Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 385: I am Thor? And old friends

Lu Yuan turned around and looked at the several Dnieper pike perch still beating on the floor, shook his head, and left behind the question of why these famous ferocious freshwater carnivorous fish appeared by his side. "Today's lunch is sea bass soup, and fried sea bass!"

"Huh? Uh, understand, my father!"

In response to the surging response, Lu Yuan grabbed the gravel from the God Realm in his hand, turned and walked into another office.

Putting the long strip of gravel that is almost indistinguishable from ordinary limestone on the desk, Lu Yuan sighed, and slowly opened the information panel that he hadn't had time to view just now.

[The host successfully integrates the consciousness of multiple bodies in other worlds and unlocks the fusion of heavy bodies. 】

[Host touches the photoanalysis technology product-Isu consciousness storage device fragment (modified), unlocks the plane's special product purchase permission: Isu consciousness stores related creations. 】

"Brother Six, don't pretend to be dead, come out!" After staring at the two messages for a long time, Lu Yuan couldn't help but feel angry.

[What's the host command? 】

"Then what, let's not talk about anything else, is our goal completed?" After calling the system out, Lu Yuan realized that he really had a lot to ask, so he hurriedly picked the most important one.

[If the host refers to the item that can view the memories of the two lost souls, then the host can only be regarded as semi-successful at present. 】


[What the host wants is the Animus series device of the Knights Templar in the main plane of the Light Analysis Plane Group, and it is updated to a version that allows anyone to view the bloodline memory. 】

[But the Animus of the Knights Templar was developed on the basis of the Isu product memory seal disc, etc. 】

[The so-called memory seal disc is a small Isu data storage device whose exchange authority has been successfully unlocked by the host. 】

"So it can only be regarded as semi-successful?" Lu Yuan nodded thoughtfully, "Should I develop Animus from Isu creations myself? Impossible, then, that person's memory basically lacks such things. "

[Calling one's own alien multiple person as that person, is this really good? 】


Lu Yuan was speechless for a while, and after a long time he said, "I am Thor? Thor, Thor, Perron? Is something wrong?"

[The melee weapon is an axe, with a long-range bow and arrow, hunting aimlessly. 】

[What did the above image host think of? Is Thor Perron alone? 】

[Hehe, that is clearly the state when the host just entered the plane of Nin. 】

"This..." Lu Yuan was a little weak to complain, "Does this count? Then someone COSPLAY an Odin, wouldn't it be..."

"No, no! The picture is too beautiful, I can't bear to look straight!" Lu Yuan shook his head quickly.

It calmed down, thinking that he had actually merged with a god, even though he was a pseudo-god of the Light Analysis Plane, he also had an unspeakable sense of dark refreshment floating in his mind.

【uh-huh! 】

[If the host feels good enough, continue on business! 】

"Ah? Uh, what, brother six, I have merged with Perun, which means that I am also the Thor of this plane, right? Is this your attitude toward gods? So impatient?"

[Does the host want to usher in the end of being killed by the Void Flyer, like most gods in this world? This system can help the host. 】


"I'm wrong…"

After a while, Lu Yuan, who was serious, took out his notebook, wrote and painted, don’t conclude, “Perun, no, the last one Sonaz chased may be Loki and Yemengard, the giant snake in the atrium. The Viles that has been transformed into is a Void Flyer, right?"

"Before that, the Isu had neither encountered nor heard of that kind of existence."

"Combined with the information obtained by the swallows during their adventures in the gap between time and space, although the Void Flying Insect completely replaced the cult at that time around the first millennium AD, it first appeared around the first millennium BC."

"Calculating, the Twilight Event of the Gods encountered by the Asa Protoss where Sonaz is located should also be during this period."

"Then you can be sure that this is the time for the first full-scale invasion of this face by the Void Flyer."

"Have you used Isu mixed blood?"

"The last person Perun saw was Grand Duke Vladimir. He converted to a certain religion, and his accessories flashed with dark green light. Did the Void Wings complete the extinction of the Isu civilization through that monotheistic religion? "

"I'm a little curious about the non-light analysis plane, in a world without Isu civilization, what this history is like."

"The power of the Void Flyers also has the technology of biochemical modulation. Compared with the version of a certain black armor, it is much more powerful. Did the Void Flyers only give them a weakened version of technology?"

[Maybe the Isu people or Isu optical analysis technology as raw materials are in short supply, and they can't create that level of modulator. 】

The system suddenly said.

"Hiss~" Lu Yuan couldn't help but breathe, "Isu people make raw materials? That's not impossible..."

"Well, that special drug! Why is it only produced in Central and South America? Because the Isu people in other places were extinct as early as a thousand years ago."

"Queen Serpent God seems to have also hinted that some weak Isu people are still lingering and panting in some places. They don't have a gods stone to hide..."

"I'm afraid it's not that they have been made into raw materials by the Void Flyers?"


Seeing that the summary was about to slide in a strange direction, Lu Yuan decisively closed his notebook and temporarily escaped from the strange discussion.

"Ahem, let's go back to the hotel first. I'll talk about other things later."

Change clothes and enter the Dnieper River again. Lu Yuan has already adapted a lot to the cold water of the river. After all, no matter how cold the river is, it is not as cold as the truth behind what he just guessed.

Although he knew that the Void Flyer was an enemy, he did not expect that the group of things would actually use living humans as biochemical raw materials, and would be consumed by ordinary humans as narcotics.

Combining the phytoplasma of narcotic drugs produced in South America, that kind of dwarf shrub named Gu Ke, native to the Andes, plus some thematic art works that Lu Yuan had seen when he was a child, he could make up for the emptiness. Controlled by flying insects, the image of the Isu people covered with bushes.

Although the flesh and blood are not directly used as raw materials in that way, it is dark and cruel, even worse.

Using the river water to awake his active brain, Lu Yuan hurriedly swam along the river bottom to the shore.

He clasped the shore with his hands and climbed up the embankment with his hands. He immediately went back to his work space and changed into clean clothes before walking generously on the path by the river.

The clothes left behind are not afraid that no one will take care of them. The surge of transforming into domestic service robots is now still used by two external avatars. These things are very efficient.

Only after returning to the shore, Lu Yuan discovered that the fishing camp not far in front was completely empty. Instead, there were several black vehicles parked. Except for a black Bentley, the rest were **** SUVs.

This kind of fleet is far from familiar, and the wealthy people who are guarded by the security company in Los Santos basically travel in this way.

"Is this another local big man who has a leisurely sentiment to fish?"

Secretly sighed, Lu Yuan wanted to turn around and walk back, not wanting to grow branches.

However, as he turned around, he saw the middle-aged man sitting in the car with a cigar dangling from the rear window of the Bentley just opened, and the bodyguard in dark armor next to him.

"That is, Andrevic and his black armored bodyguard?!" Lu Yuan couldn't believe it, and actually saw the two again in Kiev.

The last time I saw them was in the arsenal outside Kharkov. The two sides met each other and left in a hurry.

Lu Yuan was also interrupted by a leg by the black armored bodyguard. Well, it was almost interrupted.

After that, after returning to Los Santos, Lu Yuan still paid attention to the arms dealer from time to time, but after all, the distance was too far, plus this trip was strictly guarded against his schedule, and that was nothing.

But why, he will be in Kiev now? This time?

Although most of the information on the dark web believes that Andrevic is the person of Big Rose, no matter the attitude of IAA to him, the black armored bodyguards around him, and the people he does business with, they tell the way. Far, he definitely has a closer relationship with IAA.

Given the current turbulent situation in Russin, an arms dealer who had an affair with the IAA but was considered by most to be a spy of the Great Rus came to Kiev. What he would do is simply obvious.

In all fairness, Lu Yuan’s feelings for Kievan Rus are more complicated by inheriting the memory of Thor Perun. This made him a little entangled in helping or not.

Although the humans of Kievan Rus were considered the heirs of Perun's loyal subordinates, it was they who finally threw Perun into the river and froze for a whole thousand years.

But Lu Yuan knew that because he found the green light on that person, in the end Perun didn't have any resentment towards those human beings.

On the contrary, he was still embarrassed for releasing them from the God Realm Stone and depriving them of the right to eternal life.

Although later he understood that if he hadn't thrown a stone and smashed a snake back then, the humans in the God Realm stone would have ceased to exist as early as the moment the rubble fell to the ground.

But logic is one thing, and feelings are another.

Having accepted most of Sonaz's memories, Lu Yuan's understanding of this Isu is probably deeper than himself.

Since the death of his first wife, this Isu has continued to torment his soul with his sense of responsibility due to guilt.

First the cherished wife died, and then the Asa Experimental Site was destroyed in the Toba catastrophe. The human guards betrayed and the Isu compatriots entered the "God Realm", and he banished himself in disguise.

Obviously I have a new marriage and family, but because I am afraid of fate, I dare not let them enter my heart for a long time.

The second wife has a high probability of dying in the dusk of the gods. Although a few children may survive, for example, in human legends, Manny and Modi inherited the Thor's Hammer he left in the God Realm Stone, but the other few have no news.

Because he was afraid of losing, he closed his heart.

When the God Realm Stone he finally cherished was destroyed by Loki possessed by the Green Light Devil, his only motivation was to grab Loki and get revenge.

So when the green light devil no longer appeared, he obviously had so many choices as an Isu, but he chose the most negative one and waited among the stone fragments of the gods.

However, after discovering that the Green Light Devil had already controlled his descendants, Perron fell into a deep sleep, and the heavy sense of responsibility surged up again.

Lu Yuan, who inherited all of this, recalled the relationship between Andrevic and IAA in his mind, and unknowingly grasped the fragment of the God Realm stone in his hand.

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