is also due to his cooperation. After all, he deliberately opened the door beforehand.

Lu Yuan's plan is to delay as far as possible until the Tula cargo plane appears. Before that, as long as there is no life-threatening life, I will play with them.

After all, this is not the ancient temple of Maihekou City, nor the place where the Aztec Empire went further and further along the road of blood sacrifice, and finally played to death.

Quetzalcoatl, in Mesoamerican mythology, is a rare civilization **** known for its culture, knowledge, technology, and even anti-blood sacrifices.

Although this is his temple thousands of years ago, it should still retain some of the old style.

But even so, Lu Yuan was still secretly guarded. You know, in Meheco and even in the entire Latin American region, the most popular among drug lords is Santa Muerte, which is also translated as the Holy Spirit of Death.

Because Muerte is equivalent to Death in English. Santa means a saint, so the Holy Spirit of Death is a quite original translation. Although traditional Christianity does not recognize any existence as a **** except for the three, it will only be canonized.

The image of this person is a skeleton wearing a robe and holding a sickle. It is the kind of death in various modern literary images.

This belief may be a modification that the remaining Aztec descendants had to make under the pressure of Catholic violent preaching after the country was exterminated by Francis.

However, from the overall form, it is more like an ancestor seeker who has been naturalized by Catholicism for several generations, unwilling to completely cut off his ancestral culture, and found the belief of (Ming) twice.

Once this was just a very small image, but with the admiration of him by drug lords, his believers have become more and more. After all, death is equal to people regardless of whether it is rich or poor.

The drug lords can also regard their cruel methods of killing as a living sacrifice to this god, allowing themselves to survive in this business.

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