Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 375: Goodbye Quetzalcoatl

After collecting intelligence for a period of time, Lu Yuan has some basic knowledge of the civilization history of Central and South America.

For example, the Aztecs inherited from Toltec and took the vicinity of the present-day Maihekou city as the center of civilization, while Maya emerged in the Yucatan Peninsula.

If you take out the map of the Maiheikou territory alone, it can barely be seen as a carp with its head facing northwest and its tail raised in the southeast.

There is a long and narrow peninsula under the head, which can be used as the beard of a carp, or a column of water spit out by it.

This peninsula is the Baja California peninsula.

The first half of it, of course, is the state of California of Meka. It's just that the upper half is not a peninsula, but a part of the main continent.

Well, in this face, it should be called the San Andreas Peninsula.

Looking back at the carp of Maiheikou, the capital of Maiheikou City is unfortunately not in the heart of the fish, but below the chest and abdomen, near the lower abdomen of the tail, and also in the center of the lower abdomen.

In the Yucatan Peninsula, the tail of the carp is raised.

So this koi sits on two of the three major civilizations of Central and South America, Aztec and Maya.

The Inca civilization was in South America, separated by the Andes in a narrow strip of land on the west side by the sea.

What's interesting is that the status of Quetzalcoatl in these three civilizations is probably that Maya is greater than Aztec and Inca.

Combined with geography, this relationship of status is inversely proportional to the distance to or near Maya. The closer the distance, the higher the distance.

Lu Yuan had a vague idea about this before, but after finding some information, it suddenly became clear what was going on.

The reason is another ancient civilization, Olmec. Of course, because of insufficient archaeological evidence, it was classified as culture rather than civilization by European academic circles.

When he saw this part of the information, Lu Yuan's first reaction was that Europeans really spared no effort to devalue other civilizations. After all, they also used similar standards to forcibly deny China's Xia Dynasty.

Fortunately, China has not broken off, related archaeology has been in progress, and recent results have even pushed the 5,000-year civilization to 7,000 years.

In Central and South America, the scattered scholars are all from Europe, and the future is bound to be bleak.


The Olmec civilization was active in the early 12th century BC to the third century BC, and is known as the mother of Indian civilization.

The earliest worship of Quetzalcoatl originated here.

Remember the carp in Maiheiko? The Olmec civilization was active in the place where the carp's back was close to the tail. In other words, it is the root of the fish tail.

Combining the previous geographical relationship and the distance to Olmec, it happens that Maya is smaller than Aztec and smaller than Inca. It confirms the trend change of the status of Quetzalcoatl before.

This means that the worship of Quetzalcoatl slowly spreads outward from here, until it covers most of Central and South America.

Having said that, Lu Yuan's next destination is ready to be revealed.

That's right, apart from a few ancient civilizations of the Quetzalcoatl temple, the Olmec ruins are the end of Lu Yuan's pilgrimage to the "Holy".

Because of being searched by Void Flyers in the ancient city of Tula last time, Quetzalcoatl hides deeper.

Lu Yuan successively visited the temples in the ancient city of Teotihuacan near the city of Maihekou and the Pyramid of Castillo in Chichen Itza on the Yucatan Peninsula. Although you can feel the breath of the Quetzalcoatl, both The link was not successfully established.

No way, every time an information channel was to be established, the scandalous green light of the Void Flyer shrouded nearby.

Not to mention that Quetzalcoatl didn't dare to show his head, even Lu Yuan himself immediately asked the system to reclaim the channel.

It seems that the main reason for not being able to contact the Quetzalcoatl is that the Void Flyer has strengthened its search for various famous temples.

No way, in this way, the ancient Inca ruins such as Machu Picchu will not have to try their luck. After all, the main **** of the family is the sun god. Although there is faith in the feathered snake god, it has always belonged to the status of a subsidiary foreign god.

The feathered snake god's breath is insufficient, and the establishment of the information channel is slow. The chances of being closely monitored by the Void Flyers are high for the relics that are famous in their own right.

In the end, Lu Yuan gritted his teeth and went straight to Coatzacoalcos in Veracruz State (Veracruz).

There are not only the Olmec ruins here, but LaVenta, which is famous for the Olmec giant stone statue, is only more than 50 kilometers away.

Those famous ruins could not be visited, and Lu Yuan planned to make one last attempt among the scattered ruins of Olmec civilization in this area.

If it doesn't work, he can only give up the Quetzalcoatl line and go to Northern Europe to see if he can contact Thor.

The one who sent out the resurrection cross of Mulnier shows that he is also one of the forerunners who have survived to the present.

Only as early as the end of the 11th century, the Uppsala Temple (Templeat Uppsala) of the Nordic gods was destroyed by the Catholic Church, which had won the religious victory.

Although there are rumors that the victorious Catholics then built a church on the site of the temple, in fact, the ancient Uppsala (Gamla Uppsala) where the temple is located has long become a piece of rural farmland outside the "new" Uppsala. .

Think about it, even if the Void Flyer wants to focus on monitoring the vicinity, it will be impossible to accurately deploy the temple because the temple has already disappeared in the long river of history.

However, it is difficult for the enemy to find the ruins of the ancient temple, and Lu Yuan is afraid it will be even more difficult.

After wandering for half a week in the coastal area on the border between the states of Villa Cruz and Tabasco, it is no accident that the giant stone of the Quetzalcoatl has nothing to do with him, and the scattered small ruins are far from enough to build. Link, Lu Yuan had to give up.

However, it was the last time he drove back from a certain ruin to Coatzaquéx. The country roads were muddy due to heavy rain. It was the modified version of the Jeep Wrangler that Lu Yuan deliberately paid a lot of money to rent, and he couldn't help showing tiredness. , He had to cancel the plan to continue on the road.

Seeing that the rainstorm outside for a short period of time showed no signs of stopping, and the water leak in the car was getting worse, Lu Yuan sighed and finally understood the reason why his dad friends ridiculed this car back then.

Is it wrong to rent a Jeep that enhances off-road performance instead of comfort?

If it were not for fear of causing unnecessary trouble, Lu Yuan really wanted to replace the rebels in the space.

There is absolutely no problem with this kind of roadside and semi-military vehicles like rebels.

As for the moment, it is better to park the car in an open and safe place and enter the space by yourself to avoid the rain.

However, just when he parked the car and was about to open a door on the low wall on the side of the road to enter the space, a flash of lightning flashed across the sky, and the dim sky was bright. Thunder followed immediately, and the huge roar almost caused the surrounding rocks to burst.

At this moment, the strange and familiar feeling of lethargy suddenly hit Lu Yuan's heart. He was startled slightly, realizing that this was the feeling of the Quetzalcoatl pulling himself into the temple last time.

With a "swipe" sound, as if passing through the curtain of a waterfall, Lu Yuan came to a rainforest village on the coast.

After a daze, Lu Yuan leaned over to look at the tribe in the distance, and then looked around him in a blink of an eye, only to find that he was already standing on the highest point of a flat-topped pyramid, behind which was the temple at the top of the pyramid.

Lu Yuan was about to go to find out, but he was stunned to find that he did not know when a tall figure appeared beside him. It was the forerunner he had been looking for-Feathered Serpent God.

"Well, I didn't say a word when I came out, want to scare people to play?" Lu Yuan subconsciously drew out his pistol and aimed it over, and found that it was the Quetzalcoatl. Then he took his current few legal firearms, the Beretta Px4 Storm. The pistol, the projection, was put back.

"A weapon that looks good, but its power is too bad." Feathered Serpent God glanced at the short black polymer pistol in Lu Yuan's hand.

Lu Yuan shrugged indifferently, "It's just a self-defense weapon. It's small and easy to carry. Anyway, it's enough for ordinary guys. As for dealing with some weird existence, naturally you have to use more professional guys."

With that said, Lu Yuan imagined the large-caliber assault rifle he designed and manufactured in his mind, waited for his consciousness to pass through the entire body of the gun, held it with both hands, and grabbed the thing out of thin air.

Seeing that Lu Yuan could actually create a rifle in his own virtual space that was quite crippling on the outside, Feathered Serpent's eyelids twitched.

Quietly dodge the rifle muzzle, the feather snake **** coughed lightly, "Let's talk about it, what's the matter for me. You can find this place, did you do your homework?"

"Huh?" Lu Yuan folded his hands together, and the one-meter-long assault rifle disappeared like a phantom. Then he looked at the humanity, "Is this your hometown?"

"Hometown? That's it." Feathered Serpent nodded intently.

Seeing that he didn’t want to say more, Lu Yuan couldn’t help asking more. I faintly guessed that it might be related to the Quetzalcoatl’s frequent use of foreign gods, so I returned to the subject, “I’d like to ask you, I’ve never heard of it. Animus."

"Animus? What is that?" Quetzalcoatl frowned.

"How do you say this?" Lu Yuan scratched his head, and simply explained the role of that thing in the assassin game to the feather snake god.

Seeing Quetzalcoatl in surprise at first, then stunned, and finally with a dumbfounded expression, Lu Yuan knew that even if he didn't know the thing itself, he definitely knew something similar.

"You mean, someone used that thing to make a virtual machine that traces genetic memory?" After Lu Yuan finished speaking, Quetzalcoatl immediately said.

"Roughly the same."

"Hehe, humans really have ideas." The Feathered Serpent curled his lips, and then said, "I know something similar."

"It can create a virtual world whose realism is comparable to reality, can simulate intelligent life, and even allow conscious life to survive in that virtual world."

"As you can see, this village was preserved using that technology."

"Sure enough?" Lu Yuan clenched his fists excitedly, and looked at the feather snake **** with scorching eyes, "Then, can I see that thing?"

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