Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 446: Alduin's Death (Part 2)

It was completely different from Lu Yuan's treatment. The three dragon descendants who came to Su En were encouraged by the **** and asked them to enter the Hall of Valor to rescue soldiers.

However, Lu Yuan stayed beside Su En, waiting with his small eyes wide-eyed.

Extremely bored, Lu Yuan curled his lips and asked Su En boredly, "Hey, big man, can you talk?"

"What are you talking about? Regarding world secrets, I won't tell you this kind of existence!" For some reason, Su En actually replied. And the implication was that Lu Yuan had already agreed.

"Ha, do we exist? Are there many time travellers like me on this plane?"

Su En rolled his eyes and said with an expression that I knew you wanted to ask, "Don't worry, at this time and this place, there is only you a time traveler, if this is what you want to ask!"

"This time, this place?" Lu Yuan asked immediately.

"Haha, yes yes, I know our world is very different, different from most of the worlds you have been to! Don't you always look like hell! We are not the same, it just shows our uniqueness, okay?"

"Our timeline tributaries can self-adaptively collapse to the main line of time, and can even be non-uniquely integrated. That's because we have the shelter of the Dragon God of Time!"

"After the collapse of the timeline, the world can only choose one of the simple linear worlds to materialize. How can you compare with our inclusive world?"

"Are you talking about Long Po?" Fortunately, I came to the plane of Nien to read a lot of books, otherwise Lu Yuan was afraid that he would really be unable to keep up with Su En's rhythm.

"Yes, if you have to use that word!" Su En said meaningfully.

With regard to Dragon Break, Dragon-break, Lu Yuan was a little unclear at one time. Because the early Sinicization team translated the dragon soul tearing dragonrend in the original game into Dragon Break.

In fact, Longpo is used to describe some phenomena similar to the Mandela effect on the plane of Nin. Simply put, people at the same point in time have different things that happened on the previous timeline. Memory. Those memories even conflict with each other.

The source of the name Longpo is that Akatosh, the time dragon, was destroyed, or that time was destroyed.

For example, in Lu Yuan’s experience, Serberina was the chief mage of Winterhold College and the top assassin of the Dark Brotherhood (after killing the Emperor.)

Ahrabi is a master of the Thieves Guild, a member of the Nightingale, and a patron of Lady Night.

Dagward was the pioneer of the comrades group, and received the official title of Dragonborn from Longhou Peak Greybeard.

However, it is also possible that in another timeline, all these titles belonged to Dagward alone.

And when this story becomes history, in the memory of the future natives of Nien, it is very likely that the above things have happened, leaving the corresponding relic evidence, documentary records, memoirs of the experiencer, and so on.

Some evidence proves that the dragonborn was named Dagward, the chief mage of Winterhold College. But there is also evidence that the dragonborn and chief mage at that time was called Serberina, and she was a female.

Even the record of the chief mages of the similar genealogies of Winterhold Academy has an extra version for some reason.

If there are more different timelines that merge, the more conflicting archaeological records will be.

Therefore, this period of history, which has many possibilities and was all inherited by later generations, is called Long Po by local researchers, or directly referred to as the destruction of time.

However, listening to the meaning of Su En's words, he did not quite agree with this title.

Lu Yuan chewed his words and understood. If he considers the fact that he can inherit the memories of multiple different timelines as the characteristics of this world different from other worlds, then using the term Longpo obviously conflicts with his value orientation.

If you follow Su En's value tendency, I am afraid that this inclusive timeline collapse and fusion is more like a gift from the Dragon God, rather than being destroyed by the Dragon God?

"But, don't you think this kind of world is a bit messy, and you can't figure out your clues?" Lu Yuan scratched his head and asked after trying to understand it.

"Chaos? Humph, your time travellers are running around in different worlds, making trouble everywhere, don't you be messed up?" Su En coldly snorted, "You actually made the three last dragonborn! Humph, I want to see. How did you end up in the end!"

"What?" Lu Yuan was stunned, "Is it possible that the Three Dragonborn's things were caused by me?"

"Why, don't you think that this matter will have nothing to do with you?" Su En said in an angry voice, "Why do you think we didn't let you enter the Hall of Valor? After you enter, if it affects other people, what else will come out? Isn't it more headache?"

"However, don't think too much of yourself. You alone can't cause such a serious timeline skew!"

"Isn't it caused by me alone? Could it be that there are other traversers participating?" Lu Yuan's eyes flashed with brilliance.

But this time, Su En did not answer him, but looked back at the whalebone bridge behind him.

It turned out that during the conversation between the two, the three dragon descendants also ran out of the temple with the other three heroic spirits.

When passing by Lu Yuan, only Serberina nodded from Lu Yuan, and the rest of them, as if they hadn’t seen him, rushed straight into the dense fog, and began to cooperate with each other to clean up again with the clear sky. Dense fog.

Lu Yuan still wanted to take the opportunity to inquire about other traversers with Su En, but when he saw that he looked at the battlefield with a serious face and his lips were tightly closed, he knew that he couldn't ask anything.

However, he still murmured, "Huh, what are you bragging about? It seems that the gods are in control? The truth is coming, it's not that I dare not speak nervously!"

After hearing a bang, Su En's hammer smashed a hole in the ground next to Lu Yuan.

Just listen to the three-meter strong man muttering to himself, "What's wrong, there are still bugs barking on the ground this season, it seems I should tidy up the ground!"

Yes, when Lu Yuan saw that he was about to become a barking insect that was smashed to death by a sledgehammer, he quickly closed his mouth and walked towards the battlefield.

He glanced at Su En again, and saw that he didn't say anything against him, but with a look of "I'm staring at you, don't mess around", Lu Yuan pulled out the newly baked ebony keel compound longbow on his back, too. Joined the battle group of the dragonborn.

However, after shooting two arrows at Alduin who was torn and hit by many dragon souls, Lu Yuan found that the power of the six dragonborns still could not reduce Alduin's strength much.

With Lu Yuan's current master archery technique, the special Dragon Tooth Arrow shot on Alduin who was a hundred meters away, the damage caused to him was also very limited.

Of course, compared with other people's tickling bows and arrows, his is much better.

There are different opinions on the power limit of bows and arrows. But in any case, the main problem is that the average person can drive a bow of 120 pounds or even 200 pounds, which is already the divine power of the divine power.

This is evident from the fact that modern bow hunters generally use a 45-pound bow to achieve their hunting purposes.

This is the number of pounds that modern people can perfectly control with a little practice.

So, what if someone has stronger power and can pull a force that ordinary people can never pull? Will the power of bows and arrows rise?

The answer is naturally yes.

After all, there were not only bows, but also crossbows, and even large war machines such as bed crossbows.

The ability to use the principle of bow blade deformation and energy storage to shoot crossbow arrows with a range of several hundred meters or even nearly one thousand meters at least shows that if the strength is sufficient and the energy storage of the material is also sufficient, the bow and arrow can be used to shoot powerful arrows.

This is the origin of the ebony keel bow in Lu Yuan's hand.

Of course, there is no way to compare with the bed crossbow, after all the arrows used by the bed crossbow can be used as a gun for Lu Yuan, or the cold weapon long spear.

The arrow itself has a large mass, and even if the speed is the same after shooting, the kinetic energy on it is naturally large.

It showed that if Alduin, who was ridiculed in midair by the kind of bed crossbow at close range, ridiculed the Seven, would never be as confident as he is now.

"Hehe, I thought that at the end of this time, there will be some great wise martial arts, dare to compete with my Alduin!"

"It's just another group of wine sacs and rice bags!"

"Glass, One-eyed Harkon, Fedir, the three of you are still such a waste after becoming heroes! Haha, where is the Elder Scrolls? Exile me again!"

As soon as he finished roaring, he dodges a meteor from the sky. While everyone hurriedly avoided the meteorite, Alduin directly dived and sank. With his claws hooked, he took the female Glas golden sheath of the three ancient heroes. Threw it out.

If it hadn't been for Alduin to speak, Lu Yuan hadn't really paid attention. The three heroes who followed the Three Dragonborn were the three ancient Nord heroes who had exiled him to the "end of time".

It's just that when he was so vicious on the only woman, Lu Yuan suddenly added tens of thousands of words in Beauty and the Beast, Uh, Yelong's emotional and ethical drama.

Of course, seeing that Alduin was arrogant again, and Lu Yuan didn't make him feel better, he took advantage of the chance of him swooping over and a spiked arrow went straight to the weak part of his lower body.


"Who is it! Who is it! How dare! How dare!"

Alduin couldn't help but cried out painfully when the weak part was hit. Slowly, he was forced to land before the dragon soul was torn, but Lu Yuan, the Indian, cough, and insidiously succeeded.

A dragon flying around in the air is not easy to fight, but when it falls to the ground, a phoenix that has lost its hair is not as good as a chicken, and a dragon that has fallen to the ground is almost a rabid dog.

At this time, Dagward, who had always considered himself the destiny of his destiny, had caught the opportunity, and he greeted Alduin's wings with his great axe to make sure he would not fly again.

Seeing that this elder brother was so clever in his angry shots, Ahrabi was unwilling to do so, and jumped on Alduin's back two or three times, aimed at the roots of the wings, and slammed them down with a dagger.

Only Serberina, rubbing the ice spear with one hand to greet Alduin, while poking secretly with the other hand, I don't know what big trick she has accumulated.

Seeing the look in Lu Yuan's eyes, Sebrina slammed at him in a meaningful way.

Lu Yuan nodded secretly. Seeing that Alduin was about to die under the siege of six men, he found the opportunity to aim at the six-man and one-dragon battle circle and shouted, "Fus! Ro! Dah!"

"do not!"

"what are you doing!"

Under the impact of a cold force, the six people and one dragon were blown away by Lu Yuan in an instant. The people who were familiar with the power of this dragon roar couldn't help but glared at Lu Yuan, almost thinking that he was the **** of Alduin.

However, with this dazed effort, Serberina, who was already prepared, aimed at Alduin’s neck and threw a large fireball compressed to the extreme, dispelling his last vitality without any suspense. go out.

In a cry of sorrow accompanied by helplessness, unwillingness and even sudden realization, Alduin's whole body seemed to be ignited by a fireball, and quickly burned out, or as fire and dust, dissipated in the valley of Songgard.

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