Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 391: The story of Siaf

"You, can you recognize me?" Lu Yuan couldn't help but be surprised when he heard Raven Shiafei's words calling out his identity.

"No matter how big your posture and appearance change, your Thunder God's power will never change." Xia Fei smiled lightly and looked at the God Realm stone fragment in Lu Yuan's hand, but suddenly coughed uncontrollably.

Looking at the dark red blood stains in his hand, Lu Yuan was taken aback, and quickly drew a shot of the healing potion with his backhand, and hit Xiafee on the arm.

The therapeutic needle produced by the system is naturally effective, and within a short while, the injuries on Xiafei's body are visible to the naked eye as intact.

It's just that his whole person still looks weak.

Seeing Lu Yuan looking at him suspiciously, Xiafei smiled bitterly and said, "Sorry, sir, I'm afraid I will waste this shot of you."

"What's the matter?" Lu Yuan looked at Xiafee thoughtfully, or asked directly.

"Let's start from the beginning." Shiafe nodded and said slowly, "Do you remember the battle that destroyed the world when you were in the God Realm? Later, it was called the Twilight of the Gods."

Seeing Lu Yuan nodded, Xia continued without surprise, "Sure enough, you have heard the follow-up from humans."

"In that battle, not long after you and Yemengade died together, the fighting power of the Asa Protoss was defeated one after another."

"Sir Sieff, she also died in the hands of the underworld army."

"Finally, the fire giant issued a powerful fire magic, which almost destroyed the entire God Realm."

"Almost everyone died in that shock."

"But in fact, it was just an illusion."

"When I woke up, I found out that I had been a prisoner of a strange intelligent creature. To be precise, it was a test item."

Seeing Lu Yuan's expression changed, Xiafee nodded and said, "Yes, it is them, the users of the green light energy."

"They have mastered the broken God Realm stone, and can even extract the spirits of the gods and our souls from the broken remains."

"I was extracted by them and placed in the human flesh strengthened by them."

"Yes, just like this physical body now."

"Not only that, they also control the way to control our souls. Facing their orders, I just like hearing your voice, I can't resist at all, and I won't resist in my heart."

"In this way, in a few decades, I will be replaced with another body until the strength of my body can't keep up with the task requirements."

"My soul is getting weaker and weaker."

Lu Yuan was startled when he heard the words, and then glanced at the shard of the God Realm stone in his hand. Seeing his actions, Xiafei smiled and nodded, "You guessed it, because I have been controlled by them for a long time, and most of my soul has been contaminated by them."

"You cleared their energy with the power of Thor, and you also know the part of my contaminated soul."

"So I can't live anymore."

"That's fine, for thousands of years to help those things kill, kill other gods, kill rebellious humans, that kind of life, I have had enough!"

"Now, I can still see your return, I am dead without regret."

After saying this, Siafee's eyes suddenly brightened, and he looked at Lu Yuan with shining eyes, "Sir, my sister and Rosecuff are also under control."

"But she didn't die many times in the mission before, and the soul was not contaminated by those guys much. Please save her as much as possible, okay?"

Although the memory in his brain was aroused, the former Thunder God had slept for thousands of years in the stone fragments of the God Realm without energy supply. All that remained in Lu Yuan's mind was the memory. The emotions of once being an Isu were already very weak.

Looking at the familiar and sincere face in front of him, Lu Yuan had no feelings for his former subordinates except for the sympathy of passers-by.

It's just that even so, Lu Yuan couldn't refuse this request from Shia Fei, and could only nod his head to agree.

Seeing Lu Yuan agreed, Xiafei's expression became much more relaxed, and the whole person wanted to smile like this.

Lu Yuan hurriedly pushed him and said, "Sorry, there are two more things you need to answer for me."

"Say!" Siafi was a little struggling, but she still supported her.

"The first thing, how many people are still controlled by those green light devils?"

"Green Devil? This name is really appropriate." Xiafee sighed before slowly saying, "Sorry, sir, the gods should be gone. At least I haven't seen them. It is said that those things, uh, those green Light devil, what raw materials have made them."

"Most of the human souls in the God Realm died in the final battle. Only the **** servants like me who have received the blessing of the gods, or those demigods, who happen to have their souls not destroyed in the battle, were the green The light devil made a weapon."

"Over the years, I have also died in battle."

"And I don't know why, the body strength provided by the green light devil is getting worse and worse. In recent times, it is not even stronger than normal human beings. This will also increase the burden on the soul."

"Those whose souls are too severely damaged will be thrown out of the core team and sent out to do some special things."

"That's why I was thrown out to be a bodyguard for a certain arms dealer."

"So I don't know how many people are left now."

"But Rosecuff must know!"

Shiafei still wanted Lu Yuan to save his sister, although he didn't say it directly.

"But as far as I can remember, 40 years ago, they should have fewer than ten people left. Now there are only fewer."

After listening to Shiafe, Lu Yuan nodded noncommittal, and slowly stared at Shiafe, "I should have a way to keep you alive, but I can only keep your soul, and cannot provide you with flesh and blood. Body."

"Besides, there is one more thing I have to tell you. Whether Sonaz or Thor is dead."

"I just inherited his memory."

"I am not your sir."

Xiafei was stunned, but looked at Lu Yuan and smiled, "Although I don't know what happened, I believe that since Bilskirnier (Lightning Palace) has recognized you, then you are Thor's. Inheritor."

"You have the memory of Lord Thor. To me, you are my chief. Even if you may have the memory of Lord Rocky at the same time, there is no problem."

"Rocky? Why do you say that?" Xiafee's attitude did not exceed Lu Yuan's expectations. After all, his temperament was still in his mind.

But I didn't expect to hear the name "Rocky", perhaps the entire multiverse plane that fell in love and killed with Thor.

"So you really are not Loki's parting soul? It seems that those green-light demons don't know everything!" Xiafee sighed.

"Huh?" Lu Yuan recalled something at this time, and couldn't help but speculate.

"About half a year ago, I was protecting an arms dealer to go to a certain arsenal to purchase, but was disturbed by a man who is proficient in disguise." In front of Lu Yuan, he didn't dare to say "guy." Character.

"The man obviously shot me, but he still escaped."

"Not only that, after the next day, there was another person who was equally proficient in disguise, but unharmed, and killed a spy from an intelligence organization that was connected to the arms dealer."

"After that, I had an additional task to pay close attention to the existence of suspected Loki."

"You saw the gods at dusk. Loki was already controlled by the green light devil."

"But then I also heard something. You chased Loki's soul for hundreds of years, right?"

"Finally, when Loki Spirit returned to the green light devil, he was already confused."

"At first they thought it was too expensive, but after the master disguise appeared, they should have another guess. In the chase battle with you, part of Loki's spirit was out of the control of the green light devil. Find a chance to separate, so Loki will be unconscious when he goes back."

After speaking, Xiafei looked at Lu Yuan curiously again, stating that he wanted Lu Yuan to confirm his guess.

Knowing from Thor’s memory, this is the real Shiafe, a brave warrior, but he has never lacked curiosity.

These words also confirmed Lu Yuan's speculation just now, and as expected, the Green Light Devil also knew what happened after Thor became Perron.

In this way, it is not a coincidence that the green cross on Vladimir's body was finally destroyed when the statue of Perun was destroyed.

Looking at Xiafee, who was full of curiosity, Lu Yuan touched his nose, and simply took off the hood, took out the disguise device, and fully demonstrated to Xiafee. Including the appearance of Shia Fei.

"Is this also some kind of artifact? But why is there no divine power fluctuation? It is Loki's legacy?" Xia Fitch said.

Lu Yuan shook his head, "Just treat you like me, um, treat me as someone from another world, demigod. This is an artifact of other worlds."

"Because, uh, maybe it's similar in divinity, I inherited the memory and inheritance of your chief."

"I haven't seen Loki in this world, and this thing doesn't belong to him either."

"I let you down."

"That's it, and that's okay." Shia Fei didn't have any dissatisfaction, his curiosity was satisfied, and he returned to calm.

Seeing that he was in that state of waiting to die again, Lu Yuan hurriedly added, "You haven't given me your answer yet, are you willing to live as a soul body?"

"I, forget it..."

"He is willing!"

A clear cry came from the small corridor between the two buildings. When Lu Yuan heard it, he knew it was the previous dark eagle, or Rosecuff.

"Rose? Why are you here? Why are you still sane?" Shiafei got up from the ground and ran towards Rosecuff.

It's just that his soul has been damaged too much, and his control over the body has also fallen too much. After not taking two steps, he fell to the ground, but Rosecuff reached out and hugged him in his arms.

"My lord, I can't resist their control for long, please help me out of the shackles!"

"Our brothers and sisters, even if they can only become souls, they will always be your servants!" Rosecuff holding Shiafe, his face is full of hideousness and pain, green light condensed insects, like earthworms on the ground She walked in the middle, and shuttled back and forth over her head.

Every time those things passed through her mind, the pain on her face was strengthened.

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