Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 475: Swallow's dream

Although he had some ideas, Lu Yuan didn't have enough time to try it. He could only record the information that happened before him, including Corinthiri's specific methods of communicating plane consciousness, and save it for later research.

Soon, the swallow was awakened in a nightmare, sweating profusely and sat up from the bed.

"Be careful! Slow down!" Lu Yuan, who is always paying attention to the situation of the two, hurriedly hugged the swallow who was a little dizzy because of the excessive movement, and reached out to a glass of her favorite pomegranate juice, because she felt that the pronunciation of pomegranate was like swallow.

"Thank you, I'm okay." The pale swallow took a sip of pomegranate juice, and even if it was ruddy, Chong Luyuan smiled and nodded.

The two people's way of spreading dog food naturally caused the frustrated single onlookers in the house to be upset, and they coughed dryly and pulled the two away.

Soon, Yanzi, who returned to normal, retelled her dream experience.

The main goal of this divination is, where and what existence can represent the chaotic energy of the Demon Hunter's world, that is, the cluster consciousness of magic elements.

The swallow first dreamed of a green mermaid in a blood-red water, and then came near a dilapidated and withered castle, and saw a skeleton tied to a burning flame.

These are scary enough, but what shocks her even more is the latter two.

After the scaffolding castle, she suddenly returned to the humpback forest, as if standing from the sun's angle, watching the wetland filled with mud.

Although the swamp was originally damp and gloomy, from time to time there was still sunlight breaking through the shade of shrubs and shining on the mud.

However, at some point, an oak growing on the hill in the center of the swamp suddenly grew bigger and bigger, and finally rose to the sky.

At the same time, the quagmire that was once a little chaotic, but still full of vitality, gradually lost its original luster and became cold and even dead.

Until the oak covered the entire swamp, most of the animals and plants in the wetland were no longer as lively as they used to be, lingering like a walking dead.

In contrast, even the huge oak began to become dark and even distorted, and the huge roots of the tree began to emerge from the dry and cracked soil, which looked particularly terrifying.

At this moment, three masses of mud rolled under the oak at some unknown time, wrapped the sharp rocks on the hill, and cut the oak in the middle. Then, not knowing what they did, they sealed a twisted and spiked thing with oak roots.

But the swamp that seemed to have been saved, but did not return to the prosperity of the past, still maintaining the gloom before.

On the contrary, it was three masses of mud, not only huge and thick, but somehow, it rushed towards the consciousness of a swallow in the sky that looked like the sun.

Naturally, the swallow did not want to be caught by that kind of mud monster, and immediately flew away from the swamp with the breeze.

Slowly, Feng'er by her side turned into a human form, accompanied by Yanzi.

For some reason, after the appearance of this wind figure, the originally worried swallow felt relieved, even if she experienced the wind and waves over the sea and thunder in the clouds and mist on the mountain, she had never feared anything.

Just like this, I wandered all over the mountains and oceans with the wind until I met a snow-capped mountain that lasted forever. Feng'er finally stopped reluctantly and placed the swallow at the foot of the mountain. To the glacier, I want to open a path for the swallows.

As a result, the human form of the wind dissipated before the glacier.

His face, which had been fuzzy, was finally clearly engraved in Yanzi's eyes before it dissipated.


as well as,

Far away!

So the swallow woke up from the dream.

After listening to Swallow's retelling, everyone couldn't help but looked at each other, and then fell into contemplation.

Yanzi thought about it herself.

It was only when she discovered that the reason why the face of the figure of the wind had been blurred before was because it changed back and forth between the two faces.

A face that is always changing will naturally become blurred.

But what does this represent? The swallow whispered involuntarily.

Lu Yuan didn't know what to say, so he had to put the swallow in his arms and give him a warm embrace.

This lack of foresight naturally caused dissatisfaction from others.

First, the red-haired female warlock coughed slightly, "The best thing to understand is the skeleton on the fire rack in the ruined castle? The skeleton is Falgar who was tortured by fire, so the castle is naturally the Hotterbo who was executed. Grid!"

"After her death, the people of Redania will repeat the torture ceremony every Halloween. They may have the purpose of exorcism, but maybe they have amplified Falja's resentment and eventually become the representative of the magic of fire?"

Everyone nodded.

"A green mermaid in a blood-red lake?" Bard Dandrien said with his chin, "Could it be the lady Nymph in the lake?"

"Swallow also said that although the water in the lake is somewhat blood-red, it is clearer and more transparent than blood. It does not give people a feeling of evil, on the contrary, it is more soothing and relaxing."

"I thought, could that be wine?"

"The lady of the lake of wine, isn't it the famous giver of the five virtues of the knight in the Duchy of Towson, the goddess of Lake Seravi?"

"The representatives of the magic of fire and the magic of water are there." Avalak nodded, "Then the mud and oak refer to the ladies of the forest in the humpback forest, and their predecessors."

"I didn't expect that kind of low-level witch could represent the earth element here."

"Ms. Lin Zhong?" Triss frowned. "Their ex? What is that?"

Yanzi said at this time, "I've read in Ternaria before that the three forest witches should have gone to Willen in the previous celestial confluence."

"The local faith there was a druid before. But that druid seemed to be caught in some kind of paranoia. In the end, the alien witch she sheltered was killed together."

"In that case, that druid is actually the spokesperson of the soil?" Triss thoughtfully said, "It was just sealed by the three later witches? But why not just kill it but seal it? "

"They don't have the ability to kill a magic spokesperson!" Lu Yuan said, "and keeping her can continuously absorb the magic from her."

"Maybe you don't feel it, but in the culture of my hometown, it is normal to use trees to seal the soil. We call it "wooden soil." It's like planting trees to prevent the loss of a piece of land."

"Yeah." Yanzi first nodded in agreement. After all, she was the most aware of those things except Lu Yuan among the people present.

"Then there is only the last one, the magic of qi." Triss nodded, but turned to look at Lu Yuan, "Geralt is like the wind, I can understand, but you little fellow, is it the same? A wanderer?"

"Hey, that's hard to say, I think he has a temperament similar to mine." Dandreen added.

"Well, it's not the same thing to follow the trend, right?" Lu Yuan couldn't help but touch his nose.

"It's okay to treat it as a wandering! It's as unpredictable as the wind and can't stay." Triss said as if remembering something.

Seeing that Yanzi's eyes were getting worse and worse, Lu Yuan instantly understood that this was a counterattack from single dogs, and wanted to take this opportunity to retaliate and express his dissatisfaction with the two previous behaviors of spreading dog food repeatedly.

So he coughed twice and hurriedly said, "I want to ask, what kind of magic do you think thunder and lightning are here?"

"Thunder? Of course it's a phenomenon where the magic of Qi condenses to a certain concentration!" Triss said inexplicably.

"Ah, then I have nothing else to say." Lu Yuan looked at Yanzi as though I had explained it clearly.

"What did you say?" Everyone was puzzled now. Only Yanzi understood what he wanted to say and snorted to him, "You are smart! I will spare you this time!"

"What's that? You understand? What kind of riddles are you two playing? Can you tell me directly?"

Swallow squeaked twice, and finally pointed to Lu Yuan somewhat reluctantly, "This guy, to some extent, may be regarded as a Thor."

"Huh? Thor? Just him?" Everyone was naturally surprised, looking up and down the distance.

But Avalak, the one who didn't deal with him the most, remembered something at this time, and looked at him in astonishment, "You sucked away the thunder and lightning magic that Eredin blew? That piece of magic stone. , Is your artifact?"

As soon as these words came out, the eyes of other people who did not believe it just now turned to look like aliens.

Although he is actually an alien to these people.

Being so onlookers by everyone is Lu Yuan, and there is also a dark refreshment in his heart.

It's just that on the surface it pretends to be modest, "Ahaha, although you can say that, it's actually not what you understand."

"How should I say, I, or a part of me, have indeed been worshipped by mortals as gods, and they have indeed given me the name of Thor, but as you can see, my life form is still human."

"So, is your attitude toward God like that?" Avalak said with a complex expression.

The two people almost quarreled because Avalak defended his **** in every possible way, but Lu Yuan was very disdainful of it.

But after accepting the setting of "This guy is also the Thor of a certain world", Avalak suddenly understood why he would be so dismissive of his god.

Of course Lu Yuan also understood the subtext of the wizard sage, that is, "You can't think that all gods are fake just because you are a false god."

So he breathed a sigh of relief, facing the elven sage and said, "Believe it or not, my attitude towards God does not originate from myself."

"In fact, maybe I have dealt face-to-face with the true gods, than you have worshipped."

"I'm still saying that God is not what you think. Gods that exist are almost unworthy to be worshiped as gods. And gods that should be worshipped and believed in, in fact, shouldn't and certainly don't exist."

At this moment, Avalak has no thoughts of arguing with Lu Yuan, but is ambiguous, "I know I can't convince you of this kind of thing, but you can't convince me just by words."

"Also, these topics have nothing to do with what we are going to do right now, do they?"

Lu Yuan wanted to say something, but he rolled his eyes and responded with a smile, "Put the dispute aside? It's fine."

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