"Yellow Weasel News"

"According to a report sent back by our special correspondent in Kiev, the capital of Luxin,

At about 1 a.m. local time, a Su-27 fighter jet of a certain Ruxin Air Force crashed over the US-Canadian Embassy in Rusin on its way back to the air base for unknown reasons. "

"The pilot air force lieutenant colonel died on the spot, and several embassy staff were injured or killed at the same time."

"Russin's military responded that the crash was purely an accident and apologized to the victim."

"However, the Russin authorities questioned that the lieutenant colonel in question was a personal assistant to a deputy commander of the group army and there was no sufficient reason to appear in Kiev."

"According to several unnamed officials, the appearance of the Air Force lieutenant colonel may be related to the earlier protests and demonstrations in Russin Independence Square."

"At noon the previous day, the horrific and violent incident involving the massacre of protesters and protesters by militants in Greater Ross that occurred at least caused at least 50 deaths and more than 300 injuries."

"The Ruxin opposition is expressing its concerns about this matter through various channels and has ordered the authorities to step down as soon as possible."

"Yellow Weasel News."

On the way back to Los Santos, he was watching the big news he had made in a hotel in the city, but he couldn't help but curl his lips.

"As expected of Mika, I didn't mention anything about the IAA! I don't know if Robin's share can be sent out."

After leaving the artillery brigade station, although Lu Yuan flew towards the eastern air base, letting the ground radar station and other air force officers escorting a sigh of relief, he obviously wouldn't really go back with them.

It’s not easy to get there and return. Maybe you have to go to a military court or something. The longer it takes, the greater the chance of wearing a gang by yourself.

Before playing cross-dressing, he mostly monitored the target for a long time, or found enough daily information to achieve the effect of being fake.

It took only a few minutes to pretend Andrevic, not just because he was not familiar with him, but the disguise was seen through by both the wave blade and the short dagger.

So when Lu Yuan flew back to the sky over Kiev, he simply replaced the drowsy Lieutenant Colonel in the space into the cockpit, and let Jiyong lead him directly into the five-story building of the Meika Embassy.

It's not for hurting people, but because the embassy was bombed, it's more or less a noise in the United States.

In case other methods are pressed by the IAA, the embassy bombing can still be transmitted back to the United States.

Be regarded as a backhand arrangement.

As for whether the Air Force lieutenant colonel is injustice, it must be impossible to injustice. On behalf of a certain deputy commander of the Lu Xin Air Force, he came to the U.S. Embassy to collude with U.S. personnel. For Lu Xin, his treason is indispensable.

In fact, that was just one of the lightest guilt on him.

But then again, based on the situation in Luxin over the past few decades, it is difficult to find someone at this level who shouldn't die.

That is to say, a society like Luxin, where there is no consensus between the upper and the bottom, will be indifferent to each other, causing the country to go from bad to worse.

The actual damage that can be caused by a Su-27 that is not equipped with a weapon or auxiliary fuel tank when it falls is of course very limited.

Most of the casualties in the news are people who died in other places by the IAA, who took advantage of the opportunity to arrange them, and save time and energy to prepare reports.

Wave blade and short dagger, and even the death of the entire hunting team, will probably be planted on this crash.

On the other hand, after successfully escaping far away, he found a safe hotel and released Robin first.

Robin was bound by the inner three layers and the outer three layers, completely unaware of what was happening outside. So when Lu Yuan finally uncovered the cloth covering his head in the hotel room, he was not surprised, and quickly calmed down.

After some conversation, how Lu Yuan would rescue her, how to get rid of the wave of the blade, the major incidents passed by.

At the same time, Lu Yuan also knew what happened to Robin after leaving Los Santos.

To put it simply, she bit the tail of the wave blade when tracking down those victims with special knife wounds. But out of caution, she doesn't follow too closely every time.

In this way, he caught up with Luxin without knowing it.

If she thinks that she can't get along with a Canaan American card in Eastern Europe, that's a mistake. Because, she is actually of great Russian origin. Great Ross Jews.

Although it was a bit hard to pick up Big Rose, Robin, who had inspired to become a popular news anchor, couldn't help but.

During Lucin's time, she also accumulated some other materials. For example, in the Golden Eagle Special Forces of the Luxin Ministry of Internal Affairs, some people actually took advantage of the vacation to do private goods, that is, become a mercenary.

That's right, when the Golden Eagle and Andrević met, the female Mika reporter who followed them was referred to as Robin.

Because of this, when the riots broke out in the square, Robin, who continued to stare at the casual golden eagles, was caught by the wave blade who came to wipe the **** of the casual golden eagles.

The two people who had reunited after a long absence exchanged information. Although they straightened out the task before and after, they found that their goals had not been achieved yet.

Robin's tracking of Wave Blade's target is very simple, just to follow the vine to find his long-missing father.

However, the wave blade was killed by Lu Yuan, and the clue was also broken.

However, Lu Yuan knew well that Robin's father was mostly made into a biochemical warrior by the green light devil in the words of the wave blade.

But this kind of speculation, how can he speak, can only say that it will help Robin pay attention to this aspect, and will notify her as soon as there is news.

On Lu Yuan's side, he actually wanted to get evidence from Robin that IAA messed up Lucin.

However, although she has some information about prohibited soldiers taking private work, the fire is not enough to burn the IAA or even the USCA authorities.

Fortunately, Lu Yuan still has a card in his hand, which is the arms dealer Andrevic.

So with Robin’s professional help, Lu Yuan filmed Andrevic for a full 180 minutes of the film and television work called "Confessions".

Lu Yuan kept a copy of the original version, and made more than a dozen condensed versions with slightly different content, and voted in the major media of Ross Russin Huaxia and Meka.

Of course, Robin has the most comprehensive one, and she will be ready to make a comeback after she returns to Liberty City and will be a blockbuster.

As a result, as Lu Yuan has seen in Los Santos at present, there is no disturbance in the US card. Although the media such as Big Rose reported on it, it was still blocked by the US card's media.

Anyone who exposes everything on social media, once someone publishes relevant information, they will immediately be deleted and banned, or they will be banned until the account is deleted.

It is said to the outside world that it is false news that is suspected of overseas power. You just go to make a complaint, and it is only accepted after a year and a half.

Mastering the media is such an invincible position.

So in the end, Lu Yuan wanted to make a big news to ignite the IAA and the U.S. authorities, but failed.

Optimistically, his success rate for this vote is just over 60%, which is barely passing.

After all, the fact that the US card embassy was hit by Su 27 has never happened in any timeline, and it will definitely have a huge negative impact on the conspiracy of the Green Light Devil.

As for IAA and Luxin, in fact, smart people all over the world know that it doesn't need to be elaborated. Generally speaking, everyone can see that it is IAA's handwriting.

From this point of view, it does not matter whether there is evidence or not.

But I want the public to believe that no amount of evidence is useful, because the propaganda channels are still in the hands of the IAA.

As long as they randomly release a few smoke bombs, and find a few more tongues to deliberately muddy the water, a political disaster will become a string of meaningless mouths, which will eventually be eliminated invisible.

Lu Yuan was also mentally prepared for this, and after a little depressed, he didn't bother with that effort anymore.

After all, the gains of this trip to Luxin were more than several times greater than the previous trip to the arsenal.

But if all those things are to be remodeled to be usable, it will take no less than 500 working hours of hard work.

And before that, he still needs to continue to complete the design and manufacture of Animus.

Oh, yes, and Andrević, who was digged out by the two, was finally thrown into the airport by the two men before leaving Rusin on the plane.

When he escaped the eyes of Lucin and IAA and returned to his sphere of influence, the streets and alleys of Lucin were full of how he gave people incendiary bombs, pretended to be protesters and threw the police, and gave another group of people rifles. Let them slaughter the "repentance video" of the demonstrators.

At that time, it was too late for him to hide, and it was impossible to trouble Robin and Lu Yuan.

What's more, he didn't see the two faces at all during the whole process, and he didn't even know how they called each other.

Not surprisingly, Ross KGB will find him before IAA and make him a key hole card for Ross to get the most benefit.

Say the loop is far here.

Lu Yuan was separated from Robin who flew directly to Liberty City when he was flying in Russin.

After all, he can't fly with his true identity, and that will definitely attract the next batch of black armor. He couldn't block Robin's face and become another person, it would not be good for Robin. She is destined to return to a normal life, knowing too much is not good.

They told each other to send emails when needed, and the two who had just met again rushed to their own battlefields.

Because most of the properties have been sold by him, he can only rent hotels after returning to Los Santos.

But correspondingly, he still has one and a half tons of gold.

He stole 16 tons in the underground vault of the United Savings Bank, and just took away a ton from the IAA to Andrevic in Russin.

With the addition of a ton and a half from Leicester, there is now a full 18 tons of 500 kilograms of high-purity gold in the Luyuan workspace, as if that ton and a half has nothing to say.

12.5 kilograms of gold bricks, 1480 yuan, densely spread into a double bed, now it seems to be the private domain of the duchess Rosecuff, who has become a robot, even Lu Yuan wants to go up and lie down for a while. Try to get her away first.

Next, while Lu Yuan continued to search for the technology needed for the Animus to complete the plan, he also called Turner and Alex, and met his new partners Siafi and Rosecuff.

By the way, Lu Yuan also told Turner Alex about his experience in Luxin, including that he accepted the almost dying Isu Sonaz and the Nordic Thor Thor , The last trace of soul memory of Slavic Thor.

Turner was surprised by this experience, but Alex didn't react. Not only that, because of Rosecuff's existence, Lu Yuan glared fiercely.

Lu Yuan naturally knew that Alex was afraid that one day he would lose his original self after being fused by the swallow.

Lu Yuan wanted to persuade her, but her own experience really couldn't reassure her. What's more, he easily absorbed Sonaz's memory, and he was hardly affected by his original soul. On the contrary, it only made Alex's worry worse.

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