Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 440: The Last Dragonborn

While Lu Yuan renewed his armor, the travellers and merchants of the past White Man also brought the progress of the three dragonborn.

The first is the recent Ahrabi, after solving Falkreath's vampire problem, he seemed to help them deal with a werewolf.

It sounds like the cat guy and the eldest lady Serana will return to Baiman soon.

Followed by Dagward in Fengruo City.

After I heard that, the mercenary started his old career again, smashed the nearby mountain bandits severely, and seemed to have cracked a serial murder case in Fengduo City by the way, and successfully took the suspected use of the corpse to practice training. The lord magic advisor of undead spells is sent to prison.

The result is not good.

Originally, after the suppression of the mountain bandits, the guards of Fengruo City could release a lot of troops from the complicated tasks of suppressing the bandits in order to gain the advantage on the battlefield.

However, nowadays, the Nords of Windhelm City are caught in extremely blind racism. They believe that magic, which is derived from elves, is not suitable for Nord warriors, so there are not many wizards in the storm cloak camp.

As a result, the lord's magic advisor was thrown into the prison, and the available mage power of the storm cloak was severely reduced.

The ordinary force increased, but the magical power decreased, and the two sides canceled out, which did not give the storm cloak an advantage at all. The lord Ulfric was naturally not satisfied with Dagward's "help".

It's just that Lu Yuan always feels that this hand has made a difference, and he has the style of Dagward's loyal and treacherous guy. This kind of guy who played the balance technique to this level is really good material for a natural political career.

To give him time, I am afraid that in the end he will unify Skyrim and become the new supreme king. Maybe he could go one step further and become the emperor of the empire.

As for the thoughts of the current emperor of the empire, it is necessary to talk about Serberina's progress.

When Serberina said that she wanted to act alone, Lu Yuan was faintly suspicious.

As a result, the news brought by the trader really confirmed his guess.

Serberina, as the dark brotherhood killer, went to assassinate the current emperor of the empire, Titusmad II, who came to Skyrim for some reason.

It is a pity that His Majesty, who was poisoned by the killer, was actually a stand-in. It is said that after the assassination, the empire was extremely angry, and even sent a special force, Eye of Insight, to destroy the Dark Brotherhood’s lair in Skyrim.

Hearing this news, Vegard immediately wanted to leave for Solitary City to inquire about his daughter's situation, but was forced to press it down by Lu Yuan, so that he could stay calm and wait quietly.

Sure enough, new news came a few days later, saying that the real imperial emperor was assassinated by a killer on a battleship, but the assassin retreated without a trace.

Because of the assassination of the emperor, the pressure on Turius, the general of the Imperial Legion, has increased sharply, and it is said that he may be replaced by the Imperial Senate at any time.

After that, there was the wind of Master General agreeing to accept Graybeard's mediation, and he had even set off for Longhou Peak.

After another while, Ulfric of Wind Rudder City, persuaded by Dagward, also agreed to the mediation invitation and led people to the Throat of the World.

Dagward sent Fakas to personally pass this news back, and at the same time asked everyone, mainly Ahrabi, whether they would be interested in going to Longhou Peak to participate in the armistice talks.

Lu Yuan thought that the cat man had no interest in this kind of politically overly political thing, but he agreed in one fell swoop, packed his bags enthusiastically, and set off to Longhou Peak as fast as he could.

Only then did Lu Yuan notice that Ahe, who came back from Falkreath, seemed to be a different person.

When he asked the eldest lady Serana about this, the latter smiled bitterly, "Perhaps it is because Lord Falkreath has given him to be the guard there? He seems to be interested in politics all of a sudden."

Listening to Selana's excuse that she didn't believe it very much, Lu Yuan just nodded thoughtfully, and didn't say much.

Maybe it was because of doubts in her heart, or she didn't want to participate in this kind of thing in her heart, Selana did not go to Longhou Peak with Ahrabi this time.

Naturally, Lu Yuan and others did not go.

In addition to not interested in participating in this kind of thing, it is mainly because the 30-day deadline is approaching again.

About a week after the second return, the three dragon descendants finally returned to Baiman City together. Returning with them is the lord of White Man City Balgruuf himself.

Needless to say, Dagward's plan was finally able to continue.

It was just that Alex, who had participated in the armistice meeting with Serberina, brought back so many fierce materials that Lu Yuan regretted not going to Longhou Peak a little bit.

According to the newly promoted deputy leader of the Dark Brotherhood, the two parties had talked down several times during the meeting, and it was still relying on an organization called the Blade Club to move out of the world and devour the threat of Alduin in order to continue the meeting.

Originally, the two sides wanted to exchange cities, and what they could not get on the battlefield wanted to be obtained through the negotiating table, but Dagward only clicked a few words in a row, and pierced the two paper tigers, forcing them to sign a ceasefire agreement. .

The weakness of the Imperial Legion is obvious, and it is the political turmoil caused by the emperor's assassination.

Although as far as the empire itself is concerned, the emperor has long been just a decoration, and most of the decrees come from the Senate and other administrative institutions, but the specifics of General Turius himself are quite different.

The coming to power of different interest groups will definitely affect the command power of the legion generals.

Of course, the legion generals who led the troops outside belonged to the real power figures.

But the problem is that the emperor was assassinated in Skyrim, so General Turius here must be accused of ineffective protection.

This greatly increased his pressure, and different voices within the legion began to appear.

So that side of the storm cloak will not get this news?

how is this possible!

Then watch the opportunity slip away like this?

Well, it shows that Dagward's method is coming.

Earlier news came that Dagward had cracked a serial murder case in Wind Rudder City, and the evidence all pointed to the lord’s magic advisor.

Although Dagward collected the evidence to the principal at the time, he also reported his doubts, believing that these evidences are indirect evidence, and there is no direct evidence that can be finalized.

Of course, with only this level of suspicion, it is impossible to prevent relevant parties from arresting magic consultants. In the end, the man was arrested and sent to prison.

As a result, the real culprit is indeed someone else. And was caught by Dagward, who was lurking in advance.

The serial homicide case was truly solved. The magic adviser was thus able to rehabilitate it. All problems seemed to be solved perfectly.

However, they have always suffered discrimination against spellcasters by the Nords. This time they failed to gain the trust of the lord at a critical moment. Although the magic consultant was cleansed of the crime, the knot was not so easy to dissolve, and finally chose to leave.

As a result, the Storm Cloak lacked the support of the mages. Although it tried to test it, even if it was beaten back by the imperial legion supported by the mages, it finally extinguished its plan to expand the battle while taking advantage of the political turmoil in the empire.

The civil war situation in Skyrim has restored a delicate balance, but the actual strength of the Imperial Legion and the Stormcloak has declined to varying degrees.

After listening to Alex's report, Lu Yuan watched Dagward, who was discussing something with the other two dragonborn not far away, and raised his level of vigilance against this person in his heart.

There are not few generals who can personally lead soldiers on the battlefield. Politicians who can earn profits at the negotiating table are not rare, but they have both abilities, and they are not weak, but they are rare. NS.

According to Lu Yuan's cognition, ten to nine of these people were founding kings.

In other words, Dagward's ability at this time is enough to establish his own power and open up the world.

And once he gets rid of Alduin, the doomsday dragon predicted to swallow the world, his reputation will probably rise to a very terrifying level.

At that time, as long as he screamed from the heights, the Nords from all over the sky would flock to join him.

The last dragonborn ended the Fourth Era and established a new empire to start the Fifth Era. This future was a bit ridiculous, but if it were that person, chances were he could really do it.

However, what do these things have to do with me?

No, it's related.

If that person is really like this, then he must understand the reason why others should not be allowed to snore on the side of the bed. Now beside him, Serberina and Ahrabi, who have just helped him a few times, will probably be there. Will become a thorn in his eyes.

Looking at Vegard who looked at Serberina with relief, Lu Yuan sighed, knowing that he could no longer be a spectator.

Lord Balgruuf, who returned to White Man City, quickly arranged a manpower for Dagward.

From the mobilization ability of the soldiers in Baiman City, we can see why Balgruuf has the courage to maintain factual neutrality between the two sides of the civil war. If his subordinates can hit, he can naturally straighten his waist.

After making preparations in Baiman City, Dagward did not waste time, and immediately took the two dragonborns to Longlin Fort, ready to summon a deputy-level dragon of Alduin to "consult". Fan.

But this time, Lu Yuan rarely took the initiative to ask for it.

Dagward had seen Lu Yuan absorb the dragon soul, so he always thought that Lu Yuan was also a dragon descendant.

However, since Lu Yuan did not show any interest in the duties of the Dragonborn since he came to Baiman City, Dagward was also happy to let him "do not do business properly."

However, this time he actually took the initiative to ask for it. Although Dagward hesitated twice and agreed to it, Lu Yuan soon noticed that the burly man who was nearly two meters long looked at him, but the previous cloud was gone. Light breeze.

Lu Yuan knew that it was the look of his competitors.

Moreover, that defensive look became even more blazing when he saw Lu Yuan hit the dragon Aoda Weiying he had summoned with a bow and arrow two or three times, crying for his father and his mother, as if he was about to burn Lu Yuan. generally.

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