Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 443: The importance of air supremacy

In fact, just as the four-headed dragon flew towards the crowd, Lu Yuan foreseeed that the situation would change, and he had already prepared Surge to fight.

When the lead Bronze Elder Long had a half-greeted and half-questioning conversation with Auda Weiying, but was scolded back by the proud old dragon in two or two, Lu Yuan immediately let the proud old red dragon escape into the distant airspace.

Although the old Honglong didn't show any face to his lower dragon, he still obediently obeyed Lu Yuan's orders, even if he was dissatisfied with it.

What he didn't expect was that just shortly after he flew out of the contact airspace, the dragon drone, which had disappeared into the sky before, rushed toward the four-headed guard at least three times the speed of his flight. The dark white frost dragon among the dragons.

The No. 2 Frost Dragon, who was following the elder dragon, had a difference in rank with the two dragons in the previous dialogue. As a result, seeing that the two old dragons were about to fight without saying a word, it was a bit embarrassing in itself.

The drone dragon over there flew away and accelerated, and when it came back, the speed had exceeded 1,000 kilometers per hour, and it was in a proper subsonic state.

The sharp ebony rock dragon wings that Lu Yuan personally polished, matched with the subsonic momentum, seized the chance of the Frost Dragon's stupefaction, and skipped directly near his dragon's head, just listening to the sound of a stabbing golden iron in mid-air. After passing, a huge dragon head was completely separated from its body.

"How, how is it possible?"

Auda Weiying, who was watching from a distance, couldn't believe his eyes.

Not to mention the mere face-lifting dragon, it is going to deal with those little guys by himself, and it is impossible to cut off the dragon's head in a single face.

In the battle between giant dragons, there is very little chance to breathe dragons. Basically, they are chasing each other to see who can grab each other out of balance with their claws and fall to the ground.

The victor can use the impact force of the landing to make up another claw blow to the loser who has just fallen and was smashed, and the victory is basically established.

Being bitten by another dragon in his throat and bleeding to death was almost the fiercest battle between dragons.

However, the experience of those dragons' internal fighting is totally different from the slaughter of other dragons by the plastic surgery dragon.

Yes, in the eyes of Oda Weiying, what the drone dragon is doing is a proper massacre.

The dragons themselves can barely reach a speed of nearly 400 kilometers per hour, so they are still accelerating with their full strength.

Faced with the drone dragon that has been flying at subsonic speeds, there is no ability to chase after it.

And the guy that surging has been familiar with Rose for a long time. You chase me and run. The most familiar combat method is probably to capture fighters in this high-speed movement.

Although the No. 2 leader was directly killed, the remaining three-headed dragons did not suffer from the Frost Dragon's problems again, and they all prepared for the next surge in the surrounding airspace at a state slightly higher than the normal cruising speed.

For the time being, the surge did not deal with the obviously hardest bronze elder dragon, instead staring at the dark green blood dragon with dragon fins on both sides of the neck and on the tip of the back, greeted fiercely.

At this time, the advantage of the flight of magical creatures like giant dragons is revealed. Their agility or maneuverability in the air is much higher than that of ordinary technology-side aircraft.

The flight of magical creatures can almost ignore the aerodynamics and move freely in the air, as if there are countless trees and vines in the jungle that can change directions with the help of monkeys.

Several times, a dragon wing with a one-arm wingspan of more than 10 meters rushed towards the neck of the blood dragon, but he swiftly moved around and avoided it.

From this point of view, the previous one-stroke effect was the result of Frost Dragon's stupefaction on the battlefield.

However, after a few times, the surge also discovered that these gadgets were no less than the fish swimming in the ocean, and no longer pursued a one-shot kill on the neck, instead, it was no matter where they could be hit.

Although the flight of the dragon doesn't talk about (physical) theory, after all, the cost of magical energy is higher than that of physical strength.

So after they fly, the wings with a wingspan of more than 20 meters in terms of size are obviously larger than the body that is only 10 meters from head to thigh without the tail.

As a result, the willows were inserted inadvertently on the side of the surge. After a few small damages, the two huge dragon wings of the blood dragon were folded seven or eight eight, and even the change of direction in the air could not be quickly displayed.

So it was another dragon head, leaving its familiar body.

What's interesting is that the dragon souls of the two dragons at the front and back were not absorbed by the Dagward on the drone dragon, but were transferred to Lu Yuan's account through the surge, which made him very happy.

At this time, Lao Ao and Lao Du, the two dragons were flying almost in the same arc trajectory, faintly blocking the last two dragons in the airspace of the mountains near the temple to prevent them from waiting for an opportunity to fly away.

Especially after seeing the two upper dragons being killed by the surge, the last young bronze dragon with the worst strength has completely lost the fighting spirit, and he did not dare to join the elder dragon at all. His head was also looking around, looking for a chance. escape.

On the battlefield, if being dumbfounded is the first way to die, then losing the fighting will and waiting for an opportunity to escape in a fierce battle is second only to the former.

The problem with both is that giving up attention to the form of the battlefield makes it easier to become the enemy's target. Especially when the strength of the two armies is very disparity, and there has been a situation of being crushed and beaten by the other side.

After rushing to the Elder Dragon and tore a small wound on his wing tip while he was avoiding, the surge was hurriedly turned back and accelerated, but after leaving it, he immediately changed to rush towards the temple.

But at this moment, he glanced at the bronze dragon that the elder was crushing and beating by the opponent in a daze. He didn't realize his potential risk at all, thinking that it was the right time for him to escape, so he fled towards the temple.

As a result, when I heard the violent wind sound behind me, I realized that the terrifying plastic face was coming straight at me.

Under the crisis, the little guy was also very gambled, and did not go to the corresponding air evasion. Actually, the two dragon wings instigated backwards and upwards, speeding up and rushing downwards.

Lu Yuan couldn't help but shook his head after seeing this scene, and exclaimed, "It's still too young, too bad experience..."

Sure enough, but two seconds later, Lu Yuan had about 400 more points on his book.

Looking back again, he suddenly found that the little dragon was torn into two directly by the surge.

So five minutes after the start of the battle, the situation on the field was 3 vs. 4, which turned into 3 vs. 1.

If it were not for the time required for the drone to accelerate its steering, and the number of wasted rounds when hitting the second dragon, the number should be much less.

Facing the lonely widowed dragon, Oda Weiying opened her mouth and spit out a series of mockery.

What kind of self-defense, the following crimes, the weak and the weak, the subordinates are all rubbish, and they just smashed the elder bronze dragon on the elder bronze dragon as if they didn't need money.

It was so long that he suspected that the real dragon traitor who betrayed his race and leader Alduin was the opposite person, not his Auda Weiying.

However, this kind of slot is still good for vomiting in the heart.

Although Luyuan knew about the old Honglong, he would shamelessly find countless reasons to justify his actions.

For example, the dragon descendant is also a dragon, and Lu Yuan can **** the dragon soul, which is the dragon descendant, which is also the dragon. He just chose the strong side in the racial civil war and did not betray.

On the contrary, it was Alduin who was on the opposite side. Seeing his powerful master, he dared not to surrender. It was really outrageous.

Of course, if he asked him to take the evil dragon for the master, he would not do it. But waving the flag and shouting, or bullying and bullying other dragons, he is happy to help.

For example, now, he really wants to compete with the last elder bronze dragon, and also show his strength in front of the master.

Lu Yuan didn't have any opinion on this, except for one thing, that was that their dragons fought, and Lu Yuan and Serberina, who were sitting behind the old red dragon, couldn't bear it.

However, Lu Yuan looked at the surrounding airspace, and flashed a (pseudo) famous saying in his mind, "Whoever controls the sky, who controls the victory."

Air supremacy seems to be firmly in his own hands now.

Therefore, Lu Yuan let Jiyong continue to fight with the old dragon, but his subordinates pointed to the place where a faint beam of light rose into the sky among the temple ruins, and signaled Auda Weiying to put the two of them there.

"There? There is the location of the portal to Songard, surrounded by dragon priests and dragons." The old red dragon hurriedly explained.

"You mean, they still have more dragons guarding there. When they see three dead in their side, they don't know to come out to rescue?" Lu Yuan raised his eyebrows.

"This... almost impossible!"

Old Honglong had just finished speaking, before he figured out the second meaning of Lu Yuan's words. He has a mechanism dragon that can kill three dragons in one dragon. If he is not honest, he may not be able to protect his own dragon head.

After trying to understand this, the fear of difficulties just disappeared from the old Honglong, and he glanced near the portal, prompting Lu Yuan and the other two to sit down, and then speeded up and flew over there.

Sure enough, no other dragons reappeared along the way. The protective power on the ground is also very weak in the face of the upper dragon.

Those Nord ghouls who were made into mummy-like existences by dragon priests during the time when the dragon worshipped the Nord and returned with the dragon, although they were once powerful warriors, they used arrows against the old red dragon. There is not much threat.

After Lu Yuan and Serberina were placed on the high platform of the central temple where the portal was located, Oda Weiying, who rose into the sky again, only breathed a few times on the ground, and the Nord Ghoul in the temple was killed. He burned to death for the most part.

Waved his hand to the red dragon, motioning for him to replace the other dragons, Lu Yuan drew his bow and walked towards the dragon priest who was holding the staff and looking in the direction of the two of them.

After Ahraby the Cat landed, when the surge brought the last Dagward to the ground, Lu Yuan had already held the staff on the ashes of the dragon priest's corpse, admiring the unique dual magic of fire and electricity.

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