Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 367: Another "Can't Die Now"

The bodyguard had just looked at Lu Yuan calmly, as if he didn't care about what happened to him in the future.

However, when Lu Yuan uttered the word "Battle Armor", the bodyguard's face changed drastically, and then, as if he had changed his personality, he asked Lu Yuan with a gloomy tone, "Do you know us?" "

"Why, do you think you are hiding well? With your activeness, there are no overwhelming rumors on the Internet, which makes it strange!" Although Lu Yuan was a little confused, he still tentatively replied.

"Huh, because of this, if you know it, it means you have contacted us! People who may contact us are strictly limited to a small range!" the bodyguard continued, "Who are you? ".

"You still want to investigate me?" Lu Yuan said with a smile, "Or, you answer this question first, why do you protect Chen Tao and not Chen Wei? The triad is your subordinate organization, isn't it? ?"

Lu Yuan didn't intend to get an answer to this question. His biggest goal was to make some judgments based on the change in that person's face.

However, to his surprise, the man just glanced at him and gave the answer directly:

"Chen Wei's time is up, he must die."

"Chen Tao's death date is not yet here. He can't die, at least not now!"

Hearing these two endless words, Lu Yuan thought he was playing tricks on himself deliberately, so he wanted to smile back.

But when he opened his mouth just about to say nothing, there was a flash of light in his mind, but he remembered the last time he heard something similar.

That time, it was Dark Eagle, the black armored warrior who protected Martin Madraso, and said something similar to himself.

Unexpectedly, only a few weeks later, another black armor would say it again.

So Lu Yuan just smiled and was about to speak sarcastically, his face immediately drooped, frowned and asked the bodyguard, "What do you want to do? Why do some people have to die, and some people can't? Why? You have to follow you. Original script?"

【and many more! script? ! As soon as he said the words, Lu Yuan's brain flashed, frowning and thinking on the spot to sort out all the actions of the black armor forces from beginning to end.

However, his jam gave the bodyguard a chance.

The bodyguard lying on the ground continued to pretend to be helpless, while secretly reaching his ankle.

Just before he was about to touch the dagger stuck in his ankle, Lu Yuan stepped on the palm of his hand.

"Why, don't it be nice to talk to me for a while? You have to die!" Lu Yuan said with a smile.

Even when Lu Yuan stepped on the palm of his hand, the man had a livid face, blue veins on his head, teeth creaking, but he still had no intention of opening his mouth.

It's just that both eyes stared at Lu Yuan fiercely, casting a silent curse.

"Why, you are only allowed to say these two sentences?" Lu Yuan raised his eyebrows. "Those who contacted you remotely didn't give you permission to say other things?"

Hearing what he said, the hatred in that person's eyes was replaced by fear in an instant, as if he couldn't believe that Lu Yuan even knew this.

"Tsk tusk, so you can't stand it? If you know that I deliberately cut off the video signal you transmit to the outside, and only keep the audio, just to let the people behind you reveal a few more words, what will you do? ?"

When the man heard this, his eyes became even more frightened.

But what's interesting is that the fear only lasted for two seconds, and then eased again, and the expression in his eyes gradually became rigid and dull.

"Your Excellency, who is it?"

The voice was still the voice of the bodyguard, but his tone changed drastically, as if he had changed his personality.

"Well, can you still control it remotely? You really have developed the technology of'tool man' to the extreme!" Lu Yuan laughed self-deprecatingly, "Why don't you tell me who you are? "

"Me? You can call me a war sickle. The four guys you just killed are all my men." That humanity.

"Is the war sickle? This code name style is a bit familiar. I don't know if you know a guy named Bo Yan." Lu Yuan frowned slightly and thought for a while.

"You know our captain? How could it be?" The man's tone rose sharply, "It's you! You are the master of fighting when the hotel took people! Finally, the guy who escaped from the top floor jumped out of the window and disappeared!"

"Wow, do you remember such a long time?" Lu Yuan smiled. "Sure enough, you who used the cold weapon name as the code name are together. I didn't expect that in just a few months, your progress will be It's so appalling!"

"Why, when you controlled these guys, you didn't think about them today, it is likely that they will be you in the future?"

"Speaking of it, it seems that it has been a long time since you saw your captain wave a blade. Why, have you been thrown away as scrap by your boss?"

After confirming the identity of the other party, Lu Yuan tried to verbally separate them.

It’s just that the other party didn’t seem to hear these words at all. Not only did he not make a sound for a long time, but when he said something again, it didn’t matter at all. Uh, he couldn’t say that it’s completely irrelevant. It’s just like Lu Yuan’s second half, he I haven't heard it in general.

"During the encounter at the hotel, your Excellency also used the current signal-shielding technology? No wonder one of our buddies suddenly disappeared."

"If you can master this technology, the power behind your Excellency is bound to be extraordinary."

"What is your purpose?"

"Huh?" Lu Yuan frowned. Obviously, the opponent didn't play cards according to his rhythm, which greatly increased the pressure on him.

After turning his eyes around for a few times, Lu Yuan simply said, "Want to know the answer? I also have a question here. How about we solve each other's confusion?"

"Huh?" The human said, "What do you want to know?"

"Very good. My question is very simple," Lu Yuan replied. "Who is your boss?"

"Boss?" The man stunned, "You don't know who the boss is? You are not theirs? Who are you?"

"What do you mean? Who are they?" Lu Yuan frowned and asked.

As a result, it seemed like it was down again, completely silent.

"Hey, hello!" Lu Yuan yelled twice before there was another movement over there.

"Oh sorry, I was a little distracted. Where did we just say?" the man said as if he had lost his memory.

Lu Yuan sighed, "This is boring."

"You just went to arrange manpower? Chase me?"

"I have to come back to delay my time."


"As a result, the location of your base will not be fully exposed?"

"What? I don't know what you are talking about at all!" The voice of that person was quite deliberately low.

"Really?" Lu Yuan said with a smile, "arranging someone to chase me, this is nothing, for you, it's normal."

"But you have to superfluously come back and delay time."

"What does this mean? It means that your people will be near me soon. Otherwise, what's the use of this extra minute and a half?"

"Hehe, you can come in a few minutes, doesn't it mean that your base is nearby!"

"You! You!" The man's tone became more and more flustered

"Since I guessed it, why do you still talk nonsense with you?" Lu Yuan smiled, "You guess it slowly."

After speaking, Lu Yuan shot and killed the last bodyguard.

[Kill the primary bio-enhanced warrior x1, get 110 time and space points]

"Cut, it's another one at exactly 110 o'clock!" Lu Yuan curled his lips, frowned and looked at Chen Tao who was curled up in the corner. He suddenly took out his phone and patted him.

"Hey, you, don't pretend to be dead!" Lu Yuan kicked his **** and asked him to turn around to face the camera before asking, "Say, who is your boss?"

"I, I, I don't understand what you say, I don't know English~" the man said in crappy Mandarin.

"Really? You don't know English? But you speak Chinese with an English accent, don't you know?" Lu Yuan raised his eyebrows and spoke in his native language with full accent.

"What? You can speak Chinese, this, really, yes, too, good, too!"

"You guy, just shoot at your face and this crappy Chinese, and I want to smash your head with one shot!" Lu Yuan was annoyed, "Don't talk nonsense, what is your boss's name?"

"I, I don't know, that, boss, all, my dad, personally, responsible, and greeted. I, no, English, they, no, take me."

"Well, then you are of no use." Lu Yuan finished speaking, and put the gun on his forehead.

"Don't kill me!" The man was shot by the cold muzzle, his head suddenly brightened, and an English begging for mercy was immediately blurted out.

"Ha, let me just say, with your obvious ABC accent, how can you still not know English because your Chinese is so bad?" Lu Yuan laughed angrily, "Why pretend not to know English? It's also a script requirement, right? , Yes, gun, mouth, yes, use, right!"

In the last sentence, Lu Yuan pokes Chen Tao's head with the muzzle while he pauses.

It's just that the force was too strong at the last time, and it directly poke him to the ground.

No, Lu Yuan will not use it to such a degree no matter how hard it is! He hurriedly leaned over to lift Chen Tao up, but found that in just a few seconds, he had already bleed and died, and he couldn't die again.

Lu Yuan was naturally surprised, and hurriedly fiddled with his mobile phone to replay the situation at that time.

However, the system first released the image recorded by him. Just as the person blurted out English, the person's pupils suddenly shrank, and the whole person seemed to have lost consciousness, and all micro movements stopped.

"You will die as soon as you speak English?" Lu Yuan said, "What's the matter?"

[Isn't the host guessing? 】

"Sure enough, do you think so too? Six brothers?"

[At present, intelligence accepts this hypothesis, and the probability is as high as 80%. 】

"Really?" Lu Yuan sighed, turned on the phone video again, aimed at Chen Tao who was lying motionless on the ground, raised his MP7 in his other hand, and fired three consecutive shots into his head until that The head is like a broken watermelon.

"Hey, I wanted to put the entire record of his killing on the Internet, and make some trouble for some people who insisted on keeping him alive, but I actually said he was dead first!"

"That's the spontaneous brain death process that triggered the subconscious brainwashing, right?"

"I knew I wouldn't force him to be so tight."

"Smash the dead guy's head, the authenticity will be greatly compromised!"

[With all due respect, that plan is not feasible. The deceased's substitute said that the fake video said, it is easy to suppress the message. What's more, the other party can also control the public network. 】

"Control the public network? Well, the dark web. As long as enough people on the dark web confirm this, no matter what script they plan to let Chen Tao play in the future, there will be quite a few people who will be alert, right?"

[The host is so sure that the security firm that infiltrated and even controlled the dark web must still be the opposite of the black armor in this matter? 】

"Isn't it? The black armor forces are the agents of the Void Flying Insects, and the security office is the agents of the ancient gods and demons in this world. Shouldn't it be the case?"

"The war sickle just now, presumably thought I was one of the latter?"

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