Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 468: Is the enemy big boss getting a lunch as soon as he debuts?

In the end, a great battle that was triggered by being jealous still didn't fight.

The reason is simple, the guards of the temple outside the space, under the repeated attacks of wild hunt, have been defeated.

If Yanzi didn't go out again, her purpose of attracting wild hunting would not be achieved.

"Are you hunting wildly? Why?" Lu Yuan, who ran out of space with the swallow, asked quickly.

"Let's talk about this later, first help me kill them, kill as many as you can!"

"How many can you kill? How about all of them?" Lu Yuan said.

"Huh? You're so breathless, why, what good stuff did you get?" The swallow, who ran out of the space, flickered, cut a black armor wild hunter in half diagonally, turned his head and said to Lu Yuan. After speaking, there was another flicker, while avoiding the enemy's hacking, he picked up the person's head.

Lu Yuanye had already pulled out a large-caliber assault rifle, and its harvesting efficiency was much higher than that of a teleporting swallow, but even so, it was not as fast as a new wild hunt flashed out of the dark white light transmission ball.

But Lu Yuan still smiled at Yanzi and said, "Just say it's okay, right?"

"Okay, what's wrong with it?" Yanzi rolled his eyes and said, "If you have the ability, kill them all, don't be polite to me!"

"Very good!" Lu Yuan nodded with a smile, "Xiafei!"

"Ready to complete!"

Lu Yuan put down the rifle in his hand and allowed it to fall down. It was pulled tightly by the **** Lu Yuan's back, while Lu Yuan pointed his finger at the tall bell tower wall next to him, and the other hand pointed it far away and it kept flashing. The location of Wild Hunt’s teleportation array,

He shouted: "First, conventional grenade, triplet, and release!"

"Boom boom boom!" The three roars merged into one, and Lu Yuan brought noise-proof headsets ahead of time. Amid the huge roar, I felt a burst of gold stars overflowing in front of him.

He was still like this, the other wild hunters around were miserable, and while covering their ears with their hands, several of them were so soft to the ground that they were stunned by the wave.

Fortunately, Yanzi was mentally prepared for the fact that Lu Yuan had heavy artillery. After all, she had seen the power of modern firearms, and had heard the sound of a 125mm smoothbore gun that was different from the T72 before, so she actually brought it. Earplugs.

However, this sound can stun the wild hunt alive, and it can shook Lu Yuan into a trance, and the swallow did not get much better in the end.

When Lu Yuan came back to see, he saw Yanzi covering his ears with one hand, and leaning weakly against the wall with the other hand, and barely kept standing.

Just the sound waves have such an effect, and the sight of the explosion center of the three 152mm high-explosive grenades can be imagined.

One word, really TXX's tragic!

First of all, because of the long duration, the transmission array of light **** that had changed from white light to dark, black and white transparent color, in this violent explosion, completely burned, and there was no trace.

The black armors at the center of the explosion were directly shattered by the explosion, and even most of their body tissues were immediately vaporized by high temperature and high pressure, leaving only a few pieces of rusty armor, which can prove that they had existed before.

Although the wild hunt around the explosion would not be directly vaporized, there was no living mouth within 30 meters of the explosion center.

It took about forty to fifty meters before there were a few lucky ones who were not penetrated by the fragments, but under the kinetic energy of the high-speed fragments, they all fell to the ground one after another.

The closer to the explosion center, the more miserable the corpse was.

Although there are no scars on the periphery at first glance, the wounds drilled by the fragments exposed behind the broken rust armor all tell how cruel the three shells are.

This is just the function of a cannonball.

The absolute kill radius of a shell is 20 to 30 meters, and the effective kill radius can even reach 50 meters. Then three shells distributed in the shape of a character can directly sweep away the wild hunt within a radius of more than 100 meters.

Originally, the wild hunt that had rushed to the temple square under the pressure of black pressure, under this triple shelling, it was already defeated.

No wonder that after entering the twentieth century, the dense formation of the army has never appeared alone on the modern battlefield. Either hide in the trenches (World War I) or follow the chariot (World War II).

This heavy artillery shot past, and any infantry gathered together would only become a mess.

After the swallow recovered over there, he hurriedly jumped to Lu Yuan and pointed to the corpse. "What kind of gun is this? Why is it so powerful? Why is mine not so powerful?"

"The large-caliber howitzer that specializes in infantry, hehe, it must be better than your tank smoothbore gun!"

"I don't care, I want too!"

"Don't worry, this will be delivered to you as soon as it is ready!"

"You have a conscience!"

But while the two were flirting, wild hunting in the non-explosive center resumed at this time. I don't know who ordered it, and started rushing towards the temple square again.

But this time, their formation is far less dense than before, and the distance between each person is at least three to five meters.

Seeing the wild hunters rushing again, Lu Yuan repeated the old tricks and fired three shells again at the densest part, while sighing at the swallows around him, "Hey, you know how to use the skirmish formation so soon? The commander of Wild Hunt should not be far from the battlefield!"

"Forget it!" Swallow nodded ambiguously, "Those guys must be observing the battlefield situation with remote mirroring magic. Most of them are there, including the guy who releases the teleportation magic!"

"Do you want to draw them out?" Lu Yuan finally seized the opportunity at this time and asked the guesses he had been thinking.

"Huh, if you don't get rid of the commander of Wild Hunt, I and my friends must hide in this world forever!" Swallow clenched his fist and said harshly, "You know what, I use that Thunder God After the hammer fell and rescued the two of them, the wild hunters actually ran to hunt them down again!"

"Wild hunting can't get rid of, how can I feel at ease!"

Lu Yuan watched the girl gritted her teeth and finished speaking, nodded silently, and then sent out for the third trip.

After a few rounds, wild hunters with combat capabilities are rare. Even the skirmisher array failed to keep them under heavy artillery for long.

After all, the original 2S19 self-propelled howitzer can fire eight rounds per minute.

After Lu Yuan’s automatic loader has been strengthened many times, especially in conjunction with the master Xiafeh, who is an electronic life form, these doors in Lu Yuan’s space can even reach 10 to 12 rounds per minute, which is five. Every six seconds.

Although it seems that the rate of fire is much lower than that of light weapons, it is actually the next generation of high-efficiency in marine artillery.

After thinking about the roar of the cannon, it took the swallows and those wild hunters more than five seconds to recover their minds, and you would know how lethal this cannon was in a burst.

In just one minute, ten rounds of thirty shells were shot out. Not to mention that Wild Hunt completely lost its offensive ability. Even the city buildings affected by the shells were all turned into ruins.

Fortunately, Novigrad is not anyone's hometown, and no one in Yanzi's side is heartbroken.

Uh, no, speaking of it, Novigrad was actually built on the home of Dudu and their shapeshifters.

The humans and elves in this face are actually outsiders. In contrast, the dwarf goblins and even the shapeshifters are local residents. And because of the lack of historical records, it is likely that they were also outsiders tens of thousands or even tens of millions of years ago.

But after the humans came over, not only did they **** the homes of the Shapeshifters, they also hunted down and slaughtered them like rats and wild dogs.

As a last resort, they learned a new way of living, transformed into humans or other races, and lived in cities.

So even if this is barely regarded as the real hometown of Dudu and their shapeshifters, they wouldn't have any opinion on the destruction of the city by Lu Yuan's cannon.

While Lu Yuan and Yanzi looked at the devastated battlefield, using long-range weapons to clean up the fish that slipped through the net, they secretly muttered when the wild hunting commanders appeared, and several teleportation magic circles suddenly appeared around the battlefield.

"Haha, do you even need a skirmish array for the teleportation array?" Lu Yuan smiled and asked the communicator, "How about it? How long will it take to reload?"

Shiafe quickly replied, "The single artillery loader is fully loaded with 50 rounds and 25 high-explosive grenades. 10 rounds have been fired. Another 3 rounds have been loaded. There are currently 18 high-explosive grenades."

"18 shots? Enough!" Lu Yuan nodded, "Thanks for your hard work. Now get ready to shoot!"

"Hey, it's no hard work. I have been working on the main control computer and haven't left. Those two beauties completed the refilling!"

Lu Yuan was startled slightly, thinking that Rose was staying with Alex in the Swallow Space. After a while, he realized that Shiafe said that the two patients with loss of soul and humanoid broomsticks could not help. He shook his head with a chuckle.

The swallow who was rushing to look nodded, and Lu Yuan attacked the spreading teleportation light ball again.

But this time it was not three simultaneous shelling.

This time, after Lu Yuan sent a shell to the center of each teleportation array, he turned around to adjust the opening position of the space door of the working space, and let the second gun go alone to send the shell to the next teleportation array.

About two or three seconds apart, one cannonball, so by the fourth cannonball, the first howitzer that fired has been loaded and can be fired again.

If you switch to the Musketeer, this is probably the so-called three-stage shooting method.

Under this continuous artillery attack, the wild hunting party's method of dispersing the teleportation array once again came to an end.

During the intermittent period of shelling, the two people with loss of soul had to be used as humanoid supports to fill the shells under the command of Siafi. He came out and threw it back into his own space.

Nothing else, at least Rose's help can make Siafee's battery life more than 30% higher.

However, two consecutive attacks have been defeated. Will Wild Hunt still use fuel tactics to kill it?

After a few pale and bitter cold scenery **** passed, a few figures that were much taller than the average wild hunting warrior appeared beside Lu Yuan and Yanzi, directly answering Lu Yuan's previous questions.

They discovered the biggest weakness of Lu Yuan's previous tactics, Lu Yuan himself!

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