Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 452: The grievances across time and space

Lu Yuan was also at a loss when she first heard these explanations of Sebrina or Namila, but when she revealed the identity of another traverser who was involved with her, and explained how she learned about the traverser , Lu Yuan fully understood.

The real name of the traverser, Namira, is also unclear, but she knows that he is a second-tier senior and a veteran traverser close to the third-tier, claiming to be a member of the traverser organization named Nayin Congregational Council.

One thing this traverser is doing is to constantly force the different planes to fuse together, regardless of whether it is easy for the person involved, although that will greatly reduce the integration and even cause serious rejection.

Speaking of this, Lu Yuan understood that the Megatron with the Red Skull, Elf Lord, Virus Smith and many other multi-personal personalities he encountered in the world of change 1 was the handwriting of the senior traveler.

After discovering that Megatron had been killed by Lu Yuan, the man tried to continue another experiment. He caught Michaela Jennifer who had been "naturally fused" together, and dragged her to continue. Shuttle in other planes.

Coincidentally, the third multi-body they merged was a believer or even a priest of Dibela, the goddess of love and beauty on the plane of Nin.

The old SP Lu Yuan, who was familiar with this goddess and even the goddess priest's way of pleasing the goddess, was vaguely aware of what he heard here.

On the plane of Nin, the priests of this goddess regarded the joy of fish and water with different people as a sacrificial ritual to the goddess.

The most famous representative should be the "chaste martyr" Harja who is in charge of the work shed in Rift Valley City.

The multi-body fusion progressed here, and it seemed that it had nothing to do with Namira, but in fact, they soon established a connection.

After the fusion of the multiple bodies, because the soul is no longer pious to Dibella, and without the protection of the goddess, his previous living habits have not changed. After all, it is the soul with the memory of the little S girl Jennifer.

So slowly, someone contracted a certain disease, a severe infectious disease that spread through a special way.

And Namira's disease priesthood made her notice this special soul.

The series of events that occurred during this period need not be mentioned in detail. In short, in the end, Namira obtained the soul of the hapless former priest of Michaela and Jennifer and the goddess of love, and even the entire memory.

The second experiment was interrupted in the middle of the experiment again, and the senior traverser would definitely not do it, so he fought with Namira in the sub-plane. It was also because of this battle that the gods of the plane of Nin also saw the capabilities of those who passed through.

However, because of the special structure of the plane of Nin, even if Namira of that sub-plane was beaten worse than Helsing, who was bullied by Lu Yuan, once the dragon broke, the 15 demon gods must still be 15 demon gods. .

The man also knew that unless he completely erased the plane of Nin in the multiverse, it would be impossible to destroy Namira, so he chose to stop temporarily and wait for the opportunity.

The former Namira and Serberina, who had obtained the system to become a traverser, were chased by the person who had been keeping an eye on it, which is why Serberina kept traversing now.

That is to say, because she is a traverser made by the Demon God, she has a lot of hole cards, and she has no worries about the number of points in time and space.

Because Lu Yuan met Michaela and Jennifer after leaving the plane of Nin for the first time, Namila at that time had only knowledge about the transversaler, but no memory of being beaten on the other plane.

Needless to say, the so-called higher rule limit is actually the protection of the linear timeline of the host through the system.

In fact, this is also because the plane of Nin is special, and the demons are the only immortal. Otherwise, in other normal worlds, the plane of the goddess priest who was taken by the traverser with Michaela, the plane experienced by the same road far, should Two timelines are completely independent.

Even two mutually independent parallel worlds will not have so many intersections.

Because of the uniqueness of the immortality of the Demon God, many parallel worlds that should have been independent were forced to come back together and integrated with the "Dragon Break", which forced the traversal system to impose additional restrictions on such special worlds. It is memory blockade.

Lu Yuan finally figured out the causes and consequences of why Namila focused on her.

However, it was indeed clear to Lu Yuan that this major event was clear, but there was still a relatively small but very important thing in his mind, and Serberina's explanation was needed.

That is the tragic fate of the Vegad family.

Immediately after thinking about Lu Yuan, the ups and downs of their family's life, the difference in luck, is simply incredible. In addition, Namila and Lu Yuan vowed to say that this family was changed by Lu Yuan and would be blessed by the power of destiny. Was the result so miserable?

The power of destiny is to make people suffer from all kinds of ups and downs, but they can only hang on to death, right? Then this power of destiny, cough cough, it seems that most of the power of destiny is really this routine.

But what about the turning point for the Vegard family in the end?

"About this matter, I don't deliberately conceal you." Serberina sighed, "Using the power of their destiny to regenerate into the dragonborn is the most important part of my plan."

"So I did arrange some bridges for them to unite and have daughters."

"But if you want to participate in the race for destiny, competitors must not have the memory of the immortal."

"And I myself want to get out of the world and be comfortable, so I reincarnate all my conscious personality as Serberina, not like some guys who do big things and cherish their lives, so what to do!"

"It can be said that Serberina is my complete reincarnation, and I am Serberina herself."

"In this case, I can only arrange my life trajectory in advance, as far as possible to prevent their husband and wife from affecting my destiny as a dragonborn."

"Sileia, mother and her, it will be very sad to give birth to a special soul like me, and dystocia is almost inevitable."

"So I arranged a back hand to protect her dying soul."

"Even if I was accidentally sent to the Soul Stone Tomb, I had arranged for the Lord of Ideals in advance. They should have protected the mother and her soul until the wheel of fortune turns, naturally the dragonborn will rescue her."

"I also arranged in advance to lead my father to the Soul Stone Tomb Portal. I have a high chance that I can walk this line by myself and rescue them together."

"It's just that, I didn't expect that besides me, there would be someone who would end up and grab that line."

"Neither did they expect that the gang of **** from the Lord of Ideals actually wanted to use their mother's soul to threaten Namira to help them expand their power in annihilation!"

"Hehe, they don't know at all. Now that Namira has nothing to do with Sileia, it's just one of my **** servants back then!"

"It's just that, mother and she didn't make it to my memory."

"This account, I will definitely find it from those bastards!"

After listening to this, Lu Yuan was still a little confused, but on the whole he was relieved.

Regardless of whether these words were true or false, how true or false, at least it was a comfort to Turner Vegard who listened to them.

Serberina is their daughter, and they recognize them as parents, but she was born with her own pursuits, so she is destined to not have much overlap with her parents in this life.

She didn't hate him for alienating him because of her father's failure, but as a destiny son who had awakened the memory of the gods in the past life, she didn't want to cause too many unnecessary fetters with him.

That kind of indifference is a kind of self-protection, so it's not a kind of protection.

If they had a really good relationship at the beginning, the senior traveler who followed Serberina might have put his idea on the Vegad couple.

At this point, Lu Yuan finally figured out the ins and outs of all this and also understood the crux of it.

If it weren’t for the master of ideals to play a strange product, and I don’t know what to do with Sileia’s soul, then whether it was her return after a long journey, or Serberina’s awakening of memory, the Vegad and his wife should have done their best. , Happy forever.

This is the reward given to them by Namira using the ripples of fate on them to successfully reincarnate herself as a dragonborn.

After a good digestion, Lu Yuan slowly said, "Then, are you still Michaela? Or Jennifer?"

"No, no, no, I know you want to ask whether they were merged by me as my multiple beings." Sebrina shook her head quickly, "No, I am and only Sebrina, the former Na Mira’s reincarnation is nothing more than that."

"The memories of those people are only the information extracted from their souls by the demon gods in my previous life. They are not demon gods, and they have not been integrated by the demon gods. That's it."

"But in that case, why would that person chase you closely?" Lu Yuan asked again.

"Hehe, well, I can only tell you that I did intentionally or unintentionally let him have some wrong thoughts, such as the one you thought before."

"The reason is naturally that he wants him to chase me so closely, so that he won't have time to participate in other things."

"What do you mean?" Lu Yuan couldn't help frowning.

"Well, you don't need to know now. I can only tell you, you will always know." Serberina pointedly pointed out.

"Wait, you said that the guy was chasing you because the experiment was planned, so he chased you? But didn't his most important experiment be broken by me?" Lu Yuan said solemnly.

"So, are you helping me lead him away?"


"Is there any other existence that requires you to do this?"

"Someone is planning my fate??"

"Hehe, I know that with your cleverness, you can definitely understand this." Serberina seemed to have succeeded in a trick, and seemed to be relieved, "It has something to do with you, but it's not as close as you think."

"Simply put it, because you are a newcomer to the traversing system and under the protection of a newbie, that guy can't track you. But through some means, it tracked one of your friends."

"So your friend, uh, elder or teacher, ask me to help get that guy away for a while."

"My friend? Teacher?" Lu Yuan couldn't help but startled, "You mean Yanzi? You actually know her teacher? Who? Witch Ye Naifah? White wolf Geralt? Can't you? You don't seem to exist on the same level. what?"

"Swallow, it's the multiple body of that little girl Alex?" There was a gentle touch in Serberina's eyes, but she shook her head and said, "No, it's not her."

"It's an elven race, Fatima."

"Fatima?" Lu Yuan was taken aback, and finally remembered, isn't this the Swallow's best friend!

Fatima's elder teacher, I am afraid that it is not the high-level traverser of the Wind Chaser Alliance who activated the remnant system in the Swallow's bloodline!

For that person, it made sense to ask a demon **** of this level to help.

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