Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 393: Information of the two brothers and sisters

Lu Yuan sat down and had a good conversation with the two brothers and sisters when they were fully used to the current state of electronic life forms. The information of the three parties verified each other and finally solved some of Lu Yuan's doubts.

First of all, there are not many survivors who remained in the God Realm Stone at the Asa Experimental Site back then.

As Shiafei said, every time the soul of the **** servant injected into the body of the biochemical modulation human body will be partially polluted by the green light because of the imperfect soul recovery ability of the green light devil.

Over time, most of the souls of the **** servants were wiped out of consciousness during the conquest for thousands of years.

An autonomous consciousness like Xiafee is somewhere in between. Sometimes awake and sometimes confused, he will be thrown out of the core team and used as a weakly intelligent robot.

Following this information, I also learned that the human fortified warriors who attacked the Temple of Asa back then were driven by the green light demons with the attendants obtained from other Isu people.

Based on the low self-awareness of the enhanced fighters at the time, we know how long the green light devils had attacked the Isu survivors before the dusk of the gods.

I'm afraid it will be more than a thousand years.

It's a pity that the bio-warriors can't touch the true core of the green light devil, and the two brothers and sisters don't know much about the history of their invasion of this face.

In addition, combined with some other information, Lu Yuan also roughly understood what happened to the shards of the God Realm stone that had been brought together when transforming the two of them before.

To be precise, it wasn't the God Realm Stone Fragment that took the initiative to do anything, but under the combined effect of the Tinder Box and the souls of the two brothers and sisters, some of the relics of the two brothers and sisters in the Fragment Lightning Palace resonated with the owner's soul.

After all, the souls of the two brothers and sisters were very polluted, so they were purified by fragments, in fact, after being absorbed by the Lightning Palace to convert the green light energy, their souls also lost a lot.

When the tinder box performs soul transformation, it is to gather the soul energy of the same characteristics for transformation.

In this way, because the two brothers and sisters lived nearby for a long time, the Lightning Palace carrier Divine Realm Crushed Stone, which also had the imprint of the souls of the two brothers and sisters, was also sucked out by the Tinder Box.

As for the effect, it was not bad. Shiafei, who was previously weak as if she could not sleep at any time, was not as energetic as her energetic sister after transformation, but she was full of vitality and energetic.

Another important question that needs to be answered is: why Rosecuff can briefly break free from the mental control of the green light devil.

According to her, her feeling of being controlled is similar to that of Shiafe, not completely losing her will, but like being hypnotized. From the bottom of her heart, she will obey the orders of the green light devil, as if they are her own. Parents, benefactors, gods, masters.

But after fighting with Lu Yuan at Martin Madraso Manor, Rosecuff in his sleep would get rid of this state from time to time and regain his own independent consciousness.

The self-awareness recovered in this dream accumulated over time. Finally, when I heard Lu Yuan and Xiafei talk before, because the content of the conversation evoked her memories, the accumulated self-awareness suddenly burst out, and suddenly got rid of the green light control.

But why this change occurred after the contact with Lu Yuan, the three of them still had no idea.

Even Lu Yuan couldn't give a reason. After all, he didn't fight with Rosecuff, who is a dark eagle, once or twice. It can't be the quantitative change that caused the qualitative change, right?

To say that only that time was different from the others, Lu Yuan couldn't tell. At that time, he still didn't know the secret behind this face, he hadn't seen the forerunner, and he didn't know about the green light devil.

No, it's not that there is no special place at all.

Lu Yuan carefully recalled the situation at that time. He was invited by Nia and Gunther to help assassinate Martin Madraso.

Not long before that, he also encountered an incident that was suspected to be related to these circumstances.

When helping Agent 14 regain the suspected nuclear test device that time, Agent 14 accidentally said 2017. But what Alex heard was 2013.

Taking this as an opportunity, Lu Yuan relieved her of the kind of psychological suggestive mind control that widely existed in Los Santos by incorporating Alex into the transit system. It is the kind of control that forces everyone to forget the word Los Angeles and completely replace it with Los Santos.

But because Alex is another transversal multiplier, Lu Yuan failed to fully incorporate her into the transit system system and officially became his follower.

{Could it be that some of the system's corrective power was missing, and I took it with me, and finally helped Rosecuff to open the road to self-recovery? }Lu Yuan asked the system.

【Maybe. 】The system also failed to give a definite answer. After all, he only played a terminal role in matters such as the inclusion of the traversal system, and he would not know more than the road.

This matter has not been able to reach a definite conclusion, so we can only put it aside for a while. But Lu Yuan felt that his guess was not far from the truth.

The next thing is about the black hand behind the scenes.

Lu Yuan got a name from Rosecuff, and he inadvertently solved a problem that had been scratching his head recently.

However, things have unfolded to this day, and Lu Yuan has not shown much interest in him for the information he had tried so hard to obtain.

After all, he is just a link and a tool for the green light devil to control the world. Who he is, has no effect on the overall situation.

Although it was learned from Rosecuff that the man was also an old acquaintance, who had been punished by Sol once and survived because the two brothers and sisters pleaded, but afterwards maliciously spread rumors against the brothers and sisters, and even betrayed them. The human father of two siblings at the Asa Experimental Site.

Lu Yuan was also taken aback when he heard that the black hand behind the black armor was him, somewhat inconceivable.

After all, the guy who was able to survive by asking the brothers and sisters to "sell their lives and save their father" in the past has actually become a powerful force, and it really complies with that sentence. An idiot can become a wise man if he lives long enough.

Lu Yuan lacked interest in that person, and the brothers and sisters who had been betrayed many times didn't want to mention it, so the topic immediately turned to another matter.

"Rose, why did you come to Ruxin? They want to do something big here?" Seeing the time was right, Shia Fei immediately asked his most concerned question.

It’s just that Siafee has now been transferred to the "housekeeping service robot". The robot controls the power exoskeleton on the two lost souls through the pipeline to do housework. However, he still looks like he is inquisitive. It's weird that Rose was also a little speechless.

Fortunately, Rose was placed in a small verification robot for investigation. To put it bluntly, it was a robot toy that was equipped with electronic components such as surveillance equipment. There was no blushing, so she was embarrassed. The affection against the past.

Of course, watching a robot less than half a meter tall turned and tilted his head and raised his eyes 45 degrees, everyone knew that she couldn't bear to look straight.

{These brothers and sisters}, Lu Yuan shook his head secretly, {Could it be that once it becomes an electronic life, the soul will become immature? }

Fortunately, Rose said quickly, "As far as I know, they did arrange a lot of manpower for Luxin, and they have some kind of plan, but I am not with them."

"I'm here for only one purpose, on the order of the man from Santo Luo, to chase and kill a dangerous person, the Sweeper Nick Road!"

As he said, the little robot squinted towards Lu Yuan.

"Me? Are you here to chase me?" Lu Yuan said in surprise.

After listening to Rose's explanation, Lu Yuan realized that his Nick Lu identity was eventually grasped by Black Armor through some channels.

After his regiment destroyed the Black Armored Romeo team, Rose, who was refrigerated in disguise, was also reactivated to become the senior leader of Romeo and other four teams due to lack of high-level manpower.

Nick Road's identity is locked, and his credit card consumption records can be easily found by Black Armor.

Only then did Lu Yuan know that the hotel he was renting in Maihekou had been raided once by Rose led somebody. And if it wasn't for her to find some self subconsciously, I'm afraid that everyone in the hotel would eventually die from various accidents such as car accidents and electric leakage.

That is a common method used by black armor to deal with insiders.

Rosie ran to the square with a black armor called the Lu Xin Air Force Mi-8, and she didn't help the genuine golden eagles deal with the armed riots together.

On the contrary, after taking a private plane from Maihekou to Kiev, the black armors used some special channel arrangements to go to an air base and take a military helicopter to the hotel far away.

Only when she learned of the conflict on the square on the way, Rose knew that Shiafi was sent there to perform the task, so she turned to the square half-heartedly.

She had even thought about the reasons, saying that a riot of that scale would very likely lead to the mission goal, that is, Nick Road.

Although this judgment was unreasonable, Lu Yuan was indeed led to the square in the end, and could only express tearfully at Rose's blind cat luck.

Since Rose's main task was to chase Lu Yuan, Lu Yuan was of course curious about how much information he had obtained on the Black Armor.

But Rose disappointed him again. Although she is the daughter of the boss in charge, in fact, just like the three people on Lu Yuan's disdain for Tina, Rose is also a thorn in his heart.

Although he was not as cruel to Rose as he hated Shia Fei, she still couldn't get in touch with the core secret.

She only has the personal information of Nick Road's appearance, known skills, used firearms and so on.

But when Rose recounted the list of guns Nick Lu used well in the message, Lu Yuan still noticed something strange.

The firearms Lu Yuan used to use were still relatively concentrated, most of the HK family, occasionally a few FN family, Sig family, and Beretta family heads.

However, there is one thing that is seldom exposed to outsiders, and that is the drone.

Although the use of drones to fight security wars in theaters is not new, most of them are air support types operated by the Air Force.

Infantrymen carry small reconnaissance drones and perform reconnaissance assistance at the team level. In the face of 2013 in the timeline, it is still a niche approach.

But on the contrary, there is a small reconnaissance drone in the list of weapons used by Nick Road collected by Black Armor.

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