Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 433: Rod of the Primordial Demon God

Once again shocked by Lu Yuan's wide-sightedness, Serberina slept rather unsteadily this night.

On the third day, after hurriedly making some potions in the alchemy shop in the small town, I did not go to visit the visitor stack owner Jona to introduce it to a few people. It is said that it is already a master-level summoning mage Fa Leon, and everyone went straight to the lost city. go.

In this way, when everyone arrived at the most majestic ruins group that could be seen in Skyrim Province from a long distance, it was just shortly after noon.

However, at the time when the sun was right in the air, everyone found a white light shadow, standing in front of the gate of a certain high platform in the ruins, staring motionlessly at the gate.

"Chief Mage Savos Aran?" Sebrina saw that, the ghost image, was a little stunned, and then seemed to recognize him, and hurried up to say hello.

But ghost no matter how she moves, just staring straight at the gate of the ruin.

After watching for a while, the onlooker cleared the road and said, "I thought I saw a ghost in the daytime! However, this should not be the soul of the mage, but just the obsession of the mage."

After that, Lu Yuan seemed to glance at Vegard whose face changed suddenly.

Yes, this ghost in the daytime should be similar in nature to the Sileia they saw in the soul stone mound.

It's just that because the nature of the world and the annihilation domain are different after all, they can only leave "images" and fail to leave intelligence.

Sure enough, when Serberina used the relic left to her by the wizard of Savos, the magic ring on the gate opened the gate of the ruin and entered the lost city, the image of Savos' obsession appeared again.

However, there were five other figures who appeared with him this time, no, ghosts.

This time they were not stupid standing still, but as if looking back in time, they "acted" the conversation that happened in this position in the past.

Through their dialogue, the four of them realized that this was what happened when Chief Mage Savos and his academy classmates ran together to take an adventure in the Lost City.

It's just an image of the original area of ​​the ruin, only telling the beginning of the adventure.

"Hey, Sister Rina, have you heard the chief mage say about this?" Alice faintly aware of the danger contained in it, and Alex leaned over to Serberina and asked in a low voice.

"No." Serberina naturally shook her head. "There is no mentor in the college who has said anything about it."

"Moreover, I have never heard about the mages just now in the academy."

After I understood what Serberina meant, those mages had died a long time ago, and Alex couldn't help feeling horrified, and subconsciously looked towards Luyuan.

But Lu Yuan, who had been reminded of related memories, stood behind everyone with a relaxed look, waiting for the temporary captain of the team, Serberina, to issue an order.

Seeing Lu Yuan's expression, Alex couldn't help but feel relieved. He just looked at his indifferent face, but then became angry secretly, wishing to punch his annoying face a few times.

No way, let alone Alex, even when Sebrina turned to look at him, she was overwhelmed by the lightness of his face.

"Huh! Since you are not afraid, then follow along!" After speaking, Serberina walked into the depths of the ruins first.

It's just a pair of dog men and women who are dangerous and careless. Once the carelessness appears, the danger is not far away.

Following the ruins, just after passing an iron fence and entering a huge internal plaza, everyone felt a wave of shaking. Then, a huge figure stood up in the giant tomb in the center of the plaza.

That thing only had a gray skeleton, a long tapered tail with two feet and wings, a dragon head that chose to eat, and two wildfire-like eyes staring at a group of four people fiercely.

"This is? Bone Dragon?" Alex asked in astonishment first.

With the appearance of the bone dragon, some skeletons of skeletons that looked like burials also came out of their respective coffins, and cooperated with the giant in the center to encircle the four people.

Seeing the skeleton army pressed, Serberina's face sank, her hands closed to gather magic power, and at the same time she ordered Alex, "Ali, the stragglers around you will be handed over to you!"

"Okay!" Alex didn't talk nonsense. After putting down the backpack, he directly turned on the invisibility technique, holding a hammer in one hand and a dagger in one hand, and ran to the skeleton soldier on the edge of the battlefield.

This made Lu Yuan look at it with emotion, secretly sighing that it is still so much for his subordinates to go out and practice alone, so that they can grow faster.

How long has it been since the previous violent man who wanted to kill the Quartet with his two-handed sword had become a violent man who would choose different weapons according to the battlefield and the enemy.

In Dugu Fort, Alex didn't carry a dwarf ball or a two-handed sword. It was a long sword with a dagger, which was convenient for walking and assassination.

Now it’s down to the ancient ruins. She also knows that the one-handed long sword is replaced with a one-handed hammer to deal with possible undead creatures that are not sensitive to sharp weapon damage. This shows that she has adapted to this world and can use her brain flexibly. .

This is the mercenary talent that grew up in the war zone since childhood, the battlefield learning ability is fast enough.

Lu Yuan sighed with Alex's progress, while Serberina also threw the big fireball in her hand.

The flame element that was condensed and compressed to the extreme, as soon as it hit a certain pair of skeleton frames, it burst open, and shrouded the surrounding area of ​​more than ten meters in the flame.

The skeleton soldiers who gathered together disintegrated one after another visibly and scattered into the dog's favorite food mountain.

Speaking of dogs, Vegard, who has turned into a demon guardian, is undoubtedly licking the dog at this moment, holding a bow, not even a shield, but protecting him in front of Serberina, as if at any time Use a longbow to block the flying arrows.

If Alex's performance gave way to a lot of comfort, Vegard could only make him shake his head.

After thinking about it, Lu Yuan simply ran to a certain skeleton soldier who was broken up, took up the Ancient Nord shield and long sword, and handed it to Vegard, and helped him back the bow. Body.

Although the archery skills of Yi Luyuan and Vegade, even if they deal with skeletons with only bones, they can still hit the head with arrows. They are not afraid of the arrows penetrating through the gaps between the ribs (ribs), but watching Wei Gad is now like this, knowing that he can't calm down and shoot.

In this case, it's better to let him be a shield warrior honestly. He was not unlearned anyway.

However, just when he leisurely wandered around and made an idea for the guardian mad demon, the situation on the court was really not optimistic.

First of all, the huge bone dragon in the center, although it has become an undead creature and has just been awakened, moves relatively slowly, but it suffers pain after being hit by Serberina’s close-to-expert-level senior burning technique. Below, the action was obviously a little faster.

Secondly, because of the huge space in the central square, the surrounding skirmishers were very brave. Even if Alex broke a skull with one hammer, he was unable to do so in a short period of time and was unable to come back.

As a result, just as Serberina continued to rub the second large burning technique, the gigantic bone dragon roared and turned on the barbaric collision mode, like she ran into it.

Lu Yuan looked at the female mage's robe and shook his head secretly. Although the robe had a high bonus to the release of spells, its defense power was almost nothing.

And for some reason the female mage didn't apply defensive magic such as wood armor technique or stone armor technique to herself, and she didn't turn on the shield technique, just like a ball of fire in the middle of the door.

Not to mention a skull dragon, even an ordinary ox ran over, and had to knock her down.

If this is really hit by the head of the iron dragon, even if the girl is about 1.8 meters tall, she is much stronger than the average weak girl, but the end will be just a dead word.

In particular, seeing Vegard holding a shield to block Serberina, Lu Yuan intended to watch the show all the way, and while sighing, he also took the bow from his back and drew out the recently improved heavy-duty wear. A burst arrow aimed at the dragon's head and shot it out.

However, as soon as the arrow left the string, he noticed that the situation had changed on the court.

It turned out that Serberina, who saw Vegard rushing forward without hesitating and keeping a subtle distance from him, also changed her face. She threw a fireball that was still condensing, and took the backhand from her backhand. The rod, the phalanx dragon, shoots a red ball of light.

At the same time that the ball of light exploded on the bone dragon, the red light enveloped the entire bone dragon, and then everyone saw a flower. The huge bone dragon just disappeared.

No, it didn't disappear, but because it became a rooster, it looked like it was gone from a distance.

The crisis between Vegard and Serberina also disappeared as the bone dragon turned into a chicken.

Before he breathed a sigh of relief, Sebrina yelled, "Fix those skeletons first!"

But before the words fell, Lu Yuan's heavy armor-piercing arrow had already been shot.

Originally, he was aiming at the dragon's head, but now the dragon has become a chicken that is several times shorter, and the arrow is naturally missed.

But the arrow he used is heavy. Although the falling speed caused by gravity will not be faster because the arrow is heavier, the wind resistance caused by the increase in volume will be greater.

If the wind resistance is large, the speed attenuation will be a little serious. When the speed drops, it will take a long time to fly the same distance.

And the flight time is longer, the fall due to gravity will be more.

This also caused one thing, that is, when the arrow fell to the ground and detonated the flame element in it and exploded into a fireball, the edge of the explosion also enveloped the chicken.

So Serberina, who had just breathed a sigh of relief, saw an orange fireball flashing past, and the huge bone dragon before was transformed back.

"You!" Seeing this, Serberina couldn't help feeling anguished, turned her head and gave Lu Yuan a fierce look, and ran away from where she was, avoiding a tail sweep of the Bone Dragon.

It's a pity that Vegard, who just raised his shield to block behind Seberina, was shot and flew out by the tail.

Fortunately, Vegard used up the treatment needles that he used up before he was captured by bandits twenty years ago. After meeting Lu Yuan, he was replenished with 20 more. Flying in the air, he took the opportunity to give himself two shots, and finally saved his life.

Realizing that he had been helping, it seemed that it was not helpful. Lu Yuan was also a little embarrassed, so he had to smile and said to Serberina who ran over, "Accident, this is an accident."

"What about your Transfiguration technique, hit it again!"

"That's not Transfiguration!" Sebrina was annoyed. "That's Vaba Jack, the staff of the mad **** Sergera. The effect is random every time! It's just good luck to be able to follow Transfiguration just now! Why! Maybe you can use it when you say it is used?"

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