Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 397: Lucin, do it for yourself

About half an hour later, I saw the destination with a small motorcycle all the way hurriedly. The five-story small building in the middle was protected by iron fences and brick walls that were at least three meters high.

It was only after arriving here that Lu Yuan realized that he seemed to have judged one thing wrong, and that was the reaction of the Meika Embassy to the destruction of the black armor hunting group.

In the previous battle, in order not to reveal his secrets, he naturally used the system's fee-based service to completely cut off the external communication of the hunting team.

But the information that the Black Armor is dead uses another technique. The cost of invalidating it is too high.

Therefore, although the hunting group was destroyed, the Black Armor Headquarters would not know. But the latter must know the news of their destruction.

Lu Yuan's previous judgment was that the Black Armor Headquarters might immediately send more people, but the IAA in Ru Xin should not be too aggressive.

But look at the Lu Xin army, which wraps the embassy tightly on the three and three floors here, and how you look at this picture, it doesn’t match the “extreme”.

However, with the intelligence currently held by the Black Armor, the most likely defense is still the militant Nick Road who has the combined combat team of the Black Armor. The "chameleon" who once placed them together in Luxin should not have been paid attention to by them at this time.

Thus, Lu Yuan's opportunity came.

Similar to what he had previously expected, severe violent riots occurred in the square during the day, and a large number of civilians were injured and killed. Therefore, officials at all levels of the embassy advocated for a day in the Russin administration legislature and other public places.

In the evening, these industrious US-Canadian diplomats were still not idle, holding a mourning dinner, inviting Luxin celebrities from all walks of life to attend, mourning the dead and continuing to pressure the authorities.

As a result, Lu Yuan also provided hundreds of opportunities to sneak in.

When someone got off the car alone to answer the phone in the periphery, Lu Yuan got an invitation to enter the embassy, ​​and then a charming and charming female companion.

Although Lu Yuan was still a little stiff when he was held by the woman who got out of the car, he could only give the beauty a formulaic smile by turning sideways. However, after half a minute, Lu Yuan, who had obtained the contributor's mobile phone, investigated the identities of the two people seven or eight.

The person who contributed his identity to Lu Yuan was a head of the Luxin Central Energy Capital Group. The beauty with him is a student who is still studying for a master's degree in a certain university in Luxin. It is the kind funded by the middle-aged rich man in his forties.

Therefore, this female partner is not very familiar with the daily habits and behaviors of middle-aged people. The most familiar may be his favorite posture or the like.

So Lu Yuan easily sneaked into the so-called banquet.

The first half of the banquet was very boring, all kinds of high-sounding speeches, all kinds of hypocritical applause. However, after three drinking rounds, those who gathered in small corners in twos and threes, and even those who ran to the "secret room" for discussions, began to report violent news constantly.

But because Lu Yuan didn't know much about Luxin's politics, he heard it in a cloud at first.

In view of this, the system simply instilled some basic information into him, and he suddenly understood.

The interests of the oligarchs in history have represented their own interests and what methods they used to make profits for themselves in which fields. It has nothing to do with the current problems, so I won't say much. Just talk about the current ones.

Now the chief boss of the Luxin administration is the representative of the oligarch of Luxin Eastern Industrial Group.

Luxin Eastern Industrial Group, inherited from the former Soviet Union, is closely related to the interests of the upstream and downstream enterprises of Great Ross. Because the products of industrial enterprises here are produced in accordance with the former Soviet standard. For most of the commodities, only Big Rose can use it, and only Big Rose can buy it.

If you change the standard and plan to enter the European market, you have to go to Europe to apply for various certification certificates. Both time and money costs are quite high.

Under this circumstance, the interests of Luxin Eastern Industrial Group must be closely related to Greater Ross. Because of this, the current one is unanimously considered to be a pro-Ross.

In fact, whether or not you kiss each other has nothing to do with personal likes and dislikes. It depends entirely on the interest group you represent.

For example, light industry, financial service industry, etc., with the current economic status of Greater Ross, even he almost starved to death, let alone make Ruxin earn a lot of money.

Therefore, this category must belong to the pro-European faction, and even the pro-American card faction.

The person Lu Yuan dressed up is the pro-European group of Central Energy Group.

Not long ago, the head of the Central Energy Interest Group, Hua Dan, the Natural Gas Witch, was sent to prison by the current authority boss. The reason is tax evasion and smuggling.

This stabbed the hornet's nest of all interest groups.

Is it true to say those charges? Is the truth. But there has never been an oligarch in history who was arrested for that kind of crime.

After all, everyone’s **** is not clean, so fight in a limited area. You are now going beyond the limit to draw a salary from the bottom of the game, that's not okay.

Lu Yuan was caught in the secret room and discussed the subject of how to get the big boss of the authorities to step down and get the natural gas witch, the head of his family, out of the prison.

The inside story is indeed predictable, but it does not meet Lu Yuan's needs at all.

He came to find information that could give IAA eye drops. He was not interested in hearing how a bunch of Ruxin elites exploited their own nationals by foreign forces.

And there is the memory of the Slavic Thor, Perun, who also reflected that the separation of the elite and the working masses on this land is not a problem of the past few decades, since the establishment of Kievan Rus in the past, it is the tune.

A group of Slavic tribal alliances that allowed the Nordic people to rule themselves as royal families. From the very beginning, the upper strata of society had nothing to do with the lower strata of society.

Therefore, when it looked like it was not good for his own rule, the Grand Duke of Kiev didn't care about the people's feelings.

Well, the above is Perron's remaining resentment.

In addition, Lu Yuan also found a problem in the system data. Because the Ruxin regime is controlled by interest groups after another, no matter whether they are pro-European or pro-Russian, as long as they have the opportunity, they are also willing to do business with China.

For example, the witch who was thrown into prison by the incumbent is obviously pro-European, and there are indeed countless evidences that she has a monopoly in the country with the financial support of Mika Europe, but she has never let go of selling the former Su's inheritance to China. Opportunity.

So in fact, no matter who comes to power, as long as it is a guy who does not care about the people and only pursues interests, he will sell things to China.

If you really care about the interests of the people, and if you are a leader who can be "great" worthy of the great Russ' present one, perhaps once in a hundred years, then it is obvious that the most in line with the interests of the Ruxin people is to join China's Belt and Road Initiative. .

Falling to the west completely, Big Rose would never agree. This is a geopolitical necessity.

Falling to Great Ross completely, the weak economy of Great Ross cannot give the people of Luxin a happy life.

Only by continuing to stand in the middle and joining a relatively neutral pure economic alliance can the people's demands be resolved.

Of course, based on Lu Yuan's current understanding of Lu Xin, such a great man, Lu Xin is absolutely impossible to appear in the past two decades.

The customs and habits of being separated from each other are not conducive to producing that kind of great man with a high sense of responsibility.

After being able to take office, because they are smart enough, they will soon learn from their predecessors how to maximize their own interests.

After hearing the adult's intrigue, Lu Yuan, although he managed to figure it out with the help of the system, still felt a little dizzy. He hurriedly went to the bathroom with excuses and finally escaped.

Using the cold water from the sink to clear his mind, Lu Yuan's plan to help Luxin by the way disappeared completely.

The future of this country still has to be won by the citizens of this country. Help from outsiders will only be counterproductive.

"Lu Xin, you should do it yourself!"

Lu Yuan sighed in his heart and tried to find the kind of small meeting room related to IAA in the five-story building.

At the same time, in a secret room, two men in battle armor are standing in front of someone who is **** on a chair, and they are talking with a big smoke gun in the shadow next to them. .

"Hey, when will my new bodyguard come? I think you are good at it, why don't you follow me?" In the shadow, the middle-aged man with a cigar in his mouth half joked.

"There are no new bodyguards. Big Rose was smashed by your two-headed falcon, probably KGB's Alpha Squad, now on their way to deal with you." A black armor shrugged.

"The boss gives you two choices. First, stick to us from now on, and return to the U.S. card with us when the matter is done."

"The second one?" the middle-aged man spit out his smoke ring.

"Secondly, I will give you twice the original commission. But you can deal with Rose's revenge."

"That's it." The man tapped his right hand on the coffee table twice, smiled brightly at the two black armors, and said, "I still prefer money."

"Huh, I don't know how to praise!" A black armor was about to make a word, but was suppressed by his colleagues around him.

"Alright, this is your reward." The second black armor took out a suitcase from a corner of the room and threw it to the middle-aged man in the shadow.

The middle-aged man smiled and went to pick up the suitcase, but as soon as he received it, his face became ugly. Without it, it is too heavy. He could even hear the crash of the bones on his arm, as if it were broken.

"Is this?" the man was shocked.

"Your reward, five million dollars, gold!"

"Yellow, yellow, gold? It has to weigh a hundred kilograms, right?" The man was holding the gold, a little weak and unwilling to let go.

"220 pounds. This is only a small part of your reward." Black Jia said with a smile, "The remaining two thousand pounds and nine hundred kilograms have been put in the garage truck. If you choose them, drive away by yourself. that is."

"But I have to remind you that in that case, you have nothing to do with us when you go out of the embassy."

"If you are unfortunately caught alive by KGB, next time I meet, I will be the executor to help you shut up."

"How? Give you another chance to choose."

After speaking, the black armors stared at the man in the shadow for a while.

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