Metal Ranger of the Endless Plane

Chapter 481: Recon X Strike X Tactical Data Link


It was still a set of combo punches, or hammers, a modified version of the Dwarmer Centurion robot driven by Shia Fei, textbook-style hitting the only remaining stone giant.

But when he looked towards Lu Yuan at the moment when the stone giant was out of balance, he saw the latter who was supposed to fire, still fiddled with something in his palm.

"Hold on!"

Lu Yuan rushed to him and compared the remote control in Bibi's hand, yelling in Ancient Isu, "This thing is not that useful, the reloading of the main gun has not been completed yet!"

"Also, just for a while, the magic core on that guy's body has changed seven or eight positions! You have to use a little bit more strength, it is best to make it faint for a second or two!"

However, Shiafe looked at the Golem, who was struggling with death fear and his sanity became more and more normal, and he couldn't help sighing, "Sir, it's so easy for you to say! Why don't you try it yourself?"

Shiafi’s complaint is not without reason.

After all, of the three electronic life forms, the reason why Lu Yuan kept Xiafee by his side was because he was the most reassuring of the three.

Gushing is still a child, and Rose is more like a rebellious teenager, just like Shiafe looks like an adult.

Now he has no choice but to complain. In fact, it shows that the problem is really not small.

To clarify this matter, you have to adjust the time a little bit, starting from Lu Yuan using a large-caliber assault rifle to open a hole in the two stone giants.

At that time, after a few shots tests, Lu Yuan had already discovered the problem with the stone giant.

The .50-inch-caliber armor-piercing high-explosive incendiary bomb is not so unbearable. After all, it can penetrate a homogeneous steel plate of tens of millimeters thick at a distance of 500 meters, and it will not penetrate the rock skin in the impermeable area.

But the problem is that even if it penetrated the skin outside the Golem, the warheads did not cause any damage to it.

The reason is that the stone giant is essentially a magical construct, and the weakness of the physical body is not the same as that of the biological body.

Of course, there are several electronic life forms of Xiafei as a helper, and he is no stranger to this kind of non-biomass life.

In a few seconds of confrontation, he had confirmed that the true core of the stone giants, and their weakness, lies in their magic core.

Or magic core, magic stone, crystal, cube, whatever the name.

In short, it was something similar to the kind of fire in the chest of a Cybertron.

The difference is that the magic core of these stone giants can actually move!

When Lu Yuan discovered this, he knew that there was a high probability that he would not be able to kill them on his own.

At least, he needs a cover, a meat shield, and a helper who can draw the attention of the Golem to reveal flaws and slow down the movement frequency of the magic core.

Since then, Shiafei was sent by him to enter the body of Centurion Dwemer.

Of course, Siafi’s current body is also in a Dwemer spider-shaped robot, so he can change his body without having to switch the tinder box. It's easier than Lu Yuan changing his own clothes.

In addition to attracting firepower, Siafee has another task.

In a nutshell, that task actually attracts attention to some degree.

The purpose is to make the Stone Giants ignore the detection waves of the sonar probes placed on them far away.

After abstaining from magical energy, Lu Yuan no longer uses magical skills such as life detection.

However, in the face of the existence of the stone giant, if you want to detect the position of the magic core in its body, there is inevitably a rigid demand for detection methods.

So Lu Yuan had already prepared several sets of technology-side detection equipment for himself.

Sonar detection device is one of them.

It just so happens that the stone giant's body is rock, and the use of geological sonar detection technology is quite symptomatic.

But the problem is that being magical creatures, existences such as Golems are also sensitive to the detection waves emitted by sonar. Lu Yuan noticed very early that every time the probe wave was emitted, the magic core in the stone giant's body would change a position.

Therefore, Shiafei didn't wear any other weapons, and ran out after replacing his hands with two hammers. Because the tremor that the hammer hits on the stone giant is one of the most economical ways to cover up the sonar pulse detection wave.

But there is still a problem here. It is limited to the technology that Lu Yuan currently masters. The sonar detector in his hand is directly modified from a civil geological sonar detector.

Although the data collection and processing and visualization in the second half were all improved by Lu Yuan himself, the data was even introduced by Lu Yuan into his own set of tactical data links, and the scanning results were displayed in the image of his tactical goggles. On the HUD.

---This is also the reason why he stared at the Golem through the goggles before, confirming the location of the magic core---

However, the sound wave generators and sonar probes in the first half of the detector are all proper civilian versions. Although they can be used, they are not strong enough.

Since then, Shiafei used the hammer to hit the stone giant to hide the sound waves emitted by the detector, and be careful not to damage the probe or shake it off.

After all, the latter was touched by Lu Yuan on the Golem's leg in the form of an adhesive bomb.

In this way, Siafee’s previous headaches are well understood.

Originally, he had to weigh and use his strength, with the pressure of being blasted by the two giant stone giants, and did not dare to destroy the probe too hard, but now Lu Yuan wanted him to stun the giant stone as much as possible!

I really can't do this job!

Fortunately, Lu Yuan also understood Shiafei’s concern, and hurriedly added, “It’s okay, anyway, if the probe is broken, it’s broken! Don’t worry about it!”

"Really?" Xia Fei lifted his spirits upon hearing the words. Once he changed the situation of dealing with the stone giant before, and found a flaw, he had to hammer it in the chest.


"Ha, good! Look at me!"

With Lu Yuan's authorization, Siafee directly copied his vengeance of being steamed onto the stone giant. The warhammers in both hands were like pile drivers, continuously hammering on the stone giant's chest.

Although the strength of each small hammer was not lethal enough, each hammer always made the Golem a little unbalanced.

With the accumulation of this hammer and hammer, the stone giant who was beaten backwards finally slipped and was about to fall on his back.

As a result, the Centurion Dwemer changed his posture at this time and changed to squatting, and his two-handed warhammer rotated back behind the stone giant, taking advantage of the opportunity of its backward imbalance, and slammed it on its back.

The hammer hits it firmly, and the shock wave visibly spreads outward from the rock skin at the location of the hammer.

At the same time, the waveform of a sonar detection wave also flashed in the HUD screen of Luyuan's goggles, clearly marking the position of the Golem's magic core at this moment.

Unfortunately, in the next second, the sonar probe on the stone giant's foot completely lost its response under the shock wave of Siafi's hammering.

Fortunately, at this time, the stone giant was really stunned by the full blow of Siafee. While it had not changed its core position, Lu Yuan hurriedly corrected the trajectory and directed the installation on the barrel with a remote control rod. The laser trajectory of the infrared laser pointer goes to the target.

It is also because he simply and rudely uses the infrared laser pointer as the aiming device. The laser is a straight line, and the real trajectory is a parabola, so for accuracy, he had to make the muzzle as close as possible to the space door. It can also get closer to the goal.

With a muzzle velocity of more than 800 meters per second, it only takes a few tenths of a second to cross a distance of only ten meters. If the gravitational acceleration is 10, at this point in time, the vertical deviation is only two millimeters.

To be honest, if he knew that he could seize the shooting opportunity at such a close range, Lu Yuan would not put the muzzle so close to the door in the space.

If you go out more than ten meters, the muzzle shock wave that comes out when you fire your gun will be much smaller.

However, it was too late to say anything at this time. After Lu Yuan pointed the aiming laser at the core position in the goggles, he secretly sighed, ready to meet the impact, and quickly pressed the firing button.


[Kill Earth Elemental God Servant-Stone Giant x1, get 310 time and space points. 】


On the other side, whispering at the foot of the hill.

An armored off-road vehicle painted in jungle camouflage is rushing out of the hill.

After that, a dark green shadow followed closely, and it was the towering oak tree of Green Ella's body.

The branches of the oak tree, like a long whip, were thrown towards the off-road vehicle one by one. But every time it was about to approach, it would be shattered by the high-explosive incendiary bomb of the 25mm cannon on the roof.

However, even so, the surrounding branches like the snake whip still rushed forward fiercely.

After all, the oak, which has the power of the earth element god, is connected to the earth, and its branches are endless.

But the guns and ammunition of the insurgent vans are numerous.

Fortunately, there are several ammunition for machine guns, and there are more ammunition than Lu Yuan can put in his portable space. After all, there is a whole rear compartment of the car to store and reload the magazine.

That is to say, Green Ella was attracted by Swallow and Rose. If the Dryad Goddess cooperates with her two summons to find the trouble of Lu Yuan, I am afraid that he will lose more than just a hundred who was smashed and bruised. The captain robot.

Moreover, the swallows are also running non-stop here, even if the speed of the insurgents is not as fast as the speed of a road sports car, which can easily reach two to three hundred kilometers per hour, they can still run up to sixty to seventy kilometers per hour on this semi-hard dirt road. When I am young, it is much faster than a person running on two legs.

As long as the swallow can escape the attack range of the oak tree before the ammunition is finished, the green Ella rooted in the whispering hill will greatly reduce the threat to the swallow and her.

So Lu Yuan's order to Rose is to run, run as fast as you can.

During the time that Lu Yuan was able to kill the two stone giants with Xiafei's cooperation, the swallows drove the rebels completely down the hill, and were about to enter the swamp scorched by Lu Yuan's cloud bomb bombs.

Only at this time, a guy who was temporarily ignored by everyone suddenly felt a sense of existence.

That's right, it's the elf sage who escaped early with teleport spells, Avalak!

Yanzi just ran down the mountain, he was a little relieved, and was about to look back at Lu Yuan's situation. However, Lu Yuan hadn't seen it yet, but saw a white light condensing in the sky, and immediately he was about to throw it at the oak tree body of the tree demon **** Ella.

That white ball of light was somewhat similar in form to the frost spells used by wild hunters, but the color and texture were quite different.

The frost spell of Wild Hunt is a white ball of light with countless frosty snowflakes spinning, like a snow globe under a blizzard.

However, the ball of light in the sky is not only white but also dimmed, and what is flying in it is not so much snowflakes, but rather blades. Or ice crystal blade.

Or is it just some kind of thunder and lightning?

However, no matter what the thing is, Swallow knows that the power of the thing is definitely not worse than the frost spell of Wild Hunt.

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