Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 412: People are incomparable

"It tastes good," Alex licked his lips after drinking. "What is it made of? Did you put milk in it? It has a special milk fragrance."

"Speaking of which, what's the use of this thing? Nothing special?"

However, seeing that even his master had a devilish expression, Alex hurriedly began to look at himself suspiciously, "What's the matter? What happened to me?"

In the end, it didn't matter if she looked at it. She actually couldn't see her arm. No, it should be said that she couldn't see all parts, even the leather armor on her body.

Only when she quickly waved her arm, could she faintly see something transparent in the air sliding past.

"Invisibility? Invisibility?" Alex asked in surprise.

"Yes, invisibility technique!" Lu Yuan proudly said, "and it is a masterpiece of my alchemist, which lasts for two minutes."

"Don't make trouble, take this opportunity to feel the magic when it works on your body!"

"This, this feeling is really beyond words." Alex left the table as he spoke, not knowing where he went.

But it didn't take long before her voice came from the other side, "Wait, you just said that this potion is rare to be dispensed in the underground world? What exactly did you use?"

"Nothing special." Lu Yuan half-loaded X and said half proudly, "not that all the materials come from the ground. The other main material was taken when I was on the surface before, because I had never had the opportunity and was not willing to use it, so I kept it. Now."

"What is it?"

"The moon moth wings are called moon moth wings on the surface. They are a kind of butterfly that emits a beautiful and soft turquoise light at night, um, moth creatures. It's pretty, it's okay to call moonlight butterflies."

"Well, that's it." As soon as I heard the material was such a more beautiful creature, Alex was a little relieved and asked casually, "What is the other one?"

"The other kind, the other kind is the eggs of a kind of insect." Lu Yuan said while eating dinner, "the protein content is very rich, and it is also rich in many kinds of minerals. I guess the milk scent you mentioned is the insect The taste of egg protein is much better than silkworm chrysalis."

"A bug again?" Although Alex was a little uncomfortable, he was born in a war zone after all. When he was a child, he was forced to find a plump insect belly. However, he subconsciously continued to ask, "What kind of bug? Underground? Nothing? I've seen it before."

"Um, it's true that there are only eggs on this road, and I haven't seen adults." Lu Yuan thought for a while, and said, "But you haven't never touched its adults. Most of the armors on Famo's body use that kind of armor. The insect shell is made of chitin."

"By the way, most of their knives are made by the sickle-shaped forelimbs of the insects in full flight."

"Uh, do you still say that it feels slimy? That might be the slime on their bodies."

"I guess, it may not be accurate!"

Lu Yuan explained in a choreography, it was so lively, but Turner on the side was in a cold sweat, staring straight behind him. But without seeing Alex, he could only give Lu Yuan a sharp look.

As a result, Lu Yuan was very talkative, completely ignoring Turner's warning.

As for Alex, even though she was still in a state of invisibility magic, if there was an infrared detector, she would definitely be able to distinguish her from the surrounding environment immediately. Without it, it was too bright.

Lu Yuan continued to say, "Yes, that bug is called Charus, but some people have translated it directly into nest ants. I don't know if it's because of habits..."

He was still going on, Alex could not bear it anymore, walked behind Lu Yuan, stretched out his hands and turned into hand knives, and smashed Lu Yuan's shoulders severely!


It was not Lu Yuan but Alex himself that roared.

When she was cutting with a knife, Lu Yuan also sensed something was wrong, and subconsciously jumped back from the chair, and the whole person also changed from a sitting posture to a standing posture.

As a result, he slammed into Alex behind him firmly.

The girl's two hand knives hit his reinforced steel carapace instead of the seam of the shoulder, chest and carapace. It was already very painful, but he still smashed her whole body on the body, and directly smashed her into a paralysis. In the end, Alex's heart was dripping with pain.

Lu Yuan saw that he accidentally injured the little girl. He quickly took out the treatment needle and pierced Alex on the ground. He continued the class and said, "There can be no offensive behavior during the effective period of this invisibility technique. Once attacked, the magic will be Automatically lapse."

"You said you, why ran behind me and attacked me when I was okay? Would you like to try stealth? Is it good to choose the side?"

Seeing Alex's face looking bad, Lu Yuan saw her holding her hands. He thought it was a pain from the touch, and quickly reached out and rubbed Alex's two small tender hands.

"Come on, why does the hand hurt? I rub it for you, oops, how old is it, why did you cry because of this little injury?"

"Idiot! Asshole! Asshole!" As soon as Alex heard this, he struggling out with both hands, knocking on Lu Yuan's chest.

Naturally, the hammer hurt again.

Lu Yuan's front breastplate is thicker and stronger than his carapace. How could she be injured by a weak chicken who didn't continue to strengthen her body for fear of affecting her figure?

No way, Lu Yuan had to take out another potion and hit her again.

Seeing that Lu Yuan was about to grab his hand and rub it in his palm again, Alex subconsciously pulled his hand back.

"Okay, okay, can't I just rub it for you? Don't be addicted to self-harm!" Lu Yuan said helplessly.

However, after Alex withdrew his hand, he regretted it a bit. But as soon as he saw that a stinky man gave up trying so easily, she immediately tickled her teeth again and made a grimace on the road, so he got up and went back to the seat to eat.

Only then, the two people discovered that Turner, who was still eating before, had quietly left at some point, and he had even taken the dinner plate.

At this time, Lu Yuan's IQ seemed to have finally returned to Earth from outer space. He noticed the weirdness of the previous series of pictures, which was not only embarrassing but also a little smug. Secretly, did he just accidentally tease people?

However, this kind of person never knows that being able to tease is only the first step, and it is the real skill to seize the opportunity to take advantage of the pursuit.

And he, unfortunately, completely lost the opportunity created just now.

On Alex's side, he didn't say a word, venting all kinds of unspeakable grievances fiercely at the food.

Finally, Lu Yuan finished the meal. He felt a bit unwilling to leave like this, but he didn’t know what to say. He saw another bottle of medicine on the table in front of Alex in a blink of an eye, so he said, "By the way, that bottle of you You can also try."

"I won't try, maybe some weird bug made it, huh!" Alex said awkwardly. But it's hard to say how many of them are awkward or acting like a baby.

Lu Yuan didn’t care, and explained, “This bottle is not made of bugs. Two materials, one is dwarf oil, which is the kind of motor oil collected from those dwarf machinery. The other is scales. You've seen mushrooms on the way."

"Uh, machine-fried mushrooms? It's a bit disgusting!" After saying so, Alex still picked up the bottle of potion and smelled it.

"Huh? There is no smell of motor oil, but there is a strange cooling aroma, like mint, but a little different." Alex sniffed, "What is this bottle for?"

"This bottle, the main desired effect of this bottle is magic enhancement of the illusion system." Lu Yuan saw that she became interested, and said hurriedly, "However, under normal circumstances, mixing directly will also get the negative effect of weakening the magic defense."

"Fortunately, the teacher who taught me alchemy also taught me how to eliminate negative effects, so this bottle is a pure illusion magic potion, you can drink it with confidence."

"Is illusion magic enhanced?" Alex murmured, "but I don't know magic, let alone illusion magic. Is it useful to drink this thing?"

"Well, in my experience, I drink this kind of special spell strengthening potions as magical energy to provide potions." Lu Yuan explained, "At least for me, I drink pure magic power supplements, not as good as this. This kind of intensifier has a good effect."

"I guess it's because I don't have enough affinity for this face's magical elements."

"Let you try this, the main reason is to let you experience what it feels like to be the magic element of the illusion system."

"By the way, the invisibility technique just now belongs to the illusion magic."

"Eh? Is that true?" Although Alex still couldn't understand what Lu Yuan wanted to do, he still swallowed the potion.

In fact, Lu Yuan really didn't have any special plans. It was just an experiment. Experiment, then observe, record, and leave it to follow-up comparison.

However, after watching Alex, who closed his eyes and experienced after drinking the potion, suddenly seemed to have a flash of inspiration, opened his eyes and blinked slyly at himself, and the whole person disappeared again.

"Invisibility technique?" Lu Yuan was shocked, "You actually directly mastered the release of invisibility technique?"

"Hey!" Lu Yuan suddenly heard a dark laughter on the left. He just wanted to turn around, but suddenly stopped for some reason.

As a result, Alex, who suddenly appeared on the right, slammed his head firmly, forehead.

"Haha, see if you dare to bully people again in the future! Hahaha~"

As soon as Lu Yuan turned his head to look in the direction of Alex, he saw that after a transparent ripple flashed, Alex became invisible again and ran away from him.

"Isn't it? Can it be played continuously? I remember that this spell consumes a lot of mana, and ordinary mages can't use a few at all!" Lu Yuan was shocked.

"No~" Alex said in a relaxed voice, "I feel, at least there can be more than ten or twenty of them!"

"Moreover, this noodle is full of similar magic elements. If it's not enough, just add a little from the environment. Just let me keep sending it, and I can send it until I starve to death~"

As soon as Lu Yuan heard Alex's well-informed explanation, he instantly collapsed on the chair as if he had been drained.

Who was the magic darling who could continuously release high-level magic without waiting for a breath last time?

That's right, it's a swallow that can teleport infinitely.

Now here comes another Alex who can be invisible indefinitely.

One day these two people really merged together. As long as they want to hide, who else can catch them, eh, her?

People are more angry than people!

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