Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 437: If you want to be neutral, you need strength

The comrades-in-arms group is one of the oldest warrior guild organizations in Skyrim, which can be traced directly back to Isgramo, the heroic king of the Nord tribe at the end of the mythical era.

At that time, the Nords had just arrived in the sky, and they fought a long-term war with the snow elves who were here at the time.

Of course, if you take the Nord people as the main point of view, some words will have to be modified.

In short, after the snow elves slaughtered the settlement of Nord’s settlement, Isgramo, who was able to escape through a **** road, returned to the north of his home country, the frozen continent of Atmora, recruited soldiers, and gathered a team of 500 fighters. Killed back to the sky again.

These 500 fighters are also regarded as the embryonic form of the comrades-in-arms group.

After the victory of the war, these warriors separately explored the sky. One of the teams led by Ike, the friend of Isgramo, came to Baiman with their warship "Moonvaska", where they found the Sky Furnace. , Settled here ever since

If the angle is right, you can see the so-called warrior's house wooden house where the comrades-in-arms group resides. Its roof is the bottom of a warship, and there is the warship "Moonwaska" that year.

Because of this clear historical heritage, the position of the comrades-in-arms group in Skyrim is detached.

Of course, this is also related to their withdrawal from the political struggle and abiding by the neutral style of behavior.

Because it does not participate in political wars, especially civil wars between the same human forces, although it is nominally a mercenary group, the commissions accepted by the comrades-in-arms group mainly deal with dangerous creatures and suppress bandits.

This is somewhat similar to the urban mercenaries in Los Santos.

Right now, the team led by the huntress Ella and the shield warrior Artis had accepted the recent commission from the merchant team from Morningstar City to White Man City to slay this bandit.

But they didn't expect Serberina to solve the mountain bandit first.

The two teams had just met each other, probably because one was the wizard team and the other was the warrior team, so the two teams felt a little bit at war.

But after seeing the two familiar faces of the opposing team of four, Artis, the sharp-eyed deputy team of the comrades-in-arms group, immediately ordered everyone to retract their weapons into the scabbard, and at the same time gave the field to his captain.

After twenty years of baptism, the girl who used to bounce has transformed into a mature warrior.

As a member of the core circle of the comrades-in-arms group, the current huntress Ella has no longer seen the youthfulness of the year, and her gestures are full of mature and calm charm, and she is fascinated by the sight of Lu Yuan.

Looking at the wild redhead in front of him, Lu Yuan mumbled again and again, but did not complete the greeting.

Contrary to Lu Yuan's trepidation, after learning the news of Lu Yuan's return from Fakas, he experienced more Ayla than he did. In fact, he was much calmer in comparison.

If Lu Yuan's more than one year adventure career has allowed him to grow far more mature than his peers, then imagine how mature Ella, who has fought in troubled times for 20 years, will be?

However, seeing that I was the first and only man at the beginning, after 20 years, I still hadn't completely faded from the childishness of last year. I couldn't even open the mouth to face myself. Aila's already calm heart, there was no reason for a strong anger. meaning.

With a sneer, Ella walked a few steps forward and came to Lu Yuan. Before the guy could speak, she stretched out her hand to grab the man's arm, then tugged hard, and threw him to the ground. !

"Hey, what are you doing?" Seeing her kill Lu Yuan in a flash, Alex was the first one to rush out.

However, when she saw Ella's appearance clearly, she couldn't help but exclaimed and asked uncertainly, "Is it you? Helena?"

Lu Yuan, who was still on the ground at this time, looked at Ella's mature face after hearing this.

Through the three paw print-like war pattern decorations, Lu Yuan was surprised to find that the current Ella, between the eyebrows, and the second sister of the three Sisters of Los Santos Turner, and half of Lu Yuan’s classmates Yi's part-time tennis coach Helena is 90% similar.

It's just that Ella is more mature and charming than Helena.

{Could it be that Ella and Helena are also multiples? }Lu Yuan was stunned. {No wonder I had a faint sense of familiarity when I first saw Helena. Did I subconsciously recognize that it was Ella when he grew up? }

However, Alex, who didn’t deal with Helena very much in Los Santos, saw Ella still pressing Lu Yuan under her body. He was so angry as a little wild cat, he rushed to Ella’s side two or three times. , Drew the dagger and greeted her.

Ella raised her eyebrows. Although she didn't know Alex, she instinctively hated the tea-haired girl in front of her. She backhanded her long sword from her waist and greeted him.

A blast of gold and iron finally brought Lu Yuan, who was still pretending to be dead on the ground, back to reality.

Seeing that the two really fought, the teams on both sides were also eager to step forward and help. Lu Yuan couldn't help but sighed, took out a scroll-like thing, and ripped it apart with some reluctance, and aimed it at his feet. Cast out.


A green light floated by, and the two girls who were playing happily fell to the ground indiscriminately.

"The Scroll of Mass Paralysis!" Sebrina was still knowledgeable, and she broke Lu Yuan's tactics, but she curled her lips secretly, looking at Lu Yuan in a weird and weird look.

Lu Yuan couldn't take care of the female mage now, walked up to the two women, put away their weapons two or three times, and then hugged them together, one in each hand, as if holding two bags of rice.

Although both women belong to the standard beauty embryos, with well-proportioned lines and proud bodies. But after all, they are all fighters, and their bodies still have more muscles and less fat, so the weight is actually not light.

What's more, both of them are now a full set of leather-inlaid steel armor, even if it is light armor, it is possible to add another ten or twenty catties.

However, Lu Yuan was able to hold one in one hand and lift the weight lightly, which made everyone around him look dumbfounded.

Fortunately, Vegard and Artis are also old acquaintances, and they greeted each other. The two teams joined together and began to clean the bandits together, leaving room for the three of Lu Yuan to solve their own affairs. .

Lu Yuan was not polite, nodded to the two representatives of the team leader, and walked to the wreckage of an abandoned tower in Lu Yuan, holding the two women.

In fact, the normal onset time of paralysis is only about ten seconds. For the two female fighters who have stepped into the field of expert combat professionals, the onset time has decreased.

However, being held by Lu Yuan as if moving, the two women seemed to lose the strength to struggle. Until they were put down by Lu Yuan, they blushed and moved to the corner without saying a word.

Seeing the shyness of the two of them, Lu Yuan was startled, as if he understood something, and suddenly angrily said, "What are you thinking about something inappropriate for children? Don't pretend to be stupid, just stand up for me!"

But although this was not ineffective at all, it certainly did not achieve the kind of effect Lu Yuan wanted.

After being called to disillusionment by him, the faces of the two women blushed almost to the root of their ears, but Alex first gave Lu Yuan a vicious look, then silently issued a stealth technique, and then he didn't know where to go.

Ella couldn’t help being stunned when he saw that Alex had such magical attainments, but when he saw Lu Yuan’s undue beating face, she looked solemn and coldly snorted, “Why, I haven’t seen it for so many years, This is the first sentence you said to me?"

Realizing that he didn't have the domineering spirit of others at all, Lu Yuan couldn't help but smiled awkwardly, and hurriedly leaned to Ella, sneered, "This, I am wrong, I'm sorry."

"Huh! If an apology is useful, what do you have to do with the guards?" Ira snorted coldly, "You are really good, you are twenty years away."

"I don't even know whether to send a letter or not. I still heard about you from the little devil in Farkas!"

"Now you finally dare to come to White Man, you still have two women with you! Why, do you show me?"

"Bah! Who is his woman and who is the puppy!" Suddenly Alex yelled in the void.

Ella drew a dagger from her waist casually, and without looking at it, she threw it at the sound source. Hearing a jingle sound, he was struck down dangerously by Alex's dual-wielding long and short swords.

Alex obviously didn't expect Ella's flying sword technique to be so fast and accurate. He grunted at the two of them, and quickly disappeared again, not knowing where he went.

However, as the onlookers were clear, Lu Yuan could feel that Ella's hand was not casual, it was more like a hatred after being offended, so she almost condensed 100% of her strength.

So this blow was still taken by Alex, and Ella's eyes looked at her with a little more respect for equal opponents, rather than the randomness of looking at younger children.

Seeing that the atmosphere had a tendency to become stiff again, Lu Yuan quickly coughed and interrupted the confrontation between the two women. He hurriedly held Ella's hands in his hands and said to please me, "Okay, okay, it’s hard to see you again, let me tell you Say you, how have you been all these years?"

"You still have a conscience!" Ella gave Lu Yuan a blank look, and her tight muscles slowly relaxed.


About half an hour later, the two talents returned to their respective teams from the ruins, and they looked up and down with the ambiguous eyes of the two teams. Among them was Alex, who ran back without knowing when.

But as Ella snorted coldly, the people on the comrades-in-arms group became serious. Obviously its ability to govern the army is recognized by the comrades-in-arms group.

During the time between Lu Yuan and Ella, Artis and Vegard also completed the communication, knowing that the four of them were invited by their leader, and the suppression of the bandits was just a coincidence.

So after the two teams finished cleaning up the battlefield, they returned to Baiman City together.

On the way, everyone also witnessed a clash between the Imperial Legion and the Stormcloak.

In the end, when the two sides were both defeated and injured, a team of guards from Baimancheng suddenly appeared, arrested all the people from both sides, and escorted them back to Baimancheng together on the charge of disturbing the normal order of the white man collar.

Of course, many guards captains with some methods, after seeing the comrades in the comrades group, they used them to protect the safety of the team as a reason to play a side ball and let the comrades in the group become bodyguards.

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