Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 356: Behind the gold

After the task was explained and the preliminary preparations were confirmed, the others left the office one after another to get those muscle cars that could carry a ton of gold, as well as tools such as police tyre breaker nails.

However, Lu Yuan deliberately stayed at the end. After Trevor also left, he asked the last person in the office, Lester, "Let's talk about the United Savings Bank, what is going on."

"Okay, okay." Lester spread his hands, "I wanted to tell you last time, but after you have something, I haven't had time to say it."

"As I said before, of course you have to add those you think. Combined, it's almost the truth. Nothing special."

"To put it simply, although the gold does not belong to our old acquaintances, it was their idea to ship this batch of gold to the West Coast to build a trading center."

"The purpose is also easy to understand. The more such a huge transaction volume, the less conspicuous it is to add something else to it."

"They even want to tie the import and export trade of narcotics on the West Coast to the gold trade!"

"Eh?" Although Lu Yuan guessed these things roughly, he was still frightened by those guys' generous use, and even more unrealistic.

"But, is this feasible? I mean, the gold transaction, the adulterated drug transaction?"

"Hehe, if both parties to the transaction are their people, and even the third party who monitors their transaction process is also their person, do you think this is feasible?" Lester sneered.

Lu Yuan thought for a while, nodded and asked, "Well, don't care about this. So, after this mission, we will definitely be hunted down by the black armor forces?"

"No, if everything works perfectly as planned, after the gold is in my hands, I will deal with them directly to the people of IAA." Lester waved his hand, "The two of them, there will be ridicule!"

"People from IAA? Agent 14?" Lu Yuan asked.

"No, the other person you met, 19." Lester said.

"Agent 19? Far East Affairs Office?" Lu Yuan murmured and nodded. After a pause, he said again, "Well, then I only have one last question."

"What?" Lester seemed to feel something, and stopped from filing the papers, sat on the chair with a dreadful neck, and looked towards Lu Yuan.

"Who is the leader of the black armor force?" Lu Yuan's eyes were like lightning, staring directly at Lester.

For a moment, there seemed to be a heavy wall of depressive air condensed, like a shield strike, smashing towards Lester. The air wave was so substantive that Lester couldn't avoid it, but it became more and more difficult to breathe.

In the end, he could only try to hide behind him, hoping to live for half a second.

It was only after blowing a wave of air through his body that he realized that everything was just his own imagination, no shock or suffocation had happened.

However, even so, he once again looked at Lu Yuan's seriousness, with a trace of fear that had never appeared before.

"You, you, what did you just do? You, what are you?" Lester said tremblingly.

Lu Yuan also noticed his impulse just now. But to be fair, he didn't know his stare, and now he had such a powerful force.

Seeing that Leicester had become more alert to himself, Lu Yuan knew that he could not turn his face with Leicester at least before entering the Union Savings Bank, so he hurriedly pretended to frown, "What did you say?"

"I ask you, who is behind the black armor forces!"

Seeing Lu Yuan's innocent look, especially the second question, there was nothing special, Lester also began to wonder, wondering if he had just overworked and had hallucinations?

As a result, the situation finally eased.

It's just a question about the distance, and in the end it didn't get a clear answer.

Whether Lester can actually resist it, don't say, in fact, he shouldn't be sure.

Like Lu Yuan, he also has a list of suspicions. It's just shorter than the road far away, with only eight people.

Unfortunately, these eight people are on Lu Yuan's list of suspicions. And except for one person, the other seven people are on his 20-person list, not the 100-person list.

Moreover, whether it was Devon Winston or the generals of the Dugan family, the characters that Lu Yuan had excluded are not on Leicester's eight-man list.

In other words, even if you get the list of suspicions from Leicester, it will not have much effect on Lu Yuan.

Seeing that there was no new information from Leicester, Lu Yuan had to walk out of the club manager's office, and after helping the other three to complete the preparations, he returned to his office to make preparations.

To this day, although there is no direct evidence, Lu Yuan feels that the black armor forces hiding in the dark definitely have a constant connection with the void flying insects that the feather snake **** said.

During the period, Lu Yuan also tried to inquire about her experience from Yanzi, but every time she contacted her, she found that she was fighting with something, either a warrior with a bunch of skeleton armor, or a wizard with pointed ears.

What's more interesting is that Lu Yuan unexpectedly discovered several times that Yanzi actually looked like he was in the cockpit of some huge machine. It was more than the T72A Lu Yuan gave her, but it also had artillery.

It was that time that Lu Yuan could chat with her a few more words, knowing that it was the alien elven army called Wild Hunt that was bombarded by her.

Seeing that things were busy on her side, Lu Yuan cared about her a few words, and said that if he needed, he could go to help at any time, and hung up the interplane communication device in a hurry.

From a few brief conversations, Lu Yuan probably understood what happened to Yanzi during the time when she lost contact. For some reason, she should have been thrown into a gap in time and space and could not leave for the time being.

There is also a world in the gap between time and space, which is the sister plane of the current pseudo-rock star plane.

Listening to Swallow's description, Lu Yuan always felt that it was like a world of Red Dead Redemption. It's just that there is something more.

In other words, it is also a world that has been distorted and transformed, and the world that the swallow has been to has more elements of the original world left behind.

The artifacts of Eden, the Brotherhood of Assassins, and the Knights Templar all existed. Unlike this plane, Lu Yuan asked the system to search it several times, but there was no clue about these things.

Combining the statements of the swallow and the feathered snake god, when the void flying insects are distorting and transforming the plane, they should throw all the characteristic elements belonging to the "light analysis plane" to that plane.

On this basis, it was possible to transform this face so that it was so fake that it passed the feature retrieval through the system.

In the swallow's intelligence, those void flying insects should use a dark green or dark green energy source, which is said to be the power of their mothership.

When Lu Yuan was in the ancient city of Tula, he seemed to have seen this kind of energy once in a daze. It was a radar used to search for abnormal energy fluctuations in the area. But it was easily obscured by the system.

In addition, Lu Yuan also learned the names of those Void Flying Insects, at least the names they claim to be, Aschalotar, the Jungle Stars, an alien race similar to Lizardmen.

It's just that Yanzi has never seen this race head-on, nor has he been able to provide Lu Yuan with some photo materials.

But listening to Swallow relaying the description of those lizardmen by a certain old wise man in that world, how did Lu Yuan listen to it, how did he feel that those Aschalotars were more like green-skinned aliens.

The most important thing is that a considerable part of Hollywood works, movies, TV series and even cartoons have similar images.

"Do they use this method to reduce the risk of being discovered by humans?" Lu Yuan was very suspicious.

Correspondingly, using those movie images to search for strange stories, secrets, etc., could not find any useful information. It was nothing more than the old-fashioned theory of alien conspiracy in the 51st area, and it was no different from the main plane.

For Luyuan, who had actually been to a certain 51st district, he was really not interested in the revelations that were fake at first glance.

Fortunately, he still had more important things to do. He didn't do nothing because there was too little useful information and too much useless information.

Let the system continue to search for relevant information around the world, but Lu Yuan has seized the time to make the final preparations for the joint savings transaction.

In this way, on Wednesday morning, everyone once again gathered in the club manager's office.

Because there are too many things to do with this ticket, the manpower needs to be expanded accordingly.

Including Leicester, there are as many as nine people.

If you need to pretend to be an **** and enter the United Savings Bank directly, you need four people.

Mike Trevor must go to the front line, and Lu Yuan naturally has a reason to enter the vault.

Three are missing and one is missing, and the last person is actually the chef, Cui Fo, who hasn't seen him for a long time.

Trevor said that he wanted to let the bad luck come. Although he has bad luck, he has good skills. The most important thing is that while he has bad luck, his teammates are quite lucky. Trevor also wanted to use his magical ability.

However, after hearing that Lu Yuan had also come, the unlucky ghost immediately shook his head, no matter how hard Cui Fu was, or even threatening him with a gun, he could not be drawn.

Instead, his partner Stone Head ran over by himself.

After all, there is a real shortage of manpower, and Lu Yuan doesn't want Turner Alex to mix up this risky and infinite task.

Regardless of Lester’s light-hearted words, there is an **** task out of thin air when it comes to hacking into joint savings. If that kind of thing could be done easily, Lu Yuan would have pretended to be a **** and sneaked into the vault.

In fact, it is difficult to let Union Savings open their underground vaults. Lu Yuan couldn't hack into it anyway. It is the system, and it is said that there is no ten thousand time and space points for this task.

Why did Leicester do it lightly? Lu Yuan suspected that, as he himself said, many people would be happy to see the success of this mission! After all, those people can easily put a ghost in the joint savings.

In short, the four gunmen are all together, Mike, Trevor, Lu Yuan, and the chef.

In addition to the gunners, the drivers are also indispensable. They need to drive a vehicle with four gunmen, and they also need to arrange tire-breaker nails, so in addition to Xiaofu, at least two people are needed.

One of these two is the unlucky partner Stone Head, and the other is Karim who has worked together before.

Finally, outside of Leicester, a hacker is needed to hack into the traffic management system. One of his tasks is to make as many errors as possible in the operation of the **** vehicle before the Gunners team sneaks in, so that the people in the surveillance center will ignore the Gunners team's interception and sneak in.

In addition, when escaping after success, continue to control the traffic management system to buy more time for the escapees.

Originally, this mission was the best from a long distance, but he had a reason to enter the treasury, so he could only find another one.

The final choice was an old acquaintance, Reggie (Ritchie) Lucens.

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