Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 353: Main plane advancement

Early the next morning, the first thing Lu Yuan woke up was to take out his mobile phone.

However, before he opened the inbox, he listened to the system, [Ms. Estefania did not reply. Only Samuel Gonzalez's urging letter. 】

Lu Yuan's hand raised in the air immediately fell back to the bed upon hearing this.

"Oh, there's no way. I will send a text message to Turner Alex and Guntherest. I need to leave Los Santos for a few days and come back in about a week. Please email me if you have an emergency."

[Does the host want to venture into another plane again? ] The system curiously said.

"Um... in a sense, right!" Lu Yuan sighed, "Brother Six, do you pay attention? The main plane is already at the end of August! School starts, I have to report!"

To say that this summer vacation has really been a long time.

Just in this pseudo-rock star plane, from the beginning of March when it first came, it has now reached the end of August. The main plane is from the end of July to the end of August, and the dates on both sides have been synchronized a few days before. Although this is only 2013.

If you count the time to go to the plane of Nin and the plane of TFTG, Lu Yuan's summer vacation month has already passed more than half a year.

If it hadn't been for Lu Yuan to speed up the flow consciously recently, I'm afraid that after a few years in the pseudo-rock star plane, the summer vacation on the main plane would not end.

Returning to the main plane again, Lu Yuan still called up the attribute panel to check.

[People: Lu Xiuyuan|Lu Yuan

Age: 18 (years old)

Race: Earthlings of Chinese descent

Residual life value: 59

Health: 97%

Vigor: 78%

Extraordinary attributes-ideas: 7

Magic value: 150

Time and space points: 32900


【Elementary Portable Space Type I [2x1x2m³]】

【Elementary Workspace Type IV [60x40x20m³]

【Long-range firepower delivery space [15x10x4m³]】

【Bomb drop bay space [8x8x3m³]】

Time and Space Anchor-Planar Beacon[2/3]

0, the main plane: WYXK981607

1: Nin Plane PB9108 [1: 100]

2: Pseudo Rock Star GHD Plane PB7355 [1:1]


Plane assets (omitted)

Personal attributes: (the average average value of the earth standard adult is 5):

Strength: 9

Perception: 10

Fitness: 9

Appearance: 5

Intelligence: 10

Sensitivity: 10

Skill tree:

Archery [91, Master]: The explanation is omitted, the same below.

Skill: Hawkeye

Fatal blow

Forging [78, expert]

Alchemy [36, veteran]

Sneak [76, expert]

One-handed weapon [69, senior]

Small firearms (pistols, submachine guns, etc.) [95, master]

Medium firearms (assault rifles, shotguns, etc.) [71, senior]

Large firearms (sniper rifles, light machine guns, etc.) [44, veteran]

Vehicle driving [74, senior]

Computer technology [85, expert]

Flight Pilot [72, Senior]

Firearms manufacturing [68, senior]

Firearms transformation

Firearm maintenance

Car gun maintenance

Ammunition production

special power:

Not afraid

Heart of Science Students

Although the extraordinary attributes have not been improved again this period of time, both basic attributes and skill levels have improved considerably.

After all, life in the recent period is no different from practicing in retreat. It’s just that you’re always interrupted by trivial things, otherwise things like gun production, hacking skills, etc., will be even higher.

As for the soaring of one-handed weapons, I have to thank the Great Demon King Ge Qingqing.

Returning to the main plane and packing up his personal belongings, Lu Yuan drove on the last Saturday at the end of the month, taking his father and mother, and his luggage, and set off for Beidu, where he lived for the next four years.

Although Fa Xiaofengfeng and Ge Qingqing both go to school in Beidu, their respective school reports at different times, and the campuses are not together, so they did not act together.

As for letting Lu Yuan drive, in the words of Dad Lu, the co-pilot, this is to give him a chance to practice on high speeds, so as to save his driver's license. Although he will get his driver's license, he won't be able to drive when he really needs to drive. He completely ignored his previous results when he drove to the provincial capital to see his brother-in-law.

If at the beginning of the journey, Lu Yuan was afraid that he would have to play a few tricks like a hairpin not on the spot, and show off in front of his father, so that he should not underestimate himself.

However, after so many things, he naturally knew that this was also the last time Dad communicated with himself about the relationship between father and son before he left home.

If everything goes well in the future, I am afraid I will not have the opportunity to live with my parents for more than a month in my current home in my life.

Just watching the old driver Lu Yuan get on the highway with ease, speeding up to 120 with ease, he shuttles easily between the vehicles in the leftmost lane. Rao is a real old driver, and Dad Lu did not find a few opportunities to be a teacher. .

"I said, Xiaoyuan, okay, you? Born to drive? He's steady like an old driver who has been driving for several years?" Father Lu said with emotion.

As for Lu Yuan, he had no choice but to deal with the past in his own way.

No way, he knew that his car skills could not be concealed from his father. After all, the old man took himself out a few weeks ago to practice.

Just not deliberately showing it, does not mean that it will deliberately conceal it. Lu Yuan is not the kind of person who likes to deliberately pretend to be weak, so he has long known that he would be discovered by his father, and he did not want to practice in advance to learn what it is like to be a novice.

Fortunately, Lu's father was not thinking about car skills at this time, and Lu Yuan quickly diverted his attention.

Leaving home to go to school at the age of eighteen, for the teenagers themselves, perhaps in addition to the loss, there are still some expectations for the future, and a yearning for a happy life without restraint.

But for parents, most of them are unspeakable loss.

Lu Yuan’s side is okay, at least he has lived in high school for three years, and his parents have already adapted to it once. For those high school day students, the parents’ "withdrawal response" is only more intense.

After all, Huaxia people take their family, especially their children, too much.

Dad is relatively better, moms, I'm afraid they will cry secretly if not given a chance.

Talking about the latest international and domestic news with my dad, and finally making the atmosphere less sad, Lu Yuan suddenly found that the mom in the back seat hadn't said a word for a long time.

Glancing in the rearview mirror, Lu Yuan suddenly noticed that although his mother tilted her head and seemed to admire the scenery outside the car, her eyes were already reddening, but she still pretended to be fine and didn't want the father and son in front to notice.

Lu Yuan sighed, warm and sad, wanted to say something, and finally swallowed it.

Although his movements were light, how could he keep his father from paying attention to him all the time.

Looking at his performance in the eyes, Father Lu was also particularly pleased, feeling that his son was unknowingly mature and steady.

Where did he know that his son, who was not tricky but not less naughty in the past few weeks, is now afraid that his dead soul is about to exceed three digits, how can he still be a frizzy man?

However, the last way that Dad Lu chose to deal with was still the upper body of the coach, and he scolded Lu Yuan, "Just take a look in the mirror! Pay attention to the front! Don't be distracted!"

After all, Zhili Province is used to guard the capital, and it is also a highway, and all the undergraduate freshmen of Beitou Polytechnic University are moved to the suburban campus, and there is no need to enter the city to enjoy the famous city traffic jam.

So when a family of three arrives at the destination, it will be less than four hours before leaving the house in the morning.

Lu Yuan quickly found his dormitory following the path guided by the senior brothers and sisters who acted as volunteers at the school gate.

When he arrived, the other two in the four-person dormitory were already packing up.

After introducing each other with future classmates, everyone found that the dormitory allocation was probably directly sorted by classmates’ names.

Not as good as Lu Yuan’s two classmates, one surnamed Liu and the other surnamed Lu. It is said that there is another local resident who left his luggage in the morning and went back again. The surname is Lu, who has the same surname as Lu Yuan.

This is not all of the L's family, their dormitory 412, the 411 in front, and six of them belong to the old Liu family.

Regarding the accommodation environment, Lu's parents are extremely satisfied.

After all, it was much better than they were back then, and it was much better than when the twelve older boys were crowded in one room in Lu Yuan's high school.

Lu Yuan doesn't feel much. After all, this guy has either lived in a two- or three-hundred-square-meter duplex apartment alone for half a year, or lived in a high-end office of nearly 1,000 square meters.

Although the accommodation cubicle in his office is not too big, it is more than a quarter of the student dormitories.

And according to Lu Yuan's plan, I am afraid that in the next two years, the time to sleep in a bed may be shorter than sleeping in the single bed in his own home.

As for his daily life, he has decided that in his spare time at school, either in the library, or under the cover of the library, to run to other planes, or simply go to bite the bullet and ask the big guys in the department for advice. In short, the dormitory can not go back.

Based on this, although I was very polite with my new classmates, I lost my sincerity and enthusiasm when I met Zhao Gang who was in the same dormitory when he enrolled in high school.

People, probably the more you grow up, the fewer true friends.

But chatting, talking about Lu Yuan also gained a lot of news.

For example, the main campus of Beitou Polytechnic in the city center used to live with eight undergraduates, but later they couldn't stand it, so they moved the freshman and sophomore here. I should go back in my junior year.

But there are also rumors that Lu Yuan is likely to get his senior year before returning. Maybe in a few years, all the undergraduates will be here.

For the students who have just entered the city from the boring high school life, longing for life in the center of the city is simply not too normal.

Lu Yuan doesn't matter, it's not that he is used to seeing Luo Shengdu, just because he hasn't been to the center of Beidu.

In all fairness, perhaps ten years ago, Los Santos, the second largest city cluster in Amerika, and Beito may have their own merits, but today, in addition to Hollywood's bonus, Los Santos cannot suppress the modern city of Beito. breath.

At this time, there must be a bunch of people who have to say, what is the use of modernity if it is big and unworthy, without the breath of life.

For this kind of person, Lu Yuan has only one sentence, they are always right.

When they talk about life, they talk about the city, when they talk about the city, they talk about the modern world, and when they talk about the modern world, they talk about life.

No conclusion can be drawn for this kind of strange circle.

Anyway, Lu Yuan only knew that in the northern capital, don't even think about going to Strobelli to have a gunfight with the Bale Gang or blood relatives and get some leaf powder guns for dollars.

But while chatting, Lu Yuan felt that there might be variables in this matter.

"Then what, have you heard? The Xiaoqinghe on the east side of the school, it is said that a lot of stray cats and dogs gather at night. There are also several times that almost injured passers-by."

"Now there is a lot of rumors in the university town, and the school has to be closed at about 7 or 8 o'clock in the evening!"

Said the classmate from Jinmen whose surname was Liu and Wenbin.

"Really? There is still this matter? How can everyone take care of it?" Lu Yifan from Donglai asked.

"Hey, why don't you care? It's just that there are more and more things like this recently, and the manpower and material resources are not enough, so I can only focus on the key places! I heard that the village has been processed, and we have to be late in the village!"

The village refers to the main campus of the urban area. It is named after it is located in Zhongguancun. In the village, it is naturally a new campus in Liangxiang.

I don't know how such a trend has formed in recent years. It probably started from Wudaokou Vocational and Technical (Engineering) School (Institute).

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